United Nations Man and the Biosphere / Ê "/ - Educational, Scientific and Programme £ÓääÈ Cultural Organization #*041)&3&3&4&37&45&$)/*$"-/05&4 #JPEJWFSTJUZBOETUBLFIPMEFST DPODFSUBUJPOJUJOFSBSJFT ISSN 2071-1468 ¼ V i À Ì > Ì ½ \ Ê « À V i Ã Ã Ê vÊ> VÌÛiÊ`>}ÕiÊLiÌÜiiÊ`vv iÀiÌ ÊÃÌ> i ` i À Ã Ê Ü À } v Õ Ê Ê i Ì > Ê ` « } Ê i « i Ì Û i À i ` Ê À Ê Ì Ê Ì À Ê i V V « à > Ê À ÊV Ê v V Ê ] Ü V i V i Û Ê Õ À v Ì Ã Ê i Ã Ê Ì ` Ê Ê « Ê Ì > ] i à i À V Û Ì Ì V à i Ê L v Ê Ê ] Û Ã Ã Ã Ê L Õ ` }ÊV«iÌÃÊÌ }i Ì i À Ê Ì Ê « À i V Ì Ê Ì ÊÌ i ÊvÕ ÌÕÀi ÊV iVÌÛiÞ°Ê BIODIVERSITY and STAKEHOLDERS: CONCERTATION ITINERARIES The authors are responsible for the choice and presentation of the viewpoints and information contained in their articles, which in no way commit UNESCO. The designations employed and the presentation of data throughout this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Publication manager: Natarajan Ishwaran Editor-in-Chief: Meriem Bouamrane Revision: Josette Gainche, UNESCO Graphic design: Ivette Fabbri, UNESCO Cover photograph: Hubert de Foresta, IRD Translation: Mary Shaffer First published in French (May 2006) as Biodiversité et acteurs: des itinéraires de concertation. This publication as well as the French version received fi nancial support from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs within the scope of the Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire (FSP) for Biodiversity. Special thanks go to Laurent Bonneau, Olivier Robinet and Geoffroy Mauvais for their valuable cooperation and support. Thanks are also extended to Martine Antona (CIRAD), Catherine Cibien (French MAB National Committee) and Malcolm Hadley (UNESCO) for their contributions to this work. Proposed citation: Bouamrane, M. (ed.). 2006 Biodiversity and stakeholders: concertation itineraries. Biosphere Reserves – Technical Notes 1. UNESCO, Paris Published in September 2006 by the MAB Programme, UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel.: 33 (0) 1 45 68 40 67 Fax: 33 (0) 1 45 68 58 04 E-mail: [email protected] www.unesco.org/mab Printed by UNESCO © UNESCO 2006 Printed in France Biosphere Reserves – Technical notes 1 - 2006 2 BIODIVERSITY and STAKEHOLDERS: CONCERTATION ITINERARIES or thirty years, the MAB Programme, particularly through its World Network of Biosphere Reserves, has initiated and supported studies on the interactions between human societies and natural resources in various cultural and socio-economic con- texts. A biosphere reserve is a multi-objective (conservation, economic development, scien- tifi c research and training), multi-use and multi-stakeholder territorial space, which relies on a zonation system to fulfi ll its functions. The stakeholders and institutions intervening in this space may have different interests and relationships to time, property and nature, which may confl ict. The Seville Strategy seeks to promote the management of each bios- phere reserve essentially as a ‘pact’ between the local community and society as a whole. More particularly, Goal II of the Seville Strategy (‘Utilize the biosphere reserves as models of land management and of approaches to sustainable development’) recommends, at the international level, to ‘Prepare guidelines for key aspects of biosphere reserve mana- gement, including the resolution of confl icts, provision of local benefi ts and involvement of Preface stakeholders in decision-making and in responsibility for management’. (II.1.1). In light of the many objectives assigned to a biosphere reserve and the diversity of stakeholders, institutions and their interests, biosphere reserves are research and training laboratories for the prevention and management of confl icts linked to the challenges of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. It was thus deemed strategic to share ex- periences, cultural approaches, practices and methodologies for dialogue and concertation in the creation and management of biosphere reserves in the World Network, in different socio-economic and cultural contexts. This technical note is intended to stimulate discussion about the challenges of recon- ciling conservation and development within biosphere reserves and the different means of governance set up on the sites and their capacity to evolve. The researchers’ contributions are divided into four chapters: the fi rst addresses challenges concerning the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in biosphere reserves; it identifi es the different sour- ces and types of confl icts. The second chapter raises the question of the role of scientifi c knowledge, suggests the creation of gateways between researchers and managers, and of- fers an initial assessment of the participatory approaches. The third chapter introduces the use of innovative tools which have been tested in several biosphere reserves in Europe and Africa to facilitate dialogue and concertation among different stakeholders. Finally, the last chapter suggests proposals for research and