111 ONE OF AMERICA'S BIGGEST INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES PAY $100.05 OF TUE CC.•' OF THIS $170.00 SCREEN FOR YOU-YOU PAY ONLY $69.95! _ L 3EA)ED WALL SCREE. Regularly $170.00. Blackhawk's low, low price an - $ 69.95 These 9*x12' Radiant EC Beaded Wafl Screens were pnrcllased by one of America's biggest industrial corporations for use at Is baining centers across the country. A shift In motion picture production plans, however, necessitated the qtthIdcm ad Cineinascope-type screen-and these 9'x12' ECa were 'virtually not used at all. Some of them were not en re,,'ed from the original fibre shipping tubes. All, for all practical purposes, are new-and you save exactly $100.05. As ym probably know, the Model EC is the simplest, most efficient large audience screen of its type and size. It can be conveniently hung from either wall or ceiling. The fnbrlc is securely anchored to spring roller. It moves up or down .noothty and evenly. New 211x2" Color Slide Set! AIREQUIPT MAGAZINES FOR 2" x 2" SLIDES Sinrdy constructIon of lIghtweIght metal provides eacellent protection ;s for slide.. Permanent metal frasne prosided for each slide. Slides ens- lip Ingerted or remo,ed without damage.lnttes card permanenliy This Is a new ihorler set of slides Incorporating some of the Uin4 attached. Each magszine boils 38 siide. pictures included In the now discontinued Rlackhawk Slide Set No. 11. "Tb. Peansy In Pennsylvania." PhotogeSphed by Fred MrLeod almost Six for . $9.99 ka years age, (hIs all-steam pet shows some draninlic Stilt 1 at Horse- \ '5 1 ".5 shoe Cirvr and elsewhere on the Penn,7 In Pennslvanla. This set Price, each $1.e7 printed by an Improved color process. Blackliawk 2"x2" Color Slide Set No. 109, .13 slides in captioned mounts, only.......... $198 INTEJ{CONTINE1TAL SLIDF TRAYS FOR TDC AND VIEWLEX Molded plastic frays for use with TDC Selectron or Vi.wlez (All Types 2"s2" slide changers. Each fray holds 30 2's2" slide.. Regular prtc fler. I. an tacefleut quality but moderately priced 35mm. camera with a $1.00 each. 5. 1. 1/2. 1/5, 1/16, 1/25. 1150. FOUR SWELL LP RECORDS fine t1.I . millulter ipeeds of ltlackhawlc bargain price, eascis ...........89. iipe, 1/250 and 1/500 arcond. Has coupled range finder, automatic OF FA!LRCAD SOUNDS fltn, adie e.cha sholiff to prevent doubleexposare$, 3 for $249 12 for $7.98 900 MILES (AND OTHER RAILROAD Olympus 35-S 35mm. Camera, regularly 42 - $69.95, Blackhawk bargain priced at only.... SONGS KEYSTONE SLIDE TRAYS FOR TIW, Folkways Record No. FP-13, 10-inch. $3.89 VIEWLEX AD AMERICAN OPTICAL Leather Carrying Case for Olympus 35-S S"g by Ulsco }Inuslne. 1,..t the thin5 for She railroad ton, any Camera, reg. $7.95, Blackhawk priced at only $5.49 cnllrctnr of Americana or loser of Folk song.. Molded olastk l.a.. for use with TDC 5eleeteon. Viewlex (All Ta-tusk and An,erican Optical l'al" slide changers. Fin h tray hold, 40 'sO RAIL DYNAMICS sli,le. Cook Record No. 1070, 10-inch ......$3.77 Blackhawk bargain price, each ...........9c beautiful and hs,,ntiilg o,,nd, of a raliroad rescuing ou,t 3 for $2.49 12 for $7.98 ew 211s2" Color Slide Set! over a wet, fnegy nlght"-Player. Maga'ine. " . so real II makci listener. ,l,u-k."---N. V. Time,. A famoni enllpctinn of railside sounds -insde along the New York Centrdl-wtlb practically e'.ery type ni loenmntiv,. represented. Speckt SOUNDS OF STEAM LOCOMOTIVES, Here', a rent collector's Item-a slide '.t Copied from tnlnr lithographs No. 1 I:aei:i ade by the house of Gibton and Company In the 1870.! The real Folkways Record No. FX6153, 12-inch, $5.55 irfiectimi of an aln.n.t vanl.hed Iustiti,linn-bnre.back rider,, The here they are Illinois (:entral 2-8-2 No. 1534; Snrilngton 2-5-2 No. Purchase! I e11111oe, Boq tamer, elepfiaiUg, aquarium, unake wagon and the grand 5352; Union Pacific 4-8-4 No. 801 and 4-12.2 No. 9001 Chicago and North Western 35 No. 2559 BurlIngton 4-6-4 No. 4003t yout hmfl. Chicago sod North Western 4-6-0 No. 1353; UnIon PaciFic 4-8-4 No. 509 and 4-66-4 No. 3816 Burlington 4-5-4 No, 5629; tinIno lackhawk Color Slide Set No. 111, 13 Pacific 4.8-8-4 No. 4018 