1 of 33 Pollok CP Species List 16/06/2017 Group Taxon Name Common Name Earliest Latest NumRecs acarine Eriophyes tiliae 2008 2009 2 amphibian Bufo bufo Common Toad 1996 2015 52 amphibian Lissotriton helveticus Palmate Newt 2008 2011 21 amphibian Rana temporaria Common Frog 1996 2016 136 bacterium Anabaena 2015 2015 1 bird Acanthis flammea Common (Mealy) Redpoll 1982 2014 6 bird Accipiter nisus Sparrowhawk 1952 2015 29 bird Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper 1999 1999 1 bird Aegithalos caudatus Long-tailed Tit 1990 2015 35 bird Alauda arvensis Skylark 1990 2008 3 bird Alcedo atthis Kingfisher 1985 2014 40 bird Anas crecca Teal 2008 2009 11 bird Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 1988 2015 14 bird Anser anser Greylag Goose 2015 2015 1 bird Anser brachyrhynchus Pink-footed Goose 2015 2015 1 bird Apus apus Swift 1990 2015 17 bird Ardea cinerea Grey Heron 1993 2015 26 bird Asio otus Long-eared Owl 1987 1987 1 bird Bombycilla garrulus Waxwing 1989 2013 7 bird Buteo buteo Buzzard 1988 2016 58 bird Carduelis carduelis Goldfinch 2008 2016 36 bird Certhia familiaris Treecreeper 1991 2016 29 bird Chloris chloris Greenfinch 1990 2016 9 bird Chroicocephalus ridibundus Black-headed Gull 1996 2013 2 bird Cinclus cinclus Dipper 1997 1997 1 bird Columba livia Feral Pigeon 2009 2009 1 bird Columba oenas Stock Dove 1890 1997 3 bird Columba palumbus Woodpigeon 1991 2015 6 bird Corvus corax Raven 2008 2014 2 bird Corvus cornix Hooded Crow 2016 2016 1 bird Corvus corone agg. Carrion Crow 1990 2009 12 bird Corvus corone x cornix Carrion/Hooded Crow Hybrid 2012 2012 1 bird Corvus frugilegus Rook 1935 2015 4 bird Corvus monedula Jackdaw 1991 2015 9 bird Coturnix coturnix Quail 1909 1910 1 bird Crex crex Corncrake 1953 1953 2 bird Cuculus canorus Cuckoo 1996 1996 1 bird Cyanistes caeruleus Blue Tit 1988 2016 25 2 of 33 Pollok CP Species List 16/06/2017 Group Taxon Name Common Name Earliest Latest NumRecs bird Delichon urbicum House Martin 1990 2015 4 bird Dendrocopos major Great Spotted Woodpecker 1952 2016 54 bird Emberiza citrinella Yellowhammer 1990 1990 1 bird Erithacus rubecula Robin 1991 2016 14 bird Falco peregrinus Peregrine 1995 2009 2 bird Falco tinnunculus Kestrel 1994 2014 3 bird Fringilla coelebs Chaffinch 1991 2016 9 bird Fringilla montifringilla Brambling 1990 1997 6 bird Gallinago gallinago Snipe 2008 2009 2 bird Gallinago media Great Snipe 1901 1901 1 bird Gallinula chloropus Moorhen 2005 2015 8 bird Garrulus glandarius Jay 1984 2017 16 bird Haematopus ostralegus Oystercatcher 2010 2015 6 bird Hirundo rustica Swallow 1939 2016 46 bird Larus fuscus Lesser Black-backed Gull 1993 2014 3 bird Loxia curvirostra Common Crossbill 1990 2017 14 bird Mergus merganser Goosander 1996 2015 10 bird Motacilla alba subsp. yarrellii Pied Wagtail 1997 2014 7 bird Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail 2008 2015 6 bird Muscicapa striata Spotted Flycatcher 1991 1991 2 bird Numenius arquata Curlew 1991 1991 1 bird Numenius phaeopus Whimbrel 1987 1987 1 bird Parus major Great Tit 1993 2016 17 bird Perdix perdix Grey Partridge 1990 1990 1 bird Periparus ater Coal Tit 1991 2016 6 bird Phalacrocorax carbo Cormorant 1991 2015 5 bird Phylloscopus collybita Chiffchaff 1939 2016 42 bird Phylloscopus sibilatrix Wood Warbler 1952 1994 5 