LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. Of&oe in Train's Opera House Blook. Three Cents Per Copy. VOLUME XXIII. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1888. NUMBER 50. WHO ? nem nss ueen the medium Ihiouvli whlrli Fat fimtrti e Iiemoerjt c pariv ahoulit pio- aead are: Terry McGlory, Patrick Finn moie the tdv.nuce of tui b Uljr by cheapen- CLKVULAND. CHOSEN. fiuved the undying gratitude of the Krpublie WIND AND WATKR. THE BASE BALL RECORD. THK NORTHWKST. and G orge (Irecn. Four other men wor« NKXT TIUH-JUV Ihe lU'i'iihllciin nntion- lor her aold era, ha bat nut hfullated to wiln- ing the coal of neceaaarlea of life in the home of every worklnf imin, und u* the a ime tlmn Htandlng of the Knur rrlnrlpal Urgnlra. torr.bly Injured and $10,001 worth of dtn- •I i-uDvcnllon mpcU In CII1C»KO, I" bold approval Irtiin tpeo al ledtlat on if atrlrt- rat inquiry rrreaied a wsntol trith andjuatiee teeuniig to him aleiuly and remuasraUvs em- Hunt lor the Week Kndeil .lime 1). Brief Mention of News of Qenoml | ago domv. RonomlnntoU for Pronldent by the Above ill. teellonal strlle. a« never before, la plovmeni.' ThoRo Two Elomonta Cauno Great nomiimli' lli« next PrMiiltnt. Who the Mr. Wutieraon moved that the report of ihe The following tables show the standing Pat Mannix was knocked down uut Domocratlo Convention. nt an enu, and alsiy nilllloni of freemen in the DamaRO nud Death. Interest man will I*-, it U now IIUIHIWIIIII' to tie* of biutberloud arc protperout nnd liti>p». committee be mlopted, which ««« agreed to by of the clubs of the professional base b.- I! robbed of sixty dollars on the tlreetln Bay "These are the aeblevemecta of Iblt Adinni- a unHnimoiia vote. organisations In tho race for the iK-nnaut-, Cllv ihe other nighu He was drunk. runjeotnre with ciTlnlnty. Tin* iminc* Alter the adoption of tbe platform reaoln- llXIMOIft. titntlon. Under the tame illiiatrloua lewler William Allen, of Whlttomoro, pleaded i All»n <l. Thurman, of Ohio, KrrvlTM tha we sre re;idr to meet our pnliilcnl u|.- tlona weie liilnMliireil atj.l adopted aa follow.: Uulldlnga IVreeketl, C'ropa Ilealroyed anA A Chicago mining company, Incorporated of many Iriic unil lni <l "fi\voriU< niin»" Ity Mr. (troti, of Penntyitania—Indoraing Muinlniillon fur Vlr* - rrMldml— ponent. In high and houofsbie dehate tnu I'enona lilllrd — Itlailoi; Foretlt l.KAIiUE l.tflj ANKnil'.VM. c •? .ij- bv E. p, Abfield, John M. Cameron and W. guilty recently to shuotlng deor ont of will COIIW U'FORF tlieoMwiubly.raoh and aiahe our Irtumpb on th- Intelllgenre. and reeomm'-nding tbe early paaaage of the season In Iosco County and was fined toM Thr I'lalfiirn Adoplrd—T*ia Mult but Uy Mr. Lehman, of Iowa—Declar- Slake Many llomeleaa Tea- W. Evans. Is to put $1,420,000 Into tho busi- virtue and patrlotlam of the people. Ad- dollars costs. all backid by llivlr ii^iwcllvo ^tnlin ami NUIIUUBI Oomnilllc*. hering to the oonttllutlon. Iia every line ing for tbe admlaalon of Wathmgloi.. pie — Fearful heenea. Chlcago TU8 illrooklyn .I'll 10' "<1 ness of operating mines at Galena. Dakota. Montana and New Mexico Into by other localUie*. Then- will BW HIIIT- and letter, ever ran.embericir thui 'imwcrt Del nut StH'SL l»u vi MI HIT Mrs. DavUl A. Colbert, a bride of two 1 Oil was recently discovered on tho farm not delegated lo the ITniteil H'atea by ihe con- ihe Union. Dv ox-tioven.or Abbett. ef New York. Cliictnuull.,. MilS S1J owned by Wesley Duals, near Tustln, Oa- ci.svsusn AX II Tit-aMAit. New .len- y — Kxprcatlng tympatliy with n ht or mr ki.evikxts. weeks, and but seventeen years of age, man, of Ohio; IH-i^-w, of New York; stltutlon nor prohibited by it to the Hlstea. me Uoaton Athletic ceola County, and there was conslderabto BT, Ixici". June 11—The Ueiuocmtlo Na- reserved to tbe Blatet reapeetlveiy or lo the tho airurgdng leoplo of all natlona Sfi i.iviv, Mich.. June H -The high windPhlllldrlphiu.i l tlaltlmorc . ulio'lu ifr m was accidentally shot by her husband at Algcr, of Michigan; ]inrrii<on, of Indi- people" by the authority o( to» l)enjoersiy ol la Ibrlr elfurta lo Obtain Ibe blctaing of telf- d lltlaburgh Clsvelaad |lii .".'i l.'l excitement In consequence. tional ccnTsntlon was called to order at government and espeda ly declarer aympalby at noon yesterday eauiw- the Urea in the their homo In Chicago a few days ago, and anna; Gmham, of lllinulii; ami other New York, backed by the Kemocrsey of the Ind anapolla. 'Ksntaa City. lu;« 177 Dr. T. D. Quinn. druggist, of Muskegon, noun yi-stcnluy bv Chulniisn Durnum, who wltb the palrlolslad by (lladatone und I'jinell. woods to nm Into town, destroying the Wa^liliiitlon died Instantly. entire Union, I give you a name enlwlned with .Loulavll- . ..