The Daily Register VOL. 97 NO.90 SHREWSBURY. N. J. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1974 TEN CENTS Board seeks court action in teacher strike By JANE FODERARO yesterday to defy the antici- Jack LeGlise. LBEA presi- depleted teaching surfs were school strike to be "effec- (The strike was called Mon- pated court injunction dent boosted by SI substitute tive." day night after teacher-board LONG BRANCH - Richard They were joined by school Milton Hughes, superinten- teachers, 60 teacher aides and John Molloy. field represen- talks broke off.) D. McOmber, attorney (or the custodians and secretaries. dent of schools, estimated other auxiliary personnel. tative of the N.J. Education "This strike could have city Board of Education, All three school employe that about one third of the Mr. Hughes said attempts Association (NJEA), the par- been avoided if the board had today was to seek a court or- groups are striking over lack professional staff reported for would be made to keep ent organization, reported come in with only another der to restrain teachers in the of a 1*74-75 wage contract duty yesterday. There are ISO schools open today. "We are strike headquarters have 115,000 for all three groups," second day of a strike Approximately 200 members teachers in the school system. particularly concerned about been set up at the Garfield Mr. Molloy said "But now I Schools opened this morn- of the combined employe as- The Lenna W Con row the welfare of children of Grant, Broadway. anticipate a long siege," he ing, but most of the city's sociations voted at a meeting School remained open for the working parents," he said Mr. Molloy said the LBEA added (,M0 students were expected in Asbury Park after the full school day with approxi- In addition, he reported sent a telegram to the Board The LBEA president. Mr. to be dismissed early as they strike had been called mately two thirds of the that Mr. McOmber had been of Education yesterday, ur- LeGlise, aid the organiza- were yesterday. teachers In attendance, he directed to file in Superior ging resumption of contract tion's negotiators have acted Members of the Long Strikers picketed the high said. The remaining nine Court, Freehold, today for a negotiations. "Some modi- "in the spirit of com- Branch Education Association school here early yesterday, schools In the dty dismissed restraining order against the fication of the board's posi- promise." He stated. "But (LBEA), the teachers' con- and planned to establish pick- students in mid to late mom- striking teachers. tion, as It was stressed Mon- the board won't compromise tract bargaining unit, unani- et lines at all 10 city schools ing. In the opposite camp. day, would contribute to a if it's not their compromise." mously agreed in a voice vote this morning, according to The superintendent said LBEA leaders declared the settlement," the wire said. Mr. LeGlise said there had been no confrontations be- tween striking teachers and those who reported for work yesterday. He said, however, Some city teachers went to work efforts would be made to per- suade them today to join the LONG BRANCH - Teach up for work. And about 40 of problems. said. then were dismissed for the walkout with the distribution •ri went out on strike here the high school's N teachers "Oh, there was an air of ex- Many youngsters heard day. of fliers "After all, what we yesterday, bat not all of reported to their classrooms. citement because something about the strike on the radio High school students were gain, they will gain," he said One teacher said the "stu- different was going on. But and stayed home. Most of told that, if a teacher wasn't Picket all schools Approximately one-third of dent load was light" and the students generally accept- those who did attend went in a classroom, to report to The LBEA head said all the city's ISO teachers showed there were no real discipline ed the situation," the teacher through several class periods, the auditorium where admin- schools would be picketed istrators were in charge. starting at 7 30 a.m. today In addition, teachers who and at 10 a.m., another mem- ••Ottter pM)« *r Dan Lara were on the jobs were asked bership meeting would take CITY TEACHERS STRIKE - Long Branch teach- over the public address sys- place at the Empress Motel, BH t ers picket at Junior High School yesterday morn- i tem to help out in the audito- Asbury Park. ing when school opened on first day of strike. rium when they had a free He added that interest-free About one third of city teachers reported for work — period. loans will be available from without incident. Court injunction is expected "But we decided not to," See City, page 2 today. i' Jr.» ^ another teacher said. "We didn't feel we should fill in for absent teachers. We had to 1^ respect what they were /— M issssCZ doing... "We had made our decision %*$ • / Defense attacks and they (the strikers) made theirs," she said "We all had P5 to exaimine our own con- sciences. 