LONGEVITY SURVEY LENGTH OF LIFE OF MAMMALS IN CAPTIVITY AT THE LONDON ZOO AND WHIPSNADE PARK The figures given in the following tables are based on the records of the Zoological Society of London for the years 1930 to 1960. The number of specimens in each sample is given in the first column. The percentage of the sample that died in less than a year at the zoo is iven in second column. In this way ‘delicate’ zoo species can be noted at a glance. An average fife span of all those individuals living for more than a year at the zoo is given (in months) in the third column. In the fourth column the maximum individual life-span is noted for each species. It must be emphasized that the age of specimens arriving at the zoo is seldom known accur- ately and no allowance has been made for this. All figures refer to the period of time between arrival at the zoo and death at the zoo. Actual life-spans will, therefore, usually be longer than those given. Number o % dead in Average age Ma.life individual less than (in nronths) span in sample 12 month of those (in months) livi 12 man% or longer ORDER MONOTREMATA Tachyglossus aculeatirs Echidna 7 I00 10 Zuglossus bruijni Druijns Echidna 2 - 368 ORDER MARSUPIALIA Caluromys philander Philander Opossum 3 - 50 Philander opossum Quica Opossum I - 1s Lutreolina crussicaudufa Thick-tailed Opossum 6 50 1s Metachirus nudicuudatirs Rat-tailed Opossum 14 71 27 Didelphis marsupialis Virginian Opossum 34 82 26 Didelphis azarae Azara’s Opossuni IS 53 48 Dmyurus uiuerrinus Little Native Cat 2 I00 I1 Dasyurus maculatus Spotted-tailed Native-Cat I - 24 Surcophilus hurrisi Tasmanian Devil I1 18 72 Thylacinus cynocephalrrs Tasmanian Wolf I - 67 Perameles nasuta Long-nosed Bandicoot 4 75 1.5 Isoodon obesula Short-nosed Bandicoot I I00 I Phascolomis hirsutum Common Wombat I1 I8 228 Phascolomis tasmaniensis Tasmanian Wombat 3 67 21 Pseudochirus peregrinrrs Queensland Grey Ring-tailed Opossum I - 29 Phalanger rnuculatur Spotted Cuscus 2 I00 I1 Phalanger orientalis Grey Cuscus I I00 5 Phalanger gyninotis Cave Cuscus 3 33 65 Trichorurus uulpecula Silver-grey Opossum I8 28 144 Pctaurus breuiceps Short-headed Flying Phalanger 26 43 I37 Petaurus norfolcensis Squirrel-like Flying Phalanger 5 60 113 Distoechurus pennatrrs Feather-tailed Phalanger I - 19 Potorous tridactylus Dark Rat-Kangaroo 7 71 SS Dendrolagus inustus Grizzled Grey Tree-Kangaroo 8 38 73 Dendrolagus matschiei Matschie’s Tree Kangaroo 8 13 117 Protemnodon brachyurirs Short-tailed Wallaby 7 43 38 Protemnodon billardieri Red-bellied Wallaby I I00 2 Protemnodon eugenii Dama Wallaby 20 20 63 Plotemnodon thetidis Thigh-striped Wallaby 6 SO 16 288 Muntrnaliun hngevity Survey % deadin t%zlf less than (in months) in sample IZ months livin IZ mn& or Protemnodon rufogrisea Bennett’s Wallaby 28 46 8s Protemnodon agilis Agile Wallaby 5 40 I8 Protemnodon elegans Parry’s Wallaby 4 75 13 Profemnodon bicolor Black Wallaby 27 22 I45 Macropus n4jius Red Kangaroo 38 47 80 Macropus major Great Grey Kangaroo 34 32 140 Macropus robustus Wallaroo I8 28 92 ORDER INSECTIVORA Setifr setosus Spiny Tenrec 8 I00 2 Tenrec ecaudatus Coninlon Tenrec 16 25 28 Crociduraj?avescetts White-toothed Shrew I IW 5 Sorex minufus Pigmy Shrew I 100 I