23 AGENDA ITEM NO. ......r NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT To : Education (Resources) Sub- Subject: Committee School Transport arranged by SPT: From: Director of Education Contracts for the period 2000-2003 Date: 23 May 2000 Refi MM/KF/FLB Purpose of Report This report seeks approval for the school transport contracts negotiated by SPT on behalf of the authority. Recommendations The education resources sub-committee is asked to approve the school transport contract awards listed in the report, appendix 2. r Members wishing further information about this report should contact: Michael O’Neill, Director of Education, on 01236 812337, Murdo Maciver, Head of Service, on 01236 812269. 24 NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL : EDUCATION DEPARTMENT School Transport Arranged by SPT : Contract for the period 2000-2003 ReDort bv the Director of Education 1. Background. 1.1 At its meeting on 5 December 1995, the education committee approved Strathclyde Passenger Transport (SPT) as agent on behalf of the authority in arranging transport for all eligible pupils except those with special educational needs. 2. Recommended Awards 2.1 In general, SPT has recommended that each contract be awarded to the operator offering the lowest price, However, account has also been taken of a need to ensure adherence to contract specifications, legal operational requirements and to the technical capability of the operator to deliver the service. All operators submitting contracts for the first time were inspected by SPT. 2.2 The committee will wish to give particular attention to the following issues: a) the list of tenders received (appendix 1). In each case information is given about the total cost for the 3 year contract period and the 12 month cost of the new and previous contract . b) the list of recommended awards (appendix 2). c) 5 contracts will be readvertised because the tenders received were not considered to be value for money or due to a difference in the pupils numbers. Contracts 2661C, 3844B and 4596A, recieved no tenders and will be readvertised. Recommendations regarding these contracts will be included in a future report to committee 3. Recommendations 3.1 The education resources sub-committee is asked to approve the school transport contract awards listed in the report, (appendix 2 ) MM/KF/FLB 23 May 2000 2 25 Appendix 1 Comparison of Tenders Received 3 Trading Name Cost For 12 Month Cost / Cost Per Comment Contract Equiv Cost Pupil / Mile Period Week Contract No : 2430D - MEADOWBURN PS - CUMBERNAULD (ABRONHILL) Type : Schools Months : 24 Pupils : I Previous Cost Per Year : 10800.00- EASTSIDE CABS 11552.00 5776.00 152.00 SOLE TENDER Contract No : 2657C - RAVENSWOOD PS - FLEMING ROAD Type : Schools Months : 12 Pupils : 8 Previous Cost Per Year : 1824.00 FIRST GLASGOW 2964.00 2964.00 9.75 TRAVEL 2000 4750.00 4750.00 15.63 DC MINICOACHES 8550.00 8550.00 28.13 TRAVEL 2000 8891.00 8891.OO 11.70 Package 11714 DC MINICOACHES 10640.00 10640.00 14.00 Package 11649 FIRST GLASGOW 30551.00 30551.00 100.50 Contract No : 2668A - ST MARY'S PS - WESTERWOOD Type : Schools Months : 12 Pupils : 12 Previous Cost Per Year : 5168.00 TRAVEL 2000 7200.00 7200.00 15.79 DC MR\IICOACHES 8550.00 8550.00 18.75 TRAVEL 2000 8891.oo 8891.00 11.70 Package 11714 DC MINICOACHES 10640.00 10640.00 