Cambridge University Press 0521839890 - Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia Vince Boudreau Index More information Index 1947 constitution (Burma), 84 Asian currency crisis of 1997–1998, 225, 30 Comrades, 43, 76 236, 240, 245 Abad-Santos, Pedro, 67 Aspinall, Edward, 113 ABRI see Indonesian military Ateneo de Manila, 143 ABSU, 202, 205 Aung Gyi, 190, 192, 194, 195, 198, 209, Aceh, 103, 110, 119–120, 165, 235, 237 212, 213, 244 AFL-CIO, 222 Aung San, 43, 44–45 Africa, 17, 19 Aung San Suu Kyi, 190, 209 agrarian reform campaign (Indonesia), 60 Austerity Movement, 113 Akhmadi, Heri, 116 Aveneri, Shlomo, 33 Aksi kaprihatinan, 230 Avila, Charles, 144 All-Burma Student Union, see ABSU Ayatollah Khomeini, 125 Alvarez, Heherson, 62 Ambon, 110 baden perjuangan, 57 American Society of Travel Agents, 145 Bali, 7, 9, 128 Amnesty International, 7 BANDILLA, 182 Amoy, 43 Bandung, 108, 113, 117, AMRSP (Philippines), 137 225, 229 Angkatan 66, 110, 157, 163 barangay, 134 Anglo-Burmese Wars, 40, 41 basic Christian communities, 177 anti-Chinese violence: in Burma, 88, 91, Bataan, 150 101, 155, 203; in Indonesia, 106, 113, Bataan nuclear power plant, 177 223–224, 225, 233 BAYAN, 182–183, 184 Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League Beissinger, Mark, 24 (AFPFL), 45–49 Benjarmasin, 224, 234 Anti-Fascist Organization (Burma), Bicol, 138 44–45 Bloody Friday, 194, 195 Anti-Fascist Students League (Burma), 97 BMP, 140 anti-Japanese violence (Indonesia), Bogor, 116 114–115 Bratton, 31 April 6th Liberation Movement, 144, Britain, 20, 59 144–145, 178 British Aerospace, 222 Aquino, Agapito (Butch), 181 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Aquino, Benigno, 62, 136, 142–144, 148, 14, 193, 201, 205, 213 151, 166, 178–180, 181, 182, 183, Budiman, Arief, 112, 128 186, 240 Burma, 3, 29, 37–51, 53, 54, 65, 66, 103, Aquino, Corazon, 179, 180, 181, 182, 104, 105, 116, 136, 137, 148, 184–185, 188, 249, 250 149–150, 152, 156 Aquino family, 81, 134 Burma Independence Army, 43–44, 48 Arakan, 193 Burma Medical Association, 206 ASEAN, 117 Burma Socialist Program Party, 39, Asia, 17 84–86, 89–90, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 100, 282 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521839890 - Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia Vince Boudreau Index More information Index 283 154, 157, 162, 167, 192, 200, Chinese: Embassy, 91; in Burma, 90–91;in 212–213, 244 Indonesia, 51, 54; in the Philippines, Burma Trade Union Congress, 46–47 69 Burmese: Assembly elections, 42; CIDES, 223 Communist Party (BCP), 8, 39, 42, 43, Cipinang jail, 131 45–46, 48, 50, 71, 75, 79, 79–80, 81, civil associations, 18 84, 87, 91, 96, 97–99, CNL, 137 154–155, 159, 197, 203, 214; Coalition of Organizations for the constitution (1935), 42; constitution Restoration of Democracy (1974), 43, 101; democracy (Philippines); see CORD movement, 3, 35, 190–214, 238–254; Cold War, 8, 17, 34, 78, 81 labor strikes, 92–93, 93–94, 99; collective repertoire, 20, 22 military, 6, 8, 9, 37, 46, 48, 48–49, colonial education: in Burma, 65, 67, 75, 49–51, 77, 77–78, 86–87, 89–90, 93, 76; in Indonesia, 67; in the Philippines, 94–95, 98, 99, 101, 153, 154, 