bird Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler 1982 2015 7 bird Pica pica Magpie 1982 2011 12 bird Picus viridis Green Woodpecker 1996 1996 1 bird Poecile montana Willow Tit 1927 1928 1 bird Prunella modularis Dunnock 1991 2016 7 bird Psittacula krameri Ring-necked Parakeet 2015 2015 2 bird Pyrrhula pyrrhula Bullfinch 1990 2016 55 bird Regulus regulus Goldcrest 1990 2016 21 bird Riparia riparia Sand Martin 1990 2013 6 bird Scolopax rusticola Woodcock 1952 2008 12 3 of 33 Pollok CP Species List 16/06/2017 Group Taxon Name Common Name Earliest Latest NumRecs bird Sitta europaea Nuthatch 2008 2016 94 bird Spinus spinus Siskin 1982 2016 17 bird Streptopelia decaocto Collared Dove 1992 2014 3 bird Strix aluco Tawny Owl 1996 2014 17 bird Sturnus vulgaris Starling 1991 2010 3 bird Sylvia atricapilla Blackcap 1980 2015 35 bird Sylvia borin Garden Warbler 1952 1953 1 bird Sylvia communis Whitethroat 1990 2008 2 bird Tetrao tetrix Black Grouse 1916 1917 1 bird Tringa ochropus Green Sandpiper 1909 1910 1 bird Troglodytes troglodytes Wren 1991 2016 10 bird Turdus iliacus Redwing 1990 2015 53 bird Turdus merula Blackbird 1990 2013 8 bird Turdus philomelos Song Thrush 1991 2016 29 bird Turdus pilaris Fieldfare 1988 2016 26 bird Turdus torquatus Ring Ouzel 1990 1990 1 bird Turdus viscivorus Mistle Thrush 1990 2016 19 bird Vanellus vanellus Lapwing 1991 1991 1 bony fish Gasterosteus aculeatus Three-spined Stickleback 2009 2010 3 bony fish Perca fluviatilis Perch 2004 2005 1 bony fish Phoxinus phoxinus Minnow 2010 2010 3 centipede Chilopoda Centipede 2004 2005 1 centipede Geophilus carpophagus 2006 2006 1 centipede Lithobius variegatus 2006 2006 1 conifer Taxus baccata Yew 1983 2010 3 crustacean Androniscus dentiger Rosy Woodlouse 1990 1990 1 crustacean Oniscus asellus Common Shiny Woodlouse 1990 2009 13 crustacean Philoscia muscorum Common Striped Woodlouse 2006 2008 7 crustacean Porcellio scaber Common Rough Woodlouse 1990 2009 5 crustacean Trichoniscus pusillus Common Pygmy Woodlouse 1990 2008 5 fern Asplenium ruta-muraria Wall-rue 1983 1983 1 fern Asplenium trichomanes Maidenhair Spleenwort 1983 1983 1 fern Athyrium filix-femina Lady-fern 1982 1989 6 fern Azolla filiculoides Water Fern 2011 2011 1 fern Blechnum spicant Hard-fern 1982 1986 3 fern Dryopteris affinis Scaly Male-fern 1986 1986 2 fern Dryopteris dilatata Broad Buckler-fern 1982 2010 6 fern Dryopteris filix-mas Male-fern 1982 1987 5 4 of 33 Pollok CP Species List 16/06/2017 Group Taxon Name Common Name Earliest Latest NumRecs fern Osmunda regalis Royal Fern 1983 1983 1 fern Phyllitis scolopendrium Hart's-tongue 1986 1986 1 fern Pteridium aquilinum Bracken 1982 1987 5 flatworm Arthurdendyus triangulatus New Zealand Flatworm 1997 2013 9 flowering plant Acer platanoides Norway Maple 1986 2010 5 flowering plant Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore 1904 2010 11 flowering plant Achillea millefolium Yarrow 1982 1987 4 flowering plant Achillea ptarmica Sneezewort 1983 2015 4 flowering plant Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel 1984 1996 1 flowering plant Aegopodium podagraria Ground-elder 1982 1989 5 flowering plant Aesculus hippocastanum Horse-chestnut 1983 2013 7 flowering plant Agrostis capillaris Common Bent 1986 1987 2 flowering plant Agrostis stolonifera Creeping Bent 