Historical Terms Japanese Some About Watanabe Hiroshi University Tokyo of by S. Roberts Translated Luke Translator's Forward preface merely of publish the what is translation of It strange to a may a seem • ,•, ,•, • (East Asian Higashi • • Aria q• 6ken shis6 book. The book is 7" 7" ¢) to no by 1997) Hiroshi University Tokyo Watanabe Kingly Ideologies, of Press, Authorities and University Tokyo. collection • of • Faculty is of of the of the It •_ Law at many a authority, Edo-period Tokugawa previously separately published journals about in essays China, comparative history Japan. The of and Korea, and intellectual essays are preface The fascinating, translate skill would like and had if the time and I I to more. theory interpretive importance, both and it alone, however, because is of presents great early Japan. terminology history modern of of anachronistic in the research the use on change of why presented preface is the author chose The this is the in that to some reason why preface. explains terminology previously the in and he the used in these essays of Japanese this translation is the retention Another odd of terms. aspect many meaning and appealing perhaps because the translation is This is in but not necessary a importance hinges precise meaning in of Words the and of the terms. usage essay on explanatory books the individuals and of the brackets and dates of my are own some additions. Preface: About Japanese Historical Some Terms commonly Japanese narration of in used will the this book In I not terms use some objects. history. This occasion look will different refer their I terms to to may very on use just different. do this be Some the reader. do However I strange strange to not to or understanding. commonly historical obstruction historical used terms correct to an are give examples explain why them. will of these and choose words Below I I not to use •)• Bakufu 1. chronology second Japan of for the of in month certain historical the A entry says •, • ;f• [barbarian-subduing general] • • taishrgun "Ieyasu and became 1603 great seii 32 bakufu created the in Edo. fine is It ''I became that he taish6gun, the to but seii what say does it that he bakufu?'" "created the to say mean it If that there becoming consciousness that sh6gun creating means was a meant a bakufu, called it is well government known this that is the a Ieyasu and his a not case. did call their bakufu. The not is successors used government the in laws and term not a proclamations. Neither did the Kamakura the military Muromachi authorities make nor &the Tokugawa •j• •,•,, • 2 Ienobu's )l[ term. chamberlain • Arai use • I• Hakuseki •- (1657-1725) head the • 5• his of • Tokushi • (Lectures wrote at Readings of yoron on History, 1712): "concerning military houses, the • •)• Yoritomo bakufu created for and a three generations held administrative authority rights the of military warriors and over preparedness throughout • the Takauji realm • I• :Y• made I•] K6meiin the head of the Northern Court and bakufu." his created This offers example of the own very a rare phrase of the bakufu" "created (bakufu • )(ff [• hiraku ).3 • usage • a o Secondly, this if is polity that the authority under the sh6gun to the meant of say commonly bakufu, called this also is Of there from was ancient not a correct. course, was times Chinese "mufu" referring general the who term the a to and protects the emperor, bakufu does • in kagami ,• the term Azuma • (Mirror of the East, appear 13-14th century) sh6gun denote the and denote along to his residence with other to such terms as • • • ryfiei bakka q•, 5k: • and taiju .4 this, of Because there few are a rare examples pedantic of the of from the earliest of period. the Edo term Hayashi usage years 1 Rekishigaku kenkyfikai • • )• •, -• • ed., ;z• 5• Nihon • • shi (Chronology nenpy6 1• of Japanese History), (Tokyo: revised edition shoten, Iwanami 1993), 158. p. 2 exception As there is document entitled "Muromachi-ke •j• • • onaisho • • -• an" • an a (Drafts of from Directives the (dated Muromachi House) 1336, month, day), 8th 18th which has: point, balcufu "at this Sahy6ei-no-kami the Takauji •z ;• •i g•: • • [his Ashikaga] and brother Sama-no-kami Naoyoshi • • • •j• ,• had the retired issue declaring decree the that emperor a and evil rebellious [•¢i: [Nitta] retainer ]• • Yoshisada and t•1 followers his be chastised." Koji • • • • (Categorized Compendium ruien of Ancient Matters), Kan'i bu 35, "Kamakura no shogun" [Tokyo: k6bunkan, Yoshikawa 1981-85]. 