.·· L·E.BA · L··.·... L' . T· GENEIRACLELECTION P NOVEMBER 3, J 992 . .FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT, Fqr Presid~ LEJiOftA B. FtJLANJ. For LES AUCOIN D£MocRAT ·~ .. TEO KULONGOSKI OEMOCRAT . Forty-Sixth District VOTEFORONE AND ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE V1ce Pr es ident, MARIA ELIZABETH SECRETARY or STATE VOTEFOR ONE BOB J ELLIS o£MOCRAr PRESIDENT MUNOZ. For New Alliance Party Presidential BOB PACKWOOD REPUBLICAN 'f PHIL KEISLING D£MocRAr FRED OERTHER LIBERTARIAN · · (Your ballot v~ win be counted as one vote for each of Electo rs: Rose Marie Borchers, Melissa r BILL MARKHAM REPUBLICAN the sev.en candidates tor presidential electors to support Fisher, Sarah 0. Lyons, Raymond Gerald _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J SARAH D. LYONS NEW ALLIANCE PARTY RICH RODEMAN REPU8llt;AN your choice tor President and Vitj) President) VOTE FOR · Monroe, Barbara Soriano, Lilly Statzer, Pat CtiEGROuP · Wagner .. G. U.S. REPRESfNTAliVE IN CONGREsi; RANDY MILLER REPUBLICAN --~~---------------- Se&Otld Dislricl VOTE FOR ONE -'~ STATE'REPRESENTATIVE, LIBERTARIAN CANDIDATES SHAUN SAVAGE LIBERTARIAN REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES STATE SENATOR, Forty· NInth Dl strict VOTE FOR ONE For President, ANDRE MARROU. For DENZEL FERGUSON OEMOCRAT ;~ Twenty· Third.District VOTE FOR ONE for President GEORGE BUSH. For Vice . ~~f. Vi.ce President, NANCY LORD. For BOB REPINE REPU6LICAI'I President, DAN QUAYLE. For Republican . Libertarian ·Presidential Electors: Kristopher ROBERT F. (BOB)SMITH REPUBLI~ JJOD JOHNSON REPUBliCAN Presidential Electors: Craig l. Berkman, · K. Barrett, Blair Bobier, Spencer Hicks, STATe TREASURER VOTE FOR ONE ·Anita Conn, Larry Farris, June Hartley, Cathy . Edward Manhart, Tonie Nathan, Fred Oerther, JUDI PETTENGILL OEMOCAAT Leonard, Candence Mumm, Bill Stallings. Jon E. Zimmer. ROSE MARIE BORCHERS NEW AJ.LIANCWRlY . U.S. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS,;~ STATE REPRESENTATIVE, INDEPENDENT INITIATIVE PARTY Fourth District VOTE fOR ONE ~~ DAVID CHEN REPUBLICAN fifty· First District VOTEFOR ONE DEMOCRATIC CANDIPATES OF OREGON CANDIDATES STATE SENATOR, PETER D.EFAZIO OEMOCAAT ELDON JOHNS~N REPUBliCAII For President, BILL CLINTON. For Vice JIM HILL OEMOCRAT Twenty-Fifth District VOTE FOR ONE President, Al GORE. For Democratic For President~ ROSS PEROT. For Vice President, JAMES STOCKD.ALE. For RICHARD l. SCHUtZ REPU8LiCAII :. .· ·Presidential Electors: Donald Allen, Wayne Independent Initiative Party of Oregon BRADY ADAMS REPUBLICAN Anderson, Scott Bartlett, Eleanor Edmondson, Moshe Lenske, Judy Tuttle, AI Presidential Electors: Sherman Alldredge, REBECCA BROWN DEMOCRAT Young. · Ctlarles H. Boggess, C. Halvorson, Richard Tarnutzer, Deborah M. Thomas, Edwin S. Thomas; William J. We!c~ . Nonpartisan Candidates & Measures STATE OFfiCES COUNCILMEMBER, WARD 1, NW AREA ESTIMATE OF FINANCIAL IMPACT: No imme· SUMMARY: Enacts new law. Suspends opera· Effect on Local Government: In 1993-94, this COUNTY MEASURE VOTE FOR ONE . diate financial impact. The Legi~lature must still lion of Trojan. Provides that no Oregon nu~lear measure would increase property tax revenues · ------------ JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT H.AlBLAKE approve e~pen ditures and bond authority. Bond power plant, including Trojan, Shall operate to local school districts and community col· PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION POSITION SEVEN . ---------· --.----- repayment options .to be determined. u~less !he ~nergy Facility Si.ting ..cou~cil finds, leges by ~3~0 million. In 1994·95. this mea· Nonpartisan Cancfidates & Measures . STATE OFFICES COUNCILMEMBER, WARD 1, NW AREA ESTIMATE OF FINANCIAL IMPACT: No lmme· SUMMARY: Enacts new law. Suspends opera· Effect on Local Government: In 1993-94, this COUNTY MEASURE VOTE FOR ONE diate financial impact. The Legislature must still. • tion of Trojan. Provides that no Oregon nuclear measure would increase property tax revenues JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT HAL BLAKE approve expenditures and bond authority. Bond power plant. including Trojan, shan operate to local school districts and community col- · PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION POSITION SEVEN . repayment options to be determined. ·''~ unless the Energy Facility Siting Council finds, leges by $380 million. In 1994·95, this mea· VOlE FOR ONE MARGARET BRADFORD YES · · .. after a hearing: a permanent radioactive waste sure would increase property tax revenues to 17.1 Charter change to require library repository has been federally licensed and is local school districts and community colleges SUSAN GRABER, Incumbent JOHN MORRISON support. · NO accepting waste; the plant is then cost-effec· by $592 million. In 1995·96 and eac h year tive; the plant can withstand major earthquakes · thereafter, this measure would increase proper· QUESTION: Shall the county charter be without harming the pu~lic; and allowable radi· ty tax reve nues to local school districts and changed to require support and maintenance of Amends :·Oregon Constitution: libraries? JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS 2. · ation releases do ·not harmthe public. If leg isla· community colleges by $851 million. COUNCILMEMBER, WARD 2, NE AREA Future fuel taxes may go to parks. ture declares electric power emergency and Administrative Costs: In 1993-94, this measure . SUMMARY: This measure would change the POSITION FiVE VOTE ~OR ONE county charter. It would add a section to the · VOTfi FOR ONE QUESTION: Shall Oregon's Constitution be .