DOCUMENT RESUME ED 228 833 FL 013 250 TITLE . Glossary of English-Farsi Agricultural Terms. INSTITUTION Peace Corps, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Feb 64 NOTE 26p. PUB TYPE reference Materials - Vocabularies/Classifications/Dictionaries (134) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Avriculture; *English; *Persian; *Word Lists IDENTIFIERS Iran 'ABSTRACT This glossary presents approximately 500agricultural terms'in English and Farsi. The English words aregiven with the Farsi translation. The terms in Farsi are writtenin Romanized $ - spelling as well as Farsi script. (AIM) lb *********************************************************************** * * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that canbe made from the original document. **************,********************************************************* GLOSSARY OF ENGLISH- FARSI AGRICULTURAL TERMS ( U.S..DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY CENTER (ERIC) AThis document has been reproduced as received from the person Or organization originating it. Tead.edops LI near changes have been mado to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinionsstated in this docu- TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES ment do not necessaely represont official NIE INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." position or policy. FEBRUARY 1964 TEHRAN, IRAN Glossary of Agrima ltural Terms English Farai seght avian 0 .1 J.L. Abortion . Advisor , moabaver 0" APIA /;orivej Or amain Agitator / 4:4 lab Agricultural bank banks keshavirsi 0.131-45 due Agricultural college daneshkedeh keahavirmi ,s301.45i 444i j Aolcultmral sconoadcM eghtesadm4-kesha4rsi djoLtS 01;01 keshavirsi Agriculture 01014 Agronomy` malt Az.sfjj o At4.1 Alfalfa . yonjsh Almond (bitter). badame tilkh ttr'Jte Almond (me* buboes shirin C$It'l fi Jte nitrat-e-ammonium Amimninm nitrate Qi*-Isitirciplt-I aonbol katai Angelica / cy,/ l'i'. Jt"-Lo . heyvan .1 Animal u OA' , Animal diseases .bymari-haye-dami 0,1 j Ls try Lt.e Animal husbandry 'dam dari oilJ.10 Animal fertiliser kood-e-heyvani t Animal parasite Ingill JEO Anise badyane mei 4.09 ott At Aphids ..* Ilk shit& Apple mob Apricot sirdatloo .31) Artichoke kongireh feirangi PS talghihre-miOnool. Artificla insemination 4.05.1wwvib 1 Ash(tree) 'than gonjeshk. ei-ttS otei Auger matteh e. Axe tabar Back (of eniaal). garde!' Balanced (food, diet) ghlzaye noteadel Bale all '?.caboo .kheyziiran Barley do Barley (malting) jo-e-do ear Basswood (or lindan tree), ziaun Bay (sweet) birge.bu Bean (broad) lubeyaye eefid 13ean (Poie) lubiya pays boland Beans lUbiya "Bee: anbur Bfech (tree) chubs jingili Beech, blue (tree) nimars, Beet choghondlr. Beetle- coosk Beet pulp tofale choghondir 4 Billy gaga Burrs toot Birch (tre.) dirikhtalushe. Blackberry toot-e-silah Blacksmith shiner, , ni albind Mad* Ugh Blossom shokoofsh Bolt mOhrsh . acme ostokhan Breed (of livestock) neshad Brick ajor Broadoast (seed) dist-paah Broccoli broColi Brussels sproits tOkme gain. Bucket 1 satl, Backobeat endorse Dish Bud jivane .to'bud Arane sidin Buffalo (outer) garnish, vanish gars mar Bulletin. baton, nisbriyeh Bundle tigrish Burlap *pont, *ban 15Utter Are Butterfat chrbi haymani cr;IS-P utrt Buy khrtridan CJ 444" .Cabbage kilim (-15 Calcium kilsium &IS Calendar tighrim. MAI .posaleh 4iLle . Calf Camel shotor Cantaloupe garm!tk, talebi CarbobYdratO idrate carbon- cruSi:JAj Carrot hieij Cadh nighd, 4ndugh csj Cashew badam...e-hendi .11.6t JI/ Catior bean .kfirchgk . 