o o o MACKE (AUGUST. - -- See LAXNER (UTA). Stilanalytische Untersuchungen zu den Aquarellen der Tunisreise 1914; M., Klee, Moilliet. McKEACHIE (WILBERT JAMES). - -- Teaching tips; a guide -book for the beginning college teacher. By W.J.M., with the collaboration of G. Kimble. 5th ed. Ann Arbor, 1965. .378122 Mack. -- and DOYT ;! i (CHARLOTT LACKNER) . - -- Psychology. [Addison -Wesley World Student Ser.] Reading, Mass. [1966.] .15 Mack. --- Another copy. Psychol. Lib. - -- 3rd ed. [By] W.J.M., C.L.D. [and] M.M. Moffett. Reading, Mass. [1976.] Psychol. Lib. McKEAG (H.T.A.). - -- See BRASH (J.C.), M. (H.T.A.) and SCOTT (J.H.). McKEAG (R. MICHAEL). - -- See WELSH (JIM ) and M. (R.M.). - -- and WILSON (R.). - -- Studies in operating systems. Ed. by D.H.R. Huxtable. [A.P.I.C. Stud. in Data Processing, No. 13.] Lond., 1976. JCM Lib. McKEAN (ALEXANDER). - -- Exposition of the practical life tables, with digest of the most approved rules and formulae ... for the solution of all cases occurring in the actual daily business of life assurance, annuities, reversions ... Lond., 1837. So.6.32. X c<rel )-1S 3 McKEAN (CHARLES). - -- comp. Edinburgh; an illustrated architectural guide. Comp. by C.McK. with David Walker for the Edinburgh Architectural Association 125th anniversary. Introd. by Colin McWilliam. 2nd ed. Edin., 1982. .72(41)1)15) Mack. -- Another ed. Edin., 1982. Architect. Lib. --- and JESTICO (TOM). - -- eds. Modern buildings in London; a guide. Lond., 1976. .7249(421) Mack. * ** Cover-title reads Guide to modern buildings in London 1965 -75. - -- Two other copies. Architect. Lib. MACKEAN (DONALD GORDON). --- Introduction to biology. 4th ed., repr. Lond., 1973. F .574 Mack. --- 5th ed. Lond., 1973. Architect. Lib. McKEAN (FREPFRICK GEORGE). --- McKean historical notes; being quotations from historical and other records relating chiefly to MacIain- MacDonalds ... Arranged and mostly compiled by F.G.M. Washington, 1906. .9292(41) Mack. ADDITIONS McKEAN (CHARLES). - -- comp. Edinburgh; an illustrated architectural guide. Comp. by C. McK. with David Walker. [Introd. by Colin McWilliam.] 3rd ed. Edin., 1983. Ref. .72(4111)15) Mack. - -- A mirror of Scottish housing; the history & development of the Scottish Special Housing Association. See SCOTTISH SPECIAL HOUSING ASSOCIATION. - -- and WALKER (DAVID W.). - - Dundee; an illustrated introduction. [RIAS /Landmark Guide.] Edin. [1984.] .72(4131) Mack. McKEAN (HENRY P.). - -- See ITO (KIYOSI) and M. (H.P.) McKEAN (JOHN). - -- Heads of a scheme and relative bill for raising ... £400,000 ... for the liquidation of the debts due by the city of Edinburgh, in the form of tontine annuities .. [Anon.] Edin., 1836. ay. 1180/6. - [Reasons of dissent from the resolution of the Committee of the Writers to the Signet Widows! Fund, adopting the principle suggested by Mr. Cleghorn ...] [Edin., 1831.] Att.80. P. 12/43. - -- Notes by Mr. McKean in reply to the answers made by Mr. Cleghorn to his reasons of dissent from the resolutions of the Committee on the Signet Widows! Fund. [Edin., 1831.] Att.80. P. 12/43. - -- See CLEGHORN (J.). Writers to the Signet Widows' Fund. Answers to Mr. Mackean's Reasons of dissent. McKEAN (ROLAND NEELY). - -- Efficiency in government through systems analysis, with emphasis on water resources development. [Rand Corporation Res. Stud., Publ. in Operations Res. No. 3.] New York [1958.] .33391(73) Mack. 333// 3 Pia - -- Another copy. Buoincoo Sd. Lib. - -- Another copy. Econ. Lib. 2nd pr, New Yexk--, 1963. B,E, --(Econ.) pr. .n. LC:vii. An Py ni. - -- See HITCH (CHARLES JOHNSTON) and M. (R.N.) ADDITIONS McKEAN (HENRY P.). Math. Stat. 5.] - -- Stochastic integrals. [Probability and New York, 1969. 