AUSTRALIA’S CHRISTIAN NEWSPAPER VOLUME 72 NUMBER 7 Thursday 1 October 2009 . $2.00 Print Post Approved No. 34918100419 Bi-Partisan Support For Poverty and Justice Bible THE Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, was joined by the Leader of the Opposition, Malcolm Turnbull, recently for an historic launch at Parliament House, Canberra. Together with Tim Costello, CEO of World Vision Australia, and representatives from the Micah Challenge they launched The Poverty and Justice Bible, published by the Bible Society in association with World Vision Australia. ‘I congratulate those who have put together this extraordinary work. I congrat- ulate those who have seen fit to assemble a version of the Bible which draws starkly to people’s attention the challenge of Micah, the challenge of John, the challenge facing us all as an informed community of faith,’ said Mr Rudd. The Poverty and Justice Bible uses the Contemporary English Version of the Bible and highlights in orange over 2,000 verses that deal with the issues of poverty and jus- Jorge Rodrigues (right) from the Bible Society presents tice. The Poverty And Justice Bible ‘When you actually flip through this, as I Prime Minister Rudd (left) with , did last night at The Lodge, and see the Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull looks on. (AAP Image) extraordinary shadings of orange all the way though, it catches your eye, and I'm sure that's what those fering. ‘I come to you today with a slightly different approach. My who have put together this particular edition of the Bible have challenge is directed to all Australians: that if you believe strong- had in mind,’ Mr Rudd said. ly in justice, then you should act to alleviate poverty and suffer- Speaking at the launch, Tim Costello from World Vision said: ing, give something of yourself to others. You can donate, you ‘It was US pastor and writer Rick Warren who laid the founda- can give money – and we should all do that when we can – and tions for The Poverty and Justice Bible. He’d discovered that of course there are various ways to do this, but it is also impor- there were 2,000 verses on poverty – and couldn’t believe he’d tant to support the work of organisations who are on the ground, never noticed before,’ Tim Costello said. working in poor communities to give them food, water, skills for From this initial idea, a team of Bible Society researchers life, but also hope,’ Mr Turnbull said. read the CEV to identify every verse that’s specific about God’s The Poverty and Justice Bible also contains endorsements take on social injustice. These range from Old Testament from Church and community leaders including US-based Jim prophecies to Jesus’ radical teachings. ‘This Bible is proof that, Wallis, Christian activist and author, and Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue, on issues of social justice, God has plenty to say,’ he added. Australian Aboriginal leader. A companion journal is also avail- In his address at the launch, Opposition Leader Malcolm able. More information is available at: Turnbull challenged Australians to act to relieve poverty and suf- www.povertyandjusticebible.org.au www.nlife.com.au ‘Tell the people the full message of this new life.’ (Acts 5.20b) HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE WITH THE WILSONS Voice Of Peace Ltd turn to Christ. Hannah Harper is preparing turn to God in the IN the September Ned Blaskow's Bulletin for a multi-language workshop in Septem- light of this provi- we are informed that after 31 years of min- ber. Pray that God will do a great work in sion. istering to Christians overseas and in Aus- both areas. Global Recordings Network Australia tralia, the Mission Voice of Peace as an OMF Vic/Tas PRAY for Graydon Colville as he leads the organisation is closing down. The bulletin PRAY for Simon and Meg Crittle who are mission in Australia and is currently having says the closure is due to advancing age, looking to reconnect with the Japanese cul- some holidays. May he know God's refresh- and the time-consuming bureaucratic re- ture during their visit there from 9 Septem- ment and revitalising. quirements in running the mission. Ned ber – 13 October. Pray for their work in the Reach Across (Formerly Red Sea says: ‘My personal ministry in all these Japanese Church in Melbourne. Remember Mission Team) areas will go on under God until the Lord Calvin and Joyce Ma in their busy sched- REMEMBER Len and Wendy who recently calls me to meet Him in the air!' ules and as Joyce prepares for the Candi- returned to the Middle East. Pray for them Every Home For Christ dates Course from 29 September – 7 Oc- as they settle in once again and ask that RECENTLY 238 people made decisions to tober, when seven