14.00 Package 11649 Contract No : 2672A - LENZIE ACAD - AUCHINLOCH Type : Schools Months : 24 Pupils : 1 Previous Cost Per Year : 342.00 DART BUSES LTD 1560.00 780.00 20.53 SOLE TENDER Contract No : 2676 - AUCHINLOCH PS - SOUTH BROOMKNOWES FARM Type : Schools Months : 36 Pupils : 1 Previous Cost Per Year : 1330.00 MRS JANE SCOTT 3990.00 1330.00 35.00 SOLE TENDER Contract No : 4024J - PLAINS PS, ST DAVID'S PS (PLAINS) - ROUGHRlGGlBROWNlEHlLLAREAS Type : Schools Months : 12 Pupils : 2 Previous Cost Per Year : MONKLANDS DISTRICT INDEPENDENT 2280.00 2280.00 30.00 TOA LTD WALTER ASHENHURST 2470.00 2470.00 32.50 Contract No : 4032F - CATHEDRAL PS - GREENACRESlKNOWETOPlNORTHLODGE AREAS Type : Schools Months : 12 Pupils : 89 Previous Cost Per Year : 30400.00 WILSONS COACHES LTD 18050.00 18050.00 5.34 UNSATISFACTORY OPERATOR MCKINDLESS EXPRESS 24120.00 24120.00 7.13 STUARTS COACHES 30400.00 30400.00 8.99 GANAL LTD 36100.00 36100.00 10.67 GANAL LTD 99999.00 99999.00 7.04 Package 11593 OPTION 1 (TIME TABLE) Contract No : 4038E - KNOWETOP PS - AIRBLES CRESCENTlGREENACRES AREA Type : Schools Months : 12 Pupils : 90 Previous Cost Per Year : 30400.00 MCKMDLESS EXPRESS 23200.00 23200.00 6.78 STUARTS COACHES 30400.00 30400.00 8.89 HAD COACHES LTD 3 1999.00 3 1999.00 9.36 OPTION PRICE FOR 84 SEATER GANAL LTD 36100.00 36100.00 10.56 HAD COACHES LTD 49999.00 49999.00 14.62 GANAL LTD 99999.00 99999.00 7.04 Package 11593 OPTION 1 (TIME TABLE) Page 2 Date Printed : 07/04/2000 Trading Name Cost For 12 Month Cost I Cost Per Comment Contract Equiv Cost Pupil / Mile Period Week HAD COACHES LTD 34998.00 11666.00 5.20 MCKINDLESS EXPFSSS 42750.00 14250.00 6.36 HAD COACHES LTD 47999.00 15999.67 5.93 Package 11701 STUARTS COACHES 48450.00 16150.00 7.20 WILSONS COACHES LTD 68400.00 22800.00 10.17 HAD COACHES LTD 175000.00 58333.33 9.42 Package 1 1700 , Contract No :4098H - DALZIEL HS, MOTHERWELL - MUIRHOUSE Type : Schools Months : 36 Pupils : 5 Previous Cost Per Year : 889.92 FIRST GLASGOW 3420.00 1140.00 6.00 F M B TRANSPORT 10360.00 3453.33 18.18 0' NEILL'S MINI- BUS HIRE 14350.00 4783.33 25.18 A & J BALLANTYNE MINI-BUS HIRERS 20475.00 6825.00 35.92 ALLAN TRAVEL 22800.00 7600.00 40.00 Contract No : 4135D - ST MARGARETS HS - CALDERCRUIX, PLAINS Tvpe : Schools Months : 12 Pupils : 190 Previous Cost Per Year : J J TRAVEL 57559.00 57559.00 7.97 HAD COACHES LTD 75050.00 75050.00 10.39 Contract No :4141E - OUR LADYS HS, MOTHERWELL - NORTH MOTHERWELL Type : Schools Months : 12 Pupils : 195 Previous Cost Per Year : 165490.00 MCKINDLESS EXPRESS 46400 00 46400.00 6.26 STUARTS COACHES 47500 00 47500.00 6.41 GANAL LTD 54l5000 54150.00 7.31 HAD COACHES LTD 71050 00 75050.00 10.13 GANAL LTD 9999900 99999.00 7.04 Package 1 1593 OPTION l(TIME TABLE) Contract No : 4225G - LAWMUIR PSISACRED HEART PS - LOCKET YETT VIEW ESTATE Type : Schools Months : 36 Pupils : 31 Previous Cost Per Year : 8282.64 MCKNDLESS EXPRESS 19924 00 9974.67 8.47 SOLE TENDER Contract No :4265E - STANE PSICALDERHEAD HS - WEST BENHAR ROAD, WEST BADALLAN FARM Type : Schools Months : 36 Pupils : 4 Previous Cost Per Year : 6377.16 D COACHES LTD 1'99900 5999.67 39.47 .NNY BAKER MINICOACH HIRE 19131 48 6377.16 41.96 OPTION FIRE DAMAGE - PRICE FOR ORIGINAL SCHOOL KENNY BAKER MINICOACH HIRE 16151 00 8717.00 57.35 ALLAN TRAVEL 34200 00 11400.00 75.00 Contract No : 4439F - ST MATTHEWS