DORA BUDOR NEW GALERIE Selected press No. 21, 2016 From Cura magazine DORA BUDOR byDORA Noah BUDORBarker DORAby NoahDORA BUDOR Barker BUDOR by Noahby Noah Barker Barker Dora Budor has a reality complex. Perhaps tus of spectacle into real space, doubling it’s a symptom of her cinephile youth the suture of cinema. Originally anatomi- spentDora wandering Budor has a mental a reality “wilderness complex. Perhapsof cal, tussuture, of spectacle a conceptual into realtransplant space, of doubling La- elsewheres,”it’s a symptom as Robert of her Smithson cinephile descri- youth canianthe psychologysuture of cinema. into film Originally theory, anatomi- besDora spentthe Budor mind wandering has Doraon amovies. reality Budor a mental 1complex. hasIn further a“wilderness reality Perhaps eva- complex. of Perhapsdescribestus ofcal, spectacle suture, thetus outside a into conceptualof spectacle real spectator space, transplant into doublingfilling real an space,of La- doubling luationit’s aelsewheres,” symptom we mightit’s of asa queryher symptom Robert cinephile Lacan: Smithson of does heryouth cinephile the descri- youthabsentthe caniansuture subject ofpsychology cinema.the signified suture Originally into ofby cinema.filmthe frame,theory,anatomi- Originally so anatomi- gazespentbes engrave? wandering the mindspent In aonother mentalwandering movies. words, “wilderness1 In aas furthermental an ofeva- “wildernessascal, toof describessuture, close athe conceptualcal, the fourth suture,outside wall. transplanta spectator conceptualIt is the cine-of filling La-transplant an of La- imageelsewheres,”luation in the we aseye,elsewheres,” might Robert does query anSmithson objectas Lacan: Robert impressdescri- does Smithson the descri-maticcanianabsent mechanism psychology subjectcanian that signifiedinto psychology wraps film theory,by the the into wande- frame, film theory,so 1 1 permanentlybes gazethe mind engrave? upon beson movies. the vision?In othermind InAnd onwords, further movies.if that as eva- ob-anIn further eva-ringdescribesas Budor to close the in describes elsewheres.outside the fourth spectator the wall.The outside atopiaIt fillingis the spectator of ancine- filling an jectluation imagewere we so inmight frequentlytheluation eye,query wedoes film,Lacan: might an “wrapping object doesquery the impressLacan: does theabsentthe maticcinema subject mechanism longabsent signified ago subjectreplaced that by wraps the signified the frame, the utopia wande- byso the frame, so [Budor]gazepermanently engrave? in uncertainty,”gaze In upon other engrave? vision?as words, Smithson In And asother an if conti- thatwords, ob- as anofas thetoring close future. Budor the Seated,as infourth to elsewheres. close lookingwall. the It fourth is outThe the at atopia cine- wall.the Itof is the cine- nues,imageject how in were the might eye,soimage frequently thedoes in world thean object eye,film,continue does “wrapping impress toan ap- object impressculturalmaticthe mechanism cinemalandscape,matic long that it’smechanism ago wrapsno replaced secret the that thatwande- the wraps utopia the wande- pear?permanently[Budor] For a inproper uponpermanently uncertainty,” vision?diagnosis Anduponas weSmithson if vision? thatshould ob- Andconti- if thatblockbusterring ob-of Budor the future. in science ringelsewheres. Seated, Budor fiction inlooking The elsewheres.has atopia inherited out atof Thethe atopia of observeject nues,were the sohow artist’sfrequentlyject might were contagion the sofilm, world frequently “wrapping in continue which film, to “wrapping ap- the culturalrolecinema of proposing longlandscape,the agocinema replacedother it’s long no worlds, secret agothe utopia replacedonce that the utopia cantankerous[Budor]pear? in Foruncertainty,” [Budor] aobjects proper in formed asdiagnosis uncertainty,” Smithson by thewe conti- asmodeshould Smithson theofconti- the blockbusterpursuit future. of Seated, ofbestselling thescience future. looking fiction utopian Seated, out has atnovels looking inheritedthe in out at the ofnues, spectacularobserve how might thenues, production artist’s the how world contagion might infect continue the consciou- inworld whichto ap- continue theculturalto ap-thenineteenth rolelandscape, ofcultural proposingcentury. it’s landscape, no It’s other secret these worlds, thatit’sproduc- no oncesecret that sness,pear?cantankerous Forreined a proper pear?by empirical objects diagnosisFor a properformed reality, we diagnosis shouldwithby the su- mode we shouldtionsblockbusterthe Budor pursuit prefersscienceblockbuster of bestselling to fiction exhume, science has utopian inheritedresuscita- fiction novels has in inherited blimatedobserveof spectacular the specificity. artist’sobserve production contagion the artist’s infectin whichcontagion consciou- in whichtingthe