191 Mac , R t loia - -- See DYM (H.) and M. (H.P.) McKEAN (R.B.). [Hist. Assoc. --- The Russian constitutional monarchy, 1907-17. Gen. Ser. 91.] Lond. L1977.] P 9(4708) Mack. McKEAN (ROLAND NEELY). Ser.] - -- Public spending. 2nd pr. [Econ. Handbook New York, copyright 1968. .33639(73) Mack. Econ. Lib. - -- Another copy. McKEAN (THOMAS). - -- Governor's address [to the Senate and House of Representatives]. Lancaster, Pa. (1806.) Bound in V.19.57. McKEANY (MAURINE). - -- The absent father and public policy in the program of Aid to Dependent Children. [California. Univ. Publ. in Soc. Welfare, Vol. 1.] Berkeley, 1960. .3627(73) Mack. McKEARIN (GEORGE SKINNER). - -- and McKEARIN (HELEN). - -- American glass ... Drawings by J.L. McCreery. 7th pr. New York, 1946. n 748(73) n eie 7ItfX(73) Ipia . McKEARIN (HELEN). - -- See McKEARIN (GEORGE SKINNER) and M. (H.) MACKECHNIE (DONALD). - -- Dain agas orain. Glasgow, 1897. Mackinnon Coll. 6.43. Mackinnon Collection. - -- Am fear- ciuil; original Gaelic humorous sketches, poems, songs and translations. Glasgow, 1904. Bß.3.21. xxx Kennedy- Fraser Collection. X CoQQ. z A34_ - -- Another copy. Mackinnon Coll. 6.42. *** Mackinnon Collection. - -- Another copy. Celtic Lib. - -- Another copy. Scott. Stud. Lib. - -- 2nd ed., much enlgd. Edin., 1910. 0.S. .89163 Mack. *** Carmichael- Watson Bequest. ADDITIONS McKEAN (THOMAS). - - See COLEMAN (JOHN M.). T.M., forgotten leader of the Revolution. - -- See ROWE (G.S.). T.M.; the shaping of an American republicanism. McKEARN (THOMAS J.). - -- See KENNETT (ROGER H.), M. (T.J.) and BECHTOL (KATHLEEN B.) McKEATING (HENRY). - -- The books of Amos, Hosea and Micah; commentary by H. McK. [Cambridge Bible Comment.] Cambridge, 1971. Science Stud. Lib. McKECHIN (WILLIAM J.). - -- Education after reorganisation: trad or progressive? See PAISLEY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. LOCAL GOVERNMENT RESEARCH UNIT. Occasional paper. No. 4. McKECHNIE (ALEXANDER). -- Introduction to Gaelic Scotland. Lond., 1934. Scott. Stud. Lib. MACKECHN.LP,; ( DONALD ) . - -- Dain agas orain. Glasgow, 1897. Celtic Lib. McKECHNIE (H.M.). - -- ed. Manchester in 1915. See BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. ANNUAL MEETINGS. 1915. McKECHNIE (HECTOR). - -- ed. An introductory survey of the sources and literature of Scots law. By various authors. With an introd. by Lord Macmillan. (And Index ... comp. by J.C. Brown.) 2 vols. [Stair -Soc. Publ. 1, la.] Edin., 1936 -39. Main Ref. .34(41 )016 Mack. - -- Another copy. 2 vols. RK.14. - -- Another copy. Vol. 1. RK.14. Index wanting. - -- Another copy. 2 vols. D.O.S.T. Lib. - -- Two other copies. 2 vols. Law Lib. - -- Two other copies. 