Fire Ecology Volume 9, Issue 3, 2013 Weir and Limb: Seasonal Variation in Quercus Leaf Litter Flammability doi: 10.4996/fireecology.0903080 Page 80 RESEARCH ARTICLE SEASONAL VARIATION IN FLAMMABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF QUERCUS MARILANDICA AND QUERCUS STELLATA LEAF LITTER BURNED IN THE LABORATORY John R. Weir1* and Ryan F. Limb2 1* Natural Resource Ecology and Management, 008C Ag Hall, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078, USA 2 School of Natural Resource Sciences, North Dakota State University, Department 7680, PO Box 6050, Fargo, North Dakota 58108, USA *Corresponding author: Tel.: 001-405-744-5442; e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT RESUMEN Historically, the Cross Timbers forest Históricamente, el bosque “Cross Timbers” de of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas burned Oklahoma, Kansas y Texas se quemaba fre- frequently. Fire managers in the region cuentemente. Los gestores del fuego en esta often have varied success when con- región han tenido un éxito desigual en la im- ducting prescribed fires, with one hy- plementación de quemas controladas, siendo pothesis being that fuel quality varies una de sus hipótesis que la calidad del com- with litter age. This study was designed bustible varia con la edad de la hojarasca. to determine the time-since-leaf-fall Este estudio fue diseñado para determinar la flammability characteristics of the two inflamabilidad de estos combustibles desde la dominant tree species in the Cross Tim- caída de la hoja para las dos especies domi- bers, Quercus marilandica and Q. stel- nantes en Cross Timbers, Quercus marilandi- lata. Principal components analysis in- ca y Q. stellata. Un análisis de componentes dicated that the burn characteristics of principales indica que las características de both species are strongly influenced by combustión de ambas especies están influidas time since the onset of leaf fall. The fuertemente por el tiempo transcurrido desde percent consumption of leaf litter and la caída de la hoja. El porcentaje de hojarasca flame time of the two species began to consumido y el tiempo de duración de la llama diverge at 123 days after leaf fall and de las dos especies comenzaron a divergir a continued throughout the remainder of 123 días de la caída de la hoja, manteniéndose the study. There was no difference be- durante el resto del estudio. No existieron tween the other flammability character- diferencias en otras características de flamabi- istics of ember time, total burn time, lidad, como duración de las pavesas, tiempo average temperature, and maximum total de consumo o temperatura media y máxi- temperature. Fuel consumption and fire ma. El consumo y comportamiento del fuego behavior in hardwood leaf litter fuels en la hojarasca de latifoliadas puede variar can vary considerably, possibly as re- considerablemente, posiblemente como resul- sult of fuel mass loss from decomposi- tado de la pérdida de masa debida a la descom- tion, which may due to a loss of flam- posición, lo que puede ser causado por la pér- mable material. Our results show that dida de material inflamable. Nuestros resulta- Fire Ecology Volume 9, Issue 3, 2013 Weir and Limb: Seasonal Variation in Quercus Leaf Litter Flammability doi: 10.4996/fireecology.0903080 Page 81 the longer the time period from leaf fall dos muestran que en estas especies de Quer- to burn, the greater the change in burn cus, la combustión varía más a medida que characteristics of these two Quercus pasa más tiempo desde la caída de la hoja. A species. By identifying these similari- través de la identificación de estas similitudes ties and differences between the leaf y diferencias entre la hojarasca de estas dos litter of dominant tree species, fire man- especies dominantes, los gestores del fuego agers can adjust fire prescriptions to pueden ajustar sus quemas controladas para better meet burn objectives. cumplir mejor con sus objetivos. Keywords: blackjack oak, litter consumption, prescribed fire, post oak Citation: Weir, J.R., and R.F. Limb. 2013. Seasonal variation in flammability of Quercus mari- landica and Quercus stellata leaf litter burned in the laboratory. Fire Ecology 9(3): 80–88. doi: 10.4996/fireecology.0903080 INTRODUCTION 1995, Sparks et al. 2002). Information is needed to determine if there is a time of year Fire and human activity have affected the better suited to promote fire spread and con- past and present ecology of oak forests sumption of these fuels, two major objectives (Abrams 1992). With increased fire exclusion of fire management in the region. in the twentieth century, the majority of oak Little information is available on seasonal savannas and woodlands have transitioned to leaf litter flammability characteristics in the closed canopy forests with corresponding Cross Timbers forest or in other oak forest sys- shifts in species composition (Dey and Hart- tems. Some studies have investigated fire ef- man 2005, DeSantis et al. 2011). The Cross fects on oak leaf litter, showing the importance Timbers, or post oak (Quercus stellata Wan- of fuel moisture, leaf shape, and fuel loading genh.)