Planning Statement Sunnings Lodge, Ibstone, High Wycombe, HP14 3XY On behalf of Mr Stuart Bird NOVEMBER 2020 Walsingham Planning Bourne House Cores End Road Bourne End Buckinghamshire SL8 5AR Telephone 01628 532244 [email protected] www.walsinghamplanning.co.uk Sunnings Lodge, Ibstone | Planning Statement CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................... 1 2 SITE AND SURROUNDINGS ....................................................... 3 3 THE PROPOSAL ............................................................................ 7 4 PLANNING POLICY ...................................................................... 9 5 REASONED JUSTIFICATION .................................................... 14 6 CONCLUSION ............................................................................. 21 7 APPENDIX .................................................................................... 22 Walsingham Planning, Bourne House, Cores End Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5AR KN0087/16 / Hartwells Garage / August 2020 Sunnings Lodge, Ibstone | Planning Statement 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Walsingham Planning has been instructed by Mr Stuart Bird to submit an application for planning permission to Buckinghamshire Council (Wycombe Area) for the demolition of the existing dwelling (“Sunnings Lodge”) and the construction of two new replacement dwellings. The description of development is as follows: “Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two new dwellings, including landscaping, access and associated works.” 1.2 The application follows a pre-application enquiry held with Wycombe District Council in July 2019 and an application being withdrawn in January 2020 for a similar development. 1.3 This report has been prepared following a review of the planning history for the site and for similar developments in the village, and provides background information on the site and an assessment of the proposals in relation to planning policy and other material considerations, and is set out under the following sections: 1. Chapter 2 provides the factual background to the site; 2. Chapter 3 sets out the proposals; 3. Chapter 4 sets out the relevant planning policy and guidance; 4. Chapter 5 discusses the planning issues and considerations; and 5. Chapter 6 sets out our conclusions. Supporting information 1.4 This Planning Statement should be read in conjunction with the following information submitted in support of the application: • Site location plan • Full suite of existing and proposed drawings • Design & Access Statement, prepared by Carroll Architects • Bat Survey, prepared by GS Ecology Walsingham Planning, Bourne House, Cores End Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5AR B0106/20 / Sunnings Lodge Ibstone / November 2020 1 Sunnings Lodge, Ibstone | Planning Statement • Biodiversity Impact Assessment letter, prepared by GS Ecology • Arboricultural and Planning Integration Report, prepared by GHA Trees • Tree Protection Plan, prepared by GHA Trees Walsingham Planning, Bourne House, Cores End Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5AR B0106/20 / Sunnings Lodge Ibstone / November 2020 2 Sunnings Lodge, Ibstone | Planning Statement 2 SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 2.1 Sunnings Lodge is a single-storey bungalow situated on a large plot on the east side of the Oxford Road in the heart of the village of Ibstone. 2.2 The building is of no particular architectural merit or value. The garden within which it sits contains mature vegetation and trees around its borders, principally at the front and rear of the property providing extensive screening. Vehicular access is achieved directly from Oxford Road via a gateway and driveway. 2.3 The immediate surrounding area is characterised by two storey semi-detached or detached residential properties, set back from the road but forming a linear pattern of development running north-south. The neighbour to the north is a large detached property orientated at an angle to the road with only a small set back, whereas the neighbour to the south is a small terrace of 3 properties (Old Dairy Cottages) with a larger set back. Due to the high mature boundary hedges, plot sizes and building orientations, there is no defined building line on this part of the frontage. 