ELE POST OFFICE LONDO~ 2010 ~~~ECTRICrTY MErl':n MAKER~ ro~t'inu, d. J :rl:APPIN' BR.01' IER~, ·Gra:1er s. & eo. specis.J.ite, i!yn~ tor Ed1mn & SWll.n Umt.Pd RlPetnc L1ght Co. 220 Regent street W electroplating, 46 Myddelton strellt E C Limited (The), Ediswan buildinws, a6 & 37 & 66 CheapsideE C (nextSirJohnBennett's); Johnson & Phillips, 14 Union rouri, 0111 Queen street, Chea psi de E C & branches, specialite" Queen's" plate Broat l street E C, Bee advertisement see Commercial Section MAPPIN & WEBB, sole makers of tbe cele- Ferranti S. Z. de Lim. St. Bene't chambers, M bro.ted "Prince's 1 Levett & Fin:ieioen, Leipzig-Plagwita Fenchurch street E C ; & Rollinwood, R Plate" (Regrl.); Lancashire: metersforallsystems 1 Us/ Q\\\Hy 158tol6:Wxfortl ELECTRO GILDERS & PLATERS. General Electric Co. Limited (The), 69, 71,88' ~V ~treet W · 2 & 4 A.bercrombie & Son 30 32 & 36 Whittield s!W & 92 Q'?-. Victoria street E C; & Peel work~, , ~ .,..., Queen Victori[t As!J by & Laughton: 28' GlouceBter street E C Adelph1, Salford, Manchester; sole a.gc[)ts' ~"<)•.00 street E C- & at Austin George 23 Greek street Soho W for "Aron "s.uJ!ply mder . ! .._'f ~ ;j)..> Thel{oyal :Vorb, Baker Cha.s. 14 'wynyatt si. G~well road E C .Tohnson & Philllps, 14. Umon_ court, Old, MAPP)N ~ Wr:Bs's Norfolk street, 1 Batt JamP~. 65 Lever street, St. Lukl1''8 E C Broad street E C. See advertlsement · ~~!m ('ES PL>'tTE Shefficlu Baytl.eld William Henry, 30 Gt. Sutton st E C Yenner & Co. 10 Delabay street SW ;I R t. _, T >tdF~LI)k JBenson W. A. S. & Co. 82 & 83 New Bonl Uhamberlain & Hookha.m's meters egl8tere... ra e ar 3• I st W; wholesale, 2 Dering street,O:tford st'N \farkham Edwd. T.& Co.4l & 42ClothFairE C 'Blowers Henry, 6 & 7 Red Lion squ.ue WC Martin, Hall & Co. Limited, 22 Ely place E C i Bond Jom~s, 9<l Great College street NW ELECTRO PLATE MANUFACTURERS Maxfield & Sons, 10 Up. John st. Golden RqW Brand Henry, :16 Spencer st. Goswell rd E C &. DEALERS, Meriden Britannia Co. 57 Ho! born viaductE C Brown Th·> na.'i, 7 Spencerst.Goswell roa.dE C Middleton A. R. 6 Legge lane, Birmingham Buck ChaS.(exors.of)l8,19&20Si.John'slaEC' Adkins Henry & Sons, 4 Thavie's inn E C Nowill John & Sons, 32 Hatton garden E C Buck William, 16& Queen's rd. Bayswater W ALEXANDER CLARK MANUII'ACTURLS'Q, Nutt W. R, & Cu. 28 Clerkenwell road E C Bargum & Douglag Lim. 8 Kirby street E C COMPANY (T RE), 138 & l4tl Fenchurrh st Oetzmanu & Co. 61, 64, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75,77 & 79 Candelent & Co. 51 Gas well rood E C & 4S E C & 188 Oxford st W; factories, Market Hampstead road NW; U6, 148, 150 & 152 Poland street, Oxford street W pl W & Welbeck works, Hill street,Sheffield Drummond street NW &.1 to !34 Eagle place, Ca.ssidy GeorgE', 4.7 Northampton siree+. E C Aron Brothers (fancy), Bridewell place E C; . Hampo~tead road NW; Hi Willia.rn street, City Plating Co. (The), 8 Kirhy stfilH E C &- & at 25 rue Bergere, Paris Hampstead road NW & 12 High