PROSTOR 19 [2011] 1 [41] ZNANSTVENI ÈASOPIS ZA ARHITEKTURU I URBANIZAM A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING SVEUÈILIŠTE POSEBNI OTISAK / SEPARAT OFFPRINT U ZAGREBU, ARHITEKTONSKI FAKULTET Znanstveni prilozi Scientific Papers UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, FACULTY 2-17 Nenad Lipovac The Beginning of Poèetak nastanka OF ARCHITECTURE Prehistoric Settlements prapovijesnih naselja ISSN 1330-0652 of the American Southwest amerièkog jugozapada CODEN PORREV Original Scientific Paper Izvorni znanstveni èlanak UDK | UDC 71/72 UDC 711.423:903.3 (73) UDK 711.423:903.3 (73) 19 [2011] 1 [41] 1-280 1-6 [2011] Fig. 1 Prehistoric cultures spread in the Southwest region, known as Four Corners Sl. 1. Rasprostranjenost prapovijesnih kultura i zajednica amerièkog jugozapada, poznatog kao Four Corners Znanstveni prilozi | Scientific Papers 19[2011] 1[41] PROSTOR 3 Nenad Lipovac University of Zagreb Sveuèilište u Zagrebu Faculty of Architecture Arhitektonski fakultet HR - 10000 Zagreb, Kaèiæeva 26 HR - 10000 Zagreb, Kaèiæeva 26 Original Scientific Paper Izvorni znanstveni èlanak UDC 711.423:903.3 (73) UDK 711.423:903.3 (73) Technical Sciences / Architecture and Urban Planning Tehnièke znanosti / Arhitektura i urbanizam 2.01.04 - History and Theory of Architecture 2.01.04 - Povijest i teorija arhitekture and Preservation of the Built Heritage i zaštita graditeljskog naslijeða Èlanak primljen / prihvaæen: 5. 6. 2011. / 9. 6. 2011. Article Received / Accepted: 5. 6. 2011. / 9. 6. 2011. The Beginning of Prehistoric Settlements of the American Southwest Poèetak nastanka prapovijesnih naselja amerièkog jugozapada American prehistoric cultures amerièke prapovijesne kulture American prehistoric settlement amerièka prapovijesna naselja American Southwest amerièki jugozapad Cliff dwellings nastambe u stijeni Pueblos pueblosi This paper represents the continuation of the research (from the planer’s view) Ovaj èlanak predstavlja nastavak planerskih istraživanja provedenih na temu on the American prehistoric settlements, but this time of the Southwest. The nastanka amerièkog prapovijesnog naselja, ali ovaj puta naselja amerièkog Southwest was a cradle for numerous cultures and communities which have Jugozapada. To podruèje je poznato i pod nazivom Four Corners te predstavlja left astonishing masterpieces of Places which they have erected between 7th kolijevku brojnih kultura i zajednica koje su ostavile zapanjujuæi broj naselja and 13th century AD, in order to make their living easier in this arid and hot izgraðenih u razdoblju od 7. do 13. stoljeæa, u tom suhom i iznimno vruæem environment. Structural and location differences, along with author’s personal krajoliku. Strukturalne razlike, kao i razlike u njihovom položaju, uz autorova observation and experience, have been inter-compared and presented. The osobna razmišljanja i analize nakon obilaska istih, predstavljeni su u ovom main conclusion for this research can be summarized in a few words: despite èlanku. I ovaj puta se može zakljuèiti da su sve te kulture, unatoè nepozna- the lack of the written and calculus skills, they had the knowledge of how to vanju pisanog jezika, imale veliko znanje i sposobnost zakljuèivanja na temelju observe the Universe above and make conclusions on sequences of celestial promatranja kretanja vidljivih svemirskih tijela, a što su onda prenosili u plani- events through the design of their settlements. ranje svojih naselja i struktura. 4 PROSTOR 1[41] 19[2011] 2-17 N. LIPOVAC The Beginning of Prehistoric Settlements of the American Southwest Znanstveni prilozi | Scientific Papers ARCHAIC HUNTERS - GATHERERS ble - so they invented a tool - a seed grinder1 which reduced seeds to powder. This flour ARHAJSKI LOVCI I SAKUPLJAÈI was used to make flat cakes that could even be baked on stone by fire. As they collected and stored the seeds, some of them fell on fertile soil and grew into a new plant the next season. Around 3000 BC, this new experien- ce undoubtedly led to the adoption of far- ming as a new life style. Planting more pro- ductive plants like corn, beans or squash de- manded a return to the fields, at harvest time which led to the creation of settlements inha- bited on a seasonal basis. Fields had to be watered to produce a fruitful crop which ini- tiated the digging of wells and canals for drinking and/or watering. With the expansion of their agricultural activity and number of plant varieties, the ancestral Puebloans fa- ced another need: food surplus storage facili- ties. Basket-making was another advance in their life style, a step towards food storage and also inspired the name for the people who ”invented” these baskets - Basketma- kers2 Although the baskets were not the per- fect storage vessel,3 their imperfection resul- ted in a quest for better options. In a transi- tion phase between baskets and pottery, gourds were used, which served as a basis for soon to be ”invented” pottery