PS, WlSHAW - CRAIGNEUK STREET AREA Type : Schools Months : 36 Pupils : 3 Previous Cost Per Year : 2400.00 F M B TRANSPORT 7200 00 2400.00 21.05 ALLAN TRAVEL 19950 00 6650.00 58.33 MCT GROUP TRAVEL LTD 19950 00 6650.00 58.33 Contract No : 44598 - GLENBOIG PS - GARTCOLT COTTAGE, GARTGILL ROAD, COATBRIDGE Type : Schools Months : 36 Pupils : 2 Previous Cost Per Year : 2217.00 MONKLANDS DISTRICT INDEPENDENT 6840.00 2280.00 30.00 SOLE TENDER TOA LTD Page 3 Date Printed : 07/04/2000 Trading Name Cost For 12 Month Cost / Cost Per Comment Contract Equiv Cost Pupil / Mile Period Week t F M B TRANSPORT 1003 7.00 3345.67 44.02 ALBA AGENCIES LIMITED 13680.00 4560.00 60.00 RICHLAND (SCOTLAND) LTD 17088.60 5696.20 74.95 ALLAN TRAVEL 17100.00 5700.00 75.00 ALBA AGENCIES LIMITED 33032.00 11010.67 36.22 Package 11720 4 Contract No : 45366 - MORNINGSIDE PS - WATSONHEAD FARMWILLOWBANK, MILL ROADlMORNlNGSlDE ROAD AREAS Type : Schools Months : 36 Pupils : 12 Previous Cost Per Year : 6526.20 WILSONS COACHES LTD 13300.00 4433.33 9.72 HAD COACHES LTD 19949.00 6649.67 14.58 KINGS OF SHOTTS 20012.70 6 67 0.9 0 14.63 K C TRANSPORT (MRS CURRIE) 20662.50 6887.50 15.10 ALLAN TRAVEL 22800.00 7600.00 16.67 STEWART WILLIAMS MINIBUS HIRE 23400.00 7800.00 17.11 MCT GROUP TRAVEL LTD 28500.00 9500.00 20.83 STUARTS COACHES 37050.00 12350.00 27.08 HAD COACHES LTD 47999.00 15999.67 5.93 Package 1170 1 HAD COACHES LTD 175000.00 58333.33 9.42 Package 11700 Contract No : 4543A - KElR HARDIE MEMORIAL PS - VARDON LEA, DAUIEL PARK Type : Schools Months : 36 Pupils : 5 Previous Cost Per Year : 2163.48 HAILEYS COMET MINIBUS HIRE 7490.00 2496.67 13.14 0 NEILL'S MINI- BUS HIRE 9300.00 3100.00 16.32 ALLAN TRAVEL 15960.00 5320.00 28.00 A & J BALLANTYNE MINI-BUS HIRERS 17550.00 5850.00 30.79 Contract No : 4558A - CLELAND PS - MUIRCROFT DRIVE (CLELAND) Type : Schools Months : 12 Pupils : 4 Previous Cost Per Year : F M B TRANSPORT 1660.00 1660.00 10.92 RICHLAND (SCOTLAND) LTD 4936.20 4936.20 32.48 0 NEILL'S MINI- BUS HIRE 5000.00 5000.00 32.89 A & J BALLANTYNE MINI-BUS HIRERS 6825.00 6825.00 44.90 ALLAN TRAVEL 15960.00 15960.00 105.00 Contract No : 4586 - COATBRIDGE HS - JARVIE AVENUE, PLAINS Type : Schools Months : 24 Pupils : 1 Previous Cost Per Year : 0.00 WALTER ASHENHURST 4940.00 2470.00 65.00 MONKLANDS DISTRICT INDEPENDENT 7600.00 3800.00 100.00 TOA LTD Contract No : 4599 - BENHAR PS (STANE PS PUPILS) - SPRINGHILL AND TORBOTHIE (SHOTTS) Type : Schools Months : 12 Pupils : 163 Previous Cost Per Year : 0.00 JOHN GALLOWAY 26600.00 26600.00 4.29 HAD COACHES LTD 32300.00 32300.00 5.21 STUARTS COACHES 34200.00 34200.00 5.52 WILSONS COACHES LTD 41800.00 41800.00 6.75 Contract No : 4782D - OVERTOWN PS, CLYDE VALLEY HS - LOWER CARBARNSlDURHAMBANK ORCHARD Type : Schools Months : 36 Pupils : 3 Previous Cost Per Year : 8712.96 F M B TRANSPORT 12285.00 4095.00 35.92 0 NEILL'S MMI- BUS HIRE 12760.00 4253.33 37.31 RICHLAND (SCOTLAND) LTD 2501 7.30 8339.10 73.15 ALLAN TRAVEL 26 13 6.00 8712.00 76.42 Page 4 Date Printed : 07/04/2000 29 Appendix 2 List of Recommended Awards 4 Trading Name Cost For 12 Month Cost / Cost Per Comment Contract Equiv Cost Pupil I Mile Period Week Contract No : 2430D - MEADOWBURN PS - CUMBERNAULD (ABRONHILL) Type : Schools Months : 24 Pupils : 1 Previous Cost Per Year : 10800.00.
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