1 Eiss^lfl "Most of us came in today LvJ•^sBailsss! because we felt we were Dean credibility hired to be in the school," she continued. "But our job is in WASHINGTON (AP) - De Judge John J. Sirica in a mo- using it for a honeymoon trip the classroom, not to take fense lawyers in the Water- tion: to the Caribbeans. He later ' over the whole show." gate cover-up trial are going "It... may be anticipated repaid It. i Some teachers yesterday to press their efforts to erode that he will be questioned in In yesterday's testimony, HHflHHJHLHB did express disdain for those the credibility of John W detail about events and con- Wilson drew an admission TEACHERS MISSING — Long Branch students Most youngsters were dismissed early because of fellow employes who report- Dean 3rd with questions about versations extending back at from Dean that while the yesterday were told to report to school auditorium the teacher walkout. edly signed in at school, then his personal use of a secret least 2'£ years." original Watergate burglars when they found a classroom without a teacher. went outside and joined the political fund. MiUer said the tapes will be were being tried in January strikers. "That's double deal- Cross-examination of Dean part of the court record by 1973, he shredded two note- ing," they said. was to resume today by 72- the time Nixon testifies and books, which came from the None of the teachers want- year-old John J. Wilson, prin- that the request "represents a White House safe of E. How- Revaluation foes storm hall ed to be identified. cipal attorney for H. R. Hal- reasonable, simple accom- ard Hunt Jr. Meanwhile, one of the city's deman.' modation, making it possible Hunt, then among the origi- LONG BRANCH - Orga- council meeting, then or to have it redone altogeth- assessments reduced," he 10 schools managed to remain Meanwhile, there was an in- for Mr. Nixon to begin at nal seven Watergate defend- nized taxpayers here last marched upstairs to the coun- er. continued. open all day. It was the Len- dication yesterday that for- once the necessary and help- ants, had compiled names night mounted the ramparts cil chambers. They were or- The attorney contended "But what about the little na W. Conrow School on Long mer President Richard M. ful refreshing of his memo- and addresses of men who and fired a steady barrage of ganized by the United Civic that the J. M. Cleminshaw guy who can't afford a law- Branch Ave., where approxi- Nixon may testify in the trial. ry." had helped in the 1971 break- threats and insults at City and Taxpayers Association Co., the firm doing the reva- yer? The value of his proper- mately two thirds of the pro- His attorney, Herbert J Mill- Wilson said yesterday he in at the office of Daniel Ells- Council about the ongoing under the leadership of Edgar luation here, will produce an ty will be left at 150 per cent fessional staff reported for er, asked for transcripts of plans to question Dean about berg's psychiatrist, according revaluation of city real es- N. Dinkelspiel. aggregate assessment of the and he'll be carrying an un- work. White House tape recordings his personal use of $4,850 to Dean's testimony. tate. A young Jersey City tax city that will exceed by $90 fair share of the tax burden." There were no con- used In the trial so Nixon can from a secret $350,000 White The former White House lawyer, Edward Rosenblum, million the equalized value he said. frontations yesterday between prepare his testimony. House political fund. counsel said he shredded the They want it thrown out. Or ' working teachers and pick- else. hired by the taxpayers to set on all city properties this Mr. Rosenblum demanded Nixon has been subpoenaed Dean has testified pre- notebooks because he had present their case, challenged year by the state taxation di- eters, and none were ex- by defendants Haldeman and viously that, without telling known of the Ellsberg break- About 200 residents turned to see figures used by the Cle- pected today. out for a demonstration at the council to seek a year's rector. minshaw appraisers to arrive John D. Ehrlichman, and White House superiors, he in since May or April of 1972. City Hall before the regular extension of the revaluation ISO per cent at an aggregate assessment The Long Branch Educa- Miller told US.
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