PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-YOL. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20. 1876. PEE 14.._PORTLAND, TEEMS $8.00 ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. ENTERTAINMENTS. ENTERTAINMENTS. miscellaneous. INSURANCE. election will be had. EDUCATIONAL. THE PRESS. The President in pri- vate conversation expresses himself In nine very GREAT IN RATES without to throat or lungs. decided and REDUCTION ORGANIZED 1853 vnir" p I injury language, says he is determined Defects of speech cured. WAL- FRIDAY OCT. 1870 V.. MORNING, 20, to (he of innocent Pioneer’s Ball CULTCRE.TEK K.FOBES.( graduate of B.U. stop shedding blood even LAST rOK School of Is in Portland ev- Oratory) W if he has to resort to SPEEfbH |ery Saturday. Apply from I to 2 P. e do not read anonymous letters and communi- extraordinary measure* ; at Y. M. C. Rooms. to A.T Boston and M., A. Library cations. The name and address of the writer are in accomplish it. Unless the white-linen Portland octlD Th,F&Stf Clothing all cases indispensaDle, not necessarily for publication with the the Co., comply proclamation strong Grand Excursion but as a guaranty of good faith. arm of the military will be lelt. CITY IT Y L L , We speedily EATON FAMILY SCHOOL FOB cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- — TO THE — BOYS, nications OPENED AUGUST 30th, NORKIDGGWOCK, ME. that are not used. [Brooklyn Argus] 20tli. Fall Term will Commence Asian 98. Tiiden in the State of New York. Friday Evening, Oct. Every regular attache of the Press is furnished CENTENNIAL ! iu the Store FIRE INSURANCE CO. Mr. Eaton has associated with himself Mr. Joet So mauy incorrect statements have been made * with a Card certificate Wilson (late Principal of Gorham Seminary). They countersigned by Stanley T. in will be assisted Miss N. E. regard to the strength of Tiiden In the state Ticls:ets by Hunton, Preceptress, Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel $1.00. — — Mrs. Joel Wilson, Teacher of Music, Mrs. N. W. of New that October 23s OF managers will confer a favor York, we again transcribe some Monday, Otis, Teacher of and John H. upon us by demanding To be bad at tbe usual of members of the KTo. 189 Middle Drawing Painting; official records. places, Street, A. teacher of ancient credentials of every person to our The total vote of this state and at the doer. Webster, M., languages. claiming represent Campany For address has been ocHdCt VIA. particulars Journal. for the years named: N. Y. augSdtfH F. EATON, Maine Central R. H., An Entirely New Stock oi Fine, Medium and Common Grades oi BROOKLYN, . .840,181 PORTLAND MUSEUM, Portland & Worcester Line, FRANK A. BLACKSTONE, ..776,718 Cor. of and Sired*. CAPITAL, $250,000.00 Tiiden and Dix Congreu Exchange Norwich Line Steamers, did not call oat the vote of OF MEI!S, YOUTH’S AND CHILDREN’S TEACHER the state, when Tiiden was and Pennsylvania R. R., sem elected in 1874, OCT. i.annual~statement. into 45,760. MONDAY, I6th, at the following Low Rates to Philadelphia and Re- Again in 1875 there were 63,436 stay-at-home votes and until further notice, turn: JANUARY 1, 1876. PIANO AND saying nothing about the ORGAN, increase From Brunswick. .§13 00 From Lewiston.. .§12 00 1-3 DOW of population in two years. In 1874 The Grand Scenic Production, Batli. 13 25 Winthrop,.. 13 00 READY MADE CLOTHING. ASSETS aG STREET the vote stood: Richmond... 13 75 W.Watervillel5 00 Gardiner.... 14 00 Real Watervllie .. 15 00 Estate, $84,377.25 •« MISS EMMA ^!?en.416,391 llallowell.... 14 00 Belfast. 16 00 L. EATON uix.....2M 074 Loans on Bonds and Clark, and Augusta. 14 00 Dexter.16 00 These Goods are Mauuiactured IN OCR OWN WORKROOM in TEACHER OF PIANO-FORTE, Temperance, Republican. 11^768 Skowhegan.. 10 00 00 we --— Bangor.16 Boston, and confidently assert that we cannot be undersold by any Mortgages, 317,090.00 144 1-9 Exchange Street, 377,812 Misery. ... Money Auburn. 12 T ie most Elaborate Scenic Production ever at- 00 Farmington. 14 50 DEALER IN THE STATE. U. S. Bonds, 184,850.00 oct2 at W. P. HASTINGS’. eodti Tilden’s tempted in this city Replete with marvelous The European & Norrh American and the Grand majority. 38JS42 Other One Illusions, Elaborate Mechanical Ef- Trunk railways will also sell on same date, at Great- Stocks & Bonds, 92,641.60 year later, in 3875—the vote is taken on Beautilul Music and ly reduced from all fects, rates, principal points Every Garment Marked in Plain Loans on Secretary of Sew- from Maine Central Railroad make Figures. Stocks, 60,250.00 State;—Bigelow (Democrat), Passengers ard Grand Transformation Scene. close connection at Westbrook Junction with through Cash in Offices, 107.80 (Republican), and Dusenberri (Temperance septMdtf train of Portland & Worcester line, connecting at “ and __ ONE PRICE TO AND THAT PRICE Republican), stood: New London witn Norwich line steamers, and arrive ALL, Banks, 39,377,05 in FOR PRESIDENT, M Philadelphia early next morning. oc20-d3t Premiums Bigelow. 