1986 1987 2 flowering plant Aira praecox Early Hair-grass 1986 1986 1 flowering plant Ajuga reptans Bugle 1982 1986 2 flowering plant Alchemilla glabra Smooth Lady's-mantle 1983 1987 2 flowering plant Alisma lanceolatum Narrow-leaved Water-plantain 1984 1996 1 flowering plant Alisma plantago-aquatica Water-plantain 1987 1987 1 flowering plant Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard 1983 2010 4 flowering plant Allium ursinum Ramsons 1987 2015 2 flowering plant Alnus glutinosa Alder 1986 2011 3 flowering plant Alopecurus geniculatus Marsh Foxtail 1987 1987 1 flowering plant Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Foxtail 1982 1989 4 flowering plant Anemone nemorosa Wood Anemone 1986 2014 2 flowering plant Angelica sylvestris Wild Angelica 1982 1986 3 flowering plant Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal-grass 1982 1989 5 flowering plant Anthriscus sylvestris Cow Parsley 1982 1987 3 flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana Thale Cress 1983 1986 2 flowering plant Arctium minus Lesser Burdock 1982 1987 3 flowering plant Arrhenatherum elatius False Oat-grass 1982 1987 5 flowering plant Aster novi-belgii Confused Michaelmas-daisy 1986 1987 2 flowering plant Atriplex patula Common Orache 1982 1986 2 flowering plant Barbarea vulgaris Winter-cress 1986 1986 1 flowering plant Bellis perennis Daisy 1982 1989 8 flowering plant Betula pendula Silver Birch 1986 1986 2 flowering plant Betula pubescens Downy Birch 1986 1987 3 flowering plant Bromopsis ramosa Hairy-brome 1983 1983 1 flowering plant Bromus hordeaceus Lesser Soft-Brome 1989 1989 1 5 of 33 Pollok CP Species List 16/06/2017 Group Taxon Name Common Name Earliest Latest NumRecs flowering plant Buddleja 2010 2010 1 flowering plant Callitriche stagnalis Common Water-starwort 1986 1987 2 flowering plant Calluna vulgaris Heather 1986 1986 2 flowering plant Caltha palustris Marsh-marigold 1986 1986 1 flowering plant Calystegia sepium Hedge Bindweed 1986 1987 2 flowering plant Campanula latifolia Giant Bellflower 1983 1987 2 flowering plant Campanula poscharskyana Trailing Bellflower 1996 1997 1 flowering plant Campanula rotundifolia Harebell 1986 1986 1 flowering plant Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's-purse 1982 1987 2 flowering plant Cardamine flexuosa Wavy Bitter-cress 1982 1987 5 flowering plant Cardamine pratensis Cuckooflower 1982 2010 9 flowering plant Carex aquatilis Water Sedge 1991 1992 1 flowering plant Carex disticha Brown Sedge 1991 1992 1 flowering plant Carex flacca Glaucous Sedge 1986 1986 1 flowering plant Carex hirta Hairy Sedge 2015 2015 1 flowering plant Carex leporina Oval Sedge 1986 1987 2 flowering plant Carex nigra Common Sedge 1986 1986 1 flowering plant Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed 1983 2015 5 flowering plant Cerastium fontanum Common Mouse-ear 1982 1987 5 flowering plant Cerastium glomeratum Sticky Mouse-ear 1989 1989 1 flowering plant Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-summer 1986 1986 1 flowering plant Chamerion angustifolium Rosebay Willowherb 1982 1987 4 flowering plant Chrysosplenium oppositifolium Opposite-leaved Golden-saxifrage 2010 2010 3 flowering plant Circaea lutetiana Enchanter's-nightshade 1982 1983
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