local name global coverage July 27, 2016 vol. 7 // issue 30 south florida gay news A POWERFUL ADDRESS Pages 15, 25 Michelle Obama brings down the house; makes case for Hillary RNC AND DNC 2016: THE STRONG CONTRAST NEW 1968 Pages 12 - 18 Page 22 SOUTHFLORIDAGAYNEWS SOFLAGAYNEWS SFGN.COM SouthFloridaGayNews.com Comments from SFGN’s online outlets July 27, 2016 • Volume 7 • Issue 30 THE OPENING LINE Compiled by John McDonald 2520 N. DIxIe HIgHway • wIltoN maNors, Fl 33305 PHoNe: 954-530-4970 Fax: 954-530-7943 Photos: Facebook, Twitter. Publisher • Norm Kent TRUMP GIVES MOST LGBT [email protected] PROGRESS BAR RESPONDS CHIeF exeCutIVe oFFICer • PIER ANGELO GUIDUGLI assoCIate PublIsHer / exeCutIVe eDItor • TO TOWING INCIDENT INCLUSIVE RNC SPEECH EVER JASON PARSLEY [email protected] – Editorial David Michael Rameaux – art DIreCtor • Brendon Lies Y'all need to just get over it... Michael Walters [email protected] Acting petty. Grow up and Historical that he mentioned it? Perhaps. But did you DesIgNer • CharLes Pratt learn to read a damn sign. notice that he could barely say it? He sounded like he was eDItorIal assIstaNt • tuCker Berardi SFGN ordering a sandwich. Maybe Mrs. Obama should have [email protected] webmaster • Brittany Ferrendi written it for him. So, he mentioned our community in one – [email protected] Junior Ferdinand Ortiz speech? *slow golf clap* I suppose that makes up for that arts/eNtertaINmeNt eDItor • JW arnoLd No need to shame a business virulently anti-gay platform the GOP adopted? I suppose a [email protected] over a parking situation where News eDItor • John MCdonaLd they have posted signs. Had cursory mention, a token acknowledgement is the remedy [email protected] they towed cars and had no for choosing an incredibly anti LGBT running mate who mIamI-DaDe rePorter • anthony Beven signage I would be more empathetic. Well has cost his state millions because of his theologist and FooD/traVel eDItor • riCk karLin done Albert Pierantoni on the response. gazette News eDItor • MiChaeL d'oLiveira discriminatory laws. No thank you, GOP. I'll never support a seNIor PHotograPHer • J.r. davis party that would stick me back into the closet of shame and [email protected] silence. Their entire convention was four days of hate. All – Senior Features Correspondents Robinson Almanzar that was missing were the hoods and the burning crosses. Jesse Monteagudo • tony adaMs We all need to get along better!! Correspondents dori Zinn • andrea riChard • donaLd Cavanaugh Christiana Lilly • denise royaL • sean MCshee aLex adaMs • gary kraMer • david-eLiJah nahMod @mafoxj – No one will believe him after seeing the audience at Republican convention. Contributing Columnists Brian MCnaught • dana rudoLPh • Wayne Besen riC reiLy • steve siLer • BiL BroWning terri sChLiChenMeyer Associate Photographers Sean Blank – PoMPano BiLL • steven shires Gay Republicans are like Jews for Hitler or Blacks for the KKK. Sales & Marketing DIreCtor oF sales & marketINg • Mike trottier [email protected] sales maNager • Justin Wyse [email protected] PROPOSED HI-RISE CONDO PROJECT DRAWS SCRUTINY aDVertIsINg sales assoCIate • edWin neiMann [email protected] sales assIstaNt / ClassIFIeDs • tiM higgins Noah Kitty – [email protected] world class project equals world class traffic and the world class problems they bring. If DIstrIbutIoN serVICes • Brian sWinFord you live in the neighborhood,MEMBER as I do, your life will be changed, and not for the good. NatIoNal aDVertIsINg rivendeLL Media 212-242-6863 [email protected] Mike Capul – aCCouNtINg serVICes by Cg BookkeePing Armando Pazos – We need the new development PrINtINg by suN Coast Press and the increased density will help Anything that support the localMEMBER businesses.... As revitalizes that dead well fund additional Wilton Manors area would be an development! amazing improvement! SFGN WINNER of & 3 FLORIDA PRESS CLUB Awards And runner-up for NLGJA Journalist of the Year MEMBER South Florida Gay News is published weekly. The opinions expressed in OTHER PUBLICATIONS columns, stories, and letters to the editor do not represent the opinions of SFGN, or the Publisher. You should not presume the sexual orientation Get yours, on racks now! of individuals based on their names or pictorial representations. May 2016 • Vol. 5 Issue 3 Furthermore the word “gay” in SFGN should be interpreted to be Your Complete Guide to What’s Hot in inclusive of the entire LGBT community. All of the material/columns that Wilton Manors, Fort Lauderdale & Beyond... Associated Press appears in print and online, including articles used in conjunction with the FIRST STEP TO FOREVERWEDDING ISSUE PUBLICATION AN SFGN AP, is protected under federal copyright and intellectual property laws, and is jealously guarded by the newspaper. Nothing published may GUIDETO THE be reprinted in whole or part without getting written consent from the 2016-2017 Publisher, at his law office, at [email protected]. SFGN, as a private corporation, reserves the right to enforce its own standards regarding the DRIVE MEMBER Cover: suitability of advertising copy, illustrations