street,' 110 & Ill Great Saffron bill E C Atkin Brothers (wholesale only) Camden town NW elements, Handley & Co. 19 St. John'~ sq E C ll Cha.rtcrhouse street E C : & Sheffield , Page William & Co. Nechells, Birmingham Core Stanley, 2!l Red Lion street E C Atkinson Bros. Lim. 62 Holborn Tiadnct E C Peacock Charles Gilbert, H HouuJ.5ditc;h E Crate & Mansell, li2 Seymour Jll.Bryn-rtn..sq\V AustinR. J. & Co. 76 Finsbury pavement E C 1 & 11 Goring street E C Crouch Ja.s. Goo. & Son,l5 Batema.n st. SohoiY Barker Brothers, 292 High Holborn WC PmmdJohn & Co.8l, 82,83 & 84 Le!l.lleuhall st Daniel & A:rter, 98 Hatton ga.nlen E C Batt John & Co. Lim. 117 Holborn E C E C ; works, Halfmoon passage E :Daniel Fmn<,:Qis Auguste, 3a Percy street W Benetfink & Co. 89, 90, 107 & 10S CheaJJSide i Pringle Robert & Oo. 40 & 42 Clerkenwell rd Day John,l7 Denmark pl.Charing crossrdWC E C ; 1 Ironmonger lane E C & t! Honey E C; speciality,licensed victuallers' electro·. Denelle & Co. Ltd. 129 Wardour street W; lane market E C plated tankards & other requisites I works, Duck lane W Benham & Sons Limited, 59, 62, 54 & Re&d & Elvitlge, 13 Warwick et. HL Hlbn WC Dyer Geo. Erl. win, 511 Broad st. BloomsbnryWC factory, 66 Wigmore street W Richardson Richard, 13 Hatton garden E C Eaborn & Honour, 63 Ho.tton garden E C Bemdorf Electra Plate Manufactory (Dep6t & Cornwall works, Scotland st. :Sheffield Edward~ & Marzi, 116 Goswell road EC of the), l!l4 Regent street W Roberts & Belk, 24 Holborn viaduct E C Elkington & Co. Lim. 15 Myddelton st E C ~ Blanckensee Lionel, 118 Holbom E C Rodgcrs Joseph & Sons Limited, 60 Holbom works, Newhallstreet, Birmingham Blewitt Edward & Co. Lim. 62 Hatton gdnE C viaduct E C. See advertisement Ensor & Co. 12:.! & 1 ~3 Great Saffron hill E C Boardman, G!OBsop & Co. Lim. 16 Ely pl E C: Schmidt Alfred, 36 Ca.Diomile street E C 1 Faradn.y & Son, 2 & 3 Derner.J st. Oxford si'/1 Bonekamper Ernest William, 3, 6 & 7 Windsor Selll'le H. J. & :SOn Limited, 7u, 72, 74, 7ti & 78 1 Fox Richard & Sons, 14o St. John street E ~ court, Monkwellst.reet E C Old Kent road SE Fussey Walter,1 Gray street, Manche&ersq W 13utler Geo. & Oo. Lim. 105 Eyre st. Sheffield Selinger Siegfried (agnt.), 31 Whitecrs. st E C 1 Garritt John James, 18 Clerkenwell rood. E C Clark Alex. see Alexander Clark Manfng. Co Sewell John, 195, 197 & 199 Victoria st SW Gass & Co. ld8 Regent street W Collins D. Goorge, 118 Newgate street E C IShaw & Fisher, 14 Charterhnuse street E C Godfrey Alfred Robert, 31 Gt. Sutton ~t E C Cwper Bro~.& SonsLim.64 Holborn viatlct E C I Sherwood J olln & Som, :n Hatt<m grdn E C i God win & Son, 304 IIigh Holborn WC Daniel & Arter, 98 Rattan garden E C ; i Silveroid & Co. 9 & 11 Wilson street E C., Goodfellow & Sons, 29 HRttongo.rden E C smelters & refiners; largest manufacturel'l'! Electro-plated ware for all markP.t.q ·. Grauer S. & Co. manufacturers of electnr- in the world of spoons & forks, Nevada, Smith SL Waiter & Oo. 20 High Holbom WC plater.;' & polishet·;;' machinery, materials Bmzilian & Bengal silvers; also silver-plated SMITH STEPHES & So:s (.MAPPI:S & WEBB), & chemical,;, 46 Myddelton street t. C in the celebrated electro-Nevada goods, · ·M 158, 160 & 162 Grey & Co. 7 ~Iarket place, Oxford street W Globe Nevada silver works, Birmingham R Oxford street'!'; Grim me Ferdinand Geo. 3d Myddelton st E C Deakin Jas.