Del Mar City Council Meeting Agenda Del Mar Council Chambers 2010 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Suite 100, Del Mar, California September 6, 2016 City Council Meeting INFORMATION RECEIVED AFTER THE COUNCIL AGENDA WAS DISTRIBUTED (“Red Dots”) 1 September 6, 2016 Item 03 2 September 6, 2016 Item 03 3 September 6, 2016 Item 03 Subject: FW: NCTD Red Dot - Petition & Comments Attachments: Attachments.html On Sep 5,2016, at3:19 FM, Teny Gaasterland <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote Dear Ashley, guidance how best to I shared the attached petirions with Sherri Parks and Dwight'Worden to ask for on circulate our petition. iegalizing The goal u,ith the petitions was to assemble signatures, give the community a voice on the subject of (3 listed in train-track crossings, and empower our City Cãuncil members to work with NCTD toward solutions the petition). pages. The second and I attach 3 files. The first is a scanned ink&paper petition with 471 signatures on 62 third are downloaded PDFs from a J most useful matter tomorrow. I Frank Stonebraker will rr,fer to the petition in 3 minutes of comments to the Council on this But for sure, I'll be am in The Hague (lr{etherlands) this week and will not be able to attend the 916 meeting' plans to bring over a there in october. In case it is important to get a paper copy of the petitions to you, Frank print-out tomorrorv of the' files attached here. ?u: In case useful, here is a link to the int Cd 3 TD cUV9a1 OlodowC cÃ7 A. edh5YQme6uS&m:-g5; WY t9 org/p/cit)'- Gao website for the petition: https ://www.change. gqunciI-oÊdel-mar-cr n g-the-rai lroad-tracks-in-del-mar-to-access-the- b e ach? r e cr uíter : 1 62 47 7 1 c1 o pvl i nk<þ!!pgX7r¿!þþn.' 2Ddel 2Dcrossin. 2n 2Dto- s -l 5F -5F 3F r e cr vtiter3D I 62 47 I 5 26utm-5 Fmeclium-3 Dcor MF' ll 1 1 September 6, 2016 Item 04 ctlV 9a 1 Q 1 odpwCcATzG6o05 RzavF'VUx- .&.m- gS3WoWYOI{vKNuU 19ADI7,m64Rn9aDsMW vRiGgiL7,aGA&s:1SWì T.V9ovbHFIF GTtxv 5 nrr5 nft Zcole 8 4 s FJ 9 41tDp4 &e:> Please let me know how I can be of further help, even though afar ! Best regards, Teruy Teny Gaasterland, PhD Professor of Computatioual Biology and Genomics Director, Scripps Genome Center Member, Institute for Ge,romic Medicine University of Califbrnia l:ian Diego and Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scripps Genome Center, MC0202 Hubbs Hall, room 2125 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0202 Office (858)-822-4600 Cell (.646\ 207-4600 Fax l85B) 641 Email : gaasterl [email protected] csdcilg<mai lto : [email protected] scl. eclu> Map: 8b C cUV9alO oclnr,vCcA7zG6o05 vFVUx- Y W 1k3 opoyvlFlB RJB fC Q 3 gFI¡- 29 4zpIU 4 &,e:> <Petition-047 1 signatures-DelMarSouthBeachAccess-pageO 1 ..page 62.pdÞ <EPetition-03 2 8 si gnaturt:s-si gnatureList.pdÞ <EPetition-0 3 2 8 signaturos-comments.pclÞ 2 2 September 6, 2016 Item 04 Petition August 20L6 Request for the Gity of Del ilar to work with North County Transit District (NCTD) to cease issuing tickets for cros¡ing the railroad tracks between 4h St and 1îh St and to designate two or more crossing sites to access the west side of the tracks. To: City of Del Mar Manager, City Staff, and City Council By signing this instrument, I agree and represent that I have read and understand and agree with allthe foregoing statements: 1. The railroad track bisects Del Mar along 1.5 miles of sensitive coastal bluff. 2. Del Mar citizens, residents, and visitors have enjoyed and exercised direct access to the Del Mar beach between 4th St. and 11rh St. since the early 1900's. 3. NCTD, through the San Diego Sheriffs Office, is now issuing tickets for crossing the railroad tracks, at $500 per person. 4. Enforcement could be based on abuse of the privilege to cross the tracks, including a. Crossing as a train approaches b. Walking, standing, sitting, or lying on the tracks 5 We ask that you and NCTD work vrgorously ancl immediately to accomplsh the following a Cease issuing trckets when no lrarn rs near or rn srght b Establish two or more desrgnated srles to cross between 6'h St and 1 1rn St after "Stop, Look and Lrsten" c Work cltltgently toward rernovrng the tracks frorn the bltrff wrthrn a decacle Sincerely, The Undersigned Name Signature Date Owner / Email / Address Resident / Voter ? , Ln lo,þ 14G) [,..,[n^¡, ì I l-- visr'Inr 2 ^Éf Ri\, n^^(or h) ll¿sd .