Echinosorex gymnura Moon Rat I - 55 Erinaceus europaeus European Hedgehog 96 73 41 Erinaceus algirus Algerian Hedgehog 6 17 66 Erinaceus frontalis African Hedgehog 9 56 31 Hemiechinus auritus Long-eared Hedgehog 7 14 30 Paraechinus aethiopicus Ethiopian Hedgehog 4 50 22 Tiipaia glis Conimon Tree Shrew 12 50 27 Tupaia tana Bornean Tree Shrew 2 I00 3 Elephantulus rozeti North African Elephant Shrew 4 100 6 Elephanfuhrs brachyrhychus Kenya Elephant Shrew I IW - ORDER PRIMATES Galago smegalensis Bush-Bab y 77 43 130 Galago deni Allen’s Galago 3 47 62 Galago denridofi Demidoffs Galago 15 I00 I0 Galago crassicaudatus Bushy-tailed Bush-Baby 40 28 109 Loris tardigradus Slender Loris 21 57 35 h’ycficebus caucang Slow Loris 26 73 84 Perodicticus potto Potto 43 I8 105 Arctocebus calabarensis Angwantibo 3 67 42 Lemur variegafus Ruffed Lemur 3 33 1x1 Lemur macaco Black Lemur 8 13 308 Lmurfulvus Brown Lemur 29 31 192 Lemur mongor Mongoose Lemur 2 - 96 Lemur catta Ring-tailed Lemur 30 37 92 Hapalemur griseus Grey Leniur 2 50 73 Microcebus murinus Lesser Mouse Lemur 2 I00 8 Microcebus coqucreli Coquerel’s Pygmy Lemur 2 I00 3 Chcirogaleus major Crossley’s Moux Lemur I - 104 Propithecus verrauxi Verrauxi’s Sifaka I I00 I Daubentonia madagascariensis Aye-Aye 2 - 34 Tarsius spectrum Tarsier 3 - 34 Cebuella pygmaea Pygmy Marmoset 6 67 28 Hapale argentatus Black-tailed Marriioset I I00 - Hapale rantaremensis Santarem Marmoset 2 I00 4 Hapale jacchus Common Marnioset I34 67 I44 Hapale penicillata Black-eared Marmoset 9 33 73 Hapalejlaviceps Yellow-headed Marmoset I - 30 Leontocebus leucopus White-footed Tamuin 4 I00 I0 Leontocebus illigeri Red-mantled Tamarin 4 75 19 Leontocebus midas Red-handed Taniarin I8 72 58 Leontocebus tamarin Negro Tamarin 4 I00 4 Leontocebus pileatus Pileated Tamarin I 100 9 Leontocebus oedipus Cotton-headed Tamarin 9 I00 I1 Number of dead in Average age Max. life individuals less than (in months) span in sampfe 12 months of those (in months) !%Cc?r /Ohger Leontocebus geofroy i Geoffroy’s Tamarin 8 I00 - 10 Leontocebus rosalia Lion Marmoset 7 43 30 49 Aotes trivirgatus Douroucouli 22 40 38 140 Callicebus cupreus Red Titi Monkey 3 67 I2 I2 Cacajao rubicundus Red Uakari I 100 - I Pithecia monuchus Monk Saki 4 I00 - 9 Pithecia pithecia White-faced Saki 6 100 - 4 Saimiri sciurea Squirrel Monkey 41 51 29 130 Cebus capuciria White-throated Capuchin 4 I00 - 9 Cebus albifrons White-fronted Capuchin 5 20 37 65 Cebus nigriuittatus Black-capped Capuchin 2 50 12 I2 Cebus apella Brown Capuchin 61 42 6.5 250 Ateles paitiscus Red-faced Spider Monkey 6 33 79 99 Ateles belzebufh White-whiskered Spider Monkey I - 93 93 Ateles geqfroyi Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey 5 40 54 81 Lagothrix lagotricha Humboldt’s Woollv Monkev 40 55 34 89 Lagothriw cana Smoky Woolly Monkey ‘ 2 - 27 36 Alouatta seniculus Red Howling Monkey 7 43 1s 17 Alouatfa belzebul Yellow-handed Howling Monkey I I00 - 1 Alouatta villosa Guatemalan Howling Monkey 1 I00 - - Pygathrix nemaerrs Douc I I00 - 4 Presbytis entellus Langur 4 60 21 22 Presbytis xenex Purple-faced Langur 3 33 40 53 Presbytis obscurus Dusky Leaf Monkey S 20 23 33 Presbytis melalophus Banded Leaf Monkey I 100 - 4 Rhirtopithecus roxellanae