training, favouring a comparative and dyna- mic approach in order to better understand changes, factors of innovation and learning in biosphere reserves. These considerations must be enriched through the contributions of our partners and explored in greater detail in the coming years through comparative case studies throughout all regions of the world, based on the richness and diversity of the experiences and practices of the biosphere reserves that are part of the World Network. The Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, through its intergovernmental MAB Programme, thus wishes to make a substantive contribution to the challenges of biodiversity management in multi-use spaces, with an objective of sustainable development. Natarajan Ishwaran Secretary, International Coordinating Council for the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme Director, Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences 3 Lamine KANE is a manager with the Division of Natural Parks (DPN) in Se- Boureima AMADOU negal. He was trained as a botanist and works on fl ora dyna- mics in the Niokolo Koba Park (Senegal). He wrote a disserta- is a senior lecturer with the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Arts and the Humanities at the Abdou Moumouni tion on monitoring indicators for fl ora and vegetation, as well University in Niamey, Niger. He is also part of the IRD Re- as the monitoring of anthropic pressure in the Niokolo Koba Biosphere Reserve (Senegal), at the Institute for Environmen- search Unit working on ‘Heritage and Territories: Local strate- Frédéric BIORET tal Science (ISE). gies in building natural and territorial heritage’. His research is a professor of environmental sciences at the University of Division Formation et Communication focuses on agrarian systems, in particular the internal capaci- Western Brittany and vice-chair of the French MAB National Direction des Parcs Nationaux ty for innovation among Sahelian farmer-herders. Since 2001, Committee. He is a member of the offi ce of Natural Reserves Parc Forestier de Hann, BP 5135, Dakar Fann (Sénégal) he has studied issues related to natural heritage, stakeholder of France, which he represents at the National Council for the [email protected], dynamics, and confl ict resolution in the biosphere reserves Protection of Nature. His research interests focus on coas- [email protected] of West Africa. tal fl ora and plant life, issues concerning the management of F.L.S.H. Université Abdou Moumouni, sensitive natural areas, and bio-evaluation as a tool for land Harold LEVREL B.P. 418, Niamey (Niger) use management. is a research fellow in social sciences at the École des Hautes [email protected] et Institut de Géoarchitecture, Études in Paris. He has completed a dissertation in ecologi- [email protected] Université de Bretagne occidentale. cal economics with the Joint Research Unit on Conservation 6 avenue le Gorgeu, 29238 Brest Cedex 3 (France) Karimou AMBOUTA Biology (UMR 51-73) at the National Museum of Natural His- [email protected] tory. His work focuses on indicators relating to interactions is an agronomist at the University of Niamey (Niger) who between biodiversity dynamics and socio-economic dynamics focuses in particular, on the restoration of damaged environ- Meriem BOUAMRANE in the biosphere reserves of West Africa and France. He is a ments in the ‘W’ Biosphere Reserve. He is in charge of tea- is an environmental economist and programme specialist at consultant for UNESCO within the framework of the regional ching about water and soil conservation and soil protection UNESCO, in the Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, project in the six dryland biosphere reserves of West Africa. and restoration at the University, and works, in particular, on which oversees the intergovernmental programme on Man UMR 51-73, 55 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris (France) the sustainable management of soil fertility. He is the author and the Biosphere (MAB). She works primarily on issues con- [email protected] of a number of works and publications on these subjects. cerning the access and use of biodiversity, confl ict prevention Since 2003, he has also been the coordinator of the inter-uni- and management, and the effectiveness of concertation ap- Mahamane MAIGA versity research programme (Belgium, Niger) on the sanding proaches to reconcile conservation and the sustainable use of is an ecologist by training and a teacher-researcher at the Hi- up of basins in northeastern Niger: processes, effects, and biodiversity, in biosphere reserves in particular. gher Institute of Training and Applied Research (ISFRA) in Ba- methods to combat this phenomenon. UNESCO, Division of Ecological and mako (Mali). He was also a teacher and researcher at Faculty of Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Earth Sciences, Science and Techniques of the University of Mali for ten years.
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