Newsletter of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession Fall 2007 Published three times annually by the American Economic Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession Navigating the Job Market Introduction Tips for Interviewing at Economic Careers in Once You Have a Job by Anna Paulson page 3 Liberal Arts Colleges Litigation Consulting: Offer—What Next? Web Resources and by Sarah E. West page 5 The Road Less Traveled by Janice Eberly page 7 Reminders page 4 by Anne Layne-Farrar page 6 Board Member Board Member Biography Biography CONTENTS CSWEP Board of Directors page 2 Martha L. Fiona Scott From the Chair page 2 Olney Morton Board Member Biography: Martha L. Olney and Fiona Scott Morton After class early in the I signed up for the intro- pages 1, 8, 9 term, a student walked up to me. “Don’t ductory economics sequence when I arrived Feature Articles: Navigating the Job take this the wrong way,” he began. I at Yale College as a freshman. I found the Market pages 3–8 braced. “I like your class. My friend had discipline interesting, intuitive, and useful CSWEP Sessions at the Western you last term and said I totally should take at explaining the world around me. I was Economic Association Meeting your class. She said you’re eccentric but then very lucky to be able to work as an page 9 good.” RA for Professor Martin Feldstein at the I’ve spent the weeks since pondering NBER the summer after my freshman year. CSWEP Sessions at the Allied Social my eccentricity. Though, in retrospect I have doubts that I Science Associations Meeting page 10 I grew up in the 1960s and early did anything very useful for him, I did get 1970s in the San Francisco Bay Area. In to meet the PhD students who worked at CSWEP Sessions at the Southern the 1960s, girls were offered three career NBER and learn about their research, how Economic Association Meeting choices: nurse, secretary, or teacher. I was hard they worked, and what kinds of intel- page 11 a smart kid, so everyone ruled out sec- lectual debates went on late at night. This Call for Papers and Call for Abstracts retary. I don’t do blood, which ruled out experience increased my excitement and page 12 nurse. That left teacher. interest in the field. Brag Box page 15 As young as 8, I would say, “I don’t I enrolled in MIT’s PhD program in know what I’m going to be when I grow up, 1989. The positive atmosphere among the Membership Form page 15 but I’m not going to be a teacher.” Typically graduate students was a huge benefit to me. CSWEP Management Directory the response was, “But you’d be so good I am not sure I would have gotten through back cover at it!” And I would counter, “You offer me the program without the lunchtime cama- Upcoming Regional Meetings only three choices—nurse, secretary, and raderie, parties on the weekends, and my teacher. I’m going to find a fourth.” study group. My class had a record number back cover continued on page 8 continued on page 9 DIRECTORY OF CSWEP BOARD MEMBERS From the Chair Lisa Lynch, Chair Karine S. Moe I am pleased to report that six participants Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Macalester College in our newly established AEA/NSF Summer Tufts University 1600 Grand Avenue Fellows program, jointly run with the AEA’s 160 Packard Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Committee on the Status of Minority Groups Medford, MA 02155 (651) 696-6793 [email protected] FAX (651) 696-6746 in the Economics Profession, have just com- [email protected] pleted their research experience at The Federal Joan G. Haworth, Reserve Bank of Boston, The Federal Reserve Membership-Chair Fiona M. Scott Morton Bank of New York, The Federal Reserve Bank Professor of Economics and ERS Group of San Francisco, and the Board of Governors 4901 Tower Court Strategy Tallahassee, FL 32303 Yale School of Management of the Federal Reserve Bank. The purpose of (850) 562-1211 Box 208200 this program is to increase the participation and FAX (850) 562-3838 New Haven, CT 06520-8200 advancement of women and underrepresented [email protected] (203) 432-5569 Fax: (203) 432-6974 minorities in economics and the fellowship allows the fellow to spend a summer Katharine G. Abraham fi[email protected] in residence at a sponsoring research institution such as a Federal Reserve Bank or University of Maryland other public agency. Information on next year’s program will be posted at www. 1218 LeFrak Hall Patricia C. Mosser cswep.org/summerfellows. We are interested in expanding the number of pub- College Park, MD 20742 Senior Vice President (301) 405-1004 Markets Group lic agencies that participate in this program so if you have suggestions of contact FAX (301) 314-7912 