PUBLISIZED DAZLY under order of fIfE PRErZDRYT of THE UNZTED STATE by COMMITTEE oa PUBLIC ZNFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of V. X. GOVERJ[MEJTI Activities VoL. 2 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918. No. 335 ANNIVERSARY OF ARRIVAL Men 32 to 42 Years Old UNIFORMS OF STANDARD CLOTH OF PERSHING INFRANCE Eligible for Commissions AT COST PRICE TO OFFICERS The following statement is authorized Placed and by the War Department: All Orders to Be OCCASION FOR TRIBUTES To correct an erroneous report regard- Paid for Through the Local ing the ages of men desired, the office of Army Quartermasters. FROM FRENCH LEADERS the Chief of Engineers states that appli- cations for commissions as first lieuten- the ants in the Engineer Corps shall be be- The War Department authorizes U. S. TROOPS PRAISED tween 32 and 36 years of age and for following statement from the Director of commissions as captains between 36 and Operations, General Staff: Poincaire, Pre- 42. The Engineer Corps is conducting a Army officers will soon be able to have President campaign for 2,000 more commissioned standard uniforms made at cost. Stand- mier Clemenceau, Gen- officers. The examining board will leave ard cloths have been adopted for officers' for a tour of principal cities of the uniforms, and all uniforms for officers erals Foch and Petain country in about 10 days. made in the future in the United States will be made of standard materials. Or- Send Messages of Con- ders will be placed with local quarter- DISLOYALTY ON THE PART masters, who will have supervision over gratulations and Grati- the contractor's agent, settling for uni- OF A NATURAIED CITIZEN forms as soon as they are accepted and tude to Commander in paid for by the officers. Chief of Our Forces. The Department of Justice authorizes Standard Materials Prescribed. the following: The standard materials prescribed for The following is authorized by the War In connection with the subject -of dis- officers' uniforms are: loyalty on the part of naturalized citi- Department: For coats and breeches (summer zens, attention was called by the Depart- wear) : (a) An 0. D. cotton or (b) a 13- JUNE 14, 1918. ment of Justice to the case of Carl The following messages addressed ounce all-wool worsted gabardine. Swelgin, of Seattle, Wash., who was yes- For coats, breeches, and overcoats to the commanding general of the terday ordered interned for the duration Forces have been for- (winter wear) : (a) A 12-ounce worsted Expeditionary of the war. serge; (b) a 17-ounce warded by him to the Chief of Staff: whipcord; and (c) Naturalized in 1913. a 21-ounce whipcord or elastique. President Poincare. Swelgin, born in Germany, had been For riding breeches: A 24-ounce bed- ford cord. "The anniversary of your arrival in the United States for 20 years and had been naturalized as an American citizen For overcoats: A 30-ounce mnelton or In France furnishes a happy occa- kersey.- sion to address my warmest congrata- in 1918. Recently it became apparent that he was thoroughly disloyal; his Samples of the above cloths will be lations to you and the valiant troops supplied all local quartermasters and kept which you command and who have tendencies were strongly anarchistic; and that he was a turbplent and dangerous available for inspection and selection by so admirably conducted themselves officers. All cloth will be supplied at cost in the recent battles. I beg you to character. A short time ago the Govern- ment commenced suit to revoke his nat- by the Quartermaster Corps, and a suffi- receive the assurance of my best clent quantity will be kept on hand by wishes for the continuation of their uralization papers, and a decree was handed down May 22 last canceling his depot, camp, post, and station quarter- success. masters to meet contemplated require- "IlAyMoND PoracAR." naturalization because it had been shown to the court's satisfaction that at the ments. Premier Glemencean. time when this man swore allegiance to Bids for Making Uniforms. the United States he had no real belief The Quartermaster Corps will invite "On the anniversary of your ar- In our governmental institutions and no bids for making uniforms, and contracts- rival in France to take command of sympathy with the principles of the will be let to the lowest responsible bid- the American troops I wish, my dear Constitution. The entry of this decree der experienced in manufacturing uni- general, to express to you once more reduced Swelgin to the status of an alien forms to measure. The contracts will the greatest admiration for the pow- be let at a specified cost per uniform; one by your Army to enemy, and a presidential warrant was erful aid brought immediately issued for his internment. contract or more for each general supply the cause of the allies. With ever- This is the first case in which the in- depot covering the zone of its jurisdiction. increasing numbers the American Contractors must have representatives at troops cover themselves with glory ternment has been ordered of a denat- (Continued on page 3.) all camps, posts, and stations in the ter- under