KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, JANUARY, 1889. 1 MAJOR AND MINOR. 1\lme. Scalchl will be heard during the winter months at the Moritz RosAnthal, the Ronmanean pianist, opened his en· Imperial Opera house in St. Petersburg. gagement in this country in Boston. He has a wonderful technical skill and is meeting with the most pronounced "Esclarmonde" is the name of a new four net opera by They a.re endeavoring to abolish the encore system in En- success. Massenet. gland. It would be a boon in mauy ways. At the second symphonic concert of the Russian Musica Sembrich received $2,400 for two engagements at Co· Adele A us Der Ohe gave the sixty-eighth piano forte re- Society, at St. .Petersburg, Rubinstein's·new symphonic poem penhagen. cital of the Ladies' Musical Society of Omaha. "Don Qui 11:ote," was col(;.ly received, though it is said to pos· Madame Patti sang at the Paris Grand Opera, under the sess considerable merit. Pauline Lucca says that her coming to America will end composer's baton, the part of Juliet in M. Gounod's opera. he~ career on the stage. One more has been added to the settings of Goethe's Faust. At her Sixth Piano Recital, comprising works of American that of Max Zenger. The others are by Spohr, Voss, Bishop, Mr. an · ~ Mrs. Henschel will leave England in March for a composers only, MRs. 'l'HoMs of N. Y., played E. R. Kroeger's Beaucourt, Blum, Bertin, Meyer, Ku~ler. rle Pallaert, Gordigi- long tour m the United States. 1 "Elfen Reigen," and M. I. Epstein's "Polonaise:" . ani, Werstowsky, Zaitz, Gounod, Boito, Zollner and Zenner. MUSIC BOOKS -z,. PUBLISHED BY 01 s co., BOSTON, :MASS. GOOD THINGS MUSICAL. Musical Almanac-Any Month. SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS. Whatever they are, the music to perform them, to under­ Music Teacher Rises at his usual ~our, and plan Faithful and successf11l School Teachers use the Best Booklil, stand them, to enjoy them, will be found in the immense es· 2 and dreams out a wideawake musical campaign. without regard to the interests of authors or publishers; and tablishments of OLIVER DITSON & CO., who have 3 Music Teacher Sets his wits at work to revise are great patrons of Ditson & Co.'s carefully made books, com­ onhand: 4 his methods, and concludes that there is no better way piled by the best talent. than to use Ditson & Co.'s ~uperior Music Books. For lists and descriptions, please correspond. Concert Sonus, Gospel.Sonus, Sact•ed Sonus, School 5 Writes for catalogues, specimens and descriptions. Sonu.Y, Snnday School SonfJ.Y, Com'ic Sonus, Colleye 6 KINDERCARTEN. 7 Don't know what to do. Songs, Juflilee Sonys, Populnt• Sonys, Chait• and Con- Kindergarten Chimes, $1.25, Kate D. Wiggin. A Manual 8 Catalogues ar·ive. He is favorably impressed with the and Song Book for Kinderg-artners. (Jt'C(Jational Mn.Yic, Tonic-S&l-Fa Music, Catholic Songs and Games for Little Ones. $2.00, Gertrude Walker Mus,ic, Anthems and ( hat•nses, Part-So·nus and Glees, following: Song Harmony (60 cts., or SG dozen) for and HarrietS. Jenks . 136 of the sweetest of sweet Songs. Opera, Ot·atot•io and Cantata 11Cusi.Cl Colfections of - Singing Classes aud High Schools; Jehovah's Praise Kindergarten Plays, Richter, 30 cts. 1 ($1, or $9 dozen) for Choirs, Classes, Conventions, Sacred MttS'iC frJr P'iano, Ot•uan, and All Othm· Itl.'lh"~trnents, - PRIMARY. The Youngest Note Readers. and Secular music; Song Manual (Book 1, 30 cts., and 'in fact e'very kind of tnusic thnt is tnnde. ~ American School Music Readers. Book 1, 35 rts. Book 2, 4.0 cts.,) a complete new music course for Schools; Gems for Little Singers, 30 cts. Emerson & Swayne. All this is in the shape of Sheet Music (3,000,000 pieces), _ United Voices !50 cts., $-1..80 doz.) a collection of Octavo Music {3,000 kinds), or of music collected in well-bound INTERMEDIATE and CRAMMAR. School Songs; Part-Songs and Clees ($1, $9 doz.) United Voices, 50 cts .. and Song Bells, 50 cts., both by L. books {4000 kinds). Send for Lists, Catalogues, Descriptions = Anthems of Praise ($1, or $9 doz.); Dow's Sacred 0. Emerson, and the first just out. and Ad vice. Any book mailed for retail price. Orpheus for Male Voices \SI.) has 92 good and new THE HICHER SCHOOLS. 