\. ,' ·•. uss E~§kx· (~v9) c/o Fleet Post Office · San Francisco, Calif. Fr0m: Commanding-Officer To: Chief of Naval Operations Via: (1) Coffimander Carrier Division ONE (2) Commander SEVENTH Fleet (3) Corrmander Naval Forces, Far East (4) Commander in Chief, U~S. Pacific Fleet Subj: Action Report fnr the period 4 February 1952 to 7 Ma·U==~~~~~~-=-~·•;er:.,.J 022849 Encl: (1) Carrier Air Group FIVE Action Report; 4 February 1952 t~ 7 March 1952 ~ .. ~:g 1. In accordance with reference (a), the action repr"~rt for the period 4 February 1952 to 7 March 1952 is hereby su~mitted. PART I COMPOSITION OF O:"!'N FORCES n1TD HISSION:- a. At various times during the period of this report , Task Force 77 was composed of the following units: USS ESSEX (CV9), ComCarDiv ONE, RlillN J.- PERhY, USN, embarked, USS VAllEY FORGE (CV45), ComCarDiv FIVE, .t:WJM F. H. McHAHON, USN~ embarked, USS ANTIETAM (CV36), USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CV47), USS WISCONSIN (BB64), Com SEVENTH Fleet, VADM H. H. IJI'.ARTIN, USN, embarked, (Relieved by VJ.illH R, P. BRISCOE 3 Y.srcb 1952), USS ST PAUL (CA73), ComCruDiv ONE, RADM E. E. STONE, USN, embarked, USS .~OCHESTER (CA124), and Jnits of Destroyer Division 52, 71, 72, 92, and 111, b. During the subject ~riod, -thet.Jss ESSEX (CV9) operated off the East coast of Korea in accordance with CTF 77 Operations Order 22-51 (2nd revision), plus supplemental plans and orders issued during the _period. The mission of Task Force 77 was primarily to support .the United Nations ground forces in Korea; the support missions included deep support, armed and photograPhic reconnaissance, interdiction, NGF spot·'7' interdintion':df eoaey aup~lines and atrik~s against ene6y instal~ations. _ PART II CHRONOIDGY: I 4 February Hoored t0 Piedmont Pier, Yokosuka, Japan for yard availability, 17' February rest and recreation. · . · ' 18 February 0557nnd.erway Yokosuka, Japan for o.peratin~ ·area .in accordance ~th _ ComCarDiv ONE 1400222 Feb. USS WISCONSIN (BB64), USS AJTIETJill·· . _ . ( CV36) and Desbiv 72 in company. Conducted training exercises. :t-3 February Proceeding to Operating Area. Conducted Refresher Air Operations. I " ·~ .j 1. ' ... 20 February Crmducted ·refresher Air Operations. 1100 arrived nperating area and joined-Task Force 77• _ l1ADM 1300 J •. ~RRY, USN,_ relieved HJ-illM F •. vf. McMAHON,· USN 1 as CTF 77. - · 21 F.'ebruary Conducted Air Operaticms •. 1037 AD, BUNn. 123933, ditched at EA 4509 due enemy AA fire, Pilot (LTJG F. S. JUTR~) picked up by USS THOMnSON (DD760) Pilot sustained minor 1nJuries. 1630 F4~ BUNR. 97475 crashed at sea in the vicinity of K-50. Probable c~•use, p:lo-'~ (LTJG' F-~: G; GERGEN) disoriented in snow storm. Not recovered; listed as killed in line of duty. 22 February C0nducted Air Operations. 1433 AD,_BUNR. 123947,_ditched inside llSW screen. Probable cause loss nf nil pr-essure. Pil0t (LT VI. B. 1vilJ1'lCIE) recovered by ships helicopter; no injuries sustained,. 23 February Cnnducted Air Oper&tinns •. 24 February Task Force replenished, / 25 February Crmducted Air Operations forenonn. Air Operations cancelled in afternoon due to weather, 26 February Task Force replenished. 