theroletheir nineteenth of unsettled proposingthe role century. remains. otherof proposing It’sworlds, these otheronce produc- worlds, once cantankeroussness, reinedcantankerous objects by empirical formed objects byreality, the formed modewith su- by thethe mode tionspursuit Budor of thebestselling prefers pursuit to ofutopian exhume, bestselling novels resuscita- utopian in novels in Alongof spectacularblimated these lines,specificity.of production spectacular the hall infectof production The consciou- Archi- infect consciou-Inthe Mental tingnineteenth their Parasite unsettledthe century. nineteenth Retreat remains.It’s 1these (2014)century. produc- Budor It’s these produc- tect’ssness, Plan, reined His sness,by Contagion empirical reined andreality, by empiricalSensitive with su- reality, withplaystions su- BudorDr. Frankenstein, preferstions Budor to exhume,integrating prefers resuscita- to the exhume, resuscita- CorridorsblimatedAlong specificity. (2015)theseblimated lines,bore athe specificity. prosthetic hall of The infra- Archi- ‘Surrogates’ting Intheir Mental unsettled chest tingParasite their plate remains. Retreat unsettled worn by1 (2014) Bruceremains. Budor structuretect’s fixedPlan, withHis Contagion scars from and 300: Sensitive Rise Willisplays into Dr.the Frankenstein, backrest of a integrating pale fleshy the ci- ofAlong anCorridors Empire these lines,. Along(2015)Criss-crossing the thesebore hall a lines,of prosthetic electricalThe the Archi- hall infra-pa- of The Archi-nemaIn Mental‘Surrogates’ seat. Parasite WhatIn Mentalchest was Retreat a plate Parasitefabric 1 worn(2014) cushion Retreat by Budor Bruce has 1 (2014) Budor nelstect’sstructure and Plan, broaching His fixedtect’s Contagion with Plan,the wall,scars His and siliconeContagion from Sensitive 300: inte- andRise SensitivebeenplaysWillis lifecastDr. Frankenstein,into asplaysthe silicone backrest Dr. Frankenstein,integrating substitute, of a pale the utili- fleshyintegrating ci- the stinesCorridorsof anrun Empire(2015) alongsideCorridors .bore Criss-crossing metal a (2015)prosthetic piping. bore electrical infra-The a prosthetic size pa- infra-zing‘Surrogates’nema the transformative seat. chest‘Surrogates’ What plate was technologiesworn achest fabric by plateBruce cushion ofworn has by Bruce ofstructure largenels televisions,and fixed broachingstructure with scarsthe fixed thewounded from wall, with 300: silicone scarsplanes Rise from inte- 300: HollywoodWillisRisebeen into lifecast the makeup Willisbackrest as into reservedsilicone ofthe a backrestpale substitute, for fleshymutant of ci-autili- pale fleshy ci- recallof anstines Empirea healed run. of Criss-crossingalongside Lucio an Empire Fontana. metal. Criss-crossing electrical Marapiping. Ho- Thepa- electricalsize beingsnema pa-zing seat. and the WhatBenjamin transformativenema was seat. Buttons.a fabric What technologies cushion wasThe chesta fabric has of cushion has bermannelsof and large noted broaching televisions,nels in Artforum and the broaching wall,the, April wounded silicone 2015, the inte-wall, planesthe siliconeexpandsbeen inte-Hollywood lifecast and retracts:asbeen makeup silicone lifecast lungs reserved substitute, as or silicone motor? for utili-mutant substitute,As utili- perversionstinesrecall run a alongside ofhealed stines“screens Lucio run metal of alongside Fontana.skin” piping. made MaraThemetal from size Ho- piping. Theazing new sizebeings the nightmare, transformative andzing Benjamin thethe chairtransformative technologies Buttons. is less chairThe oftechnologies chest of theof large bermanfalse televisions, skin noted ofon-screen. large in the Artforum televisions, wounded Yet their, April theplanessurgical 2015, wounded the planesthanHollywoodexpands appears. makeup andHollywood Though retracts: reserved without makeup lungs for the ormutant reserved cameomotor? Asfor mutant graderecallperversion astainless healedrecall ofLucio steel “screens a Fontana.healedframing of Lucio skin”mildly Mara Fontana.made Ho-deters from Mara object,beingsHo-a new asand anightmare, Benjaminseeminglybeings and theButtons. benign Benjaminchair elementTheis less chestButtons. chair of The chest Kristevanbermanthe false noted abjection: skinberman in Artforum on-screen. closer noted, Aprilto in Yet a Artforum cadaver 2015,their surgicalthe, ofApril 2015,theaterexpands thethan architecture, appears.and retracts:expands Though the lungsand seat without retracts: or situates motor? the lungs thecameo As or motor? As theperversion gradecinematic stainless of perversion“screensillusion steel than of of framingskin” its“screens corpse. made mildly of fromCer- skin” deters madebodya fromnewobject, in nightmare, the as movie aa newseemingly the machine nightmare, chair
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