N S N S This letter sent to: Walter White Juanita J. Mitchell - John W. Davis December 20, 1938 Dr. K. 0. BoustialA $uliue Baeneald ftMA 4901 311is Awaim Ohi toae, Illiocl My Mar Drw aDoefielt a f'mwe en akig that yet agata serve as Chainan of the aite .bon ah an Renstage ad that you pete an agaa nnir ya e teep. Pble Isasse, 3. Proposed 4t* W am further asking that you serve as a member of the valuatiag Comittee for the oosiag eontmnoe This Co* mitt*e Is aske4 to met one Gay sheA or the ot as to help pnpane evleution reports, Il1 ye, ethetn, pla to be at my offtis 148 0 Steet, ate at 10 A-. W4aej ay, asrVe yU, 1tW9, May we 4e upAn youT Vil yea te*se Statmt of wht you it hasbsao i M what you think fUae thlet, tPs for Us o We oe sugeaStne yeo sa baw to er wll be gaty Qpreetated. The contewesonwill be held in the tepSotal t41i- tori', onte o A-ad 3 of the Deppeta of Labor. gsttatioa tn S t % 30 A4., theb iary Z*4 All elegates are retatet4 to put in tar fu11 4a0 at the e41- teneAs. I this easot be 4ea, please aotify u* Sheld you 4esi*e iving aeaoma ton, pies atean as tedttely, You will be ottt eoneentg your tran etattes by the State YUTth iethew Ao youW aate, Do Aot assany arrangow nate for tassportatis Until you have ben estatel by the .State Dinyuter, Shamety yours, Vary Kolsfd Notha /hwfDireetor, D±VSICton of NegrO ArfiRs F 'F I 'F W4jF 7 t- Deabr$1 18 myv SMot steet Mxy et mre stroke t I have Just reeolvA your letter 64? eaAS$ 260 Mailed fAm AhAt ViagaA e r 20, t9M, in tih yo enpt my ta- ViatIa at 9 r6 $, to atta tbo Oasnue on the Probfta of the es sa ewe Yeath* Ptrtoamt*Xy, as Ws a4e to ynu 3o my ltter of DOabe 19- an w We eftt A "Ply to onr tavttatioA we ta it namenny to am* an*o*e else $A your paw# a bA a se that yousas yearn rey byf eter$, 0 ewe we 4AA wait ttI Deebe X9, betre ZonAtin that it weUl4 not 4o poeible *r yu to attmau4 Sbald yOU 4e01 to atten the snteaso at yor on esp4iRR,@ we will b vory ham to ar* yOU# I ret exedin4y that ys 44ay*4 JA gttg year reply to us birector, Divite of Wata Attatn analowN N F N N 333~., .3 WN'3;, -1k,"4t ".3 { 33 F FREEDOM! 'EQUALIlT- OPPORTUNITY!'J, UT, HER NGRO YOUTH CONGRESS 327,ORTHFIRST'STREET' -- RICHMOND, VIRGINIA,,, TEEHONE'243 to WILLIAMF.RCASO Chairman HELNcoA o~~ove,,,rb er 33 ~333~33 Vie ara ~.333~. 3, 3 W I~i ............. 3 4 3~33333,33 3,~ Diec Ivi~ix o , ero -if 333~ 33333333333g.. 53'. 44 e..rf~.Te~re *33.333 3j333~ 3'Vi K' au~33 :t -x A-33,33 ~ 3 -:r I a hut, ± -T1ob rC's ef xA FM'p'A 4 YA3, $8incerp317' YOurs3,- 6 ~On to the Second All-Southern Negro'Yo~uth Conference, Chattanooga, Tenn. April, ,2, 3 98 4 *1 ~ r >1 Dleber A0, 19S Mrs* WA. Seott Route 1, a 1otI Bast LIVwooZ, Ohio my door Mrs o 84445 I hall be *try lad to have y & atteat te National CotaenAse on the Problna o thet e at Ngo Teth, famey 1P,13and 140l ,*tnOthe pl*ae of you0 s, Er C. A. Soott MgtistAtion begis at a A.R tharaty I easary 1U# ch membo toIeageOotto be onti. at al en*toaa. YOUftn nqsted to pat Io three tfal 4ay at the eatence*, It7fYe tM that this sat be 4as, please natity as Attately, ~1 Shealtoou tesasto seeanlitving eoen dati one, pleas item us at on*. You will be motriot ee nets your tre fortation by the State birator of the Rattinal Yath Ainistratioa Is yeur state, Do not ake ay arraan fsb tbr t wAsporatten until you bave beet combattet by the tat. Siroator, 1Sinely yaors, Dtfer, Diriaten of egnAttaia CAY) W. A. SCOTT. 1H, Founder C. SOWGeneral hMAnacer Y'WO RL Iail Newspapor" WOW NZWSPAM SY"110A=ESTABLISHEUD AUG.5,12;BCM 'DAIY WAR. 13. 1932 210 AUBURNX AVE., N. B. MEMPHIS WORLD ATLANTA, GA. BIRMJNGRtAM WORLD PHOE: WALNUT 1450 t~-cf-< J- kN 12 22 J2 J ( J (2-~L~ pr-tst- C 7% / 1-0- ol ~ -~- 19? ft ~ ~r7 7j 5 ~ ~f~& 6? . tlk- et 0. " klt, - -xsew -ijtlo '1-1 6lye6L) 6~"~ czA 24~ 7~J~) td~4A1, . ....... NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION 1734 NEW YORK AVENUE NW. WASHINGTON, D. C. December 21, 1938 Mr. Aubrey Williams Executive Director National Youth Administration 1734 New York Avenue, Northwest (" Washington, D. C. My dear Mr. Williams: We have very carefully considered the selection of the people that we are being permitted to invite to this important conference and we find now that we have reached our quota that you have assigned us. There has come to my attention, addi- tional people who are of vital importance to us that we would like very much to have invited. We are attaching a list of them. Mr. Williams please grant us these folks. 