Ie Contents On How to Find a Fundamental Classification of Human Knowledge Automatic Indexing of Titles and Keywords on the Basis of a Model for an Overall Thesaurus ' of Knowledge Similarity Coefficieuts and Weighting Functions (or Automatic Document Classification Recognition of Abbreviated Context-Words by Man International Classification Vol. 10 (1983) No.3 [UDC025.4+ 168+001.4(05) Contents INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION Devoted to Concept Theory, Systematic Editorial Terminology and Organization of Knowledge Classific.ationand Encyclopedias 125 Articles' Editors Dr. phil. Ingetraut Th,T. Ballmer.: OIl how to find a fundamental classification of Dahlberg, 0-6000 Frank­.. human knowledge, Pt. II (In German) .............. 127 furt 50, Woogstr. 36a, Editor-in-chief and keywords on the Prof.. Dr.:med . .or. phil.A win Diemer, Ph,i1o­ M. Scheele:' Automatic indexing of titles ,SOphlsches Inshtut der Umversitiit� Dusseldorf basis of a model for an overall thesaurus of knowledge q5 'J)-4000 Dusseldorf 1. UniversWitsstr. I,FRd P. Willett: Similarity coefficients.andweighting functions for i'rof. Jean M. Perreault, University Library automatic document classification: an empirical comparison 138 University of Alabama, P. O.B. 2600 Hunts� ville, Alabama 35807, USA D. Goldenberg, D. Rumpel: Recognition ofabbreviated Prof.Arashanipaiai Neelameghan, clo U.N.D.P., contextMwords by man ....... " . ... ..... ... 143 P. O.Box 1864, Manila, The Philippines Reports and Communications . ..... .. ..... c: • • • 147 co-sponored by - FID/CR (Federation lnternationale de Do­ International Federation of Classification Societies - Call for cumentation, Committee on Classification Papers: Journal of Classification - The Classification Society, (Research), address see Dr.I. Dahlberg European Branch - Formation of the Japan Classification Society - Third European Meeting of the Psychometric ' . Consulting Editors Society Prof. Asterio T. Campos, Departamento de Biblioteconomia, Universidade de Brasilia, FID/CR News 9 ............................. 149 Brasilia-DF, Brazil Kenneth Brown died - Mrs. Stella Keenan new FID General Dr.A. I.Cernyj, VINITI, Moscow A-219 ' Bal- Secretary - The Who is Who in Classification and Indexing tijskaja ul.14, USSR published! - Nominations for the Ranganathan Award - Dipl. Math. Hermann Fangmeyer, Euratom CCR C.E.T.I.S.(E uropean Scientific Informa­ ISOITC46/SC5, Vienna, May 19, 1983 - IFLA Section on tion Processing Centre),I-21020 Ispra (Varese) Classification and Subject Cataloguing - UK: CRG Meeting Italy 244 - USA: ASIS/SIG/CR Meetings - USSR: LBC and Dipl. Volksw.Otto Gekeier, Burgunderweg 9, D-7900 Ulm ' UDC use in the Soviet Union - FRG: Call for Papers for the of the Gesellschaft flir Klassifikation - Prof. Eric de Grolier, Conseil International 8th Annual Conference des Sciences, I, rue Miollis, F-75 Paris 15e, 14th Sarada Ranganathan Lectures published! - Classification France and Indexing Research. Current Bibliography .......... 151 Yukio Nakamura, Authorized Consulting En­ gineer, 14-8 Nisikata-l Bunkyo- Ku, Tokyo Infoterm News ........... , ..... ....... .. .. .. ... 154 113, Japan 2nd Int. Meeting of Experts on "Guidelines for the recording of Prof. Dr. Phyllis Richmond, School of Library terminological data for machine processing" - Working Group Science, C�se Western Reserve University, Cle­ "Vocabulary of terminological data banks". - ISOITC37IWG4 veland, OhlO, 44106, USA "Computational aids in terminology and lexicography". - 1st Prof.Dr. F.W. Riggs, Department of Political " Science, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa-, Honolulu, Meeting of ISO/TC37/SC2 "Methods in terminography . - HI, 96822, USA " ISO/TC37IWG5 "Vocabulary of terminology . - Int. Congress Dr. Eugen Scibor, Institut Informaciji Nauko­ "Terminology and Int. Scientific and Technological Co­ weij. Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (lINTE), operation". - 11th Meeting of ISOITC46/SC3 "Terminology of AI.Niepodleglosci 188, Warzszawa, Poland Documentation". - UNISISTIFID/IFLA Int. School for Prof. Alfredo Serrai, Universita degli Studi , via Stazione S. Pietro 22, Roma, Italy teachers and workers in the information field. - Forthcoming Prof.Dr. Dagobert Soergel, S�hool of Library meetings - New Books - New Journals and Information Services, University of Mary­ land, College Park, MD., 20742, USA Cocta News .............................. : 157 Intercocta Project - Basic Findings - Recommendations - Prof.Dr. Robert R. Sakal, State University of New York,. Stony Brook, New York 11794' Organization - The APSA Convention. USA Terminology for the Soci�l Sciences in Latin American Project 159 Prof. Bryan C. Vickery, School of Library. Archive and Information Studies, University Book Reviews College, Gower Street, London we 1, U. K. Th. Ballmer, W. Brennenstuhl: Speech Act Classification. Forschungsabteilung Information und Doku­ (E. Mater) ............................. 