Road Construction Department, Jharkhand

Road Construction Department, Jharkhand

Road Circle Hazaribag 2019 2019-20 iFk izEk.My] gtkjhckx 0.00 4150.07829 4150.07829 0.00 3506.27266 0.00 3506.27266 643.80563 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.00 4150.07829 4150.07829 0.00 3506.27266 0.00 3506.27266 643.80563 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SH/MDR Carriage wideth Equilateral Bridge Nos. of Remarks ODR/Others length Culverts Single Intermediate Double Fourth (I Km) No. Length RCC HP Lane lane in Km Lane lane In m (in in in Km Km) Kma In NH-2 3.875 - - 3.875 - 7.75 - - - - tender process NH-33 9.4 - - 9.40 - 18.8 01 - -- - SH-07 47.05 - - 47.05 - 94.10 11 - 59 - MDR-069 9.80 - - 9.80 - 14.37 1 - 21 - MDR-070 29.20 - 29.20 - - 43.20 3 - 29 - MDR-093 28.00 28.00 - - - 28.00 0 - 29 - MDR-094 1.775 - - 1.775 - 3.55 0 - 03 - MDR-096 9.60 - 9.60 - - 14.07 1 - 09 - MDR-097 8.40 - 8.40 - - 12.32 0 - 17 - MDR-098 7.25 7.25 - - - 7.25 0 - 09 - MDR-099 25.92 25.92 - - - 25.92 0 - 66 - ODR 30.038 - 30.038 - - 45.06 - - 77 - (NH-33) (NH-33) ODR 31.383 - 31.383 - - 47.07 - - 36 - (NH2) (SH-07) ODR 12.400 12.40 - - - 12.40 2 - 8 - ODR 32.10 - 32.10 - - 48.15 - - 36 - ODR 1.1 1.10 - - - 1.1 - - - ODR 1.30 1.30 - - - 1.30 - - - ODR 3.0 3.00 - - - 3.0 - - - ODR 2.0 - - 2.00 - 4.0 - - - ODR 1.55 - - 1.55 - 3.10 - - 3 - ODR 2.25 - 2.25 - - 3.30 - - 2 - NH-33 ODR 1.00 - 1.00 - - 1.77 - - 1 - ODR 2.20 2.20 - - - 2.2 - - - - ODR 2.00 2.00 - - - 2.00 - - - - ODR 1.30 1.30 - - - 1.30 - - - - ODR 2.00 - 2.00 - - 3.00 - - - - ODR 1.56 - - 1.56 - 3.12 - - 4. - (NH-33) ODR 4.05 - 4.05 - - 6.075 - - 2 - ODR 1.66 1.66 - - - 1.66 - - - - NH- ODR 1.00 1.00 - - - 1.00 - - - - 100 NH-100 ODR 1.00 - 1.00 - - 1.5 - - - - ODR 9.30 - 9.30 - - 14.10 - - ODR 1.21 - - 1.21 - 2.42 - - 2 - (NH-2) ODR 2.34 - - 2.34 - 4.68 - - - ODR 32.850 - - 32.85 - 74.17 - 50 19 5.56 ODR 3.50 - 3.50 - - - - - - 4.50 ODR 3.00 - 3.00 - - - - - - (MDR-096) (MDR-069) ODR 10.480 - 10.48 - - 18.59 - - - ODR 5.20 - - 5.20 - 11.74 3 - 4 - (MDR- 070)& (NH-33) ODR 7.965 - 7.965 - - 14.13 - - 6 - - On going ODR 16.79 16.79 - - - 16.79 - - 27 - scheme On going scheme 8.07 ODR 8.07 8.07 - - - 1 - 12 - (SH-07) On going ODR 6.725 6.725 - - - 6.725 1 - 14 - scheme On ODR 17.825 17.825 - - - 17.825 - - 41 - going MDR scheme On (NH-100 going (MDR-070) ODR 21.125 21.125 - - - 21.125 01 - 42 - scheme - ODR 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 - 1.00 - - - - - ODR 0.925 - 0.925 - - 1.64 - - 1 - - ODR 1.525 - 1.525 - - 2.70 - - 2 - - ODR 2.02 0.00 2.02 - - 2.02 - - - - - ODR 0.920 0.00 0.920 - - 0.920 - - - - - ODR 0.575 - 0.575 - - 1.02 - - - - (NH 2) In tender ODR 22.93 22.93 - - - 22.93 - - - - Process (MDR 90) TOP 3 (NH-100) In tender Process (NH-33) ODR 18.764 18.764 - - - 18.765 - - - - 