— MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. June 7. 1989 1 ^ HOMES ROOMS APARTMENTS I HOMES mTV/8TERE0/ I CARS CARS I CARS FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT l^oirAPPLIANCES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE TOLLAND. Single fur­ T E N rooms, two full plus MANCHESTER. Two and SOUTH Windsor. Large WHIRLPOOL heavy duty MAZDA RX7 LS, 1980. C H EV Y Citation. 1981, CHORCHES MOTORS Hostages Champ Speaker two holt baths, enor­ nished room. Heat, three bedrooms. Se­ six bedroom Contem­ washer and Fridgidar Garaged winters, low 80 Oakland St. electicitv and parking. Automatic, air, two mous first floor family curity and references. porary home. Three dryer. 684-6576. mileage. $3,200 or best door hatchback. Front- Manchester, CT - r . room, delux oak kit­ $80. weekly. 875-0337. Call 645-8201. full baths, two car gar­ offer. 742-6141._______ ELEC T R IC Stove. Sears wheel drive, new front 1 9 e e DOOOE DYNASTY *12.138 Iranian official Foley rejects chen, full walk-out M ANCH ESTER. One bed­ age plus pool and deck. 20", 4 burner. White BUICK Skylark, 77. Two struts, tires, body M H S’s Cruz proves mettle $1300 monthly. Call IMS CHRYSLER SIh AVE *14BM basement. In-law setup WE DELIVER room apartment. $475 Nutone Coppertone door fully equipped. good. 875-6991. on first floor and lots For Home Delivery. Call per month Includes D.W. Fish Realty, 871- Range hood with vent Dependable car. $600. IMS OOOQE ARIES *7.SM m ak e s an offer /7 at the Girls’ State Open /13 role as czar /9 more! $219,900. Jack- 1400 or 643-1591. MUSTANG, 1979. Asking heat and appliances. to outside. Very good 643-2587.____________ $750. 643-5919.________ IM S Q M SIERRA P.U. *S.9M son & Jackson Real 6 4 7 - 9 9 4 6 649-8365._____________ SM A L L year round house condition. Ideal for Estate, 647-8400.g Monday to Friday, 9 to 6 HONDA Accord, 78, five Eight cylinder, new ISM DODGE SHADOW *S7M FOUR rooms, second on Columbia Lake. apartment or summer speed, high miles, runs. t h r e e bedroom $650. monthly. 228-0602. camp. Both for $75. transmission, 71 Chevy IB M D O DG E 0180 P.U. *11.3M floor. $630. Including $350. or best offer. 643- Malibu. Needs some Colonial-Charming In­ heat. Suitable for M ANCH ESTER. Central Manchester, 646-0271. 9752 after 7pm._______ 19M DODGE DAYTONA *iaiM terior convenient tree work. $500 or best offer. APARTMENTS adults. Call 649-9535 af­ prestigues location. FORD, 1977 LTD wagon. 643-9846. 1M7 DODGE OMNI *4.BM lined location, two car ter 5pm. FOR RENT Two story, three bed­ 351 Cleveland, new bat- HYUNDAI Excell GL, 87, 1M7 BUICK SKYHAWK *8.4M oarage, screen porch. AVAILABLE July 1. $600. rooms, two baths, liv­ MISCEI1ANE0U8 Call R E/M AX 647-1419 tery. $500. 649-6474. 32K, excellent condi­ 1M7 CHRYSLER SIh AVE *1S,SM MANCHESTER. Availa­ Four room duplex ing room with fire­ FOR SALE or Ron Fournier even­ place, dining room, G IVE YOUR budget a tion. $4800. Call 1964 RENAULT EN CO RE •Z380 ings 649-3087.D ble Immediately. Two without heat and re­ break ... shop the classi­ Monday-Thursday, 8-5. bedroom townhouse- frigerator. No pets. basement with one car 649-4751. 19M PLYMOUTH RELIANT *8.1M garage and full fenced fied columns for bargain ,from $650. Security Adults preferred. Call END ROLLS buys!_________________ 1963 CHRYSLER SO) AVE *8.380 and references re­ after 5pm, Monday- In back yard. Available BOLTON $134,900 Frlday, 646-8858. June 30. $1,150 per 2716" width — 25C FORD Pinto 73. Auto­ CHEVY 1993 BU ICK RIVIERA *8.800 quired. No pets. Also 13" width — 2 for 25^ i960 MERCURY MONARCH *1,9M Priced well below available, one bed­ M ANCHESTER. One-two month plus heat and matic. Runs good. Re­ room from $550. Boyle bedrooms, second utilities. Call 345-8848. Newsprint end rolls can be built engine. $325. CAPRICE market value. picked up at the Manchester negotiable. Call 291- Real Estate Company, floor, heat and hot Herald ONLY before 11 a m. 1985, 58,500, Clean, ★ 6 4 M 7 .9 .1 j ^ JHanrliPBlpr MpralJi 8888. Keep trying. For Sale By 649-4800; Superintend­ water, enclosed STORE AND Monday through Thursday. all new hoses, belts, ent, 646-1999. porches, on bus line. PONTIAC Grandprix, 83. 