()J¡, \ì- DI r f ¿.1 .rtC-Jt I t)l.r^*4ø è 4u,-uer¿ í," l, ß-. a +l i/iá,. rr t I lÚt-\ o z.) C L14 _/ 4 t \ @-Lv1Lt,-. t-,vl le lz-o zJ,,l^.| -t"< g . ç-/ V co^J tronñlhft,n,l 4, ..L /t A Vlzr r( e >')2..?- I l -Ph¿ef} r;'ih; ¡Wilßhn>.ç4r¡YlY*lYlt I l/t n l/n/ 1 7 3 September 6, 2016 Item 04 Petition August 2016 Request for the Gity of Del flllar to work with North County Transit District (NCTD) to ceaie issuing tickets for crossing the railroad tracks between ¿th St and I ls St and to designate two or more crossing sites to access the west side of the tracks. To: City of Del Mar Manager, City Staff, and City Council By signing this instrument, I agree and represent that I have read and understand and agree with allthe foregoing statements: 1. The railroad track bisects Del Mar along 1.5 miles of sensitive coastal bluff 2. Del Mar citizens, residents, and visitors have enjoyed and exercised direct access to the Del Mar beach between 4th St. and 11th St. since the early 1900's. 3. NCTD, through the San Diego Sheriffs Office, is now issuing tickets for crossing the railroad tracks, at $500 per person. 4. Enforcement could be based on abuse of the privilege to cross the tracks, including a. Crossing as a train approaches b. Walking, standing, sitting, or lying on the tracks 5 We ask that you and NCTD work vrgorously and rrnmedrately to accomphsh the following. a Cease rssurng tickels when no tra¡n is near or tn srght b Establish two or more destgnated srtes to cross between 6r" St and 1 1rn St afier 'Stop. Look, and L.rsten" c Work drhgently toward renìovrrlg the tracks from lhe blutf wrthtn a decade Sincerely, The Undersigned Name Signature Date Owner / ,at @ÉÉ sãF. Voter ? t0 Lo o\/ l¡ flltl¡n¡rlrt , 4,uifrUu n4 il Liffttt'to| ¡¡rtt ¿nì nA'Lr---' Al zu \./ g ,a a¡¡-c l.tt Á u' (Or,i.^- t niLktâ'|&¿< .6trrnf- ,a*n- -.nflut -t¡i ,3 t, fìñ,lr K Át,(A,u At çt< A't^4ç)tút,o t ttih L . ttn^ A I À A¡g¡ 1- 11*U Itzt (' ll t4 M )€ noô * I ''- --)* r',hþÅ) I.,Jc K ttí fo¿ ( 1 ftqh'tr'V hlLM 9tus €. IC A\..¡ ssa KinnUa^, Ni,,\dv- !l'uc ?v I 1 .) (. 4 September 6, 2016 Item 04 Petition August 2016 Request for tlre Glty of Del ilar to work witlr Norür County Transit Distrig! ([C]O] t9 issuing ticke-ts for crossing the railroad tncks between 4tn St and llh St and to clesignate"u"L" two c¡r more crossing sitos to acceas the west side of the tracks. To: City of Del Mar Manager, City Staff, and City Council By signing this instrument, I agree and represent that I have read and understand and agree with allthe foregoing statements: 1. The railroad track bisects Del Mar along 1.5 miles of sensitive coastal bluff, 2. Del Mar citizens, residents, and visitors have enjoyed and exercised direct access to the Det Mar beach between 4rh St. and 11th St. since the early 1900's. 3. NCTD, through the San Diego Sheriffs Office, is now issuing tickets for crossing the ¡ailroad tracks, at $500 per person. 4. Enforcement could be based on abuse of the privilege to cross the tracks, including ,a. Crossing as a train aPProaches b. Walking, standing, sitting, or lying on the tracks S We ask that you and NCTII work vigorously anrJ lmmecJtately to accompltsh tne followtng a Cease issuing tickets when no traln rs near or tn sight b Establish two or rnore desrg¡rrated srtes to cross betweerr 6'n St. anqJ 11'r'St after "Stop, Look, and Llsten" r: Work rlilrgently iilwarr:l reûìovrng ihe tracks frorn the t¡lr¡ff wtthrn a decade Sincerely, The Undersigned Name Signaturc Date Owner I - Email t^Add ress @Ér t+ fcvttt f<^/ ø Voter ? "dêN L€[\æ1 ç tzo n€.5;, tþ t?-o r( û 2^f zo At f W¡Â ' ?,o Y? lt(, enÞ /2¿ ll lêt 0 t / r, *ft| /./l.f'"1+, ,, Ét 12¡ /r4 l/n /'61,1 2' I r¿,/z¿> Çf>u ztt g 1 ) 5 September 6, 2016 Item 04 Petition August 2016 Request for the City of Del Mar to work with North County Transit_District (lp_fO) t9 issuing ticke-ts for crossing the railroad tracks between Cn St and l1u St and to designate"*"L" two or more crossing sites to acceag the west side of the tacks. To: City of Del Mar Manager, City Staff, and Ci$ Council By signing this instrument, I agree and represent that I have read and understand and agree with allthe foregoing statements: 1.
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