Scottish Journal of Performance Volume 2, Issue 2 June 2015 ISSN: 2054-1953 (Print) / ISSN: 2054-1961 ( nline) !!!"s#ottis$journ&lo'(er'orm&n#e"or) SJoP is su((orte* b, About us The Scottish Journal of Performance is an open access refereed journal which aims to promote and stimulate discussion, development and dissemination of original research, focusing both on performance in Scotland (contemporary and historical) and / or wider aspects of performance presented by scholars and reflective practitioners based at Scottish academic institutions Published bi!annually and run by doctoral students, the Scottish Journal of Performance welcomes submissions from both established and early career researchers and operates a peer review system ensuring presentation of "uality research in performance. Performance in this conte#t encompasses a wide range of arts and entertainment and ta$es as central themes dance, drama, film, music and television The Scottish Journal of Performance takes as a $ey focus the creation and e#ecution of performance in various conte#ts, encouraging the adoption of a wide range of range of research methods and approaches %ditorial Team &o!editor' (en )letcher!*atson (b fletcher!watson+scottishjournalofperformance.org) &o!editor' ,irsty ,ay (editors+scottishjournalofperformance.org) Journal Manager / *eb %ditor' Thomas (utler (t butler+scottishjournalofperformance.org) (oo$ .eview %ditor' (ede *illiams .eview %ditors' Sonia /llori, .ebecca )oster, Shona -ackay, 0ouise Stephens /le#ander %ditorial /dvisory (oard 1r Stephen (road (.oyal &onservatoire of Scotland) 1r /nna (irch (.oyal &onservatoire of Scotland) *endy Timmons (2niversity of %dinburgh) 1r Sophia 0ycouris (2niversity of %dinburgh) &opyright information This work is licensed under a &reative &ommons /ttribution 3 4 5nternational License. See http'//creativecommons org/licenses/by/3 4/ for details Contents 6 %ditorial (%7 )0%T&8%.!*/TS97 : ,5.ST; ,/; << =5>m not really a clown>' critical reflection on a Clown &abaret Scratch Night 02&; /-S1%7 ?? Practitioner report' .unning walls: the performance of the limit in prison P/909 -/&&/@79 A< .ela#ed performance' audiences with autism in mainstream theatre (%7 )0%T&8%.!*/TS97 B< (ook review' %l Sistema' orchestrating CeneDuela>s youth, by Geoffrey (a$er ,/T8.;7 J92.1/7 <<? (ook review' -odernist and avant!garde performance' an introduction, by Claire *arden S/- 8/119* <<B (ook review' Contemporary Scottish plays, edited by Trish Reid (%7 )0%T&8%.!*/TS97 <E6 (ook review' Acting Sha$espeare>s language, by Andy Hinds -/.& S50(%.S&8/TF <EB (ook review' 1ramaturging personal narratives: who am I and where is hereG, by Judith Ruda$off S897/ -/&,/; <?6 (ook review' Sleeping in temples, by Susan Tomes (%1% *5005/-S <?B (ook review' &harles Mac$erras, edited by Nigel Simeone and John Tyrrell 1/C51 */T,57 Fletcher-Watson & Kay (2015) DOI: 10.14439 s!o".2015.0202.01 Editorial BEN FLETCHER-WATSON & KIRSTY KAY DOI: 10.14439/sjo .201".0202.01 #$%&'()*'o+ da*-: 26 J$+- 201" S(0o&)1 )s '+*-1&o -1: 20os- s*o1'-s )1- 2- *-&&'+34 I+ -1fo16)+(- )s '+ 1-se)1(07 ',-+*'*'-s 6)8 %- ,-(o+st1$(*-, )+, 1-(o+st1$(*-, '+ ) (o+st)+*&8-sh'5*'+3 1)(*'(- o5 ($&*$1)& 1- 1-se+*)*'o+. 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