John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 3-29-1963 The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 10 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 10" (1963). The Carroll News. 228. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. _News reveals contest plans The (;arroll Singers depart In honor of the advent of spring on campus, the Car­ roll News will ::>ponsor a box for spring tour kite contest on Sunday, Apr. NEWS 21. Cash prizes be award­ By FR.-L"lK R lLLENBRA...''m, JR. will University Heights 18, Ohio ed in three categories to This morning at exactly 8 a.m. the Carroll Glee Club winning entries. departed on their eighth annual Spring tour. The itiner~ry for the weekend includes an afternoon appearance at Samt All organization:; arc eligible to Vol. XLV, No. 10 ('nter kites for the affair. Ac­ St. Joseph's High School in South Bend, Indiana. cording to news editor Richard Also on the program IS a Cermak, chairrnnn of th,.. event, joint concet·t with the chorus at ca."h priZE'S of $.3 will be awarded .\Jverno College in Milwaukee on for the longest antl highest nying Saturday evenin~. and another on and most original kih>s. Official Sunday with the girls at Rosary r ule)) will be distr·ibutcd to the College in River Forest, illinois, ot·ganizations at n!'xt T uesday's concludes the trip. Union m('cting. Selections on this year's pro­ - - --- , gram include Mozart's "Ave __ V e r u m, ·· Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus from 'The Messiah,' " Wil­ liams' stately "Holy Lord of All,'' Sophs capture ! and the Negro spiritual "Ole Ark·s A-Movin' " arranged by Cain. highest honors The second half or the concert will feature "My Bonnie Lassie" as arranged by Ehret, Sullivan's at Stunt Night moving "The Lost Chord," Pur­ cell's '·Trumpet Song," and the Upperelass domination of old standard "Heart of My Stunt Night ended on Satur­ Heart." In addition to these selections, day, Mar. 16, when the the Glee Club will join with the ~ophomores captured first girls' choruses in Vincent You 4 place honors in a c lose con­ man's ''Fantasy." The evening Js lest with the juniors. The topped off with the very beauti­ Pictured above are Director ful "Alleluia" arranged by the Class of 1965 became t he Jock T. Hearns and the mem­ well-known Randall Thomson. fir~t s ophomore class to win bers of the Glee Club, who According to Mr. Jack T . t he trophy s ince t he compe­ Fr~shmen to swing I deported today for a Mid­ Hearns, the director, the two t ition began in 1939. west tour. girls' choruses are rated with the best in this part of lhe country. Compulsory convocations was the them!.' of thl.' winning skit, dirccll'd by Rtcha1·d C'ermak and at U Club concert W11liam WeJch. Al pha Sigma Gnu PR drill team takes second cnlll'd on S teve Allen. played byl Carl Sanislo. to conduct the as- By CHARLES SALE.M: scmbly like his l' how. The imita· The Four Freshmen, the popular Capitol recording in national meet at Illinois tion of the night time feature . d h 1 U · . · Cl b S · t\CIUih•tl <tn \ntcrvic" with Union shu·.-, w1l1 be feature at t e annua Ill\ ers1ty u pl'tng Company C of the 3rd Per::>hing Rifle Regiment at the prcsll\cnt Matt MncKcnncdy, act- I jazz concert. The concert will be held in the Gymnasium on University of lllinois was host Lo t he 15th Annual National cd by Hugh Large}-. und n guest Saturday night May 4. Invitational Meet Friday and Saturday, Mar. and nppcarance hy Jackie Gleason, I • Drill 8 9. :\Ticha<>l Fusciello Son~ by a In the past such names as concert appearances and record Out of the 63 participating drill teams, John Carroll's Com­ Soggy chef, Robert .Mahone), Dave Brubeck, Stan Kenton. sales unheard of over such a long pany M-1 of the Pershing Rifles placed seeond in the In­ enrl<'d the shO\\ . Duke Ellington, and Ahmad period of time. Secondly, the fantry Drill Regulation competition. Culture· at C.uTOIJ was explored Jamal have graced the Carroll Freshmen are adventurers, being by the juniors in n skit of three stngc. This year's selection of a one of the first vocal groups to '"gments. David Ht'l7. began lhe jazz-oriented vocal group adds