160 mentation des Philosophischen Instituts der .. 161 Universitat Dusseldorf, D-4000 DUsseldorf, Th. Bungarten (Ed.): Wissenschaftssprache. (G. Schott) Universitatsstr. 1, FRG, Prof. Dr.phil. Nor­ V.V. Nalimov: Realms of the Unconscious. (H. L6ckenhoff) 162 bert Henrichs E.M. Barth, E.C.W. Krabbe: From Axiom to Dialogue. Gesellschaft fUr Klassifikation e.V. represent­ (W.G.Stock) . ....... ....... ... 166 ed by Dr.R. Fugmann, Hoechst AG, Wissen­ 169 schaftliche Dokumentation, 0-6230 Frank­ Libraries and Catalogues. (In Italian). (M. Cochetti) . furt 80, FRG 170 Infoterm" c/o oster, Normungsinstitut, Post­ fach 130, 4-1021 Wien. Prof.H. Felber ;Xy,�i,,!I�itt�ldi.'nLiterature 10 (1983) No.3 (9551-9999) 172 U DC 025.4 + 168 + 001.4 (05) INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION Devoted to Concept Theory, Systematic Terminology and' Organization of Knowledge Edit�r$i Dr. I, Dahlberg, Frankfurt; Prof. Dr. Dr.A, Diemer, Dusseldorf; Prof. A. Neelameghan, Manila. Pt'lilippines; Prof. J.M. Perreault, Huntsville. Ala., USA; co-sponsored by FIDleR Editorial Off(ce: c/o Or. 1. Dahlberg, Woogstr. 36a, 0·6000 Frankfurt 50, Tel. 0611/52 36 90 Issue frequency: 3x/ann. Annual subscription rates: Institution per volume OM 74,-; Individuals per volume OM 59,20; 5in'gle issues: OM 25,-, Back issues, hard copy, per issue OM 18,-. microfiche, per issue OM 6,- (1974-1977), Institutions will be billed.Individuals must prepay. For Air Mail deJivery an additional DM 4,- per issue. Postage and Mwst (domestic only) is not included. Advertising rates: AdvertiSing rate card No.1. Advertising fact sheet with details of mechanical requirements and closing dates available upon request. Responsible for advertising. 8. Michael Publisher: INDEKS Verlag. Woogstr.36a. D·6000 Frankfurt 50, Tel. 0611152_�6 90 , Bank Account Nos.: INDEKS GmbH, Postscheck-Konto Fra'nkfurt, No. 151208-608; Frankfurter Sparkasse von 1822, No. 852 082 IBLZ 500 502 01) All rights reserved. Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 1982 by Druckerei H. Guntrum II KG. Postfach 180. 0·6407 Schlitz Contents page I.c. Vol. .10 (1983) No.3 Ballmer, Th.T.: Zur Gewinnung einer Fundamentalklassifikation Willett, P.: Similarity coefficients and weighting functions for au­ does menschlichen Wissens. (On how to find a fundamental classi­ tomatic document classification: an empirical comparison. fication of human knowledge, Pt. II) In: Int. Classif. 10(1983) No. 3, p. 138-142, 16 refs. In: lnt. Classif. 10(1983) No. 3. p. 127-134 This paper compares the similarity matrices obtained from the use The aim of this paper is to provide the fundaments of a classifica­ of four similarity coefficients and five weighting functions with tion of human knowledge. It is demonstrated on this basis that three document test collections. Cluster based retrieval experi­ human knowledge is not an incoherent patchwork of bits and ments using the single l!�kage clusters obtained from these ma­ pieces but rather a well structured system. The procedure to justify idces show that the cosine and Ta nimoto coefficients generally this claim is based on an analysis of linguistic expressions. The cus­ give rather better levels of retrieval effectiveness than the vector tomary local approaches based upon numerical feature analyses of product and overlap coefficients. The results also suggest that al­ linguistic expressions are criticized. In contrast to these it is pro­ though inverse frequency weighting may by useful in certain cir­ posed a global procedure based upon an investigation of large cumstances, it does not consistently lead to significant increases in scale lexical material. It is argued that the verbs of a language pro­ performance over the use of unweighted terms. Comparable re­ vide the basis to arrive at a fundamental classification of human sults were obtained in experiments using a modification of the knowledge. Using the two semantic relations similarity and pre­ Cluster Hypothesis test to measure the extent of the separation of supposition a three dimensional space is found containing about relevant from nonrelevant documents caused by the use of a par­ 1,300 categories and about 45 larger units (called models). The ticular combination of weighting function and Similarity coeffi­ first part contains an elaboration of the dimension and some major cient. (Author) interpretations of the classification results: a numerical analysis of the data, the relation of linguistic categories such as "aktionsart" and transitivity, and the paraphrastically basic verbs. The second part contains furthergoing interpretations of the classification re­ sults with respect to the syntax, semantics, textiinguistics,
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