388.387 USIC II ALL. A LOW ONE Receivable, 40,783,44 Seward.. 373,847 Interest Accrued, 6,895 49 Dusenberri, Temperance Kep. 11,163 INSURANCE RUTHERFORD B. HATES, 388,680 SECOND WEEK Other Assets, 7,672 12 {{EXAMINATION and COMPARISON is all we ask, as we feel sure OF OHIO. Democratic majority. — OF — 3,707 that the GOODS on our Counters are marked lower than the same Navigation by the Nautrigon Had the 63,000 FIRST CLASS $831,044.75 FOB VICE PBE8IDENT,; stay-at-bome voters come o ot quality can be purchased elsewhere. Strangers visiting the City will last or MAYNARD’S LIABILITIES. EDWARD BREEN, 199 Franklin Sl„ fall, had a half of 1 per cent, of the vote be AMPLY REPAID BY GIVING CS A CALL. WILLIAM Will teach the use of A. WHEELER, been transferred from Goods sold not will be Unadjusted Losses, $12,300.96 navigation by the “Nautrigon* Bigelow to Seward, Big- Evenings at the Centennial proving satisfactory EXCHANGED or Invented by Rev. Dr. Hill of this Persons who city. OF elow wonld have been defeated. The MONEY DEFENDED. Rents ot Offices. &c., 2,583.33 have no of ean learu NEW YORK, stay-at- Fire Insurance. acquired knowledge navigation home The appreciation with which these mo«t successful in a very short time by this instrument to solve the vote is located in the rural district*. fTbe entertainments have been received, and tbe many problems of time, latitude, longitude, azimuth, course For Presidential Electors. state $14,884.29 outside of New York city has gone Re- reqnests of prominent citizens, has induced us 10 aud distance on the great circle, and several other At W. THOMAS. Large.—WILLIAM publican ever since 1866 remain for one week more. or short term Insur- REMEMBER THE usefal in navigation. The expense of learn- NATHAN A. FARWBLL. by the following ma- Long CASH over Over 700 views enable us to give a change of pro- STORE, ASSETS f>rob!emsug navigation by this method is very small. jyl5tf First L{strict- SYLVESTER LITTLEFIELD. jorities: gramme every night. ance Second I. WARREN MERRILL. at current Rates. Liabilities, $819,160.46 i"?.22,238 1873. Admission, IS cents; Children, 15 cents; Reser- Third BENJAMIN D. METCALF. 24,09# ved Seats, 50 cents; Season Admission for six Fourth J. W. PORTER. .79,231 1874. 48.897 TTTTUT A X X T11T X evenings and two matinees, 81 00; Reserved Fifth SETH L. MILLIKEN. 12”.«,09C 1878.17,11* Season. 81 50. On sale at Stockbridge’s and at F. & a. meaner s. ocuquiw* Sparrow Peck, New WiVI. AliJLiMN, dr„ York and Brooklyn, tba Democratic SUPPER! POBTLAUD, MAINE, AGENTS, The Impending War. strongholds, Lave during tbe same time polled 31 1-2 The Eastern question which has menaced their full votes. The increase of population The LadieH ot the West Exchange St., Congregational 194 MIDDLE the peace of Europe for years has at last during the past three years has been in the ru- Society are to hare a Nearly Canal Bank. STREET, Opposite ral districts. There is now a reserve of at Stanton Block, sept28dtf oc7eod broken that peace, and from all parts of the least CENTENNIAL SUPPER, PORTLAND, ME. MRS. WINSLOW’S 80,000 voters outside of New York vast Russian empire troops are hurrying to city who — AT — PORTLAND, ME. oc!6 eod3w have not been to the polls since 1872. the banks of the Danube. Diplomacy is no Iron Clad Let tlie Scream In addition to the foregoing facta, 11,000 Hall, This Evening. Eagle SOOTHING SYRUP longer of avail. Now, as in the history ol Insurance in all its branches Temperance votes will this year be transferred Also an entertainment, the best feature* of which the world it always has.been, the vexed ques- to the will be rare music by a select choir. promptly attended to. tor tnuareu teeming, Republican nominees. There is not a oct20dlt A. N. & Son tion must be settled in blood. The trial at ticket in AND THE ROOSTERS CROW ! Noyes greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soften- Temperance tbe field this fall. These the all inflammation—will arms is still the tribunal which ing gums, reducing allay only nations figures and facts ought to be conclusive as to A GRAND FESTIVAL all pain and and is Life Tlie most which the minds of the is spasmodic action, recognize in their wrath. the November Fire, Marine, important question agitates public election; in|jthe ; state of New will be given on 12 Exchange Street, Sure to Regulate the Bowels, If the cable i9 to be trusted the old York.
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