PART 2, S2.6.2 S2.6.2 ULTRASONIC THICKNESS TESTING Ultrasonic thickness (UT) testing shall be performed to determine boiler plate thickness. UT testing shall be performed by personnel acceptable to the Jurisdiction and the Inspector. The following requirements shall be met, to the extent possible. Performance and results shall be acceptable to the Inspector and, if required, the Jurisdiction. a) Equipment, operator, and calibration standards used shall be documented. b) To calculate MAWP, ultrasonic thickness testing results in areas of generalized thinning (3 in. [76 mm] in diameter or greater) or where grooved thinning is noted (2 in. [50 mm] in length or greater) are to be used in determining minimum thickness in accordance with S2.10. The MAWP calculation in S2.10 shall be completed based on the thickness data gathered. c)b) On initial UT of stayed sections, the plate thickness readings should be taken on a grid not exceeding the maximum staybolt pitch. Additional readings may be taken close to each staybolt to determine if localized thinning has occurred. Particular attention should be given to the joint between the staybolt and the plate. d)c) On initial UT of unstayed sections, the plate thickness readings should be taken on a grid not exceeding 12 inch (300mm) centers. Additional readings should be taken if conditions warrant. e)d) UT test results shall be documented so location of test results can be checked at subsequent UT tests to determine if material loss has occurred. f)e) Recurring UT testing shall be performed by randomly checking 10% of original UT checks. Areas of thinning identified during previous inspections shall be given particular attention. If material loss is determined, additional testing may be requested by the Inspector. g)f) Particular attention should be placed upon areas that typically exhibit thinning. These areas include the ogee curve, the mudlegs, the fusible plug, around feedwater inlets, and around the firebox door ring. h)g) The owner/operator shall maintain the initial and recurring grid mapped UT readings in conjunction with the calculations in permanent boiler records. Documentation shall be available to the Inspector for review and acceptance. Part 2, Section 11 (1.5.2), (2.2.5), (, (, (, (S2.3.6.6), (S2.3.6.8) (S2.8.4), (S2.10.6), A (S5.2.1), (S6.5.3), (S6.12.1), (S6.13.4), (S6.13.9), (S6.17), (S7.2), (S7.10), (S8.2), Acceptance (S10.1), (S10.6), (S10.10.4), (S10.10.6), (Foreword), (1.3), (1.6), (, (, (S10.10.7), (S10.11), (9.1) (4.4.1), (4.4.7), (S2.6.2), (S2.7.3.1), (S4.4), (S4.5), (S6.4.7.7), (S6.13.6.6), (S7.7), (S7.8), ASTM (S9.1), (S10.7), (S10.8), (S10.10.4), (8.2), (9.1) (S6.13.11.12), (S6.15.1), (S6.17) Accreditation Authority (Introduction), (9.1) (1.3), (S6.2), (S6.3), (S6.4.7.1), (S6.5.1), Programs (S6.5.2), (S6.5.3.1), (S6.8), (S6.11), (S6.12.3), (Introduction) (S6.16.7), (S6.16.8), (S6.17), (S7.1), (S10.4), (S10.10.5), (9.1) Acoustic Emission (, (4.2.8), (S5.5), (S5.6), (S7.3.1), Authorization (S10.4), (S10.5), (S10.7), (S10.8), (S10.10.1), (5.2.1), (5.3.2), (S6.4.6), (S6.5.1), (S6.17) (S10.10.3), (S10.10.5), (S10.10.8) Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) Addenda (4.4.1), (S6.17), (9.1) (Introduction), (S2.10.4.1), (8.2), (9.1), (10.1) B Adjustments Pressure Relief Valves Barcol Hardness Test (2.5.3), (2.5.7), (2.5.8), (S6.16.6) (S4.6.3) Administrative Requirements Blowdown (Introduction), (8.1) (, (, (, (, (, (S2.4.3), (S2.7.1), (S2.8.1), (S2.9), Alteration (S2.11), (S2.13.1.2), (S2.14.7), (S2.14.12), (Foreword), (Introduction), (1.3), (1.5.2), (S8.2), (S8.3), (S8.5) (2.2.10), (2.2.11), (, (, (, (4.3.1), (4.4.1), (4.4.5), (S1.3), (S2.1), (S2.4.1), Blowoff (S2.10.5), (S4.6.2), (S6.2), (S6.4), (S7.8.1), (2.2.6) (S7.9), (S9.3), (S9.4), (7.1), (7.2), (9.1) Boilers American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Black Liquor (Foreword), (S9.3), (9.1) (, ( Cast Iron American Petroleum Institute (API) (, (5.3.4) (1.3), (S6.9), (S9.3) Electric (, ( Appliance Firetube (S1.5.4), (S1.5.6), (S2.13.2), (S2.13.4), (9.1) (2.2.8), (, (, (, (S1.4), (S2.8.1), Appurtenances (S2.10.5) (1.5.2), (2.2.10), (, (2.3.5), (, Locomotive (, (, (, (2.5.1), (S2.4.2), (Introduction), (, (S1.1), (S1.2), (S2.4.3), (S2.7.3.1), (S6.13.1), (S6.13.3), (S1.3), (S1.4.1), (S1.4.2.9), (S1.4.2.10), (S6.13.4), (S6.13.6), (S6.14.3), (S6.17) (S2.2), (S2.4.3), (S2.4.4.1), (S1.4.2.13), (S1.4.2.17), (S1.4.3.1), (S1.4.3.2), Arch Tube (S1.5), (S1.5.1), (S1.5.2), (S1.5.4), (S1.4.2.17), (S1.5.4) (S1.5.5), (S1.5.6), (S1.7), (S2.1) Organic and Inorganic Fluid ASME Code (, ( Watertube (S6.13.6.5), (S6.13.6.6), (S6.13.7), (S6.13.9), (2.2.9), (, (, (, (S6.13.10.1), (S6.13.10.2), (S6.13.10.3), (, (S2.8.1) (S6.13.11), (S6.13.11.1), (S6.13.11.2), Waste Heat (S6.13.11.3), (S6.13.11.4), (S6.17) ( Certificate Holder Boiler Inspection Guidelines (Historical) (S1.3), (5.2.3), (S10.7), (9.1) (S2.11) Certificate of Authorization Boiler Operators (Historical) (Introduction), (9.1) (S2.4.3) Certificate of Compliance Bonding (S6.5.3), (S6.13.8) ( Certification Braces (, (, (4.2), (S2.4.1), (S2.4.3), (S1.4.2.6), (S1.4.2.14), (S2.11) (S2.7.1), (S2.8.1), (S2.10.1), (S2.12), (S6.5.3), (S6.5.4.3), (S6.13.4), (S6.14.8), (9.1) Brittle Fracture (3.4.3), (3.4.4), (3.4.6), (, (, Certifying Engineer (S6.6.1), (S6.6.4) (S6.5.3), (S6.13.3), (S6.13.4), (S6.13.11), (S6.17) Bulges and Blisters (3.4.7), (S1., (S2.10.4.2), (S10.6), Circulator (S10.8), (S10.9) (S1.4.2.17), (S1.5.4) C Cleaning (2.1), (, (S1.5.4), (S2.4.3), (S2.13.2), Calculations (S3.4), (S4.6.1), (S5.2), (S6.9), (S9.3), (S10.9), (4.4.5), (S2.6.3.1), (S2.6.3.2), (S2.6.3.3), (S10.11) (S2.6.3.4), (S2.10.4.2), (S5.2.1), (S6.15.1), (S6.17), (S10.10.8), (7.3), (7.4), (8.4) Coatings (2.4.4), (, (3.3.1), (3.3.3), (, Calibration (3.4.4), (S6.13.4), (S7.10), (S10.2), (S10.8) (1.5.2), (S1.4.2.27), (S2.6.2), (S2.11), (S6.12.1), (S10.10.4), (S10.10.6) Code