-blackjack oak (Q. marilandica (Graham and McCarthy 2006, Schwilk and Muenchh.), forest contains about 19 million Caprio 2011); others reported results of fire in- ha of upland hardwood forest-tallgrass prairie, tensity, fire temperature, and total combustion, ranging from southeastern Kansas, through but not as an important component of the Oklahoma, and into north Texas (Engle 1994). study, leaving us with limited information on Historically this region was prone to frequent flammability (Boyer 1990, Masters and Engle fire (Stambaugh and Guyette 2006, Clark et 1994, Engle and Strizke 1995, Clinton et al. al. 2007, Stambaugh et al. 2009), but due to 1998, Boerner et al. 2000). Also, these and settlement, landscape fragmentation, and fire other studies only evaluated burning at a single suppression, the historic fire pattern has been time of the year, not throughout the entire year interrupted. (Kane et al. 2008, Engber and Varner 2012). As fire management personnel in the re- Several of these studies were also conducted gion reintroduce fire, they have experienced with fuels intermixed with pine or 10 hr varied success. The flammability and fire be- timelag fuels, which can change the overall havior in the leaf litter fuels seem to be unpre- flammability of the fuel bed. We could not dictable (Sparks et al. 2007). From other find any research that specifically addressed studies and personal experience of the senior the seasonal flammability of oak leaf litter, author, the traditional late winter to early specifically Q. stellata and Q. marilandica. spring fires often fail to spread or consume lit- Species-specific leaf flammability is an impor- tle of the leaf litter fuels (Engle and Strizke tant component of total flammability (Fonda et Fire Ecology Volume 9, Issue 3, 2013 Weir and Limb: Seasonal Variation in Quercus Leaf Litter Flammability doi: 10.4996/fireecology.0903080 Page 82 al. 1998). In this study, we removed all of the time; earlier in the sample period fuel beds field variation of temperature, relative humidi- were thicker and less compact due to leaf size ty, fuel moisture, additional fuels, and burning (3 cm to 4 cm deep). As time from leaf fall in- in only one season to determine if there was creased, leaves were often broken and more any variation in flammability throughout the decomposed, which made the fuel beds more year of these leaf litter fuels, as well as differ- compact and thinner (2 cm to 3 cm deep). ences in flammability between the two oak Each prepared sample was placed under a 62 species. Based on our past field observations cm × 98 cm laboratory fume hood with the we hypothesized that time-since-leaf-fall will vent running. Four 25 cm long pieces of 1.4 greatly affect the burn characteristics of both kg cotton string were soaked in xylene and Q. stellata and Q. marilandica, and will do so placed overlapping each other on top of the relatively similarly between species. This sample, and within 2 cm of the sample edge, to study increases the knowledge base of oak lit- achieve ignition. The string was ignited at a ter flammability from this region and poten- single point and the fume hood door closed. tially elsewhere, and increases the effective- Initially the twine was placed under the sam- ness and predictability of prescribed fire. ples, as described by Taylor and Fonda (1990), but consistent and even ignition of the samples METHODS could not be obtained using this method. A type K thermocouple of 24 AWG insulated Leaf samples were collected monthly from wire was positioned 10 cm above the center of leaf fall in November 2006 until the initiation the tray then attached to a ExTech™ of the next year’s leaf fall in October 2007, on EasyView15 thermometer datalogger (FLIR the Oklahoma State University Research Commercial Systems, Nashua, New Hamp- Range, located 13 km west of Stillwater, Okla- shire, USA) to record maximum and average homa, USA. Samples were randomly collect- burn temperatures (average of temperature ed each time from the surface layer of litter from ignition to extinction of last glowing em- within the same 50 m × 50 m area. The sam- ber). In the darkened laboratory, flame time ples were separated by species, Q. stellata and (time from ignition to extinction of last flame) Q. marilandica, and placed in paper bags to and total burn time (time from ignition to ex- facilitate drying. Leaves were oven dried at tinction of last glowing ember) was recorded 49°C for a minimum of 72 hr prior to burning with a stopwatch. From these two readings we in the laboratory to ensure consistent fuel determined ember time (time from the extinc- moisture content among all samples. To re- tion of last flame to the extinction of last glow- duce sample variation due to absorption of ing ember).
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