a utilize the twelve tone concept in hO\\ as a folk singer with ballads new scope lo the musically their singing-giving them a dis­ of on the Can·oll ban<! and theology. flourlshmg series University tinctivcly modern approach. Club concerts that began four Add to this the fact that two !Vtiehacl lh~1·ald, a" ~ tl'(ll'fi best ac- years ago. of the members of t he quartet are tor honors, then poru·ayed the C .. l . _ not original members and the stnr in a parody o1 nomro and onst~ten t popu anty Freshmen "sound" has remained Juliet. !n the finul ~egmcnt •fim- The Four Freshmen arc umque the same. The sound includes . in ~cveral ways. They hnvr. been guitar bass drums mellophone, othy deBord and JUnJot· ch011Js Ico nsistently ·:on top" for over l~n lJ1Jm~t. tr~ mbone, ~~ played by I Tum to Pagt> S. Col. 1' yt-ar'S, en,Jo) Ill~ a populartty lll the mult..i-instrwnentalist mem- bers of the quartet. walking fad hits campus I N~ ~~~e~~:e~~ the Univer- • hik I sity Club co m m en ted, ''The variety in instrumentation and as unlon Sponsors e harmonies that the Freshmen use. plus the more humorous side Carroll student8 again take up the latest national fad of the Freshmen, solves the r•rob- . ' th . 50 ·1 h'k ·ponso ed b. th !em of boredom at a Freshmen tomorrov. "1 a campus -ml e 1 e s r :t e concert. There's never a dull mo- S tudent Union. The route to be taken was initially bla?.ed ment when the Freshmen a re on the stand." recently by t he Cle veland Club. I There is plenty of evidence of Pictured above is a section of the Pershing Rlfle drill team which recently placed second in a national drill meet. All those interested in the hike destination. but the longe:;t dis- vocal precision and s tarllingly arc to report to the front of the tance recorded was 25 miles. good humor on Capitol Records Drill team members under the This is the second time this Admmistt-ation Building a t 8 a.m. lsee "Road Show" with Stan direction of PR Lt. Thomas J . year tnat the PR's have repre­ Snturday. The hike will be along Kenton and ''The Four Freshmen Etowski faced contenders from sented the school ln drill com­ Routt' 8 to the outskirts of Akron in Pel'!;On"), and it ls this com- Pennsylvania Military College, petition. The first being the 1st and back Assem b l~v l bination of art and arUficc that University of Wisconsin, Purdue, Battalion meet at Youngstown, 'J has made the Frestunen favoTltes Loyola University of Chicago. where the freshman team took A coffee and first a id station in colle~c<; a ll over the counu·y. Marquette University. and Uni­ second place in their maiden trial. will be made available every 5 T ho Very Rev. Hugh E. versity of Pittsburgh. The illinois victory, according miles. A trophy will be awarded Dunn, S.J.. President of the Poll rati ngs First place was awarded to to PR Richard Forster, showed a to the wirurer's organization ·with l'nh'N·slty. wUl add:ro.'iS the One indication is the fact that Pennsylvania Military College marked improvement in perform­ his name inscribed on it. Exten- student body Jn a. spootn.l con- the group has consistenlly won VOC'atlon Monday, Apr. 1, at whose team has in the past won ance, gojng from second in local sive telt:'\'ision and newspaper :SO p.m. Importance ot the or come in second (to Laml)ert- th.e competition on numerous oc· competition to second in the na­ 1 coverage is planned. as~bly ls underliCored by Fr. Hendricks-Bavan) in all the casions. Judges during the two­ tion. The next meet will be the major polls (Downbeat. Met.ron­ day drill meet were representa­ 1st Regiment Drill .Meet, to b e About 15 Cleveland Club mem- Owan's postponement or an np- ome, and Playboy) over the past Lives from the five services, each held at the University of Ken­ beTs attempted the same route on pears.nce be.Core tbe Unton un- ten years. No other group can holding a company grade rank, tucky in ~arly May. They will be 8 80 Thursday, Mar. 21 S tarting at 3 tU Tuesday, Apr. • that the claim this. Tickets for the con- with the exception of the Army trying to repeat last year's per­ d.-1-te-s can cons l de r b1s al · bo t tw u.m.
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