2 vols. Scott. Hist. Lib. - -- Another copy. 2 vols. Scott. Stud. Lib. --- Judicial process upon brieves, 1219 -1532; being the 23rd lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on 6th February, 1956. [Glasgow Univ. Publ.] Glasgow, 1956. .34793(4102 -04) Mack. - -- The Lamont clan, 1235 -1935; seven centuries of clan history from record evidence. Edin. pr., 1938. .9292(4138) Lam. Mack. - -- Another copy. Scott. Stud. Lib. McKECHNIE (JAMES). - -- Job, moral hero, religious egoist and mystic. Greenock, 1925. New Coll. Lib. ADDITIONS McKECHNIE (PTCTOR) . -- Judical process upon brieves 1219 -1532. [Glasgow Univ. Publ. David Murray Lect., 23.j Glasgow, 1956. Law Lib. --- Two other copies. Law Lib. MACKECHNIE (JOHN) F.S.A. Scot. - -- The Clan Maclean, a Gaelic sea -power. [Johnston, Clan Hist. No. 10.] Edin., 1954. .9292(41) Joh. - -- Another copy. Scott. Stud. Lib. - -- ed. The owl remembers; Gaelic poems selected and ed. with notes by J.M. Introd. and English versions by P. McGlynn. [Gael. and Eng.] Stirling, 1933. Celtic Lib. MACKECHNIE (JOHN) M.A., B.D. - -- ed. and tr. See INSTRUCTIO pie vivendi et superna meditandi. McKECHNIE (JOHN) M.D. - -- Disput. ... inaug. de hydropis causis et curatione. Edin., 1800. Att.81.7.14/1. - -- Another copy. Att.81.7.15/1. McKECHNIE (WILLIAM SHARP). - -- Magna Carta; a commentary on the great charter of King John. With an historical introd. Glasgow, 1905. Q* 5.1. - -- 2nd ed., rev. and in part re- written. Glasgow, 1914. Q.7/1.8. 340.a3;)M /1/4,4_ [Continued overleaf.] :A1)1)I'l'IONti MACIíOCHNIE (JOHN) F.S.A. Scot. - -- ed. The owl of Strone. See CHOMHACHAG (Al). The owl of Strone. - -- comp. Catalogue of Gaelic manuscripts in selected libraries in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. Boston, Mass., 1973. S.R. Ref. .091(41) Mack. 1. Notes to the manuscripts. Index of initia. 2. Index to notes on manuscripts. McKECHNIE (WILLIAM SHARP) [continued]. - -- Another copy. .3(033) Mag. Mack. - -- Two other copies. Hist. Lib. - -- The new democracy and the constitution. Lond., 1912. .3L42(J4208) Mack. - -- Another copy. Law Lib. - -- The state and the individual; an introduction to political science, with special reference to socialistic and individualistic theories. Glasgow, 1896. .3234 Mack. McKE (C.S.). - -- See ROBERTS (M.W.) and M. (C.S.) McKEE (CHRISTINE). - -- ed. Innovative strategies for the renewal of older neighbourhoods. [Papers delivered at a seminar.] See SEMINAR ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES FOR THE RENEWAL OF OLDER NEIGHBOURHOODS, University of Winnipeg, 1977. Mc E (DAVID L.). - -- See LEAHY (WILLIAM HARRALL), M. (D.L.) and DEAN (R.D.) - -- DEAN (ROBERT DUANE) and LEAHY (WILLIAM HARRALL). - -- eds. Regional economics; theory and practice. New York, copyright 1970. .3389:.91 Mack. - -- Another copy. Geog. Lib. McKEE (DAVID RICE). - -- Simon Tyssot de Patot and the seventeenth -century background of critical deism. [Th. Johns Hopkins.] [Repr. from The Johns Hopkins Studies in Romance Literatures and Languages, Vol. 40.] Baltimore, 1941. .1949 Tys. Mack. McKEE (DET.RER L.). - -- Chinese exclusion versus the open door policy, 1900 -1906; clashes over China policy in the Roosevelt era. Detroit, 1977. .327(73911:51) Mack. McKEE (DONALD KENNEDY). - -- The intellectual and historical influences sha ing the political theory of Daniel De Leon. [Th. Ph.D., Columbia, 1955 [Univ. Microfilms, Doctoral Diss. Ser. Publ. No. 12, 450.] Ann Arbor [1955.] Mic.P 610 * ** Microfilm. McKEE (EDWIN DINWIDDIE). - -- The environment and history of the Toraweap and Kaibab formations of northern Arizona and southern Utah. [Carnegie Inst. Publ. 492.] Washington, D.C., 1938. Av. - -- and RESSER (CHARLES ELMER). - Cambrian history of the Gand Canyon region. Pt. 1. Stratigraphy and ecology of the Grand Canyon Cambrian. [By] E.D.M. Pt. 2. Cambrian fossils of the Grand Canyon. [By] C.E.R.
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