Federal Reserve Bank of New York people who would be interested in sponsoring summer fellows please send us an [email protected] 33 Liberty Street email at [email protected] or contact Dick Startz at [email protected]. New York, NY 10045 (212) 720-6416 All of us on the CSWEP board are looking forward to seeing you in New Linda A. Bell Orleans this January at the ASSA meetings. We will sponsor three gender re- Economics Department Fax: (212) 720-2947 Haverford College Trading desk: (212)720-6860/6880 lated sessions including “Marriage, Divorce, and Fertility,” “Education and 370 Lancaster Avenue All numbers may be also dialed Occupational Choice,” and “Saving and Investment Decisions: How Do Women with 646 area code. Haverford, PA 19041-1392 Fare?” along with three sessions in development economics including “Marriage (610) 896-1253 [email protected] Fax: (610) 896-1041 and Motherhood in Developing Countries,” “Political Economy in Developing [email protected] Martha L. Olney Countries: Evidence from India,” and “Health and Education in Developing University of California Countries.” Plan to stop by the CSWEP hospitality suite for continental breakfast Donna Ginther Department of Economics th th 549 Evans Hall, #3880 or a beverage during the day on January 4 and 5 from 7:30am–4:00pm in the Department of Economics th University of Kansas Berkeley CA 94720-3880 Grand Salon 15 at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel and January 6 from Summerfield Hall 510-642-6083 (o) 7:30am–noon. This is a great place to network with other CSWEP associates or Lawrence, KS 66045-7585 [email protected] find some peace and quiet. Come early and often! We are looking for volunteers http://socs.berkeley.edu/~olney [email protected] to help staff the hospitality suite so if you are interested please send an email to Nancy Rose [email protected]. We will also be hosting a business meeting on January 4th from Gail Hoyt Massachusetts Institute of University of Kentucky 5:00–6:00pm in the Cambridge Room at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel. Technology 335D Gatton Business & Department of Economics At this meeting we will announce this year’s winner of the Carolyn Shaw Bell Economics Bldg. MIT Room E52-371B award and I will present the results from our most recent survey of economics Lexington, KY 40506-0034 Cambridge MA 02139 (606) 257-2517 departments. Afterwards we will celebrate with CSWEP award winners at a re- (617) 253-8956 FAX (606) 323-1920 ception from 6:00–7:30pm in the Price of Wales room at the Hilton New Orleans FAX (617) 253-1330 [email protected] [email protected] Riverside Hotel. Following the annual meetings in New Orleans we will hold a national Anna Paulson Richard Startz Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago mentoring workshop funded by the National Science Foundation from January Department of Economics 230 South LaSalle Street 6–8. If you are interested in serving as a mentor for the New Orleans work- University of Washington Chicago, IL 60604-1412 Box 353330 shop please get in touch with us at [email protected] or contact Donna Ginther [email protected] Seattle, WA 98195-3330 at [email protected]. Our next mentoring workshop will be at the Southern [email protected] Economic Association meetings in 2009. In the meantime please take advantage of our mentoring fund program that provides travel funds to permit mentors to either extend a visit to an institution for the purpose of mentoring or to visit an in- What is CSWEP? stitution for that purpose alone. More information on this program can be found CSWEP (the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics at www.cswep.org/mentoring/fund.htm. Profession) is a standing committee of the AEA (American Planning ahead, you are still in time to submit your abstracts to CSWEP if Economics Association). It was founded in 1971 to monitor the you would like to be considered for the 2009 ASSA meetings in San Francisco. position of women in the economics profession and to undertake activities to improve that position. Our thrice yearly newsletters We are sponsoring three gender-related sessions and three non-gender related are one of those activities. See our website at www.cswep.org for sessions on public economics at these meetings. Please email a cover letter (spec- more information on what we are doing. ifying to which set of sessions the paper is being submitted) and a copy of a one- to two-page abstract (250–1000 words), clearly labeled with the paper title, CSWEP NEWSLETTER STAFF authors’ names and contact information for all the authors by January 11, 2008 to Lisa Lynch, Editor [email protected].
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