participants will attend. God would bless their interaction and con- follow Christ in Mongolia. Pray they will con- Christian Mission International Aid versations with people. tinue to grow in the Word of God. PRAISE God for the support that came in Bush Church Aid CMS Victoria for the 2009 Potato Project. Many families THE influx of many ‘Nomads’ during the KERRY McLean asks prayer that the peo- received support by way of potatoes deliv- next weeks will bring new fellowship, chal- ple at Angurugu and Umbakumba (NT) will ered to them prior to winter. Pray they will lenges, blessings to outback communities. The Bible Society In Australia – And Spirit use each of these means of minister- properly instructed, can as truly believe and Cairo! ing to the residents of Makattam. be regenerated as an adult.' Flowing from TO the east of sprawling Cairo stands Unity Can Have Great Outcomes! that challenge Child Evangelism Fellowship Mokattam Mountain, home to more than REPRESENTATIVES from Radio Stations was commenced in the US in 1937. 40,000 people. Almost half make a living FEBC and TWR recently met together in the There are now 160 countries with regis- recycling Cairo's garbage. This used to be Northern Marianas to develop some con- tered CEF ministries; 9.3 million children Cairo's most feared and despised slum, but crete plans for backup in the event of a have been reached, with 3.3 million making now there is hope. Large crosses painted typhoon knocking out one or other of the a profession faith; 274,075 teachers have on the walls of many houses indicate that stations. Please continue to pray for those been trained and 2,346 national workers. most of the residents are Christians. Scrip- efforts to develop strategies to keep God's Sadly, in Australia there are only four full ture and literacy materials developed by the Word on the air waves. time staff workers. Pray that this vital min- Bible Society are used with many of Mokat- Evangelising Children istry will expand and grow, with many raised tam's development programs. May the Holy CHARLES Spurgeon said: 'A child of five, if up to work in this harvest field. Congratulations Naomi Reed! WEC Queensland Camps leadership team. He already has a group of NAOMI Reed is becoming increasingly well- WEC Queensland Camps were started by mature Christian men ready to act as ad- known as the author of several books relat- Gerhard Bargen 50 years ago, and they visors and has identified a few young adults ing to the work she and her husabnd and have impacted thousands of young lives for who can be trained to develop radio pro- family have done in Nepal. She has just Christ. The camping ministry as such has grams, administer finances and oversee fol- been awarded the Australian Christian Book now closed but WEC will be partnering with low-up. Praise God. of the Year Award for No Ordinary View, 'Teenstreet' a camping ministry of Operation Feast of Tabernacles about working for God amid revolution in Mobilisation which has similar aims. For fur- LAWRENCE Hirsch, Executive Director of Nepal. ther information call 02 9809 7772 or email Celebrate Messiah, Australia and New Africa Inland Mission International [email protected]. Zealand, advises that Celebrate Messiah is PRAY for the Wiggins family and the Terrils News from Western Asia is that one lady holding a Feast of Tabernacles Celebration, who should be moving in to their respective who has been a follower of the Lord for sev- bringing together followers of Jesus from all ministries this month – the Wiggins in Nam- eral years has decided to be baptised. Pray different backgrounds including Jewish and ibia and the Terrils in Rwanda. Pray as they for her protection and growth in Christ. Arabic believers to come together to wor- adjust and settle in. Christian Radio’s Continuing Impact ship King Jesus and bring honour to the Sharing The Good News In Guinea, PRAY for Paul with CVC, Qld who is explor- God of Israel at the Feast of Sukkot (Taber- West Africa ing possible programs in a new country. nacles). The celebration will be held in Mel- BARNABAS Fund is helping to support a Given the quality of the Christian people he bourne on Friday 2 October at 7.30pm at team of evangelists working amongst met there and their willingness to be in- Christian City Church Whitehorse, 171 Muslims in Guinea. It is currently helping volved in all aspects of this media project, Rooks Road, Vermont; and in Sydney on support 489 full-time workers in 23 coun- he is confident in going ahead with the pro- Saturday 3 October at 7pm at Northridge tries, of whom 203 are evangelists and 286 ject subject to final approval from CVC Vineyard Christian Fellowship, 6 Chilvers pastors.
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