5/5/2020 WbgGefportal Project Identification Form (PIF) entry – Full Sized Project – GEF - 7 Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Western Dvina/Daugava Transboundary River Basin Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10462 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Freshwater Ecosystems in the Western Dvina/Daugava Transboundary River Basin Countries Belarus Agency(ies) UNDP Other Executing Partner(s) Executing Partner Type Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of the Republic of BelarusGovernment https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 1/72 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Biodiversity, Focal Areas, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Terrestrial Protected Areas, Productive Landscapes, Financial and Accounting, Payment for Ecosystem Services, Species, Threatened Species, Invasive Alien Species, Biomes, Wetlands, Rivers, Lakes, International Waters, Fisheries, Pollution, Nutrient pollution from all sectors except wastewater, Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis, Freshwater, River Basin, Demonstrate innovative approache, Influencing models, Transform policy and regulatory environments, Type of Engagement, Stakeholders, Participation, Partnership, Information Dissemination, Consultation, Beneficiaries, Private Sector, SMEs, Civil Society, Academia, Non-Governmental Organization, Local Communities, Communications, Awareness Raising, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Equality, Gender-sensitive indicators, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Gender results areas, Knowledge Generation and Exchange, Access to benefits and services, Participation and leadership, Capacity Development, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Learning, Adaptive management, Theory of change, Indicators to measure change, Innovation, Knowledge Exchange, Knowledge Generation, Targeted Research Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 0 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Duration 60 In Months Agency Fee($) 363,559 Submission Date 1/7/2020 https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 2/72 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal A. Indicative Focal/Non-Focal Area Elements Programming Directions Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) IW-3-6 GET 1,780,484 7,400,000 BD-2-7 GET 1,180,000 7,800,000 BD-1-1 GET 421,836 10,454,500 LD-2-5 GET 444,621 1,300,000 Total Project Cost ($) 3,826,941 26,954,500 https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 3/72 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal B. Indicative Project description summary Project Objective To achieve improved status of biodiversity and water resources, including key wetland areas, through the integrated management of the Western Dvina/Daugava transboundary river basin. Project Financing Project Outcomes Project Outputs Trust GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Component Type Fund 1. Effective Technical Outcome 1.1: Mechanisms for Output 1.1.1: Delineation and GET 1,700,000 7,400,000 integrated Assistan transboundary cooperation in classification of surface and management ce the water resources underground waters within of freshwater management of the the Western Dvina Basin resources transboundary Output 1.1.2: Transboundary within the Daugava/Western Dvina river Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) of Western Dvina basin developed and agreed the Western Dvina Basin, basin upon between two riparian including an assessment of countries the water management Indicators: and hydrological characteristics of water - Transboundary Diagnostic bodies and analysis of point Analysis (TDA) finalised for the and non-point pollution Western Dvina Basin in Belarus impacts, other threats and - Western Dvina River Basin their immediate and root Management Plan (RBMP) causes. developed and endorsed by Output 1.1.3: Establishment Western Dvina Basin Council of the national Western Dvina - Provisions and practical Advisory Council in Belarus measures in place to and the joint Western implement special protection Dvina/Daugava Basin regime for at least 5,000 ha of Commission between Belarus freshwater habitats as a pilot and Latvia measure in support to RBMP Output 1.1.4: Harmonisation implementation of basin management approaches for the Western Dvina and Daugava RBMPs, including the transboundary https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 4/72 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal - A bilateral agreement for management and protection and sustainable use coordination aspects, for the of the transboundary river development of a regional basin developed and agreed SAP outlining the key between two countries priorities and directions for joint actions - A regional SAP developed as a roadmap for its Output 1.1.5: Western Dvina implementation of the bilateral River Basin Management