Snub-nosed Monkey I I00 - I Colobus yolykomus King Colobus Monkey 11 82 69 I12 Colobus abyssinicus Guereza Monkey I - 48 48 Colobus badius Red Colobus Monkey 4 100 - I Cercopithecus diana Diana Monkey 8 so 86 I94 Cercopithecrrs neglectits Brazza’s Monkey 10 50 71 I00 Cercopithecus hamlyni Owl-faced Monkey I I06 - 9 Cercopithecus talapoin Talapoin Monkey 2 - 82 128 Cercopithecus aethiops Grivet, Green and Vervet Monkey 72 43 40 167 Cercopithecus cephus Moustached Monkey 8 13 63 I49 Cercopithecus erythrotis Red-eared Monkey 6 I7 31 72 Cercopirhecus nicfitans Greater White-nosed Monkey 31 46 44 15s Cercopithecus pefaurista Lesser White-nosed Monkey 8 ‘3 27 63 Cercopithecus ascartius Black-cheeked White-nosed -!4 Monkey 2 - 20 37 Cercopithecus morra Mona Monkey 30 33 49 244 Cercopithecus pogonias Yellow-bellied Monkey I - 21 21 Cercopithecus l’hoesti L’Hoest’s Monkey 3 - 75 10s Cercopithecus miris Pluto Monkey 23 13 69 160 Erythrocebus pafas Patas Monkey 30 43 45 99 Cercocebus torquatiis Sooty and White-collared Mangabey 33 11 78 245 Cercocebus albigena Grey-cheeked Mangabey I - 146 I 46 Macaca tnaurus Moor Macaque 3 67 20 20 Maracas lvuira Barbary Ape 3 - 144 153 Macuca&afa Japanese Macaque 3 - 95 129 Macaca silenus Lion-tailed Macaque 6 - 86 164 Macaca nemestrina Pig-tailed Monkey 8 25 I00 191 .24acaca speciosa Stumped-tailed Macaque 4 25 75 96 Macaca rnulatfa Rhesus Monkey 375 52 31 182 Mammalian Lofgevity Survey Number o % &ad in Average age Muw. I@ individual less than (in months) 5pun in sample 12 months of those (in months) livin it month or longer Macaca irus Crabeating Macaque 20 30 59 169 Macaca radiata Bonnet Monkey 4 - 57 95 Macaca sinica Toque Monkey I0 30 55 86 Cynopifhecur niger Black Ape 4 so 30 31 Papio papio Guinea Baboon 21 I0 47 ,170 Papio cynocephalus Yellow Baboon 4 2.5 151 233 Papio anubis Olive Baboon I1 - 51 116 Papio hamadryas Hamadryas Baboon 46 I3 77 164 Mandrillus sphinx Mandrill I2 25 81 184 Mandrillus leucophaeus Drill 7 I4 13s 256 Theropithecus gelada Gelada Baboon 4 2s 57 69 Hylobates lar Lar Gibbon 32 40 48 128 Hylobafes nioloch Grey Gibbon 13 31 40 113 Hylobafes agilis Agile Gibbon 5 40 95 239 Hylobates hoolock Hoolock Gibbon 3 33 116 128 Hylobafes concolor Capped Gibbon 16 20 82 200 Hylobates syndacfylus Siamang 7 14 31 69 Pongo pypaeus Orang-utan I3 38 I12 294 Gorilla gorilla Gorilla 4 - 49 82 Pan satyrrts Chimpanzee 63 43 63 269 ORDER CHIROPTERA Epomophorus gambianus Gambian Fruit Bat I I00 - I Dobsonia moluccensis Moluccan Fruit Bat 2 - 48 48 Rouseffusaegygptiacus Egyptian Fruit Bat I I00 - 2 Rouseftus angolennis Angolan Fruit Bat 5 80 I4 14 Eidolon helvum Straw-coloured Fruit Bat 14 29 5s 87 Pferopusgiganteus Indian Flying Fox 29 45 57 --- . I54 Pteropus colinus Reddish Fruit Bat I I00 - 9 Pferopus geddici Gedde's Fruit Bat 3 - 39 86 Pferopus bakeri Baker's Fruit Bat 2 - 82 90 Myofis daubentoni Daubenton's Bat 2 I00 - 7 Pipistrellus pipistrellus Pipistrelle I2 I00 - I Eptesicus serotinus Serotine I I00 - 6 Nycfalus noctula Noctule 6 100 - 4 Plecotus auritus Long-eared Bat 2 I00 - - Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Greater Horseshoe Bat 8 I00 - I Dermodus rofundus Vampire
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