27 February Conducted Air Operatinns, 28 February Conducted Air Operations. ~- ··- ·- 29 February Cnnducted Air Operations, l March Task Force replenished,. 2 March Conducted Air Operations 3 Harch . Air dpere_tions cancelled due to Weather,._. 4 March Conducted Air Operations •. Tr3!1sferred replacement aircraft to USS ANTIETAM (CV36) . 5 Harch . Transferr$d replacement ~ircraft to USS VALLEY FORGE ( CV45).- 1105 lliillM F. W. MCMiJ!ON, USN, relieved itJ.illM J • PERRY, USN', as _.. 1'. CTF 77. Task Element 77~04 CTE Captain W•. F. RODEE, USN, . _· . _:: . Cr.mrnanding Officer USS ESSEX (CV<;) with RJ..DH J. PERRY,, USN,. ComCar Div ONE embarked~ USS TAUSSIG (DD746) ·and USS HANSON (DD832) ,-· '' . departed Operating Area: for Yoknsuka, Japan in accordance with CTF 77-0207102 Harch. 6 March Enraute Yok0suka, _Japan, 2. ·.· '' 0 ;, < ..... -·-·-·· ·.· .,: _ _·. ., .. ,, i '--..•" I DECLASStFtED. 7 March Transferred replacement aircraft to .F.&.s~om.ll at NAB, ATSUGI. 0927 anch~red in be~th 138 Yck~suka, Japan •. · 9 March 0600 shift~d berths portside to Piedomnnt pier (Berth 12). 10 Mnrch USS ESSEX (CV9) chopped to CorrNavFe for 'onward routing CONUS and · s0 ended the first cr.rnbat tour of the USS ESSEX (CV9) (27-A conversion). The work done by the ship and Air Group.can best be toid by the f0llow­ ing dispatch received fr~m ComNavFe addressed. COMCR.Il.DIV ONE, USS ESSEX, and AIH GROUP FIVE: CON~-jJmER N.r~.VAL FORCES F.ii.R E.hST IS DiiliPLY A:CPRECiil.TIVE OF 'IHE SPLENDID Vlll..11!lmR IN h'HICH ESSEX PILOTS Bil.CKED BY THE ESSEX Crill','/ Hil.VE DOGGEDLY STRUCK Di-!.Y .11.FTiH D.. S J....T TI-lZ COMMUNIST TR,.JJSPOilT.H.TION NET'v·!O:Fl.l( IN NOaTHEiiST KO:mA X THE COMBINED EFFOhTS OF TEE AIH GHOUP AND THE S't:IPS COMPA!"'JY GUIDED ,BY THE D{hGIN.r~.TION .nND ChRE- FUL PLAJ\.'NING OF THE C.M.R.DIV ONE STAFF H.:;.VE BEEN A P~ITME F.~;.CTOR IN THE CAMPAIGN TO KEEP THE ENEHY INEFFECTIVE X iiLL GOD SPEED AND TI-IE BEST ..... OF LUCK JJJih.YS X V:...DM C T JOY 11 March 0600 pursuant ;ldJ:rl.n ColT'NavFe 0900102 the' USS ESSEX (CV9) with ComCar · Div ONE embarked, underway for San Diego via Pearl. PART III OFi.DNANCE: 1. Expenditure of Air Ordnance. See enclosure (1) 2. Expcnditure.of Ship's Ordnance fQr training. a. For the Period 4-29 February: ·- 25~ rounds 5"38 . ·· 107 rounds 3" 50 .b.For the P.eriod 1-7 March: 24 rl"lunds 511 38 121 rl"lunds. 3"50 . ~· ; . c. 'I'he .following totals of ar:mmni tion were exPended for training while the USS ESSEX (CV9) opGrated in the Far East Cnmmand.- The period covered was. l ·. from 18 August 1951 to 5\ l•farch 1952, ' ·· · · · · · · , 1;135 rrnmds 5"38 4:,114 rnunds 3"50 ,. 28,679 rounds 20mm 3. Cnmrnents on Performance of OrdnGnce. a. The perfnrmance of ship's ordne>..nce. equipnent was satisfactrn-y. 3 .. ·~.--"" ' ( , I >,.5 "t DfCLASS\F\ED · PltRT IV BATTLE DAHAGE:. 