jars, pi- tchers, and bowls. The pottery proved to have better storing qualities, improved cooking There is no doubt now that the first bands and increased variety in the diet. Although of humans crossed the land bridge between the pottery was not nearly as portable as li- Asia and North America around 10000 BC. As ghtweight baskets they became more in use nomads, they were pursuing big game, had the knowledge of how to make and sustain a 1 The seed grinder consisted of a hollowed stone slab fire, how to make tools out of flintstone or (containing seeds) and a piece of a stone [Walker, 1994: bone and how to protect their naked body 12] that was held in hands while rolled over the seeds, with fur and animal skin. But they were not known as metates and manos [Mails, 1983: 28]. aware that they were becoming an important 2 An amateur archeologists, Richard Wetherill, excava- ting and collecting puebloans remains in the caves of cornerstone for the New World cultures. The- Grand Gulch in southeast Utah in 1890 found well preser- se early Desert Archaic people travelled in ved basketry, woven matting and cord, stone tools and small bands in search for food and water and wooden sticks for digging soil and planting (hallmarks of lived in caves and other natural shelters these ancestral puebloans). found during the time they wandered. Clima- 3 Baskets were not air-tight and the surplus of food could not be preserved for a long time. Cooking food in te changes from tropical to arid around 8000 baskets was not the case, either. Only medium heated sto- BC due to the melting of polar ice caps resul- nes could be placed in baskets, but the food would not be ted in warmer and drier weather with less fully cooked and the heated stones would destroy the rainfall in the region of today’s Nevada and basket, which caused limitation of prepared food. Houk the western part of Utah State. This brought 4 , 2010: 6 5 Another change occurred in usage of Puebloan struc- about a change of vegetation and the extinc- tures: with the emergence of sedentary settlements, so- tion of big game and consequentially big cial classes differentiated through the material the upper game hunters’ habits. During next two mil- class might have used. This could be recognized through lenniums some new groups appeared, known the findings of goods in several graves, meaning an in- as the Paleo-Indians. With the absence of big creasing importance of the spiritual world! 6 During the conference in Pecos, NM (summer 1927) game, the Paleo-Indians hunted smaller ani- several major and minor cultures of the Southwest were mals and modified their hunting weapons determined, along with periods of their appearance. Prior from stones and sticks, spear and atlatl to to that, only two successive cultures within the Four Cor- bow and arrow in later stages. They also shif- ners area had been recognized: foraging people named Basketmakers and later people the Spaniards used to call ted to a more vegetarian diet which required Puebloans (because of their villages pueblos with stone or a broader knowledge of when to collect and adobe buildings). The conference adopted the so-called harvest various wild berries and seeds. See- Pecos Classification distinguishing three Basketmakers ds demanded a much different approach as and five Puebloans periods: Basketmaker I (300-100 BC), Basketmaker II (100 BC - 500 AD), Basketmaker III (500- far as food preparation was concerned: they 700 AD), Pueblo I (700-900 AD), Pueblo II (900-1100 AD), had to be finely grounded to become digesti- Pueblo III (1100-1300 AD), Pueblo IV (1300-1600 AD), Pue- Znanstveni prilozi | Scientific Papers The Beginning of Prehistoric Settlements of the American Southwest N. LIPOVAC 2-17 19[2011] 1[41] PROSTOR 5 as they were easy to manufacture, suitable in the Great Basin all rivers flow inward, from for storing, cooking over fire, and were water- the rim of the mountains towards salted lakes proof. The first settlements had several small, (Great Salt Lake in Utah) where water stag- brush-and-pole structures called pithouses nates and evaporates leaving a residue of - (Fig. 2) built above shallow or purposely minerals. There is no river outside the Basin scooped-out depressions in the ground, co- that brings water into it; short periods of rain- vered by branches, barks and leaves, and fall are not enough to fill the lakes and rivers plastered with mud. The population increase with needed water so they stay dry for most led to the enlarging of the year-round village of the year. As a result of such climate condi- size and the number of residential structures tions, a large population could not have lived within it. The size and shape (circular, squa- within the Basin. On the other hand, the Pla- re, rectangular) of pithouses differed and be- teau region had the presence of more mois- Fig. 2 Artist’s reconstruction of a pithouse Sl.
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