510.20 669.447 22 555 Road Construction Department Road Circle, Hazaribag Physical & Financial Progress from 01.05.2019 to 31.05.2019 during 2019-20 Expenditure (Rs. In Lakh) Physical (Km) No. of Completed Schemes Name of Bridge Roads Remarks Division Widening Rigid Road Bridge Total BM/DBM BC (Upto WMM) Pavement No. of Length Length Completed No. (m) (KM) Schemes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Hazaribag 3506.27427 - 3506.27266 2.58 5.50 25.05 0.3 - - 0 0 Executive Engineer, RCD, Road Divison, Hazaribag Page - 1 DPW-R ROAD CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT, JHARKHAND (State Highways Wing) Progress Report of On-going works (Roads-Plan) STATE PLAN ROAD WORKS Division :- Road Division, Hazaribag District :- Hazaribag Circle :- Road Circle, Hazaribag Month :- May'19 Sl. Sanctioned Scheme Total length Administrative approval Technical Sanction Agreement Financial Progress (In lakh) No Name ID. No. (KM) Amount Date/ Amount Date/ Amount Date/ Expenditure Allotment in 19- Expenditure in Total % Financial Ref No. Ref. No. Ref. No. till March19 20 19-20 Expenditure Achieve- (11+13) ment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Widening, - 32.100 5927.156 13.10.2014 6412.38500 Dt. 21.05.15 46310021 21(SBD) of 5398.40100 0.00000 0.00000 5398.40100 94% Strengthening 32.450 Dy. Secretary, Chief Engineer 15-16 (CDO) RCD Reconstruction of revised RCD, 06.08.15 Jharkhand, Suppl. Barkatha (NH-2) length Jharkhand Ranchi Lt. 02(SBD) of to Tetran Road for Ranchi's Lt. 638(Enc) 777.5800911 2016-17 dt. the Year 2014-15 No. 7631 (S) Rev. Lt. No. 228.48798 481 dt. 5637.06928 10.05.16 30.05.16 Supp P-II Revised 33SBD of 16- 6882.906 17 dt. 30.12.16 2 Widening & - 32.50 8302.57 23.07.2015 8302.57000 08.05.15 6093.03124 08.12.15 6249.47496 0.00000 0.00000 6249.47446 100% Strenthening of Mahto- Dy. Sec., RCD, C.E., CDO, Suppl. 40(SBD) of Aahara-Rampur- Jharkhand RCD, 450.19561 2015-16 Basaria (Chouparan) Ranchi Lt. No. Jharkhand, 6543.22685 in KM 0 to 32.50 5158(S) Ranchi Lt. (Total Length 32.50 No. 433 Km) for the Year 2015-16 3 Widening & - 9.80 Km 6563.988 dt. 10.7.2015 6563.988 dt. 09.06.2015 1796.98 19.12.15 1729.78896 0.00000 0.00000 1729.78896 100% Strengthening work of Dy. Sec., RCD, CE.CDO, RCD, 45(SBD) of two lane with Pved Jharkhand Jharkhand, Ranchi Lt. No. 2015-16 shoulder in Jihu Itkhori Ranchi Lt. No. 563 Road from 0 to 9.8 Km 4824(S) (Total Road 9.801Km) Page-2 DPW-R ROAD CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT, JHARKHAND (State Highways Wing) Progress Report of On-going works (Roads-Plan) STATE PLAN ROAD WORKS Division :- Road Division, Hazaribag District :- Hazaribag Circle :- Road Circle, Hazaribag Month :- May'19 Sl. Sanctioned Scheme Total length Administrative approval Technical Sanction Agreement Financial