MBA IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (IMHI) CV BOOK 2016 2 ESSEC Business School, L’Esprit Pionnier CRÉÉE EN 1907, ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL EST UNE INSTITUTION ACADÉMIQUE D’EXCELLENCE QUI S’EST, TOUT AU LONG DE SON HISTOIRE, ILLUSTRÉE PAR 47 000 SON ESPRIT PIONNIER. alumni à travers le monde En formation initiale comme en formation continue, l’ESSEC propose une large gamme de programmes à tous ceux qui souhaitent vivre une expérience d’apprentissage hors du commun, fortifier leurs talents, exprimer leur leadership 3 2 000 et devenir des managers de haut niveau. campus : Cergy, diplômes délivrés chaque Paris-La Défense et année, dont 1 600 de niveau Institution séculaire, forte d’un large réseau d’entreprises et d’institutions Singapour Master académiques en France et partout dans le monde, l’ESSEC fait le choix de fonder son développement sur trois principes : l’innovation, l’implication et 176 l’internationalisation qui constituent les trois axes de la stratégie ESSEC 3i universités partenaires dans 46 pays tournée vers 2020. Institution irriguée par la recherche et engagée dans une ambitieuse politique d’alliances avec des institutions de premier rang, l’ESSEC a le souci constant de 7 26 confronter ses étudiants à des savoirs de pointe, au croisement des disciplines, 17 142 et de les faire bénéficier des dernières technologies. Marquée par une profonde tradition humaniste, l’ESSEC a fait du lien entre vie économique et société un sujet majeur de recherche mais aussi un enjeu centres programmes d’excellence de doubles diplômes fondamental de la formation de managers responsables. Par là-même, l’ESSEC chaires (21 internationaux, affirme la nécessité de mettre l’innovation, le savoir et la création de valeur au d’entreprises 5 nationaux) service de l’intérêt général. professeurs de 34 nationalités Avec des étudiants originaires de 84 pays, un corps professoral très largement et 18 professeurs émérites international et une implantation en Asie-Pacifique depuis 2005, l’ESSEC est une institution internationale et multiculturelle. Cette internationalisation se renforce avec un nouveau campus de 6 500 m² à Singapour et des projets de développement en Afrique et en Amérique latine. 4 880 Ces trois axes – l’innovation, l’implication et l’internationalisation - forgent la étudiants en formation initiale philosophie pédagogique de l’ESSEC, commune à l’ensemble des programmes : accompagner chaque étudiant tout au long d’un parcours de formation tourné vers la conquête de sa liberté. Étudier à l’ESSEC, c’est dessiner son propre 28 % 84 +100 chemin vers l’avenir et intégrer une communauté solidaire de 47 000 diplômés à d’étudiants nationalités associations travers le monde ! internationaux représentées étudiantes Bienvenue à l’ESSEC ! International Rankings 5 000 Business Education 2015 managers en formation continue #3 Master of Science in Management #6 Master in Finance Plus de 700 entreprises partenaires de la pédagogie et du recrutement #12 Executive Education Programs Introducing the ESSEC MBA IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (IMHI) The participants of the MBA in Hospitality Management (IMHI), Class of 2016, will be graduating this summer. We encourage you to consider them for management positions in your company. The program was created in 1981. Accredited by AACSB and EQUIS, the program is firmly positioned as the leading centre of hospitality education in Europe. ESSEC Hospitality attracts participants from around the globe who have already acquired professional experience and who wish to specialise in the hospitality sector. This highly focused approach enables these young professionals to build managerial and leadership expertise in their chosen profession. Multi-cultural and multi-lingual, they seek international careers in the hospitality industry in a variety of disciplines including operations management, financial control, sales and marketing, revenue management, consulting and business development. Our graduates now number over 1.400 and are represented in more than 55 countries. The CV book includes participants from the Two year track MBA program, as well as graduates of the One Year Track MBA program. They will all graduate in July 2016. Please feel free to contact directly participants in this CV Book whose profile may be of specific interest to you. The CV Book can also be downloaded on www.essec-hospitality.com under CV Book (left hand column). Furthermore, do not hesitate at any time throughout the year to send us offers on positions available in your company, either for internships or permanent positions, which we will make available to current participants and our alumni. Should you require further information on the program or any of the participants, please contact us. Mr. Cyril Lanrezac Mrs. Geneviève Danten Director, Corporate / Student Relations Assistant Corporate /Student Relations Career Services Office Career Services Office MBA in Hospitality Management (IMHI) MBA in Hospitality Management (IMHI) ESSEC Business School Paris ESSEC Business School Paris Tel. +33 (0)1 34 43 31 73 Tel. +33 (0)1 34 43 31 72 [email protected] [email protected] Placement of IMHI Graduates 2015 Graduates 2015 by sector 45% HOTEL CHAINS 23% FINANCE & REAL ESTATE 19% RESTAURANTS/FOOD SERVICE 9% OTHER HOSPITALITY IMHI IS ONE OF THE FIRST CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE OF ESSEC BUSINESS 4% E-COMMERCE SCHOOL. IT IS THE FIRST CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN GRADUATE EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION FOR THE GLOBAL HOSPITALITY, FOOD AND TRAVEL SECTORS. IMHI – “Institut de Management Hôtelier Graduates 2015 by function International” – was originally founded in 31% OPERATIONS 1981 through a joint-venture between the 23% CONSULTING Hotel School of Cornell University and ESSEC Business School. It was the very 13% DEVELOPMENT first international graduate program in 13% REVENUE MANAGEMENT/E-COMMERCE hospitality management. 8% SALES & MARKETING Over its history IMHI has graduated 4% GENERAL MANAGEMENT thousands of executives still active in the global hospitality, food and travel industries. In 2014, IMHI has evolved and now stands for the Center of Excellence in Hospitality, Food and Travel, and represents one of Graduates 2015 by géographical location ESSEC’s key strategic assets. 70% FRANCE 13% EUROPE OUTSIDE FRANCE 9% ASIA/PACIFIC 6% MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA 2% NO/SO AMERICA/CARR ONE YEAR TRACK CLASS OF 2016 MBA IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (IMHI) Lu CAO [email protected] Lu CAO [email protected]+33(0)646763595 Dateofbirth:26November1989 Dateofbirth:26NovemberChinese1989 Chinese WORK EXPERIENCE WAug.ORK2013EXP–E RIENSilimeiCE café,Shanghai,China(23covercafé,inXiashauniversitycampus) AuNov.g.20132015– SilimeiCoͲFoundercafé,Shanghai, China(23covercafé,inXiashauniversitycampus) Nov.2015 CoͲFounderx Made researchtohelpidentifyandcreatenewproductofferings. x x MadeConceptualizedresearchtohelpthedesignidentifyofandthecafé.create newproductofferings. x x ConceptualizedDesignedvariousthedesignmarketingoftheandcafé.branding contents,includingstoredesign x Designedvariousmarketingandbrandingcontents,includingstoredesign x Developedamarketingstrategytoincreasefootfallinthecafé x Developedamarketingstrategytoincreasefootfallinthecafé x Handledthesocialmediaplatformforthecafé x Handledthesocialmediaplatformforthecafé May.2013– ShanghaiFortuneRestaurantLTD,Shanghai,China (58coverrestaurant,downtownShanghai) May.Aug.20132014– ShanghaiModernFortuneChineseRestaurantRestaurantLTD, Shanghai,China (58coverrestaurant,downtownShanghai) Aug. 2014 ModernAssistantChineseManagerRestaurant Assistantx MainlyManagerresponsible forcustomerrelations x x MainlyInvolvedresponsibleinthemenuforcustomerengineeringrelationsoftherestaurant x x InvolvedManagedintheateammenuofengineering15restaurantofassociatestherestaurant x x ManagedTrainedatheteamrestaurantof15restaurantstaffwithassociatesCRMtechniques. x x TrainedManagedtherestaurantthesocialmediastaffwithplatformCRMfortechniques.therestaurant x x ManagedInchargetheofsocialinventorymediacontrolplatformandforbreakagestherestaurantfortherestaurant. x x InIncreasedchargeofinventorytheAPCofcontroltherestaurantandbreakagesby20%.fortherestaurant. x IncreasedtheAPCoftherestaurantby20%. May.2011– DavaoChristianHighSchool,CityofDavao,Philippines May.Mar.20112013– DavaoVolunteerChristian HighSchool,CityofDavao,Philippines Mar. 2013 Volunteerx Raised moneyandessentiallivingsupplyfororphans x x RaisedWorkedmoneywithandsponsorsessentialonlivingadailysupplybasisfororphans x x WorkedOrganizedwithseasonalsponsorsfieldonatripsdaily basis x x OrganizedResponsibleseasonalforvariousfieldtripsconferences andcampusevents. x x ResponsibleCreatedawarenessforvariousaboutconferencestheschoolandoncampusvariousevents.mediaplatformslike x Createdawarenessabouttheschoolonvariousmediaplatformslike Jul.2008Ͳ ChinaMobile,Xiamen,China Jul.Feb.20082011Ͳ ChinaCampusMobile,LeaderXiamen,(PartͲChinatimejob ) Feb.2011 Campusx LeaderOrganized(PartcampusͲtimejobpromotion) activities x x OrganizedPromotedcampusnewproductspromotionincampusactivities x x PromotedRecruitednewcampusproductsteaminmemberscampus x Recruitedcampusteammembers EDUCATION ED UCATION 2015Ͳ2016 ESSECBusinessSchool,Paris,France 2015Ͳ2016 ESSECMBABusinessinHospitalitySchool,ManagementParis,France(AACSBͲEQUISaccredited) MBAinHospitalityManagement(AACSBͲEQUISaccredited) 2007Ͳ2011 JIMEIUNIVERSITY,Xiamen,China 2007Ͳ2011 JIMEIBachelorUNIVERSITY,DegreeinXiamen,LiteratureChina Bachelor(conferencesDegreeandincampusLiteratureevents assistant) (conferencesandcampuseventsassistant) LANGUAGES AND TECHNOLOGY LALanguage:NGUAGES
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