Interpretation (Introduction), (8.1), (8.2), (8.4) Capacity (, (, (, (2.5.2), (2.5.4), Code of Construction (, (2.5.7), (S1.6), (S2.8.1), (S2.11), (Foreword), (Introduction), (1.5.2), (, (S2.15), (S5.3.1), (S5.3.3), (S6.8), (S6.11.2), (, (, (, (2.5.2), (2.5.4), (S6.11.3), (S6.13.11.2), (S6.13.11.3), (, (2.5.7), (4.2.5), (, (, (S6.13.11.4), (S6.15.1), (S6.15.4), (9.1) (, (, (5.2.1), (5.2.2), (S6.4.5), (S6.5.2), (S6.7), (S7.2), (S7.7), (S7.10), (7.1), Carbon Content (9.1) (S6.15.1) Codes and Standards Carbon Fiber (Foreword), (1.3), (S6.9), (S9.4), (S10.1) (S10.10.7), (S10.10.8) Combustion Air Cargo Tanks (2.2.4), ( (S6.1), (S6.4.6), (S6.4.6.1), (S6.4.7.2), (S6.4.7.3), (S6., (S6., (S6.5), Commissioned Inspector (S6.5.3), (S6.5.3.2), (S6.11), (S6.13), (S6.13.1), (5.2.1), (5.2.2), (5.2.3), (S6.5.2), (9.1) (S6.13.2), (S6.13.4), (S6.13.5), (S6.13.6), (S6.13.6.2), (S6.13.6.3), (S6.13.6.4), Compressed Air Vessel ( (S1.4.2.24), (S1.4.2.25), (S1.4.2.28), (S1.4.2.31), (S1.4.2.32), (S1.4.2.33), Condensate (S1.4.2.34), (S1.5.2), (S1.5.3), (S1.5.4), (S2.4), (, (, (, (S5.1), (S5.3.1), (S2.5.2), (S2.5.2.2), (S2.6.3), (S2.6.3.1), (S5.3.2.1) (S2.6.3.2), (S2.6.3.3), (S2.6.3.4), (S2.10.2.2), (S2.11), (S2.13.1.1), (S2.13.1.2), (S2.13.2), Confined Space (S4.3), (S4.7.1), (S4.10), (S4.11), (S5.2.2), (1.4), (1.4.1), (S6.11), (9.1) (S5.3), (S5.3.1), (S5.3.2.1), (S5.3.2.6), (S5.3.2.7), (S5.3.3), (S6., Connections (S6., (S6., (S6.5.5.1), (S6.6.1), (, (, (, (, (S6.6.3), (S6.6.3.1), (S6.6.4), (S6.12.1), (2.3.3), (2.3.4), (, (2.4.4), (2.4.5), (2.4.7), (S6.13.1), (S6.13.2), (S6.13.3), (S6.13.4), (, (2.5.6), (2.5.7), (3.3.1), (3.4.9), (S6.13.5), (S6.13.6.3), (S6.13.7), (S6.13.10.1), (S1.4.2.26), (S1.4.2.27), (S2.5.2.2), (S2.10.2.2), (S6.13.11), (S6.14), (S6.14.3), (S6.14.5), (S2.13.4), (S2.14.6), (S5.3.1), (S5.3.2.1), (S6.15.2), (S6.15.3.3), (S6.15.3.6), (S6.16.6), (S6.6.3.1), (S6.13.1), (S6.14.5), (S6.14.6.2), (S6.16.7), (S6.16.9), (S6.17), (S7.4), (S7.8.5), (S6.15.1), (S7.4), (S7.10) (S7.9), (S7.10), (S8.5), (S9.3), (S10.3), (S10.9), (9.1) Construction Code (, (4.3.1), (S2.4.1), (S2.10.5), (S10.1), Corrosion Barrier (S10.6) (S4.3) Continued Service (DOT) Cracks (Introduction), (, (2.4.2), (, (S5.4), (2.2.5), (, (, (, (S6.1), (S6.4), (S6.4.2), (S6.4.3), (S6.4.6), (, (, (2.3.3), (2.3.4), (, (S6.4.6.1), (S6.4.6.2), (S6.4.6.3), (, (, (, (, (, (S6.5), (S6.6.2), (S6.7), (S6.8), (S6.9), (S6.10), (, (2.4.7), (3.3.2), (3.4.4), (3.4.5), (3.4.6), (S6.16.1), (S7.7), (7.1) (3.4.9), (4.2.3), (4.2.5), (4.4.5), (, (, (S1.4.1), (S1.4.2.1), (S1.4.2.2), Controls (S1.4.2.3), (S1.4.2.4), (S1.4.2.5), (S1.4.2.6), (2.2.5), (, (2.2.11), (, (S1.4.2.7), (S1.4.2.8), (S1., (S1.4.2.9), (, (2.3.4), (, (, (2.4.8), (S1.4.2.10), (S1.4.2.11), (S1.4.2.12), (2.5.1), (2.5.7), (, (S2.4.3), (S2.8.4), (9.1) (S1.4.2.13), (S1.4.2.14), (S1.4.2.15), (S1.4.2.16), (S1.4.2.17), (S1.4.2.18), Conversion (S1.4.2.20),
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