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MICROFILMEE TE EXACTLY AS RECEIVED -NOUS L'AVONS THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN-PRAWN SHBRY: A CASE'STUDI OF LIMITED ZU01 FBASEB UNIVERSITY w 0 * A11 -rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced in whole or 2 #usuc.- I or etk7r7wans, uiythc r author. G . .e e b , APPROVAL t Name: * Jeffrey &* - - - ",-- -- "l 0 - - - 'i. kgrw: NY~tero-~-AL -- ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,Title of ~hei'is: The South Australian Prawn ish he;^: A Case Study of Limited Entr.y Regulation . 1 > Exami &pit tee : . a Chai r~ersdn: S. EastmJ -- - - A A- -- P. Copes Y Senior Supervi sor D. Maki R. * ~rowh External *Examine Department of Ge 34 . raphy - -- PARTIAL COPYRIGHT LICENSE -- - 1 -,- 1 , - .I hereby grant to Simon ~rasd~njversit~'the right to lend ' 1 my thesis or dissertation (the title3: which is shown below) to users f. c~fthe Simonv Fraser University Library, and to make partial or single I i , copied only r such users or in response to a request from the 1:ibrary i - "9;A- L -LL A A - -- -. .A u A - A - - - -- A - - -- -- --- - ---- of any other university, or other educational institution, -on its own . behalf or for one of its users. I further agree that permission for - -p - multiple~copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted - , -- - - -- - - - - -- 7- &-=, I e ,a; the Dean of Graduate Studies. It is understood that copying . or publicamn of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed wi,thout my wri tten perini ssion. % Title of Thesi s/Dissertation: - The- S outh- Aus t raM pri-Pf-am--~Fis fteery :--X Case Stuay 3 F TimitedDatta -- / I I Regulation Author : '(sigdaturG Jeffrey L. Byme 19 December 1978 (date) li , . - d 5 1 B 8 ABSTRACT '1. / I?- 6 The prawn fishery in South Bustdralia has, .since its f inception in the late 196.08.s, been subject to limitep ?try. reguzalion. It -has, as a resuft, avoidefthe orer&ioitatioq3 problems nor~allyassociqted witli coaman p . exploitation of the prawn stocks. In addition, the wealth and L - - - - --- - - - - - - efficiency implications of the current practice of allowing operators 'to retain all resource rents have. not been fully ' I 4 considered. This thesis attempt& to shed sone light on each of % these rat*Frs, ' 3 - B'ionomic models for each stock in the fishery were -- - constructed based on the fitting cf surplus yield- - - --- - - - - - - --- -- - --- - - -- functions to ob&rved catch and effort levels. This included development of nethods to stanaardise effort for changes in fishing unit characteristics and seasonal patterns of fishing. Analysis suigests that ad justaent bf 'the current number of licenced 0peIatQrs 'in each region is unlikely to signffieantly . increase lave IS qf0,eoonomic rent, but that operator efficiency 1 and the rant levd in the Gulf st. Vincent region would be operators at present appear to have an adverse effectkn Y. ABSTRACTm.m.a*wm.m*wmmm ..................&... ..............iii LIST QF TABLES ~.,,4...............t..mvi~\- . LIST OF FIGURES ...............m......m........o.............viii~ INTRODUCTION om*mmo..l ............................................- --up I - - ---- - BACKGROUND NOTES ON THE SQUTH AUSTRALIAN PRARN FISHERY.. .......6 '. % THE~JUSTIPICATIOBFOR REGULATION OF PISHERIES..............7 - -.'tkvsic~asr~ OF ~ff~FIS WR~ ~TSREG~WATI~H.~ .\-c;-. .~r , BIIILOGY OF THE SPECIES.. ...........m....m................l9 . THE *ISRING OPERATION AND STRUCTURE OF THE FLEET.. .22 SEASONALITY OF THE FISHERY* . a m6m 35 . THE IHPOBTAICE OF THE 49 THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE PLUS OF A FISHERY rn e3 5 - -- THE CCNCEPT OF ECONOHIC SURPLUS.. ..........mm..m......... 56 THE YIELD PUNCTIONmm..m mm.mmmmm.~rnmm*mmam.e*.mm*m*mm~m*mmm61 \ THE ESTIMATION OF FISHING'EPPORTm.~m.mm..m..~.m...~'~m..m~..mm.71 . A HODEL OF VESSEL PISHfNG POWEBmm.mmm-mmmo*mmm*mm*mmemm~~m72 . ................... .I * STANDARDIZATION OF EFFORT FOR IISHING POY ER CHANGES.. .....a1 . - STANDARDIZATION 0 F EFFORT FOR I NTRA-YEAR DISTBIBUTIONAL CHANGESmmmm*...m.mmmm*m*mm*m*mmmemmmmm.mm.m~*m*.