2 39 MALGA GRUAL-DOSS DEL SABION 143 PALON -MALGA CIOCA 144 ROCCE ROSSE MALGA CIOCA-ZAPEL Folgaria - Lavarone - Folgaria GRUAL-ZAPEL TAPIS ROULANT PENNER Monte Bondone Bondone Monte TAPIS ROULANT LAGO Andalo - Fai della Paganella della Fai - Andalo TAPIS ROULANT VILLAGGIO SLITTINOVIA COLPI TAPIS ROULANT LAIT Pontedilegno - Tonale - Pontedilegno VAL DELLE LANZE- TAPIS ROULANT VESAN Pejo SLITTINOVIA MOOS (Tapis Roulant + Tubing) Folgarida - Marilleva Marilleva - Folgarida PANCUGOLO SARODEN Pinzolo Pinzolo ARCHIVES, BOARD TRENTINO MARKETING-TROVATI TOURIST Photo: PRESENA Madonna di Campiglio Campiglio di Madonna SLITTINOVIA RELLA 1850 m COSTA VICENZA D’AGRA VICENZA 184 167 1610 m 183 173 168 166 ALPE DI 164 ASIAGO FOLGARIA 163 162 161 160 LUSERNA 187 169 165 MARTINELLA 172 MARMOLADA 170 185 182 159 186 FIORENTINI 171 PASSO 153 156 FONDO VEZZENA 188 181 154 PICCOLO 157 189 CARBONARE 158 PADOVA BERTOLDI 180 1076 m 155 FONDO GRANDE VERONA BRESCIA SAN PASSO 152 151 LAVARONE SEBASTIANO SOMMO 150 FRANCOLINI VERONA MILANO PAGANELLA 2125 m SERRADA 1250 m MONTE FOLGARIA BALDO TERRAGNOLO 2200 m BRENNER BOLZANO 1166 m BOZEN 123 USCITA BRENNER- 133 CALDONAZZO AUTOSTRADA AUTOBAHN PALÒN ROVERETO SUD VIGOLO 2090 m USCITA ROVERETO 127 LEVICO VATTARO AUTOSTRADA 204 m VASÒN ROVERETO NORD MORI LAGO DI 1650 m 144 AUTOSTRADA 126 MALCESINE GARDA DEL BRENNERO 122 USCITA 143 S. MICHELE 128 TORBOLE www.skirama.it 131 142 MONTE 121 TRENTO BONDONE VIOTE 132 CALLIANO 140 190 m SNOW PARK MEZZOCORONA MONTE BONDONE MEZZOLOMBARDO VANEZE ARCO RIVA DEL 1300 m GARDA 125 PASSO BALLINO BRENNERO VAL DI NON CANDRIAI SARCHE SNOW MOLVENO PARK 864 m 130 LAGO DI MOLVENO COMANO PONTE ARCHE Pejo FAI DELLA TERME BOLZANO 120 PAGANELLA BRESCIA 1000 m SANTEL 1034 m DOSS DEL SABION Andalo Fai della Paganella 124 2100 m Marilleva PASSO Tonale S. Michele all’Adige 129 TIONE Folgarida GROSTÈ 2443 m MALGA 2 Pontedilegno TRENTO CLUMP Madonna di 3 CIOCA VILLA RENDENA ANDALO SNOW Campiglio PARK 27 PRA RODONT Folgaria-Lavarone-Luserna CAVEDAGO 1050 m 8 6 1508 m PELUGO Pinzolo Monte SPORMAGGIORE 26 MONTE SPINALE SPIAZZO S.GIULIA Bondone CLES 24 9 RENDENA 1906 m ROCCOLO 2093 m 5 PU ZA11 4 BOCENAGO DOSSO VENTURA ROVERETO DELLE 1733 m DAI FO 7 MASSIMENO STREMBO 107 BERGAMO 28 PERTICHE GIUSTINO 1876 m VICENZA CADERZONE VENEZIA 23 VAL BRENTA VERONA 21 1 PINZOLO CASOLA 1792 m 108 BRESCIA 29 11 800 m EDOLO MILANO CORNO 106 BRESCIA MILANO MONTE SPOLVERINO D’AOLA 105 LA CROCE 2092 m 20 1920 m 1503 m TOZZAGA CARISOLO 43 10 104 MONTE VIGO PLAZA 103 BOLOGNA S. GIACOMO CAVIZZANA 48 MADONNA VALBIONE 47 2180 m 25 1500 m 109 42 60 DI CAMPIGLIO SAMOCLEVO CALDES 22 12 TEMÙ 46 1514 m S. ANTONIO 30 DI MAVIGNOLA 1165 m TERZOLAS 41 40 62 1123 m 100 45 PANCUGOLO 102 ARNAGO MALGHET AUT 31 1860 m 13 MAGRAS 1400 m CAMPO CARLO MAGNO 1862 m PONTEDILEGNO MALÉ MINI SNOWPARK 37 101 736 m 61 PRADALAGO 36 PATASCOSS 33 GHIACCIAIO 1257 m 59 39 38 35 32 PRESENA FOLGARIDA 2730 m CROVIANA 44 CARCIATO 34 64 58 PRADALAGO 98 55 95 MONCLASSICO 1300 m MALGA VAL PANCIANA Legal headquarter via G. Marconi 7, 38027 Malè (TN) MASTELLINA 53 DOS DE LA PASSO PARADISO CIMA BLEIS 1886 m PESA 2585 m 2623 m 2155 m Operative headquarter: Tourist board DIMARO SLEDDOG 54 81 772 m COSTA ROTIAN 52 Madonna di