159, 65, 67 159–160, 165, 170, 199–201, 206, colonial rule, 37, 75–76 American, 41, 42, 208, 210, 212, 213, 214, 245, 249, 64–68, 69; British, 39, 40–45, 54, 251; military coup of 1962, 6, 37, 54–55, 56, 59, 75–76; Dutch, 41, 37–40, 50–51, 81, 83, 85, 86, 88, 101; 53–57, 59, 75–76; in Burma, 54, military takeover of 1988, 210; 54–55, 56, 75–76; in India, 40;in Nationalist Army (BNA), 44–45; Indonesia, 42, 53–57, 59, 75–76;inthe protest, 11, 12, 18, 152, 157, 158, Philippines, 64–68, 69, 75–76, 163 159–160, 162, 190–214, 217; Comintern, 43, 68 Revolutionary Council, 39; student Command and General Staff College union, 37, 50–51, 81, 86, 99, 101; (Philippines), 71 student protest, 6, 8, 81, 90–91, 93–99, Communist Party of the Philippines/New 100; Way to Socialism, 39, 50, 84, 192, People’s Army (CPP/NPA), see, 200; Workers and Peasants Party, Philippine, Communist Party. 46–47, 89 Congress of the Filipino People, see Bush, George, 213, 214 KOMPIL. Constitutional Commission (Philippines), Cairo, 233, 234 62, 73 Callahan, Mary, 44 Constitutional Referendum of 1984 Cambodia, 2 (Philippines), 180 Camp Aguinaldo, 184 contentious forms, 24, 26, 28–30, Camp Crame, 183, 184 30–36, 35 caretaker government (Burma), Conveners’ Group (Philippines), 182 48, 77 CORD, 181, 182 Carter, Jimmy, 141 Cordilleras, 150 Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Corporatism, 60, 62, 80, 103 Philippines, 177 cross-boys, 109–110 Catholic Church (Philippines), 72, Crouch, Harold, 113 137–138, 141, 148, 156, 160, CSM (Philippines), 137 160–161, 177, 180, 184 Cultivation System (Indonesia), 54 Catholic clergy, 141, 180 cultural center of the Philippines, 177 Cebu, 181 Cultural Revolution, 90–91 Central Bank (Philippine), 70, 70–74 Central Intelligence Agency, 7 Darul Islam, 121 Central Java, 51 Davao, 183 Central Luzon, 78 Dayak, 224 Ceribon, 225 Democratic Students’ Organization, 39 Chauk, 93 demonstration effect, 30 Chico River Dam, 150 decolonization, 19–22, 75–77; in Burma, China, 41, 197 21, 54, 54–55, 56, 69, 75–77;in Chinese Communist Party, 43 India, 31; in Indonesia, 19, 21, 53–57, © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521839890 - Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia Vince Boudreau Index More information 284 Index 66, 69, 75–77; in the Philippines, 66, Federation of Free Workers (Philippines), 75–77; in Southeast Asia, 19, 21 72, 160 democracy, 23, 32–33, 179, 200, 204 fifth force, 61 Democracy Defense Team, 229 fighting peacock, 98, 101, 171, 196, 202 Democracy Forum, 130–131, 219 First Class Native Schools (Dutch), 53 democracy protest, 1, 4, 16, 30–36, First Quarter Storm, 157 238–254 Burmese, 171, 190–214, FLAG (Philippines), 136–137 238–254; Indonesian, 172, 212, Ford, Gerald, 140 215–237, 238–254; Philippine, Foreign Broadcast Information Service 176–189, 183–185, 212, 238–254 (FBIS), 14 Democratic Alliance (Phillipines), 68 Forkot see Urban Forum Democratic Students Organization Francisco, Ronald, 24 (Burma), 47, 96, 99 Free Speech Forum, 217–218, 230, 232 demonetization (Burma), 192, 203, 211, Friar lands (Philippine), 65 241, 242, 248 fuel hike protests (Indonesia), DeNardo, James, 24 127–128, 164 Dewan Mahasisaw; see