1. Ship a. During the peri(")d of.. this report several cracks were found in the welded joints (")f the longitudinal strength manber and web along the overhead of the se~nnd decke_ Repairs were made by ship's force by chipping out the old weld and beveling the crack bsfore rewelding. The locatinns of these cracks wc."s as follows: Frame 67 Stbd. - Compt. A-215-L Fr~.me 101 Port - Com.pt. B-208-L Frame 104 Port -Compt. B-208-1 Fr:une 106 Port - Compt •. B-208-L Frame 124 Port - Cnmpt •. B-212-1 Frame 128 Port - Compt. _ B-212-1 .... Frame 137 Port - Compt. B-214-L 2. Damaged inflicted on the enemyo See enclosure (1). 3. Damage inflicted nn ESSEX aircraft. See enclnsure (1). PART V Pf,RSQ!\TNEL PEHFORMANCE iJID C.'-ISU.i-iliTIES: 1. Perfnrmance. '· Under the heavy work lo ·d of cnnti!mnus operations/ the·' performance of------ · all personnel has been excellent. Morale has been a factor requiring no special attentinn as plans were laid during the ship's training period for a prngram of events outlined below to include maximwn utilization of welfare and recreatinnalfa.cilities. Prior to the ship's deploy1nent to WesPac the fnllcwlng was. instituted: ' . ' a. Recreati0n and hobby-craft materials were purchased and plans ma~e to maintain the interest of and offer diversion to the crew. ''- b. A nightly b:ttOadcast-was conducted by an officer of the,Air Combat Intelligence Office to keep the crew informed nn the activities of the d~.y. ' ~ c. A daily newspaper was published to keep persnnnel informed through the latest wire releases. · ''' ', . ~···. ···.:-·I ,. DtCLASSIFJED· · . ' . ·..• e 4 Each eveni.rig the Pr~t~stant and Catholic' ·chaplains ulternated in conducting evening prayers immediately following t~ttoo. - ' - - . f. Happy Hours were ;eh~arsed and shown to the crew at the end· of each combat tnur i-.hile erirnute t0. Yokosuka, Japan •. Talent was plentiful,. and the . performances were very well received by the crew, Personnel of the u. s. Naval Hospital, Yoknsuka enthusiastically .received a special showing pefnrmed in December 1951. g, In port, smokers and basket-ball games were scheduled with other ships and shore activities. h. Sightseeing and namera tnurs were arranged for the men during each "in port11 period. i, Japanese Variety Shows were arranged for aboard ship, j. At.Christmas the ship entertained 100 Japanese Orphans, / k. Cub Scouts from Tokyo and Yokosuka were entertained. 1, At Thanksgiving while in the operating area, the ship entertained six GI's frnm the frnnt lines in Korea as guests, m, German, Japanese and Spanish classes as well as courses in Bible and r~ligious Instruction were held weekly. n, Divine services were held regularly for Protestants, Catholics~ LattGr Day Saints and Christian Scientists. · _ o, Hemorial Services_ were: cl"'nducted .. at the end of each operational: period,. p. Hovies were shnwn daily except when combat c'mditions prohibited,~, Two sh0wings we.re usually run each •wening, q. The. ship 1 s p.per "The Carrier Pigeon" was published semi-monthly. The editorial staff :was c0mposed of all crew members, r. A Cruise Bn0k was assembled and printed in Japa,n for distribution, . s. On reple~isrun'ent 'days, the Ship's Band played on the hangar deck and contributed muchtp morale. '.1 These various activities outlined above proved great benefit to the crew for they tau.
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