Campiglio, Pinzolo, Val Rendena 99 ORTI Piazza S. Giacomo, 38086 Pinzolo (TN) 94 80 DEGGIANO CIMA CADÌ 83 2606 m ph. +39 0465.447501 - fax +39 0465.502778 ALMAZZAGO [email protected] www.skirama.it 50 82 MASTELLINA TONALE 84 COMMEZZADURA 1883 m 85 56 57 87 92 86 MESTRIAGO FAZZON VELON 89 DAOLASA 63 MARILLEVA STAVÈL 90 824 m 1400 m MALGA PASSO DEI VERMIGLIO VALBIOLO 93 CONTRABBANDIERI 1200 m 2681 m 91 PIANO MARILLEVA 900 m S. BERNARDO 49 1095 m MEZZANA PELLIZZANO OSSANA 940 m 937 m 3000 m FUCINE TERMENAGO CUSIANO CASTELLO MENÀS CELENTINO ORTISÈ COMASINE VAL DE LA MITE MONTE VIOZ 76 3645 m CELLEDIZZO DOSS DEI TARLENTA GEMBRI 2340 m COGOLO 74 2000 m 1173 m PEJO 73 75 1400 m 70 71 72 © by - www.cormar.info – RIPRODUZIONE VIETATA - TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI PEJO PAESE 1584 m 1 150 380 340 3000 m ski pass ski lifts km of slopes km of slopes maximum with snowmaking height PROPOSTE VACANZA 2013 MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO - PINZOLO da 3 a 7 giorni Madonna di Campiglio, Pinzolo, Val Rendena: a territory newest are the Pinzolo-Campiglio Express gondola lift and Madonna di Campiglio (22 km) and another in Carisolo between the Brenta Dolomites, UNESCO World Natural the Pancugolo four-seat chairlift) and snowmaking system, (5 km, also floodlit in the night), snow-shoes paths and Heritage, and the perennial glaciers of Adamello-Presanella. 5 snowparks with the famous Ursus Snowpark, children mountaineering ski itineraries. Wonderful mountains all It includes the ski area Campiglio Dolomiti di Brenta Val play areas at high altitudes, mountain huts and high-quality around you! di Sole Val Rendena, the widest one of Trentino: 150 km restaurants where taking refreshment and spending a few of interconnected slopes with state-of-the-art lifts (the relaxing hours. Moreover, cross-country ski tracks, one in WINTER OFFERS Accommodation + Superskirama ski pass od 3 do 7 dni MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO PINZOLO VAL RENDENA TOURIST BOARD FUNIVIE MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO SpA FUNIVIE PINZOLO SpA Via Pradalago, 4 Via Presanella, 12 Via Bolognini, 84 I - 38086 Madonna di Campiglio (TN) I - 38086 Madonna di Campiglio (TN) I - 38086 Pinzolo (TN) Madonna di Campiglio: ph. +39 0465.447501 - fax +39 0465.440404 ph. +39 0465.447744 - fax +39 0465.447799 ph. +39 0465.501256 Pinzolo: ph. +39 0465.501007 – fax +39 0465.502778 www.funiviecampiglio.it fax +39 0465.503585 December 8 - 13, 2015 www.campigliodolomiti.it - [email protected] [email protected] www.funiviepinzolo.it from 3 to 6 days [email protected] VAL DI SOLE: FOLGARIDA - MARILLEVA, PEJO, PONTEDILEGNO-TONALE PROPOSTE VACANZA 2013 Located in the furthest western part of Trentino region, Val world that guarantees heavy snowfalls and exciting moments Stelvio National Park and PONTEDILEGNO-TONALE where December 12 - 20, 2015 di Sole offers the extraordinary chance to ski or snowboard on the snow. But what if the traditional snowfall is less than it is possible to ski starting in November up until late spring, from 3 to 7 days at a height of 3000 meters with a remarkable abundance of plentiful? No problem! Modern snowmaking equipment due to the Presena Glacier that reaches an