2? ADDITIONAL LIST OF PERSONS FOR NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROBLEMS OF THE NEGRO AND NEGRO YOUTH 1. Dr. Homer Brown, State Legislature Pennsylvania 2. Elsie Austin, Asst. in Attorney General's Office Ohio 3. Thanas Davis, Pres. Democratic League Ohio 4. Harriet Shad Butcher, State Welfare Board New York State 5. Dr. Louis T. Wright, first and only Negro member of Police Health Examinar Board New York City 6. Ferdinand Q. Morton, only Negro member of State Civil Service Commission New York City 7. Rufus B. Atwood, President Land Grant College Kentucky 8. Attorney Hazel Walker, Principal High School Ohio 9. Loren Miller, President Democratic League California 10. T. W. Sanford, Presiddnt A & M College Oklahoma 11. Sherman D. Scruggs, President Lincoln University Missouri 12. Bessie D. Bearden, Tax Collector and active worker on Democratic Committee New York City 13. Katherine Helm, Political and Club Leader Kansas ' .~ I ~ GEC:14:FO SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD FIELD OFFICE January 6, 1939 , N s Building 209 West 125th Street 7w New York, N. Y. Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune Director, Division of Negro Affairs 1435 G Street N W Washington, D. C. Dear Mrs. Bethune: A situation has just arisen which I think makes it advisable for me to ask that you make arrangements for living accommodations for me during my stay in Washington attending the conference to be held. As you know, I am interested in getting a comfortable location for room only. This condition may adjust itself before I arrive in Washington and it may therefore not be necessary to accept the accommodations, but as a precaution this request is being made. Sincerely yours, orge Cohron,/ Manage VIRGINIA STATE COLLEGE FOR NEGROES PETERSBURG. VIRGINIA JOHN M. GANDY. PRESIDENT WILLIAM A. ROGERS, SECRETARY LUTHER H. FOSTER TREASURER-BUSINESS MANAGER December 24, 1938 Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune Director, Division of Negro Affairs National Youth Administration 1734 New York Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. Dear Mrs. Bethune: In reply to your letter of December 22nd, I am setting aside January 12, 13 and 14 to attend the meeting you are calling for those dates. It will be my wish to report on time and to remain as you stated for the whole period. Until I hear further from you I shall make no travel plans. If you can secure accommodations nearer the place of meeting than Howard University, I should appreciate it if you would make such arrangements for me. In the event that I must go into the section of Howard, then probably I can make my own arrange- ments. Very sincerely yours, John M. Gandy President JMG:VC IRfl Defl. REID Department of Sociology, Atlanta University RTLRNTF, GEORGIR January 3, 1939 My dear Mrs. Bethunet I should like very much to have you secure living accommodations for me for the National Conference on the Problems of the Negro and Negro Youth to be held on the 12th, 13th and 14th. It may not be possible for me to arrive in Washington before 11:15 on the morning of January the 12th. I trust that this will not too seriously inconvenience the program of the Conference. Meanwhile, I shall be very happy to serve in whatever capacity you may think necessary. Am I wrong in assuming that the Conference will end with the morning session on Saturday, January 14th? in erely yours, IDR-R Ira De A. Reid I Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, Director Division on Negro Affairs - N Y A 1734 New York Avenue, NW Washington, D. C. ~- DR. CARL GLENNIS ROBERTS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS S December 24, 1938 trs. iarv Ihcieod Bethune, Ilational Youth Administration, 1734 Ne-, York Avenue, N.., Yfashington, i).C. Dear 7rs.Bethune: In answer to your letter of December 21st. I am to'' arranging to be present for the opening conference Thursday, January 12th. and continuing through the sessions to the adjournment on the 14th. Please arrange living accommodations and notify me of the address of my stopping place * I As per the instructions in your letter, I shall await notification concerning the transporation arrangement by the State Director of Illinois, Very sincerely CGR: FBP N I! ~ NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION FOR NEW YORK CITY 265 WEST FOURTEENTH STREET NEW YORK CITY HELEN M. HARRIS Director December 29, 1938 Mrs.
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