agreement and approved by Plan preparation, country Ministries of identification and piloting of Environment concrete activities aimed at restoring and protecting - at least 15,000 people (of valuable freshwater whom 7,000 are women) derive ecosystems and ecosystem direct benefits from services, with due implementation of targeted consideration of climate measures adopted within the change effects. RBMP; Output 1.1.6: Support for - Other indicators will be preparation of a bilateral elaborated at the PPG stage agreement for protection and sustainable use of the transboundary river basin, aiming to conclude with a regional SAP as a roadmap for its implementation, signed by Ministries of Environment of both countries. Output 1.1.7 Participation in IW:LEARN activities 2. Technical GET 1,944,800 18,313,000 Outcome 2. 1.Sustainable Output 2.1.1: Ramsar Conservation, Assistan management of key nominations for the following restoration and ce internationally important protected areas: Braslav sustainable wetland areas (Ramsar sites Lakes National Park, Selyava, management and/or national level PAs) in Yanka, Sinjsha, Boloto Mokh of wetlands the Western Dvina River Basin state refuges, and Lebediny and associated ensured at 194,500 ha Mokh IBA https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 5/72 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal freshwater Output 2.1.2: ecosystems in Development/revision of PA Indicators: the Western management plans and Dvina Basin - at least 100,000 ha of wetland protection regimes to ensure areas receive the Ramsar protection and sustainable status;- a new wetland refuge use of globally significant “Lebediny Mokh” established wetlands. Establishment of with an area of 15,000 ha; management units. - at least 15% increase in METT Output 2.1.3: Incremental score for the targeted PAs support to the covering 179,500 ha; implementation of new management plans, including - Other indicators will be development of sustainable elaborated at the PPG stage finance solutions. Output 2.1.4: Development and testing of co- management scenarios involving PA management and bioresource users (fishing, hunting, ecotourism Outcome 2.2. Key ecosystem at Osveysky Ramsar refuge) characteristics and functions restored for sustainable Output 2.1.5: Support to management of wetlands and relevant strategic framework freshwater habitats at 15,000 development, in particular the ha Ramsar Convention Implementation Strategy Indicators: Output 2.2.1: Demonstration - 8,000 ha of wetlands restored; of innovative methods for restoring the (water regime - at least 1,000 ha of degrated and water quality, peatlands restored as ichthyofauna) spawning grounds and waterfowl nesting spots; Output 2.2.2: Demonstration of restoration of disturbed - threats from non-point peatlands as spawning pollution and soil erosion grounds and waterfowl reduced for at least 5,000 ha of nesting spots; Ramsar wetlands; https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 6/72 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal - at least 1000 ha of anti- Output 2.2.3: Demonstration erosion vegetation cover of technologies to reduce restored to prevent soil erosion contamination of freshwater and organic runoff; - at least ecosystems by non-point 1,000 ha of degraded spawning wastewater discharge from areas restored with innovative agricultural land and and replicable methods; floodplain peat development (Selyava, Braslav Lakes) - indicator species populations (Eurasian Otter Lutra Lutra, Output 2.2.4: Inventory of Common Pochard Aythya spawning grounds of native ferina, European Eel Anguilla commercial and rare fish, Anguilla, endangered development and testing of sturgeons and spawning restoration salmons) stable solutions; - Other indicators will be Output 2.2.5: Inventory of elaborated at the PPG stage erosion control plant communities and restoration of anti-erosion vegetation cover, to prevent soil erosion and organic runoff; Output 2.2.6: Species Sustainable Management Outcome 2.3. Regulatory Plan for the Eurasian Otter; framework for sustainable use Output 2.2.7: Development of wetland bioresources and implementation of improved and functional management and Indicators: conservation measures for recovery of endangered - at least 2 regulations for Common Pochard Aythya amateur and commercial ferina, European Eel Anguilla fishing developed, adopted and Anguilla, endangered implemented; sturgeons and salmons in - amendments to the Hunting their principle habitats. Rules developed and in force to mainstream BD considerations into waterfowl hunting Output 2.3.1: Development of regulations; technical regulations aimed at the sustainable https://gefportal2.worldbank.org 7/72 5/5/2020 WbgGefportal - 5,000 ha of valuable development of amateur concentration spots for fisheries; migratory waterfowl protected Output 2.3.2: Development and sustainably used as a stocking standards
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