altitude of 3000 guaranteed snow due to its unique geographical location and guarantees snow on 95% of the slopes of the following ski m. And for those who want to combine skiing and spa treat- the fact that it has the highest mountains in all of the Central resorts: FOLGARIDA-MARILLEVA, with direct ski access to ments, a visit to the Pejo Thermal Spa Center, which has been and Eastern Alps: the Ortles–Cevedale, Adamello-Presanella Madonna di Campiglio and Pinzolo for a total of 150 km of completely renovated, is a definite must! SPECIAL CHRISTMAS mountain ranges and the Brenta Dolomites. A fascinating slopes, PEJO at a height of 3.000 meters in the enchanting from 4 to 7 days December 19 - 26, 2015 da 3 a 7 giorni 3 – 7 Tage VAL DI SOLE TOURIST BOARD FUNIVIE FOLGARIDA MARILLEVA SpA PEJO FUNIVIE SpA CONSORZIO ADAMELLO SKI PONTEDILEGNO - TONALE TURBO HOLIDAY January 9 - 17, 2016 Viale G. Marconi, 7 - I - 38027 Malé (TN) Piazzale Folgarida, 30 Piazzale Telecabina, 1 Via F.lli Calvi, 53 - I - 25056 Pontedilegno (BS) from 6 to 7 days ph. +39 0463.901280 - fax +39 0463.900095 I - 38025 Dimaro (TN) I - 38020 Pejo Terme (TN) ph. +39 0364.92097 - 92639 - fax +39 0364.92261 www.valdisole.net - [email protected] ph. +39 0463.988400 ph. +39 0463.753238 Via Circonvallazione, 1A fax +39 0463.988450 fax +39 0463.743235 I - 38020 Passo Tonale (TN) www.ski.it - [email protected] www.skipejo.it ph. +39 0364.92066 - 903976 - fax +39 0364.903730 [email protected] www.adamelloski.com - [email protected] MARCH SPECIAL March 12 - 20, 2016 from 6 to 7 days ALTOPIANO DELLA PAGANELLA, ANDALO, FAI DELLA PAGANELLA od 3 do 7 dni The Dolomiti Paganella area offers an excellent state-of- the choice of the Norway Ski Team (the Norwegian men’s accompany the young aspiring skiers on the panoramic ski the-art Ski-Area: 14 modern and fast ski-lift facilities and alpine ski team), which chose the Paganella plateau as its runs of the Paganella Ski Area. NEWS: relaunch of mountain snowmaking systems for all ski runs, many wide ski runs training ground for the European championships. For the huts Pian Dosson and La Rocca, refurbished in the complete stretch across the north-west side of the Paganella plateau, most daring, there is a Snowboard Park with 11 structures respect of the environment and eco-philosophy, provided EASTER SPECIAL March 19 - April 3, 2016 from 6 to 7 days starting from the summit at an altitude of 2125 metres they and a Big Airbag. If you want relax yourself you can find the with bar, restaurant, relaxing area and playing areas for kids. go downhill through green spruce woods. Excellent organisa- Wellness and Beauty Centre AcquaIn, one of the best equip- tion, modern ski-lift facilities, 6 ski schools are the ingredients ped and most modern in the Alps. Learning to ski will be a for growing success. A value-added feature confirmed by game, thanks to over 100 professional ski instructors who will April 2 - 10, 2016 from 3 to 7 days DOLOMITI DI BRENTA PAGANELLA TOURIST BOARD CONSORZIO SKIPASS PAGANELLA DOLOMITI Andalo-Lago di Molveno-Fai della Paganella Cavedago-Spormaggiore Piazzale Paganella, 4 - I - 38010 Andalo (TN) Piazza Dolomiti, 1 - I -38010 Andalo (TN) ph.
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