DOCUMENT RESUME ED 079 292 SP 006 710 AUTHOR Schmid, Andrea B., Ed. TITLE Gymnastics Guide with Official Rules. June 1971- June 1973. INSTITUTION American Association for Health, Physical Educatiqn, and Recreation, Washington, D.C. Div. for Girls and Women's Sports. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 194p. AVAILABLE FROM American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Reacreation, 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (Stock No. 243-25144 $1.50) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Exercise (Physiology); *Running; *Tumbling; Womene Education IDENTIFIERS Gymnastics ABSTRACT Presented is a general discussion of women's gymnastics. Standards in sports for girls and women are detailedas is the Division for Girls and Women's Sports (DGWS) statement of beliefs. Various committees, rule guides, and commissionsare also briefly mentioned. The booklet then presents a series of related articles and a discussion of DGWS compulsory routines. 014 SPORTS LIBRARY FOR GIRLS ANDWOMEN DIVISION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN'SSPORTS Each Guide contains official playing rules for girls and women; articleson techniques, teaching, and organization;bibliographies; and certain special features related to the sports covered in therespective books. A section in each Guide presents information aboutthe Oivision for Girls and Women's Sports and the services it offers to teachers. Current Edition Stock No.Next Edition 1971-73 Aquatics Guide (243-25138) July 1973 1970.72 Archery-Riding Guide* (243. 07298) 1971-72 Basketball Guide (243. 25140) August 1972 1971-73 Bowling-Fencing-Golf Guide (243-25136) 1970-72 Field Hockey-Lacrosse Guide. (243. 07310) August 1972 1971-73 Gymnastics Guide (243. 25144) June 1973 1971-73 Outing Activities and Winter Sports Guide 1243. 25146) July 1973 1970-72 Soccer-Speedball-Flag Football Guide (243-07302) July 1972 1970-72 Softball Guide (243-250441 January1972 1970-72 Tennis-Badminton Guide (243. 07300) June 1972 1970-72 Track and Field Guide (243. 25046) January1972 1971-73 Volleyball Guide (243. 25148) August 1973 'First editions of Bowling-Fencing Guide Archery-Golf will be June 1972. will be January 1973 and No returns. Discounts on quantitylots of same title. Orders for Guides will be filled with current editions unless otherwisespecified. All orders other than those on official purchase order formsmust be accompanied by payment. Shipping and handling charges will beaided to all billed orders. Postage stamps are not accepted as payment. No C.O.D.orders. SCOREBODKS Official Basketball (243. 07186), Softball1243-071841,Volleyball 1243-07830 $1.00 each; Field Hockey 1243.068701: 75 cents. (Prices subject to change without notice.) ORDER FROM American Association for Health, PhysicalEducation, and Recreation 12W Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, O.C.20036 FILMED PROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY 'PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Br MICRO U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, FICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS 00CUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO -Keit OuCE0 EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERAT ING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE NA THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN TIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE STA ED 00 NOT NECESSARILY R EPRE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMS SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY SION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER Gymnastics GUIDE JUNE 1971 JUNE 1973 With Official Rules Editor Andrea B. Schmid THE DIVISION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN'SSPORTS American Association for Health, Physical Education, andRecreation / ' D Copyright 0 1971 by the Division for Girls and Women's Sports of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 63-20259 Published by the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION A National Affiliate of the National Education Association 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Contents DIVISION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN'SSPORTS 7 Standards in Sports for Girls and Women 9 DGWS Statement of Beliefs 10 Sports Guides and Official Rules Committee Interest Indicator 14 15 DGWS Executive Council Sports Guides and Official Rules Committee 17 Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics 20 for Women 22 DGWS Gymnastics Committees ARTICLES Scope of Gymnastics 24 Competitive Modern 25 GymnasticsHoop Mildred Prchal "Gymnastique Moderne" Group Composition 34 with Hoops Eva Balazs Ball Routine for Six Girls Maria Bakos 41 Improved Progressions Develop Better Gymnasts Norma B. Zabka 44 Tips from the Top Lu Wallace 49 Training Schedules for Various Levels 54 of Ability Wanda Obradovich Training and Coaching Technique 58 of