· refers the question, voters may suspend or would increase expenditures by counties by .KEVIN DEFOREST amended to allow legislature to dedicate future repeal this law. $2.2 million for implementation. In 1994·95 charter. This measure would require the board ROBERT D. DURHAM, Incumbent motor vehicle fuel tax increases for state EStiMATE OF FINANCIAL IMPACT: In 19.95· and each year thereafter, this measure would . of Commissione rs to support and maintain JERI. HOLT . park purposes? 96, local schools property tax revenues wHI be increase expenditures by $250,000. In 1993-94 libraries. The main library and litJrary branches DON HUBERTY . SUMMAR Y: Amends Oregon Constitution. The reduce<! by $1.6 million and other taxing dis· and again in 1994·95, th is measu re wou ld are specifie{l. The level of support is not speci­ Constitution now limits use of motor vehicle · tricts property tax revenues will be reduced by increase expenditures by state government by fied. The method of support is not specified.· $76,000. In 1995-96, the State is obligated to $0.6 million tor implementation. In 1995·96 The number of branch libraries is not specified. COUNTY OFFICES · fuel taxes to constfuction and maintenance of public roqds and roadside rest areas. This replace property tax revenues lost to the public · and each year thereafter, this measure would COUNCILMEMBER, WARD 3, SE AREA change would allow the legislature to dedicate school system. increase expenditures by state government by YES COUNTY COMMISSIONER ~ $0.5 million. · VOTE FOR Ot'IE . future increases In fuel taxes for t~e purchase, YES District 2, Posillon 2 VOTE FOR ONE development and care of state parks and recre· NO TIM HOWE YES HAfU)Lo L. HAUGEN ation sites. Fuel tax.i ncreases for parks purpos­ NO es would.be lim~ed to two cents per gaJIQn NO CLARENCE R. KOLKOW every two years: The change would not apply to 6. Bans Trojan power 011eration unless . COUNCILMEMBER, WARD 4, SW AREA .fuel taxes now collected. earthquake, wa ste storage condition·s 8. Restricts lower Columbia fish har­ ESTIMATE OF FINANCIAL IMPACT: No lmme· met. · VOTE FOR.ONE vest to most selective means avail­ .~i$le fiO~IlC)<!I . irnpa~t. T~~ ~f.le.ct_o n revenues ...,.,..,,.u. s T · COUNTY COMNIIS$JON~8. ·· fL C ·~JAClC" JfOUJHS:. and e~pendttures IS tie pendent upon future leg- ( ..0 ur.:a ,,.... : hall !aw ban fOJ8R nuclear power aiJie~ District 3, Position 3 VOTE fOR ONE islative action. · · . ·. plant operation unless plant meets earthquake . QUESTION: Shalrstate law restrict lower standards, and until .permanent waste storage SUSAN D. LILY . Columbia River fis.hing to most selective means YES · ·. i. site available? available, to allow release· of non-targeted fish IRVIN R. WHmNG .. NO SUMMARY: Act requires independent study of unharmed? eartllquak~ risk at, near Trojan site, plant's abil· SUMMARY: Act sets poUcy to harvest fiSh in ILLINOIS VALLEY SOIL &WATER ity to withs tand earthquake. Unless Siting lower Columbia River by most selective means CONSERVATION DISTRICT . Council finds Trojan plant can withstand possi­ PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION availabl e. Harvest between Columbia mouth ble earthquake without harm to life, property, and Bonneville Dam must·be by most selective COUNTY ASSESSOR VOTE FOR ONE . DirecJor-Zone 1, (4 year term) VOTEFOR ONE . natural resources, plant must cease operation. methods, to allow non-target fish to be MICKEY RHODES LEWIS KRAUSS 3. Amends Oregon Constitution: limits Operator must pay for, cooperate with studies. returned to water unharmed. State must pre­ terms for legislature , statewide Bans .Trojan operation 30 days after Act ta~es pare management plans lor species affected by effect until federal permanent waste storage harvest, oppose some Columbia River gillnet· offices, congressional offices. site available or on-site storage does not QUESTION: Shall Oregon's Constitution be ting. Plan goals are to protect native species, COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER . Direct o r-l~ e 4, (4 year term) VOTE FOR ONE exceed plant's annual production. Plaot closing genetic diversity of those species. State may amended to limit terms for Oregon legislators, costs not includab le in ra tes. Citizens may VOTE FOR ONE No Candidate Flied statewide elected officers, and Oregon 's U.S. sell salmon if numbers exceed goals, use pro· intervene in rulemaking, contested case pro· ceeds to carry out Act. Act enforceable by law·· GEORGEnE BROWN Cong ress members? ceedings. SUMMARY: Amends Oregon Constitution. suits against state. ESTIMATE OF FINANCIAL IMPACT: In 1995- ESTIMATE OF FINANCIAL IMPACT: In 1993- Director-Zone 5, (4 year term) VOTE FOR ONE· Limits terms in certain elected oHic.es during 96, local schools property tax revenues will be person's lifetime. Limits apply only to terms 94, State expenditures will be $1.6 million for .
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