|ii|.1.] »7 was recently convlctcU of vioiatlnit tha iIliutrluiiN men. Hut ilirreiH harmony in intlli'il Hmhni, (iruubury lo offer prayer, victory. I nominate tlruver Cletelunil, of N' w By Mr. linker, of tlhio-A n-fil'i'lon of respect < dwellings of J. Arnold, K 1'hilllps und W. A post.oflli'o has been -stablished at I afu-r which >vni|Mirary urKanlistloo was York r' to the memory uf tho late Vice-President Hall, und damaging J. Matthews'dwelling new liquor law. the party, anil llm knowledKt* that who BsadrtcU WuntHP. rrmtai. I 'unavllle, Williamson County, and William ' effecte«t by thf election n( H. M. White, of Mr. McKent e. of Kentuokr, moved lo ant Thi- chairman annu'.ineeil ibat IMwant | The Urea ure riinning in the vviN.ds near IRTEK-STATF P. WUIeford appointed postmaster; olso i Mrs. Edward Wilman, of near St. over the numinev in. he must receive the pend Ihe rulea. and to numlnate lirnver I'lnvr. Cooper, of New York, dl.sented from part of Cadllliu', burning over couslderabiv pine Charles, whose husband recently shot her Callfoniis. us chalrmun. The committees land (nr I'realdent. one al Hlllery, Vermillion County, with W. ; Ibe platfi'rm. with iblt exceptlOB tho tommlt- Dr. Monies. (M|iPoorta. j-li .'i 9.7 and then killed himself because tha undivided mipport of republican*, thor- were named, after which the conveatton Tho chair put tho quetllon. snd there w*« re- land. Fire* are reported as raging near Ouniba .USlI* I'll DiVi-nport... I'V Ti.TBl F. OToole as postmaster. tee waa unammoua would join the Adventist church, haa re- oughly pervade* the rvpreaentative9 of adjuunieil lor tli« Jay. At the meet- turned (rom tho tonvenllon s thundering rho- Mr. Tarpey, of California, then aroao and Manten, Tustlna.id Fife luike. Kan aaa C*lly. .jlTjl.l MCnDabuoBe. ... isln i Andrew Jackson, an aged colored man, I : Milwaukee...ilftll'J IHK ill* the ('ommltteo on Kesolu- nit of ayes. placed in nomination for Vice-Pretldent Hon. Hii.tov. N. C., June it-A terrible Orawl'iUvillc. 14|lill.S S of Contralla, committed suicide recently by ! covered and will become an Advtntlst mla- the party who will be then awembled. The chair therefore snnouneed Ihsl firmer St. Paul .... ,13 11 SSI iDloomingten. «ll- l-JI tlom Henry Wfttterson was elected Allen O. Thurman. of Ohio. Thomas M. ["at- cyclone passed ni-ar this place Saturday 1 slouary. Cleveland, having received an unanlmona vole, St. Loula 14 i; SMnDaiiv IK ... 'j to sat shooting himself. Thw is no time for wM linnal or inlernnl tenon, of Coloradt. named General John C. A girl named Ruby, aged fifteen years. chslrmun. A sub eonnultteu on the was the csndldatn of the Uemeeratle party fur Ulaok. ot Minoit. and Si'nator Voorhees, of In- afternoon. It extended over a track of Chicago lot: ro'iKockford 1 « is en Superintendent Daniels, of thn Waifs' ' MlBBeupo|lt..|ll|iI bickering*. «nd every republican tariff plsnk w«« uppolnted, of which Mr. Ihe ofltoe of Pretldenl ot Ihe United Hiatet. diana, named Governor Gray, of that State. In twenty live miles long ami .VJU yards wide. .H.I Decalnr .. I ii Itl •-•n Mission In Chicago, guvo a strawberry | In Paris, was fatally burned the other day Wstter»i<n was U'.MI mudo chslrauui, and When alienee had once more been reatored the «ne ballot taken Thurman received eW The damage Is enormous, as the cyclone while lighting a fire with kerosene. undentands it. The qitextioti in: Bonstor Voorhees. of Indiana, moved that the votes. Gray W. and Black SI, but when the shortcake treat to seven hundred of tho j durlnir the night they hold aalmntod ses- passed through a line farming section and DESPERATE BURGLARS. The coppcr output for May waa as fol- "Who can carry the mort votes?" and in convention take a reeett until l" o'olock lo- changing begaB aad Colorado. Iowa and other newsboys at Battery D recently, and en.' sions, without an} ilgo of t ouitog to a defi- day. Mr. Hentell, of I'rnntylvunla. au >1 Ihe Stales that bad relraincd from voting caat their every thing in Its track was completely do- livened tho repast with u vocal and lustru- j io ws; Osceola, 210; Tamorack, 600; Cala nnswuring tbla queallon, purely jHlnon- nite SKmunient ai to tho woiikon hand. r.iminlilee on KesulutloDt Waa aiil>onl> lots for Thurman, Mr. ShanUbn. of Indiana, , stroyed. So fur as known no lives were Daring Atlempt to Itoli an Kxpreat Cur met & Hecla, 2,000; Franklin, 185; Allan* nale lo Ihe convention and eould be meutal enti-rtalument Fears were expressed thst tho committee mounted the ttand and withdrew tbe name of 1 lost.
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