R HI T OCTOBER 2376 VOLUME 37 No 21 TWELVE PENCE UnitedFarmworkersn3 ~ Italyn4 - FascistEconomics£9 Aiuse LN/£5 e. 1.! GOING TO SCHOOL is no fun. of Education and Science or DES as he's carries on mercilessly. They control Specially when you're the lowest of the sometimes known. (DES is the tip of the money that comes from DES and low: a school-student. From 5 to 16 the education system pyramid). He central Government. and decide how you've got no say in the matter: you does things like set up Special Working and what to spend it on. have to go - a prison sentence for ll Parties with the Home Office to invest- The actual school itself is the next years. To those outside, it's hard to igate the current dramatic increase of step down and is governed theoretically describe the reality of being an inmate. deliberate fires at schools, and general- by a Board of Governors (BOG) who are Like prisoners we have no control over ly sees that Government policy on educ- ususally composed of just a handful of our own lives. Every weekday, day in - ation is carried out by the next lower people; local politicians, and predomin- day out, for weeks, months and years order: Local Education Authorities. antly wealthy upright and responsible on end, it's a slog. The same old rout- Local Education Authorities (LEAs) citizens who appoint the Headmaster ine over and over and over again. What and give an indication as to how they we do, what we say, where we go, how " have control over what happens (broadly speaking) in and to - all the schools in would like to see the school run and what we dress, when we eat. when to move, is taught. They are rarely if ever act- when to stay still, when to talk, when to their area. Thus ILEA, the Inner Lon- don Education Authority, has said to all ually seen at school and prefer to keep stay silent is decided by others. Democ- at a distance from its usually harsh racy Never heard of it - what's that ? the primary schools in its area "no caning", whereas in other areas where reality. It's no joke. It's time our oppression, Next, the Headmaster; the figure head r our only too real oppression was recog- I..EAs have made no such rule, caning nised. There is no way words can acc- urately describe our emotions; power- lessness, helplessness, anger, resent- MUI’ : TORCHLIGHT MARC v ment, hate, bitterness, rage, loathing, fear, boredom, monotony . .. all are only clues. Our pain is bestowed upon us by what is laughingly called an "education syst- em" whose workings are shrouded beh- vi ind verbiage and mysticism, but is rea- lly crystal clear. Its structure forms the classic pyramid. It is, however, a pyramid within an even larger pyramid. At the very top of this larger pyramid is the Puppet Master; the banks, the multinational corporations, and the men in the City who walk around in dark suits with E signs in their eyes. These are the Capitalists; the men who hold and pull the strings that directly or indirect- _g_ .. ly control the movements of all under- neath. : - ._- L --"T" 5': '_ — '5’ _-.-' -"J-. 1: , " '.__"-:.§" -é; _. Take one step down and you get to ' - ~§-'_- the State; whether the Government of - _z_ the day be Lab. Lib, Con or Nat. Front, On Friday October 8th, about 150 The next activity planned for London is immaterial. Governments are intent people marched through London on a is a 24 hour picket of the Irish Emba- on one thing - keeping Capitalism in torchlight demonstration in solidarity ssy on October 21st. power. There is NO government which with Noel and Marie Murray. Abroad activities also took place in is ANTI-capitalist. Lesser. it, curb it, Those marching included several Sweden, France and Japan on the 8th. I‘6St1‘lCt it, Change it - _Ve5_ maybe_ of Noel's relatives, comrades from The German Murray Defence Group But for fucksake don't let Them (ie us) Glasgow, Leicester and Warwick plus have sent a petition calling for the abolish it! To keep Capitalism in groups and individuals from London. immediate release of Noel & Marie power many "arms" of the State exist A piper played at the head of the march to the President of the Supreme Court. to protect it, and ensure its continuance. from Speakers‘ Corner to Kilburn, Over 15, 000 names were collected, These include the Armed Forces, "Law',’ where a street meeting was held. Sev- including notables such as Jean Paul Police, Prisons, Organized Religion, eral speakers stressed the need for Sartre and Heinrich Boll. In Italy de- and also of course the "Education Syst- more support to make