November 15, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2431 their staff on many of our most critical edu- Chicago reached the top of the charts with fa- In 1959, he was appointed by U.S. Presi- cational issues. In the past 10 years, she has vorites such as ‘‘If You Leave Me Now,’’ ‘‘Hard dent Dwight D. Eisenhower to serve as special specialized in elementary and secondary edu- to Say I’m Sorry,’’ and ‘‘Look Away.’’ In addi- assistant to U.S. Secretary of State John Fos- cation, including No Child Left Behind. Sandra tion to their incredible commercial success, ter Dulles. A year later, he ran and was elect- was involved in helping to pass NCLB and has Chicago has garnered considerable respect ed to the U.S. House of Representatives from kept the lines of communication open between among critics and has won numerous awards, the 10th Congressional District of Pennsyl- the Executive and Legislative branches of including three Grammy Awards as well as a vania. Government. Favorite Rock Group award at the American In 1962, he was elected governor of the Sandra is a career civil servant who knows Music Awards. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and, during that Federal education policy matters. She has Awards and honors aside, Chicago has a his term, he signed into law sweeping reforms served under administrations of both parties special gift for bringing people together, some- in the State’s educational system including and has consistently received internal recogni- thing I have personally experienced. My wife, creation of the State community college sys- tion for her professionalism and commitment Judy, and I are long-time fans of the band, tem, the State board of education and the to excellence. Her quiet, thoughtful comments and I will always remember that I proposed to State Higher Education Assistance Agency. In in congressional meetings and discussions Judy while we listened to the Chicago song addition, he created a program designed to with congressional staff have provided both ‘‘Beginnings.’’ Chicago also employs their promote the State in national and international with information and guidance. Sandra’s fame to connect with others by supporting a markets and to increase the attractiveness of Rolodex is renowned for both its size and number of charities including World Hunger the State’s products and services. breadth. And no matter how stressful the situ- Year. In addition, Chicago donates a portion of In 1967 and 1968, Governor Scranton par- ation because of time pressures or personal- their ticket sales to the Ara Parseghian Med- ticipated in the Pennsylvania Constitutional ities, Sandra has never lost her calm, com- ical Research Foundation which seeks a cure Convention and helped write a new constitu- posed, and friendly demeanor. to the fatal children’s disease Neimann-Pick tion for the State. After graduating from Southern Illinois Uni- Type C and also to Charlie Weis’s Hannah & Since then, he has served on the boards of versity, where she was an honors student, Friends Foundation which helps improve the directors of some of America’s most influential Sandra Cook began her professional life as a quality of life for children and adults with spe- companies including A&P, IBM, the New York teacher. She taught language arts and history cial needs. Times, Pan American Airways and the H. J. for 6 years in West Lafayette, IN. Though she Madam Speaker, it is fitting that we honor Heinz Company. He also served as president did not stay in the classroom as a career, the band Chicago as they celebrate their 40th of the Northeastern National Bank and Trust those experiences shaped the rest of her pro- anniversary, and I encourage all those who Company. fessional life, particularly her work at the U.S. appreciate the band to visit an exhibit at the In 1976, U.S. President Gerald R. Ford Department of Education. Chicago History Museum honoring the band’s named him U.S. Ambassador to the United Sandra’s public service prior to joining the musical legacy. I wish the members of the Nations where he served with distinction until Department included work for several Mem- band the best as they continue into their fifth his retirement. bers of Congress: Representatives Robert decade. Madam Speaker, please join me in con- Daniel, Jr., Tom Railsback, and Rod Chandler; f gratulating Governor Scranton for the contribu- and Senator Paul Trible. She also worked for CONGRATULATING FORMER PENN- tions he has made to the northeastern Penn- Fairfax County Supervisor Farrell Egge in Vir- SYLVANIA GOV. WILLIAM W. sylvania community he cherishes so much and ginia, who represented the Mt. Vernon district. SCRANTON, RECIPIENT OF THE to this Nation which owes him a profound debt As she retires from Government service and 2007 MONSIGNOR MCGOWAN COR- of gratitude for his years of service and his re- heads back to her family in her home State of NERSTONE AWARD markable achievements. Illinois, I am proud to thank Sandra Cook pub- And let us also recognize the late Msgr. An- licly on behalf of this Congress for her many drew J. McGowan who labored tirelessly to contributions to our Nation and its students. HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI improve the quality of life in his beloved com- OF PENNSYLVANIA f munity and to inspire others to share in the joy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of service to mankind. HONORING THE BAND CHICAGO Thursday, November 15, 2007 It is indeed fitting that the first Monsignor FOR THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise McGowan Cornerstone Award be presented to ON THEIR 40TH ANNIVERSARY today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues an outstanding Pennsylvanian who shares the in the House of Representatives to pay tribute same zeal for community service as the man HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI to former Pennsylvania Gov. William W. for whom this award is named. OF ILLINOIS Scranton who is being honored as this year’s f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recipient of the Monsignor Andrew J. RECOGNIZING THE ACCOMPLISH- Thursday, November 15, 2007 McGowan Cornerstone Award. This prestigious award honors an individual MENTS OF WILLIAM R. MOLZAHN Mr. LIPINSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise today who best exemplifies the spirit, leadership and to recognize the numerous achievements of service of Msgr. Andrew J. McGowan as a HON. JAMES P. MORAN the band Chicago and congratulate them as catalyst for social, cultural and economic OF VIRGINIA they celebrate their 40th anniversary with a growth, and to promote the charitable ideals of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES concert event at the Chicago History Museum philanthropy and collaboration in northeastern Thursday, November 15, 2007 on December 4, 2007. Over the last four dec- Pennsylvania. ades, Chicago has become one of the most The Monsignor McGowan Cornerstone Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I successful and longest lasting musical groups Award was designed through the efforts of the rise today to honor the accomplishments of in history, and their music has touched hun- nonprofit organizations throughout north- Mr. William R. Molzahn for his service to the dreds of millions of listeners around the world. eastern Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic re- Department of the Navy as Deputy General The band was originally formed in 1967 as gion that benefited from Monsignor Counsel to the Office of General Counsel. Mr. the Chicago Transit Authority by saxophonist McGowan’s participation as a board member Molzahn will retire on January 3, 2008 upon Walter Parazaider, trombonist James Pankow, and a mentor for community improvement. having served 33 years of distinguished serv- trumpet player Lee Loughnane, guitarist Terry Governor Scranton has distinguished him- ice. His tenure and record exemplifies the Kath, keyboardist Robert Lamm, drummer self in so many ways throughout his eventful highest traditions of public service. Danny Seraphine, and bassist Peter Cetera. life. Born in Chicago, Mr. Molzahn attended Cali- Within 2 years, this band composed mostly of In 1941 he interrupted his law school edu- fornia State University, Fullerton, and received Loyola University music students was signed cation at Yale to enter the United States Army his Juris Doctorate from the University of Cali- to Columbia Records and released their first Air Corps where he served as an Air Trans- fornia, Los Angeles. He began his career with album. port Command pilot during World War II. the Department of the Navy’s Office of Gen- During the next four decades, Chicago Following the war, he completed his law eral Counsel in 1974, and quickly distin- would go on to sell over 120 million records school education and began private legal guished himself as an outstanding young at- while releasing over 30 albums, 19 of which practice as well as participation in several torney. In 1986, he became a member of the went gold. Among their many great singles, businesses. Senior Executive Service, after which he VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:37 Nov 16, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.025 E15NOPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS.
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