& Sons Lim.l4 Charterhouse stE c 1 us rwon\ Hy 2 _Queen VlC-,Grimme Henry Geo. 42 Clerkenwell ~rr~n Ec Dixon James & Sons, Cornish house, 14 St. ~ tona street E C; Hards Williarn, 21 Clerkenwell road E C Andrew stroot, Holborn circus E C; & ~.,... & The Royal Harrison William W.&Uo.3St.AndrewstEC Cornish place, Sheffield. See advert ~v<)•io works, Sheffield Hebben John, 5 Spencer st. Goswell road EC Dyer G. E. (worker), 63 Broad st. BlmsbryW C ...~ C\>""'"' , Registered i Heywood Wm. Joseph & Co.l6 Frith st.SoboW Eaborn & Honour, 63 Rattan garden E C • IJII!APPIN 15 WUBS Trade !Hills Ejwin, 51 St. John street road E C ELKINGTON & CO. LIMITED, 22 Regent PRfNCES PLitTil: Mark>! 'Hodd R.& Son,Minerva works, 30 & 31Hattoll TRAcE MARK• street SW ; Old Mansion 'AtiRRIIII garden E C house, 73 Cheap~ide E C ; Smith Alex. 2 Hanover court, Long acre WC Hunt Chas, 4 Whisk~n street, Clerke:nw.ellE C ELK IN CiT 0 N Church street, Liverpool; Spurrier & Co. 41 & 42 Wool Exchange E C Hunt Gco. Jas. 10 B1shop3gate st. wtthm EC St. Ann's sq. Manchester; Stnrges,Bladon &Middleton,l3Chartrho.stE C Johnson John, 48 Clerkenwell close E C SiSt. Vincent st.Gla.sgow; Stnrtevant Thos. Thorold,92 Clerknwll.rd E C K~y Brothers, 12 Skinner st. ClerkenwellE C 22 Blackett street, N ew- suckling William, 35 A.lbion st. Birming!Jam Kmg & Sons, 3 & ii Charterhouse street EC castle-on-Tyne; & works, 1, Turner Thomas & Co. 6 Snow hill E C & 222 & 224. Goswell road E C; The LondoD QJ; & Qr:~ Newhall street, Birming·l Walker & Hall, 45 Holboru viaduct E C gilding & plating works ham; silverHmitbs, paten· Wallllce Bros. 63 Rasinghallst E C; mn.kel":: Rnowles Charles, 6 Newington causewaySE ELKINC:TON & C!.' tees of the elect10 plate & ofthe celebrated W.B.W.brand of table ware Koerber John Adam, U Frith street,Shafte&­ mann!acturers of works of art in silver & Wellby Danl. & Jn.Lim.l8 & 20GarrickstWC / bury avenue WC metals: by special appointment to Her I Wheaton & Bennett, 104 to 108 Oxford st W i Leefe F. Ewbank, 289 Qoswell road E C' Majesty t!Je Queen. H.R.II. the Prince of I Wiener Louis, lA, Fore street E C; speciality Levett & Son, U Farringdon road E C Wales, H. M. the Emperor of Austria & -artistic novelties London ElectroPlating & Refining Co. Lilll, lLM. the King of the Belgians Wigfall John & Co. Auckland works, Eldon (A. V. Pittar, mang.dir.),'~il St. John's lane, Ellls & Co. 10 Hatton garden E C street, Sheffield Clerkenwell E C Fairbairns E. J. 20 & 21 Ethelburga house E C '1 Williamson H. Lim.
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