3 •(,• Tsunetsugu •t• Muraoka • •, • ed., 5•. •, • Tokushi (Tokyo: bunko, Iwanami yoron 1936), rules Also 14. "[Ashikaga it •j• reads: 223 z•z•lJ •] Yoshimitsu determined the p. p. on of etiquette and for the households. warrior This became the bakufu for standard ceremony the for a long time." 4 • • )]• Nankaku Hattori • (1683-1759) daish6gun called "Minamoto "'bakufu." Yoritomo" the •, "Nigenron"_• • (Discourse Minamotos), the Two • 5J•, Hino in Tatsuo • I• ed., Kmsei on • L•_ • Juka • • • ff•Z bunshfi 3• shfisei (Collection Writings the of Early of Confucian Modem Scholars), • 7, •1• Nankaku Vol. • • •£ bunshfi 3• (The Writings sensei Nankaku) of Teacher (Tokyo: Perikansha, 1985), Also, T6sh6g• 79. •i• the • "• J• gofikki • • (True Record p. of Ieyasu), 5, kan • Shintei in kokushi 5•. z6ho • • • •y [] taikei • (Revised Enlarged and edition, Collection the of Historical Records Country), of the (Tokyo: Vol. 38 Yoshikawa k6bunkan, 1964), 73-74, phrase includes the "Ordering imperial pp. the to to messenger an go bakufu originates 0nin, with the Kamakura general right's the of house great time the From of after rebellion bakufu, beset the there directives formal protocol." were no on 33 •j• )• •d "bakufu" )l[ k•: few Tokugawa • (1583-1657) Ieyasu ILl called Razan a on a • •, (1696-1764) made lord in Tokugawa )lira "I Muneharu occasions. wrote, 5 was a quite sh6gun], [of and then the bakufu, munificence love and the received the great • j• •z • Baiu [Owari] main household. It6 unexpectedly of the head ''6 made was bakufu, holding • currently • •)3 in the office (1683-1745) Shinsuke "Muro wrote, forty-three he originally Forty-two scholar Kaga. in held office years ago was or as a Gyokusai day. Takahashi this [Edo] remains there ''7 received and into the government to •. • )k• •: it • shi that • Nihon • (1683-1760) the Mito school's Dai about •. wrote exceptions. these bakufu the Munetaka. "offered the in time of But ''8 to are rare up was rarely word. used period bakufu For (1789-1800), Kansei least until At the very was a gf, • •L j• shigen (1745-1813) Sh6i 0fl in his example )=d= listed Bit6 Jishfi the scholar --• possible following describe the (Personal Thoughts Names) • in the 1800 to terms on • zoAfi writing ) • the in (t6kon •" when Tokugawa jitai government contemporary w )• .•_ • • )• )• seiifu 6fuZF )• j• daifu g• but • fuch6 style: daich6 Chinese developed tradition, representative richly almanac bakufu. large of A 9 not tome a •, • • setsuy6 •A• • eidai • Nihon published by Suharaya the Dai Mohei in 1831 Japan) •¢• • • • •-• • • (Inexhaustable Almanac of Great • Warehouse )•, mujinz6 • •A•. bakufu. •, • e• daish6gun, bakka, but kinri kinchft and •o listed taiju, not English writings "Bakufu" in &the the have In term recent on usage years we seen method, indeed it historical history. Although is of this Japanese the intent correct usage reality. here, reflect does I not, argue as 5 • •, Ky&o Bakufu," shisekikai Questions in of the entitled the There is section "Answers to a • •fz I• •. Razan),/can Writings • •E • Teacher (The • of ed., • 1 bunshf¢ Razan sensei gakkai, kfko (Kyoto: 1918), Heian 341-43. pp. 60nchi Government," Principles •5• • •d• •: of (Preface Seiy6, "Ruminations the • jo to on •, • •, ;• taikei, seid6 ed., Nihon shis6 38, Kinsei Tatsuya 1731), in Naramoto ron (Tokyo: •_ {N • Theory) Early Iwanami •, •: • • Political (Discourses • Modem 38: on 1976), shoten, 156. p. 7 • {1• • • -• • (Collection Observations and •? •ty], of ed., Kenbun dans6 Kamei Nobuaki 1940), bunko, (Tokyo: Discussions, 1738), Iwanami 54. p. 8 • •f• ,• 5•. of Jb: • 1746), J• Japan, k6jo History Great (Praise for The sans6, f3 Nihon shi Dai 3q', taikei, 7Jg al., $2 48, shironsha eds, [3 Nihon ;;Z shis6 Kinsei Sannosuke in Matsumoto --- et • (•k History) (Tokyo: • Early ;• (Collection ,• •: • ,•, • Discourses • of Modem 48: on shoten, 1974), Iwanami 243. p. 9 • • • • • (Compendium 1•[•, • Japanese of •] s6sho ed., Giichir6 Nihon • Jurm Seki 0tori shuppan, 1971), 8, Writings) (Tokyo: Vol. 1-2. Confucian pp. 10 • •: Furthermore, of Takai Ranzan revised edition the Folios 242 17 104 recto, recto, verso. • • • •I • •(,• q• setsuy6 eds., kura • kaidai Edo dai Kaitei z6ho 1•1 and Nakamura Keinen z • • Expanded) • • • Edo, Revised and • j• of the for (Warehouse • Islands Almanac •32 expanded edition), expanded folio edition, Mohei, (Suharaya 1863 ed., 1st 1833 1704 notes on rev. • daish6gun. Bakufu Appelation bakufi•. samurai -F called of the "Also about bakka 197 :-• :Jz ." shoshi means 34 My is that not to purpose contemporary all must times. argue terms one at use probably Historians have Jy need kub6sama • • instead sh6gun • of to •_. no use problems However, political ideology of hidden in bakufu. lie the term may "Bakufu" began become under influence the to the of later Mito term a common school historical philosophy of [an "emperor'-centered vision politics of developed Edo by the scholars Tokugawa of the collateral Mito]. • house Fujita I•1 Yfikoku • • at (1774-1826) in Seimeiron • his •/• ]E (1791, wrote Discourse the Rectification of on Names): bakufu "If the the then lord each bakufu. the If each reveres emperor, reveres lord bakufu, the then higher the lesser and retainers will reveres lord. each this is If revere carried high then low and keep will place their out and the of all countries be will in harmony.
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