and photographs. themirrormag.com SouthFloridaGayNews.com GUIDE TO THE DRIVE Michelle Obama speaks out at the Democratic National Convention. Credit: Adam Rose/CNN. Copyright © 2016 South Florida Gay News.com, Inc. 1 2 • 7.27.2016 news local LAWYERS NETWORK ELECTS John McDonald NEW BOARD Tom Runyan he Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Network released names of its new board of directors in an email, last week, to T Photo: Facebook supporters. Tom Runyan is the network’s new President. Runyan heads his own Fort Lauderdale based law firm specializing in real estate and business contracts. Following the tragic massacre at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, it was Runyan who led the charge to claim the corner of Federal Highway and Oakland Park Boulevard in the name of LGBT rights. The corner had previously been a gathering spot for hardcore conservative activists. “The message of the rally is love always wins,” Runyan told SFGN. According to its website, the mission of Joining Runyan on the GLLN board the GLLN is to provide educational seminars, are Meghana Saoji, Vice President, Gian lectures and presentations in addition to Ratnapala, Secretary, Andrew Jimenez, social and charitable events to enhance and Treasurer, Megan D. Widmeyer, Membership develop the practices of gay, lesbian and gay- Director, Heather Weeter, Social Director friendly lawyers, law students, professors and Michele A. Crosa, Communications and legal workers. For more information, Director. visit www.glln.org 7.27.2016 • 3 news national Photo: CNN TRUMP CAlls FOR REPEAL OF Michael d’Oliveira RELIGIOUS TAX EXEMPTION uring his acceptance speech at the evangelical community for their support. must be emphasized that religions, and Mercy Chapel in Wilton Manors, said that Republican National Convention in It was a repeat of similar remarks he those who adhere to religious doctrines, repealing the restrictions would embolden DCleveland Thursday, Donald Trump made earlier this year. may continue to advocate with utmost, the churches that are already involved in again called for the repeal of the restrictions “I have so many ministers that are sincere conviction that, by divine politics. It would, he said, give them more on tax-exempt religious organizations endorsing me. So many friends and pastors. precepts, same-sex marriage should not be power and influence. “It’s going to be getting involved in politics. And they’re all afraid to get too involved condoned. The First Amendment ensures worse for everybody. They’ll be using their Known as the Johnson Amendment, because they don’t want to lose their tax that religious organizations and persons churches, creating more fear and more devised in 1954 Lyndon B. Johnson when exemption. It really is a serious problem are given proper protection as they seek to hatred.” he was in the U.S. Senate, the law prohibits because they’re so afraid to talk . they’re teach the principles that are so fulfilling and Pastor Leslie Rutland-Tipton of Church of religious organizations from directly afraid to get involved politically,” said so central to their lives and faiths, and to the Holy Spirit Song in Wilton Manors said or indirectly participating in political Trump in February. their own deep aspirations to continue the the law doesn’t impact her church because campaigns. The penalty for such activity But long before Trump joined the family structure they have long revered.” politics is kept far away from the church’s is the loss of an organization’s tax exempt presidential race, many pastors, including Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director activities. “Our church does not engage in status. anti-gay pastors Jerry Falwell and Pat of Americans United for Separation of political lobbying or action. The church is “You have so much to contribute to our Roberson, had a history of speaking out Church and State, is worried repealing the not the place for that.” She joked that her politics, yet our laws prevent you from on political and social issues, including exemption rules could cause “tremendous church has too much religious and spiritual speaking your minds from your own making political endorsements. In 2008, damage” to religion. “The Republican work to finish to spend time on politics. pulpits,” said Trump as he thanked the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- platform seeks to turn America’s houses As for the churches that do get involved day Saints (Mormons) was credited with of worship into miniature political action in politics, she said they should take a look helping pass Proposition 8 in California, committees,” wrote Lynn in statement. “I at why they exist. "YOU HAVE SO MUCH which made gay marriage illegal at the time. can’t imagine a more disruptive idea for “I also believe it is a good attempt to Earlier this year, a group of black pastors our nation’s religious community or a real maintain the separation of church and TO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR endorsed Hillary Clinton.
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