the Defence monstrations have been taking place em. " campaign effective. On Saturday 9th in various parts of the country , and So one rung down, and you have the pickets took place in Leicester and a ‘day of solidarity‘ has been called State'.s "education" arm; the Department Birmingham as well as London. for on the 23rd of October.D FREEDOM . of the school - universally known as er education/ruling classdom . V011 hive is nil. Where what you learn 'lhe Dictator, Fifhrer, Hitler, The Beak, is gmred onlyto theeconomic needs of Head Teeth, Scarface, Baldy etc. etc - As perhaps you can see, I don't like . r mlitalislll. and personal interest can an authoritarian, patronising, publicity- school, I don't like what it's doing to me E0 to the wall. Alright, so it's not so seeking, image-conscious man (very and my mates. And now as if the seeth- different f1‘0m that already, but this is occasionally, woman) too busy compet- ing mass of millions at the bottom of taking things to extremes, this is a ing for attention with other Heads, that that pyramid didn't even exist, there’ consolidation and exaggeration and the little, if any administration of the school are plans afoot to do even more to us. logical extension of all schools eventu- is done by him. The realisation that it's us,who're sup‘- ally being State run- Can the National porting the weight, and that there are l Union of School ‘ta-dents and others who some of us dedicated to upset the bal- &dVOC3.lI6, quite rightly, flue "_ . _ phasing ance a little, cannot have dawned on the out of all grammar schools, public <4’ author of a confidential report sent from schools, direct grant, and secondary DES to the Prime Minister. The re- S modern schools. " have imagined that port* is: . their policy of working towards "a co- "A plan to introduce a basic national curricu- educational comprehensive system of lum for Britain's secondary schools." , . education. " (i. e. state schools) Instead, it is done by his junior; a might lead also to the inclusion in these Deputy Head who is usually responsible schools of a centrally decided "national for making out the years timetable of y i’ -,4.’ curriculum" for all school students ? lessons, making sure that the Heads of (U Nightmares I rules and regulations are obeyed, sign- The whole tone of the report, as far ing reports and generally being press- as I can gather, is heavily influenced by urised by the Head to see that things ‘ ‘me’ the Rhodes Boyson/Black Paper/ are kept as He wants to see them. His William Tyndale Knockers Brigade with main ambition is to do less work and Fuckmesideways was my immediate re- become a Head himself. action. Maybe I'm naive, but in my wildest dreams I never dreamt of mea- Next, Heads of Departments, i.e. sures so drastic, so sweeping, so pot- 0!" Head of Maths, Head of English etc. , entially devastating as these. and with whose job it is to see that "standards ,1 absolutely NO consideration for ES; ."" are maintained", that there are high those who it would affect most and with passes in CE, O and A Levels. Press- such force. If Callaghan suddenly de- ured by the Head and Deputy to see that cided that Britain was really an agri- mention of schools becoming "too easy Teachers under him conform/fall into cultural country, and that workers on going and demanding too little work" line/do not relate to pupils as people. all major industries should go over to and warnings Right near the bottom of this pile are crop production and animal husbandry, ". ..that less able teachers are not able to the Teachers who are told to "control" and this would then be backed up by cope with modem teaching methods and that the class, keep it in "order", see that laws of various kind; would it not per- there may be a need to correct the balance they are "respected as elders and bett- haps be underestimating the reaction to and rel-um to more formal methods. " ers" by those above them at school, and say that there would probably be a wide The argument about returning to tradi- often pressured at home by their wives/ spread feeling of discontent ? There tional methods of teaching and "correct- husbands to conform, be up-graded, would be a bloody revolution I ing the balance" is grossly unfair, par- earn more, gain higher status, and ticularly in regard to secondary "crawl up the ladder. " But because we aren't really people schools. There can be barely a handful to these men, they can be so confident Then there is us.
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