72 HOUR MONEY BACK Owner. Garage, yard. Availa­ OFFICE SPACE -hEE wood chips for $2,500 or best offer. tires, exhaust, brakes. OUARANTEE 5 room ranch, 3 MANCHESTER. Two landscaping. Ken at Excellent condition. All work done by Ford T7 Granada •2.4M ble July 1. $750 per 643-1442._____________ bedrooms, full bedroom apartment. month. Security dep­ O F F l'cE"^pace""^M 742-9033._____________ Medford Motors. Wire NIaaan 'M Sontra •2,fM Thursday, June 8, 1989 Newsstand Price: 35 Cents square feet. Excellent Chavy *84 Chavalta Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm basement, hardwood All appliances, carpet­ osit. No pets. Call after DOUBLE Bowl, stainless Red Dodge Demon, *2.9M ing, heat and hot water, location. $300. heat In­ steel sink with single Wheels. All power. Dodea*M400 *2.9M floors, plaster walls, 5, 643-5027. 1971.New exhaust, air conditioning. Se­ cluded. 647-9223 or 643- level faucet, spray great running, low Tilt wheel. *5995. ToyoM *M Tareal *8.SM basement garage. MANCHESTER. Well 7175. Chavy *87 Cavtilsr *8.9M cond floor. Call 649- cared for three bed­ hose and beige formica miles. $500 or best 649-7992 after 5 Private V. acre lot on 5240. counter top. Very good Ford *M LTD *B.8M room duplex with lots MANCHESTER. 600 sq. offer. 646-8663 after 5. 649-7878. dead end street. ft., utilities, parking condition. Both for Olda *84 Cutlata •8.8M MANCHESTER. Avalla- of character. Non- Ford *87 Rtngor P.U. •S.SM Principals only. Included. $12. per sq. ft. $100. Manchester, 646- ble July 1. Quiet nelgh- smokers. No pets. $750. 0271. OKta-SSOolta *S.9M Phono plus utilities. 647-7725. yearly. 2nd floor, 1 mile CARblNAL Buick *M Rpgal borhood. Three to 1-84. *e.9M Martiai law tightened bedrooms, large kit­ AVAILABLE Im m e ­ BUICK, INC. JOE RILEY'S Pont. *M aOO 8TE *7.SM 643-4022 DILLON FORD Olda *M M Rasanoy *8,9M chen with appliances, diately. Nice one bed- ITAB 1988 Toyota Tercel *8980 front and rear porches, room. Corpet, 319 M a in St„ M anchester ToyoU *M Calloa G TS *8.fM secluded yard and gar­ appliances, enclosed ■ ^ V A C A T IO N SALES 1988 Buick LeSabre *12999 Olda'MDalU *iesM 1988 Chev Conver Van *17999 SB "EXP Coupe *7485 Olda *87 M T-8wtan *14.9M I CONDOMINIUMS age. $700 per month, porch, heat and hot |2 S J RENTALS 88 E icon "L X " H/B *7495 Chinese NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ 1988 Buick Skylark $8990 Pondao * N Formula *18.9M FOR SALE plus security. Tenants water. $575. Garage B8 E icon "Q L " H/B *7495 I pay heat and electric­ available. 646-4144. ORLANDO Florida. Lux­ eral Statute 23-65 prahibits 1988 Buick Century *11990 BOB RILEY OLDSMOBILE urious two bedroom, the posting of advertise­ 1987 Pont Grand Am *7770 85 Eicon 4-Dr H/B *4495 TOWNHOUSE on 6th ity. No pets. 646-1210 TWO bedroom duplex. 88 Taurus Wag! Loaded *7885 AND MARME days, 643-8422 full equipped town- ments by any person, firm or 1987 Buick Skyhawk *7980 premier Green. Manchester Includes heat, hot wa­ corporation on a telegraph, 260 Adimi SL Minch. evenings. house. Minutes from 1987 Buick Park Ave. *12880 83 Etcon 2 Door *4805 Country Club. Three ter, gas for cooking. telephone, electric light or 87 Eicon "Q L " H/B *5585 648-1748 bedroom s. $179,900. $685. per month. 659- Disney, Sea World, air­ power pole' or to a tree, 1988 Chevrolet Cavalier *5990 VERNON. One or two port, pool/tennis. $500 shrub, rock, or any other 1988 Buick Electra *10250 85 Mustang Sunroof *4995 Owner, Ron 646-2364. bedroom apartments 0703 after 4pm. 89 Brand Naw Festiva *5795 reappears weekly, $1500 monthly. natural oblect without a writ­ 1988 Buick Century *7890 CAMPERS/ M ANCH ESTER. Nice 3 In a five unit complex. 649-8873 or 683-3387. ten permit tor the purpose of 1984 Mercury Cougar *8180 86 LTD Brougham Sedan *5886 TRAILERS BUSINESS Like new condition. room apartment. Heat protecting Itorthepubllcond 1988 Buick LeSabre *8290 66 Marcury Sable "Q S " *7495 Lower level family and electricity. Secur­ carries o fine of up to $50 for 68F2504x4 *9995 By Jim Abrams 1 £ « J PROPERTY each offense. 1985 Buick Someraet *7440 1986 PRO W LER travel room could be second ity deposit. No pets. ROOMMATES 89 Probe LX Demo *12005 The Associated Press MANCHESTER. 171 Sad- 1984 Eldorado Convert *14888 trailer. Sleeps seven. bedroom. $750. per 643-8552._____________ WANTED 85 Bronco II AT *6995 M A N C H E S T E R . 1240 month, heat Included. I dlehlll Road, (off Kee­ 81 Adams St. Heat and air condi­ sauare feet. First floor THREE bedroom apart­ 88 Ranger XLT *8995 tioner, awning, full BEIJING — Premier Li Peng Call Gordon at D.W. ment available July MANCHESTER. Room- ney Street-follow Manchester suite In Main Street Fish, 871-1400. signs). Saturday and 87 84 Tempo 2 Door *4295 bath. $8500. 643-9646. appeared in public today for the Professional Building 8th. $650. per month mate.
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