*m*m~m9O - e ESTIHATION OF THE OPTIflBH LEVEL OF EXPLOITATION.. .............95 - - - '9 b ESTIHATION OF RESOURCE RENT. .e 0.. .I16 QUALIFYING CONSIDERATIOBSo.~..~m~m~m~e~ee~m~~m~~~~~~~~~~~l22 REGULATION OF PRAWN CAPTURE S'IZE.. ......................-127 ALLOCAT~ONOF ACCESS RIGHTS AID DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCE 1 c RENTS 133 - - ....................................................- * * - -- -- -- - - -- - - --- -- THE CHOXCE OF THE ACCESS RIGHT UNIT.. ....................I34 CLAIMANTS TO THE. RESOUBCE RENTS.. ....................... -145 AL~OCATIOII OF ACCESS RIGHTS.. ........................ .h,. -167 5% I ITS ON ISSUE M4D FOR YEAltS 1968 TO 1977 ............................... 16 . /- i I I AVERACE VESSEL LENGTH AND BEP MID PERCZRTAGE OP 4 VESSELS USING D~UBLERIG BY FLEET ErOR YEARS 1968. TO 1977 m..............*..........c...r..*...... 26 , -..- XXI ------.4-swEB-.pI4lf.-wSfEfi FOR- eAmIFtEET-------------y IN YEdRS 1971 TO 1977 ......................i......... 33 . 1 IV BlWTELY BPFORT INDI$ES BY REGION FOR PEABS 1968 ..-% TO 1977 (AVERAGE MONTHLY ABUNDANCE,IN EACH YEAR-100).. 39 $?' - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - \ V HDRTHLY ABUNDANCE INDICES BY-REGION FOR YEABg 1968- TO 1977 (AVEEUGEEIONTALY BFPORT IN EACH YEAW100).,... 41 P' P' PBAW FISHERY POp YWS1969/70 TO 1976177 ........... 50 "e 8 s F., - VII . ~T~LUTEDTOTAL VALUE OF AND VALUE OF AVERAGE CATC~~PEROPEBATOR BY YEARS 1969179 TO 1976/71 .r....+................................,....... 51 h cma. EFFORT AND CATCH PER UNIT OF ~RTBY~REGION FOR YEARS 4968 TO 1977... ............................. 100 ESTIMT REGIoBsAL YIELD CURVES.. ..............'. ...... 105 HYF'OTKETICAL RANGE AND OPTIMAL RESOUllCB \ RENT LEVELS FOR SP .......................... 118 n - \ 6-- + pr1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FI8EING - t - . F4EET FOR YEARS 1968 'Nl 1977:. ............. t.. ........ 139 -- - -- \ / XIV HYPOTEETICAL 'SP BATE SCALES FOR MCR-REGION AT 1977-78 LEVELS..........,..;...... r.... 163 t XV TY PAmSWHICII MDU~DHAVE BBK# Onom CAL ROYALTY BATE STRUCTURE BY OPERATORS IR THE YEARS 197 TO 1977-78.,.,. ........ 165 - )t er 1 'P C PBAW sJSHING REGIONS IN SOm AUSTRALU.................. !\I0 I &TIVE PREQUENCY DIsTRI~TION!~ OF VESSEL LERGTIi POll WESq-COAST SPB((CER GULF KBBT.............y.............. 24 AVERAGE mmy EFFORT INDEX LEVELS BY REGION odYEABS 1971 TO l977;..... ................,.,.......,.......... 44 % AVERAGE mTRLY ABUNDANCE INDEX LEVELS........,.....8...... 46 - -- - b - -- - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- DYNAMICS OF AN EXPLOITED FISH STOCK....................,... 62 RELCLTIOIOSRIP BETWEEN STOCKTOCKWEL, RECRUI'MENT AND SUSTAINABLE YI-......... .............................................. 66 . 95% CONFIDENCE I~RVACSrn~ LOG(LE#GTII) ,~OEPFICIENTSUS~G OVERALL, EtBGIONAL ANTJ YEARLY DATA..................;....... 84 . 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVALS FOR U)G(BEP> COEFFICIEHTS USING OVERALL, REGIONAL AND YEARLY DATA.......................... 85 - - -- - -- -- - - - ---- - - -- - -- -- -- --- 95% COWFIDENCE INTERVALS FOB DOUBtE RIG COEFPICIHNTIJSIXG TOTAL, RBGIONAL AND YEARLY DATA......... ................... 86 95% GOHFIDEHCE INTERVAL Pr)R LEAEN C0EqCIBW.C *USIS TOTU, ReGIORAL MID YEARLY DATA. ..........................;. ......... 87 YIELD, PBWWE rUlD COST CURVES FOR WE& COAST luoXoll.. ..... lF1 \ ' YIgLD, REVENUE AND COST CURVES FOR SP~ERCULF REGION.. ... 102 I YIELD, RETENUE AND COST CURVES FOIL GULP ST. VIIBCKHT REGION. 103 The economic theory of'the exploitation*of colnmon property ,. fishery resources has become widely known since the subject was d first elaborated in seminal articles by Gordon (1954). Scott , 0955) and Crutchfield (1956). It is now generally accepted that i-r; -order -trubtai;n resarnrce-rent-s 3rld m --a fTS~~~~~~;~FCWS~~T---
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