4175 Castrate irteh CA.1 Cattle. gay s- Cauliflower dsf Gelerf karafs Cement siman, :gement 0144- pooshall Chaff : Charcoal4' zoghale chub cekt- J'aj Cherry (sour) albaloo Cherry (eiree0 gilas Cheese pinir Chemical fertiliser kood-e-ehimipie atdart 4 Chicken joojoh nokhod 0 Chick pea It'-' Chief Gen. of Agriculture rieeee kole keshavirsi . u.b.04,15.)45 Chinni cabbage kilim-e-chini 041-rff it Chives plass kaki co-4534-: linu omani Citron lylarra . khak-e-roe ClaY .r) `14;^ shibdir Clover J-Iel pileh Cocoon at: Combine kombine c!gLe5 Competition mosabogheh,regbabit 4:-...,41..... atL. Contour lilts texas b.:U. - Cooperative sherkit-e-tilavoni Coriander 0 geshnees ..P4! Corn (field) sorit ... Cost gheiait, irsesh ut:u/c,ati. ,.. Cotton pibbeh 40: Cottonseed soil ,ard.e-tokhne panbeh, konialh44.4-.40.4iAz ipr Caw lagish gay "AA. elateber - credit Credit Jtsig/ + 6 . *OP ghIllat,mihsool drsp division. tighesen+s+saheool ..11 CrOsobred dorigeh.._ 'CnOrsubs khilsr _AL CnU siva groin - golchin kfibite JS J15 Celtivats 'wrath kirese 041S "IA Cumin sireh 4e; tut boridin 044e Dam sZd Dais (drY) kholirs (oldkiri) khorirmye nimm-khoShk Date (soft) khormaye tar ,r; uter.4. Debt ghirs .63 'Deer gi abc Dehorn shalch boridin t:) Depreciation estehlak . Depth omgh tisa Demonstration amayesb7nemouneh 444 .)414 Oiareter ghotr - Dig c.)416 Dill shebet Disease bimart7nakhoshi t.Ori - 7 - Disk harrow- gly ahan diski jto 0-1" Ju Ditch Jur tskt- scud, bihreh apt.: - Dividend . Donkey Olagh -.khir ' ei Drainage sehkeshi Drag laroub Dren Ch khorandin Drum boshkeh - A. Dry khoehk Dry land deym J I Duck ordtick Dust gbd-o-khak Earthenware sofal, zoroofe geli J- (5, Eg . tokhme-morgh Eggplant badenjan o t. Elm (tree) narvin 03J Engineer mohindes r444 Equipment isbab, vsileh 411-J sayesh Erosion 11- EuCaliptus (tree) dergkhte okalyptua 0141)19 aish bre . Experiment azmayesh 8 ENtension agent . morivejakeshavgizi 0.4114 Cle 13xtension organization sizeman-e-tarvij 03,2 c.,143 Fallow: ayeah utt T Farm mSzrileh : 41Jj* Farmer dehghan, keahalfrz Fat chegh, peeh Feed gaza Fennel razianeh 41 L05 Fertilizer kood 45. Fig (for drying) angire khoshk angire taze Fit; (fresh) 1;*11 hsh mahi trht ,bazrak FJx 41,31 galle, ram& Flock 4,1) df' 'Flood aeyl Flowers golha LIS A A Fly magas -r* Foot pa Ferage oloufeh opit Forestry jangal-bani F,±Undation paye, bonyad J444:11 bashgahe chahrsdal Four-D Club tr....t Freeze yakh bastan - monemeishodan 0 -24 cit 1 0 9 - FiOst yalth Col ah Fruit miveh 8, Fruit orchard bagh-e-meevidi 40 Lig Fuel oil gasoael JAWS .Fungicide Alhirchkosh utSrot; Furrow shirr Jtiz Garden bagh Gardoner baghban 04/4 Garlic seer lb" benzin 0134 Gasoline . Oki Gate dirvaseh GormiCate jivane sadan Jjdy 'Glass Shiabeh 44: Goat hos if Goose ghaz Grain daneh al J Graft perind Grapefruit tusorkh -.Gropes' ingoor .Grapevine mow, tak,ri Grass Grisshopper Gravel 'ehen,iing.r12,6 20 'char. .