your orders in barring the ritory covered by their contracts. The route of the invader. The day is Government will furnish suitable places coming when, thanks to the superb for the agents. Every garment must be effort of your cotmtry and the valor made to fit, the officers' acceptance being of persons, the enemy, losing the SERVICE BUREAU proof thereof, and all changes and altera- initiative of operations, will be tions will - OOF THE.. be made at the expense of the forced to incline before the triumph contractor. Other tailoring, such as re- of our ideal of justice and civiliza- COMMITTER ON pairs and pressing, is also authorized. tion. All orders for uniforms will be placed "CIEMEXCEAUJ." PUBLIC INFORMATION and paid for through local quartermas- Gen. Fock. ters. The cost of garments will be the FIFTEENTH AND G STREETS contract price plus the cost of the cloth. "A year ago you brought to us the WASHINOrN, D.CU. The Quartermaster Corps will furnish American sword. To-day we have cloth at cost direct to officers who desire seen it strike. It is the certain pledge Information available 1s to Onmials, Fanction, and Location of all Governnta Departments:: to have their tailoring done by firms with (Continued on page 3.) which the Government has no contracts. 2 THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN: FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918. FREIGHT TRAFFIC CONTROL Chargpes in the Enemy Trading List COMITTEE ISANNOUNCED Announced by the War Trade Board The United States Railroad Adminis- tration, division of transportation, issues Taki~n E~fectp Fridan June 14 the following: CIRcuLAR No. 6. A Committee of Freight Traffic Control pub- Mexico-Continued. composed of F. B. The War Trade Board authorizes Medrano, Ramon, Villa Union. has been formed, lication of the following: Moller, G., & Co., Guaymas, Sonora. Mitchell, chairman; G. Krause, B. Ar- Muller, George Pablo, Vera Cruz. nold, and J. B. Ford, xvith office at Cin- The following changes will be made in Reimers, Agustin, Zacatecas, Aguasea- cinnati, Ohio. of date June lientes. the enemy trading list as Reimers, Pablo, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes. This committee will secure all neces- 14, 1918: Tisnado, Emilio, Guamuchil. sary reports covering freight traffic pass- ADDITIONS. Torre C., G., Merida. ing Ohio River gateways at Cincinnati, Argentina: Denier. Gustavo, Rosario. NwBirkeland, Karl, Haugesund. Ohio; Louisville, Ky.; Cairo, Ill.; Evans- OhIson, Svenson, Buenos Aires. Christensen & Co.. Bodo. ' ville, Ind.; Paducah, Ky.; and Ports- Libreria Alcmana Sud Americana. Fjoerstoff, Edv., Berlevaag. mouth, Va., and will be authorized to re- Gerhard & Uboe, . Bolivia: Haugesund. which is Cerveceria Taquina, Cochabamba. Hofeth, Alf., Kaarhavn. quire reports covering traffic Kruzfeldt, Guillermo, Riveralta. Jensen, August. Trondhjen. routed through either of these gateways Rubaith, Juan, Potosi. Mollestadt & Fiskan, Aalesund. or which may be held for either of them Brazil: Olien, M. Oof & Co., laugesund. " Actualidade," Joinville. Polarstjernen Ass., Christiania. on account of congestion. Sandaas & Sandaas, Kopervik. Bernadelli, Hermenegildo, Pelotas, Porto Handle Government Freight. Alegre, and Rio Grande. Silde Kompagniet, Ekelsund. Brazil, A., & Co., Santos. Unger & Mellbye, Christiania. They will give particular attention to "Gazeta Blumenauense," Blumenau. Weenborg, Harald, Bergen. the handling of freight for the Govern- Gerechter & Levinthal, Para. Panama: Kuchlen, Otto, Porto Alegre. Lindo, Otto, Panama City. mient, recommending any nelasures which Reiniger, Schmidt & Co., Porto Alegre. Peru: will facilitate its movement. Vaterland (newspaper), Porto Alegre. Bischoffshausen, Gustavo W. von, Lima. The committee will decide upo all em- Volksblatt (newspaper), Porto Alegre. Palacio, Jose, Lima. Wahnschaffe, Rudolfo, Sao Paulo. Richarz, Paul, Lima. bargoes affecting traffic passing through Chile: Spain : these gateways, their extent and dura- Jacobitz, Otto, Santiago. Amme, Gleseeke & Konegen, A. G., Cazina- tion, placing same through the regional ,Koch, H., Punta Arenas, ris 18, Madrid. Arenas. Bakker Ubbo, Emmius, Calle Victoria 4, directors and keeping the car service sec- Pernas Bros, Punta . Roopke, Otto, Valdivia. Vigo, tion constantly and fully advised. Colombia: Banco, Alameda, Calle Victoria 4, Vigo. Bellingrodt, Wilhelm, Barranquilla. Blanques. El, Pinas Genil, Granada. 'Expected to Study Traffic. Faber, Otto, Cucuta. Blass & Co., Calle San Mates 1, Madrid. Halterman, F., Cucuta. Boeme, E., Frenegal de la Siebra, Bada- They are expected to study the traffic Otto, Cucuta. Jose. passing these gateways, with the view Moll, Burmerister, J., Hotel de Roma, Madrid. Mutis Dazo & Soto, Cucuta. of detecting and remedying any move- Costa Rica: Carijo Loranca, Faustino, Valverde 20, Heintze, Felix, Cartago. Madrid. ments which are out of line or proper Heinrich, San Jose. Centeno, Jose Maria, Catedral Viejo 5, Kern, Cadiz. route, conferring freely with the divisions Kohkemper Josef, San Jose.
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