student councils Dharsono, General, 107, 117 Gabriella, 146 diffusion, 30 Gadja Mada university, 117, 231 Dili, 222 Galoni monks, 203, 204, 205 Diokno, Senator Jose, 62, 136, 142, 181 Gandhi, Mahatma, 31 diplomasi nationalists, 55, 56 GAPUR (Indonesia), 113 Diponogoro St., 217, 218 GERAK, 234 Djadja, Major General, 230 Gerakan Anti-Anarki, see GERAK Dohbama Asyiayone, 42, 55 Garuda Airlines, 121 Dorman-Smith, Governor, 44–45 global capitalist system, 33 DPR, 116, 235 global north, 29 dwifungsi, 59, 108 global south, 18 GOLKAR, 216, 224, 236, 240, 250 East Asia Youth League, 44 Gozali, Faisal, 121 East Java, 116, 247 Guided Democracy, 53, 57, 58, 59–62, 78, East Jember, 225 80, 105–106, 157, 159 East Timor, 110, 119–120, 128, 131, 165, Gunness, Christopher, 201 215, 222, 235, 237 Eastern Europe, 33 Habibie, B. J., 227, 234, 235, 236, 249, 250 Edhi, Sarwo, General, 107 Hatta, Mohammad, 54, 55, 56, 57, 76 EDSA (Philippines), 185, 249 Haggard, Stephan, 30 educational institutions, 159–160 Hainan, 43 El Salvador, 31, 238 Harmoko, 234 Elections: Burmese, 157, 241; Indonesian, Hawes, Gary, 70 163, 166, 220–224, 235, 250; hell drivers, 109–110 Philippine, 142–143, 180, 183, helmet law protests (Indonesia), 128 183–184, 185, 188, 242, 251 Hlan Han, Dr., 97 Enrile, Juan Ponce, 74, 144, 178, 179, HMI (Indonesia), 115 184–185 Hsaya San Rebellion, 41, 42 Escalante, 183 Htun Aung Kyaw, 197 Ethnic minorities, 2 HUKs (Philippines), 68 Executive Committee, 177 Human Rights Watch, 223 Humanika Foundation, 223 Fanon, Franz, 31 Hutchcroft, Paul, 69 Fabian socialism, 43 fascism, 33 IBP (Philippines), 142–143, 150, 166 FBSI (Indonesia), 124 Idris, Kamal, General, 107, 117 Federation of Free Farmers (Philippines), IMF, 140, 148, 179, 231, 232 72, 160 import substitution, 69, 70 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521839890 - Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia Vince Boudreau Index More information Index 285 India, 41 Johnson, President Lyndon, 72 Indian Communist Party, 43 Justice for Aquino, Justice for All (JAJA), Indies Association, 54 178 Indonesia, 3, 29, 39, 66, 136, 137, 148, Jusuf, Daud, Dr., 117 149, 152, 176, 214 Indonesia Foundation, 112 Ka Kwe Ye, 90 Indonesian: authorities, 2, 93; Army Kabataan Makabayan, 72 Strategic Reserve Command Kachins:, 44 troop defections, 46 (KOSTRAD), 7; Communist Party Kahin, George, 53 (PKI), 7, 9, 9–10, 37, 51–53, 54, KAK, 112 54–55, 57, 59–62, 64, 71, 75, 78, Kalimantan, 128, 235 80, 81, 83, 103–104, 105–109, 119, Kalompok Studi, see study groups, 122, 132, 155, 155–156, 157, Indonesia 157–158, 159; Democracy KAMI (Indonesia), 106–107, 111, 115 Movement, 3, 35, 215–237, 238–254; KAP (Philippines), 67 Islamic Revolutionary Board, 121; KAPPI (Indonesia), 111 military (Armed Forces of the Karagatan, 74 Republic of Indonesia), 6–7, 9, 51–53, Karen, 44, 45, 75; troop defections, 46 58–62, 77, 77–78, 80, 81, Kartowibowo, Sawito, 116 82, 103–104, 106, 106–110, 112–115, KASAPI (Philippines), 145 117, 117–118, 121, 125, 126–127, Katipunan, 76 130, 155, 157, 160, 165, 172, 213, Kaufman, Robert, 30 216, 217, 218–222, 223, 226, 231, Kayah State, 205 232–236,
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