2.4 The site is washed over by the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The site does not lie in a Conservation Area, the building is not listed, and there are no listed buildings near to the application site. The site lies within Flood Zone 1, the lowest area of risk. There are no other policy designations or nearby constraints which could affect the site. Walsingham Planning, Bourne House, Cores End Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5AR B0106/20 / Sunnings Lodge Ibstone / November 2020 3 Sunnings Lodge, Ibstone | Planning Statement 2.5 Ibstone is a ‘Tier 6’ settlement classified as a hamlet, the lowest order of settlements in the settlement hierarchy. The village benefits from a public house, primary school, church, and daily bus service into High Wycombe. The Oxford Road provides easy access to the M40 to the north, and High Wycombe, Marlow and Henley which are all a short drive away. Relevant Planning History 2.6 A pre-application enquiry was undertaken with Wycombe District Council in July 2019. 2.7 A planning application was withdrawn in January 2020 (ref. 19/07694/FUL) for the “demolition of existing bungalow and erection of two detached dwellings and alterations to vehicular access.” 2.8 This current planning application follows this pre-application enquiry and subsequent withdrawn application, responding to the comments and advice therein. Old Dairy Cottages 2.9 Elsewhere within Ibstone, the adjacent terrace of 3 properties at 1-3 Old Dairy Cottages have all been the subject of applications for extensions at ground floor level and first floor level: • 1 Old Dairy Cottages: householder application for single storey rear extension granted consent in January 2020 (ref. 19/07847/FUL), and a subsequent non-material amendment was permitted in March 2020; permission granted in April 1999 for erection of first floor rear extensions (ref. 99/05410/FUL). • 2 Old Dairy Cottages: consent granted in June 2008 (ref. 08/06007/FUL) for the construction of a part single part two storey rear extension; application withdrawn in February 2008 (ref. 08/05001/FUL) for the construction of part two storey part single storey rear extension and insertion of two rear dormer windows to replace existing first floor window. • 3 Old Dairy Cottages: householder application for two storey rear extension granted consent in November 2011 (ref. 11/07056/FUL), and a non-material amendment to this permission was refused in 2014; consent refused (ref. 02/07354/FUL) and appeal dismissed (split decision) in October 2003 for the construction of a single storey rear extension and new detached garage. Walsingham Planning, Bourne House, Cores End Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5AR B0106/20 / Sunnings Lodge Ibstone / November 2020 4 Sunnings Lodge, Ibstone | Planning Statement Cholsey Grange Farm 2.10 We are aware of a recent appeal and subsequent planning application at Cholsey Grange Farm, a short distance to the north of the application site within Ibstone. 2.11 In December 2018 planning permission was refused (ref. 18/07602/FUL) for the “erection of a terrace of two storey three 3-bed dwellings with one attached single garage and one two storey 3-bed detached dwelling with integral garage (4 in total), associated landscaping, bin stores, car parking and creation of new access.” There were 5 reasons for refusal: 1. Location, inappropriate development, not “infilling”, impact on AONB 2. Intensification of unsuitable access 3. Inadequate turning for vehicles 4. Access itself is inadequate 5. Flooding and surface water drainage 2.12 The subsequent appeal was dismissed in October 2019 (ref. APP/K0425/W/19/3226658). However, the Inspector found it to be acceptable with regards to location within the AONB and impact on the AONB, highway safety, and ecology. The appeal was dismissed for one reason relating to flooding and drainage: “Having regard to the lack of harm that would be caused by the development to the character and appearance of the area, including the AONB, I have found that the site is an appropriate location for development. I have furthermore found that the development would not have an unacceptably adverse effect on highways safety, or ecology. A potential risk of localised flooding arising from inadequate drainage cannot however be ruled out. Therefore, for the reasons set out above, and having regard to all other matters raised, I conclude that the appeal should be dismissed.” 2.13 A revised application was refused in March 2020 (ref. 19/07695) for the “erection 4 x 3-bed, 2- storey, traditional dwellings comprising a terrace of 3 cottage style properties and a single detached dwelling, associated soft and hard landscaping.” Walsingham Planning, Bourne House, Cores End Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5AR B0106/20 / Sunnings Lodge Ibstone / November 2020 5 Sunnings Lodge, Ibstone | Planning Statement 2.14 The application dealt with the flooding & drainage issues raised by the Inspector, this wasn’t a reason for refusal. Instead, there was a single reason for refusal relating to highways. 2.15 Regarding location and impact on the AONB, the officer’s report states: “Although in the Council’s opinion the proposed development did not constitute ‘infilling’ within a defined village, hamlet
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