(bmt.ts Preaso rowgin, grew. Green .Sibs -Orson manure' koodde-62bs -Green vegetables Absijat Grinder aaiyib Guava seitoun-ehendi Hail t2girg Hair .moo Hammer cakoah . Hand cultivator vigin kon-e-dati 5 4...rerl Harrod. Imam (shanehe zarnin safkon) os. L4 .; 4%1.1') hi ere in Harvest.! lArdasht-e-mthsool,k 0'.3j io Harvest tat &alit kaNdgn (derow Aran) ( c.1.1)5 3) .3) Hay Slif-khoshk Hazelnut andogh Head rap* Hectare hectar Heifer goosaleh madeh Helper yar, komil Heap shadameh Hen, - 'crib 1 2 Henna hine Herbs 2dvieh jet. Herd (of cattle) gaits riash . is peost - Holly .d4;tchte-raj ,orIveje khanehdari. Rome agent .91 J GU. De Honey saml Jt Hoof 4101111 Horn boogh, (ahakh) Orse. 261) 1 fose looleh-e-ibpashie 4.10" lhal1 poost Haman fertiliser kude ensani Husk elbow' -rpoost-e-zorit :Hybrid dor2g Improved *solidi-shod. Income diramtd 'Insect haahlreh Insecticide hishareh kosh Insuranc beemeh interest (on money) *re ../r.rigatima abyari r ita kenif nitt Weroiene ZOte beta 0,6 . bosghaleb Kilogram kilogram', 054 ithifo obaghu Kohlrabi koeebi p. Ithequet kamnpat' !carer, lirmae, Tsar Jts Laborer karer, eimele ;46 Jis arreh Loth is Landlord malek eUL, Lind reform eslihe g'rsi c)101 Layingahicken morgh,e-tokhmgosar,(morgh-e-tokhmi) u'.4&°) Leader rhbr AA, Leaf bareo ex Leather ogre' eirsh Leek Ai it: -Leg , neghe pa 11-131. (aqui) limu tenth uz,; Jdij7 Lemon (eweet) limn ahirin CASA P*1 1 4 , - 13 Linden (or basswood trot) %Wen . Linseed oil roghine - biarik 41,,J44p11, Liter 'litre i4J Livestock dma i r Livestock bongah boriph-e-dampirviri d/3/14. Loam khakis - goldani 031 Loin ghisr, vam ri, nrbj Lion raateh 4.3.g IJ Loquat Azgil-e-Japoni Machinery machin-,alat Maintenance negihdari- vi - timir 3 d/.1. 44; Mongo inbeh 41; I Manure kud Maple (tree). IIP Marjoram V ahimdani Market bazar Mash ihurd kardin, arm kirdin CrJ1.1".*CP3.1tCJI-S Mastic .kondor 1 46. Meat V ..gmsht - Meat, dreamed pure meat) V ahighe 0.1 Medicine diva - daru Meeting Melon Kgrbusok 1Pei4 Meter mete A Milk shir 0'4' 'Millet Iran . a I -Mineral.. atTfdAll-nidlni uLo$. Minister viis ix /6 Ministry !mutt 417/3$ molasses aiao ...).'4 Moth , pirvaneh, hied _clip; Motion pictUre file thi ..Mosquito piehih LA: Mud gel Je. , Mulberry toot (for trees) i=1:. .. Molt &ter -R, Mustard miardli li J jri- . 4 Nook ardin Nitrogen nitrojen ait41 . Nossle iar-e-looleh diti la', Nut jows Js.t Nutrition tighsieh Oak (tree) blloot -64 Oats yoolaf Apt 1 , 1 6 ..".4wr 4141414.1 0.0 pktv 44%4 "44 4%004 0,240. 444404 0447-4. Ci*oevo %NI 4:4'9 PN.,. *ft) 4:011,04.2 .1,44 ekr otktz 442.. Palk6/414) '4$2 411114,ito 11444). 0'411'10.04 Akit. 11441,./4104 -1144- A. 641044._ illtettf 4o/ockt 16r. Pelt poolte-plehmdar .01 r4e4dti Pepper (bell) jue Pepper (taack felfil Jae PeOpii (chili) f.lfel tond Persinmon khormmlu Peat control afat Phosphate phcsphat to Pick (frui,t) chidin 0 Pig khook Plna (4.09) airy Pipe loolah 44-1 TIStachio pesteh Plane (sycamore tree) ohenar r1-1-r Plant natat, kash* Plant diseases b1maribly-efabat1 a;te,-;Le.v4w Plant science oloum-e-zerai 4.0.4 ou Ploy 4hokhemsedan Jirtut Plum. aloo, gowjeh - amt Potion t- Pomegranate tzar 1.0 Popcorn sorrite budade,noghle-kurdi (.5 ji$ ji6 JI Poplar (tree) tSbrisi 4.00t1 %PITY, :0Pima.. butehe khisishkhaah utli....ta Ott a - 17 J.th Potash potas patassium potasium siebsimLni uAsii Potato cgs"' Potato (west) seebaimini shirin morghdari Poultry 'Price gheymit - bihre, aoud 430' rt PrOfit : ,41:7; Program barnameh Protain protein Cr13311: 'Prune (fruit).
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