22 sacred quartets-Just out. The Teacher concludes still to SOME OF THE NEWEST BOOK) ARE: Laudamus, $1.00. a. Hymnal for Ladies' Colleges, by Profs use the very successful Richardson's New Method Kendrick and Ritter of Vassar. SONC CLASSICS, Soprano, SONC for the Pianoforte ($3.00), but gladly avails himself Royal Singer, 60 cts , L. 0. Emerson. For Adult Singing of the new classic col ections: Plano Classics ($1.00), Classes and High Schools. CLASSICS, Alto and Bass, CLASSIC Song Greeting 60 cts., L. 0. Emerson. Refined and Beau­ TENOR SONCS. .Kach,$1.00. Very select 29 Classical Pianist ($1.00) and Young People's tiful Part Songs. Classics ($1.00), as containing the best pieces for Specimen Copies of any of the above books mailed, post and good music. PRAISE IN SONC, (25cts.,) ;;: practice. New Cospel Song Book. Any Book MaPed for Retail Price. free, for the price herein given. ESTABLISHED 1852. THE MISSOURI THE. S~ITH AFE EPOSIT 0. American Organ and Piano Co. EQUITABLE .BUILDINC, MANUFACTURERS OF 6th and Locust Sts., ST. LOUIS, MO. PIANOS Absolutel1 Burglar and Fire-Proof Safes to I AN"D I rent at from $10.00 per annum upwards. Renters have all the privileges of the Read­ ing Rooms, Coupon Rooms, Etc. Silverware, Bric-a-Brac and Valuables of )ORGANS. any description can be stored for any length of time in our Vaults at very low rates. Our Instruments have a world-wide repu­ Premises open to inspection from 9 a. m . tation, and are second to none in Tone, Touch until 4:30 p. m. Workmanship or . Design. An absolute war~ ranty with every instrument. OFFICERS. Catalogues and prices on application. JAMEH J. HOYT, President. .. HENRY G. MARQUAND, 1st Vice-Pres't. J. 8. KENDRICK, Secr1:1t-a.ry. G. D. CAPEN, Treas. and2d Vice-Pres't. EDw. A. SMITH, Sup'.tof Safes, The Smith American Organ and Piano Co. DIRECTORS. Louis FITZGERALD, HENRY G. MARQUAND, HENRl:_ :B. H YDJC, BOSTON, MASS., or KANAS ClTY, MO. GEo. D. CAPEN, Gxo. W.ALLEN, D. K. FWGU.SON, ILLI.Uf" ICHQLSI H~NlW c. H.U.RSTICX, JAMES J. HOYT, W N KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, JANUARY, 1889. Tbe Russian Opera Company came to a sad end in London. Campanlni and his company had a novel experience at $3,000. But few purchasers are found that care to go beyond Fifty of the chorus were penniless and a subscription was Spripgfield, Mass. Through mistake, the trunk!! were not the smaller sum, although one enthusiastic young amateur started to send them home to Russia. delivered and the opera presented its members in promenade has offered $10,000 for a famous instJ ument held abroad at the costume. It was a treat to the house, however, but we would modest figure of $14.000. The a.mateur in question is the son P. S.GHmore was so fasf'inRted with Charles Kunkel's "Al· not vouch for their musical undertones. of one of the richest men in the land, but he is as poor in tal· pine Storm'' that he gave it a oozen times during his band ent as he is wealthy in worldly possessions, and the violin ~ngagement in Bt. Louis.-Am. A?t Journal. !\{,Antoine de Chou•hms, the famous French music pub• that sang and sparkled under Paganini'l'l fiugers, were it re­ At the first Henschel symphony concerts, St. James' Hall, lisher, died November 16, aged sixty·eight. The chief source moved from its crystal sarcophagus in Genoa would squeak London, Grieg's 11ew suite, op. 46, was given for the first time; of hi~· fortune was Gounod's "Faust," whkh he bought for and grunt beneath the pressure of the millionaire's bow, as this su·ite consists of four numbers taken from the mnsic to 10,000 francs. ($2,000 !) and which has since paid its lucky owner inharmoniously a.s a $1.75 Stradivarius discovered in a Ibsen's poem "Peer Gynt; of the four parts: "ln the Morn­ at least R million franc!'. Chatham street pawmhop. It is a melancholy fact that many ing.'' "The Death of A~es,'' "Anitra's Dance," and "In the of the people that own costly Ama is and Stradivarii. here Hall of the Mountain King." The third is considered the Tbe New York Sun says there are some remarkably good and abroad, are quite powerless to reveal their beauties. be lit. violins now 1or sale in that city at prices ranging from $500 to JOEL SWOPE & BROJ Sudden Colds. I lung Troubles. I The prompt use of A:yer's Cherry For all pulmonary affectJous, Ayer's No. 311 North Broadway, Pectoral has saved thousands of lives. Cherry Pectoral is tl1e most popular aud ! For sudden Col<ls, BronellHis, and in­ effective cure. Sufferers from Asthma ..A.re 'the flammatory disonlers of the Throat find great and immeuiato relief in the ancl Lungs, this mcuieine i::~ an unfail­ nse of this unrivaled preparation. ing specific. "During the last four years I haYe "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best made frequent use of Ayer's Cherry rem o<ly I know of for disea!-les of tl1e Pectoral for asthma.
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