Progress (In lakh) No Name ID. No. (KM) Amount Date/ Amount Date/ Amount Date/ Expenditure Allotment in 19- Expenditure in Total % Financial till March19 20 19-20 Expenditure Ref No. Ref. No. Ref. No. (11+13) Achieve- ment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 Construction of - 441.254 05.11.2015 441.25400 Dt. 449.6091618 20.04.16 481.33634 0.00000 0.00000 481.33634 100.00% Rotary and Dy. Secretary, 04.11.15 01(SBD) of Development of RCD, Chief 16-17 Intersection at Jharkhand Engineer Barhi Chowk Ranchi's Lt. (CDO) (Hazaribag) at the No. 7633 (S) RCD Junction of NH-2, Jharkhand, NH-31, NH-33 for Ranchi Lt. the Year 2015-16 1271(Enc) 5 Widening and - 10.48 Km 2409.538 05.02.2016 2409.53800 Dt. 2186.38 4SBD of 1886.43184 0.000000 0.00000 1886.43184 100.00% strengthening/Rec Dy. Secretary, 11.12.15 2016-17 dt. onstruction of RCD, Chief 13.05.16 Gauriya Karma Jharkhand Engineer (MDR-096) to Ranchi's Lt. (CDO) Kewta Bridge No. 785 (S) RCD (MDR 069) in Km Jharkhand, 0.00 to 10.48 total Ranchi Lt. length 10.48Km) 1396(Enc) for the Year 2015- 16 Page-4 DPW-R ROAD CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT, JHARKHAND (State Highways Wing) Progress Report of On-going works (Roads-Plan) STATE PLAN ROAD WORKS Division :- Road Division, Hazaribag District :- Hazaribag Circle :- Road Circle, Hazaribag Month :- May'19 Sl. Sanctioned Scheme Total length Administrative approval Technical Sanction Agreement Financial Progress (In lakh) No Name ID. No. (KM) Amount Date/ Amount Date/ Amount Date/ Expenditure Allotment in 19- Expenditure in Total % Financial till March19 20 19-20 Expenditure Ref No. Ref. No. Ref. No. (11+13) Achieve- ment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 Widening & - 5.10 Km 3454.7529 23.05.2016 3454.75200 Dt. 1482.03 11SBDof 1633.81863 0.00000 0.00000 1633.81863 100% Strengthening of Dy. Secretary, 28.03.16 16-17 dt. Charhi-Ghato RCD, Chief 20.10.16 Road (Total Jharkhand Engineer Length 5.20Km) Ranchi's Lt. (CDO) No. 3228 (S) RCD Jharkhand, Ranchi Lt. 160(Enc) 7 Widening & - 7.965 1338.66900 26.09.2016 1338.66900 Dt. 1295.2908841 01SBDof 1454.26463 0.00000 0.00000 1454.26463 100% Variation 17-18 dt. Strengthening/Rec Revised Joint Secretary, 14.09.16 213.00209 05.05.17 onstruction of Length RCD, Chief 1508.29297 Kallu Chowk 8.09 Jharkhand Engineer (MDR-07) to Ranchi's Lt. (CDO) Sindur (NH-33) No. 6193 (S) RCD Via Mandai Khurd Jharkhand, Road for the Year Ranchi Lt. 2016-17 918(Enc) Page-6 DPW-R ROAD CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT, JHARKHAND (State Highways Wing) Progress Report of On-going works (Roads-Plan) STATE PLAN ROAD WORKS Division :- Road Division, Hazaribag District :- Hazaribag Circle :- Road Circle, Hazaribag Month :- May'19 Sl.

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