Vaulting Lee Newell Advanced Movements on the 63 Balance Beam Gail Sontgerath 3 CONTENTS Use of Music for Floor Exercise Dale Flansaas 66 Compositional Aids for Gymnastics Dale Flansaas 69 Interpretation of FIG Rules for Women's Gymnastics Sharon K. Weber 72 Certification for Judges of Women's Gymnastics Shirley K. Bryan 84 COMPULSORli ROUTINES DGWS-USGF Beginner LevelBalance Beam Ernestine Carter 89 Intermediate LevelBalance Beam Ernestine Carter 94 Advanced LevelBalance Beam Ernestine Carter 99 Beginner LevelFloor Exercise Dale Flansaas104 Intermediate LevelFloor Exercise Dale Flansaas110 Advanced LevelFloor Exercise Dale Flansaas117 Beginner LevelUneven Bars Margit Treiber128 Intermediate LevelUneven Bars Delene Darst132 Advanced LevelUneven Bars Delene Darst135 Compulsory Vaulting Andrea B. Schmid138 Gymnastics References Sharon K. Weber142 Gymnastics Audio-Visual Aids Margaret Trimble148 OFFICIATING SERVICES AREA 152 Officiating Executive Board 154 How to Estabhsh a Rating in Gymnastics 158 Standards for Officials Ratings in Gymnastics 159 Information for Alliliated and ProvisionalBoards 161 4 DGWS GYMNASTICS GUIDE Sources of Information and Material 165 Affiliated Boards of Officials 166 Techniques of Officiating Gymnastics Revised by the Principles and Techniques of OfficiatingCommittee173 Gymnastics Study Questions 187 5 CONTENTS Selected Gymnastics Articles A compilation of outstanding gymnastics articlesfrom 1963 to 1971 Guides Editor Carolyn Bowers. Available1972. $1.50. Sports Safety A comprehensive textbook and resource guide dealingwith safety in sports, including gymnastics. First in its field.Editor Charles Peter Yost. 1971. 322pp. (paperback, 244-25130) $6.00. (cloth, 244-25132) $7.50. Training of Judges for Girls Gymnastics (1971 Revision) A script-workbook to be used in conjunction witha film and supplementary materials. Editor KittyKjeldsen. Rev. 1971. 104 pp. (243-06922) $2.50. DON'S GYMNASTICS GUIDE DIVISION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN'SSPORTS The Division for Girls andWomen's Sports is a nonprofit educa- tional organization designed to servethe needs and interests of administrators, teachers, leaders, andparticipants in sports programs for girls and women. Activemembers of the Division are women members of the American Associationfor Health, Physical Edu- cation, and Recreation who areinterested in sports for girls and women and who participatein the work of the Division.These women are professional leadersin schools, colleges, community centers, industrial plants, militaryservices, public and private clubs, and agencies. The purposes of DGWS are To promote healthful anddesirable sports programs for girls and women of all ages. A sportfor every girl and every girl in a sport. To provide leadership for sportsand recreation programs and to promote such programs. To formulate and publicizeguiding principles and standards for administrators, leaders,officials, and players. To provide materials anddisseminate information for leaders, players, and officials, includingrules, technique articles, and other teaching materials. To stimulate and evaluate researchin girls and women's sports. To provide "on call" servicewhen, where, and as requested. The national office has a DGWSconsultant, and each state has a chairman of DGWS.Their names are listed in eachDGWS Basketball Guide. Those wishing to provide programsfor the highly skilled may obtain thefollowing guidelines fromDGWS-AAHPER, 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 for 100 each: "Guidelines for Interscholastic AthleticPrograms for Junior High School Girls" "Guidelines for InterscholasticAthletic Programs for High School Girls" "Guidelines for IntercollegiateAthletic Programs for Women." Sources of Information and Service The various services are offeredby committees. All requestsfor information or services should beaddressed to the chairman of the committee into whose field ofwork the inquiry falls. Inquiries which cannot be readily classifiedshould be addressed to the DGWS vice-president. 7 DIVISION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN'SSPORTS AUDIO-VISUAL COMMITTEEReviewsfil--advises on pro- duction, provides lists of up-to-date purchase. film _valable for rental or . Chairman: JEAN PUTNAM, CentralWashington State College, Ellensburg, Washington 98926. COMMISSION ON INTERCOLLEGIATEATHLETICS FOR WOMENSponsors DGWS national andpostal tournaments and establishes procedures for regionaldevelopment and for sanction- ing inte-collegiate events. Chairman: LUCILLE MAGNUSSON,Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, Pa. 16802 DIVISION HISTORIANMaintainsfile of historical records and publications which are availableon loan. Historian: MARIANNA TREKELL,Dept. of Physical Education for Men, Univ. of Illinois, Champaign,Ill. 61822 LIAISONMaintains relationships with zations. allied national sports organi- Chairman: MILDRED
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