flhinol, Central 4-8-2 No, 2514 Uniol Keystr : ide, in captioned mounts, only ........... $1.98 Pacific 0-6-0 No. 4471; Denser and 15k. Grande Western 2-1-2 No. 450; UnIon Pacific 4-6-6-2 No. 3839 Denser and Rio Crande Western narrow range 2-I-2s No.. 495 and 403; Colorado and Southern .2-10.2 No. 809; Colorado and Southern 2-8-0 No. as and Union Pacific 4-9-4s No.. 824 and 825. K-70'.' Npecksl Purchase! SOUNDS OF STEAM LOCOMOTIVES, No.2 Prer" Good used 1300-foot, 16mm. sound film Folkways Record No. FX6152, 12-inch, $5.55 A, all-Iturllncton disc containing: 0-6-0 No. 510; 2-8-2 No. 4951 rJlfl leaning yards; No. 5114 clImbing to eie,aton No. 5112 upotting Plackhaok has secured two additional lots of the i'rst-selllng Ke,suom cars; No. 4958 returni ng to yard with enipties; No. 5344 simmering K-70C (with carrytng case) 8mm. projeciors lb ehilir u.es , 500 ['R PFI..11S S11,11 INGIS on ready track; No. 5341 up to crossing and back; No. 5504 ieasiug wall pr..jecfion lamp, has an f.I.6 coated projcctiro lens and a yards with halo; No. 5355 passing: No . S05 swiicbing at Ashland, condenser lens, it takes up (0 400-toot caoacity Simm. film reel,, 8.. No, 5504 on Woodlawn run; No. 5347 and helper 4-8-2 No. 7000 rheosiat speed eos*ol, has master twitch to run forward with light of near Flrth; No. 5335 pnlling into yard.; No. 5504 running ilght to and rented with lamp off. Twin-fan blower driven by high Ly.etdJ PrIce Per Print roundhouse and No. 5351 from roun,ll,oue, simmertu,g and ss.Iichtng. motot flakes for coot. trouble-free operatIon. Has die-cast, one-piecs $9.99 frame and sturdy cad-metal base-all Iinished in handsome niple.coat.4 bronze crackle finish. a .dzed film at j peal LOW pike. Wi 6. atory of ceifri and lmpacf 00 ns coffee Industry has had on buman progress dowu Keystone K-70C 8mm. Projector, with curry- site yws. A 46N7 thare" to amiataibed by puppet. In a play balk big case. regularly $74.95, pricc.I at only .. $52.22 a..d a eantral theme. 'terry Puib the Strings-good used 1300-foot ktsg, 16mm. sound film, per print, only ..... $9.99 Used 16,n,;ssoiind prints IN COLOR . .tW1OCA (%MFRA Length about 700-fee: EspSins the purpose p1' the Amerlez,o Ftlbl SocIety rid its aclisitiC5 in making Bibles uvaitoble. Uses picti,re,, taken on ''• --...... A . with . . and Foreign mission field5 over a period of several years, COUPLED Blacklsawk Bargain Priced, per print...... 4 RANGEFINDER t esm.ia is the finçl retail of . iss The long •xp.ri.nc. of Sumoco Ccmeo Co. k bat 9oay many fdatw., o llootly C" .fIfld $2 •iøch Mor. .xp.nsiv. .9t EI I. COUL1D IANGEFIP4DEL " 1. .s C. IZMAR LLNS. Case $5.49 extrø 3, B.uble sxpoaIws pr.ventto,t. 4. *t..natic film transport and ihutter windin S. Ccenbln.d rangefind,r and viewfinder. 4. "ll-Wo flash synchroniaed shutt.,. INCORPORATING WILD LIFE FILMS J . 111111141f GUAL4JlTEoo. --> _-9 d 11ATLONAL PARK Wild Life, Wild Flower and National Park 2"x2" Color Slide Sets, COLOR SLIDES .ight slides to a set, regularly $1.95, per set, only ........................ _• (a very few sets are available in black and white only) WILDLIFE COLOR SLIDE SET No. I 104-Baby Porcupine 103-Baby Blue Heron 119-0k Calf 101-Coyote 106-Mule Deer Buck 137-4Uack Bear Cubs 102-Big Horn Shccp ill-Coy, Moos. WILDLIFE COLOR SLIDE SET No. 2 101-Baby Canada Goose 112-Black Bear 121-Elk Calf 108-Bull Moose 114-Buffalo Herd 123-Big hera Sheep lta THESE PRICES C0A'J1NUE IN EFFECE 1) SEmI. 23. 1957 109-Coyote Pup 115-Autelop. WILDLIFE COLOR SLIDE SET No. 3 t• NORTH AMERICA 105-Yoitng Horned Onis 116-White Footed Mouse 122-Buffal. ),.... 110-Antelope 117-Prairie I)og 129-Beaver ANIMALS OF YEI.l.OIVNTtINR NATT('NSC. PSIUL 113-Mother Moose and Calf 120-Jtull Elk (30 color alides), rag. $4.49. on caic at ..........................8308 ARCHES NATIONAL MONUMENT (12 color slideat, reg. $1.89. on enl.- at ............................................ 51-69 AUTUMN AND WINTER IN YU.LOWSTONI NATIONAL PARK WILDLIFE COLOR SLIDE SET No. 4 (12 color atidea). rug. $0.89. ON .Me at ............................. SL69 fIB-Elk Calf 127-Yowig Red Sesirrel 131-PraIrie Dog Fansfly, AUTUI6M IN WYOMING (12 color aildea), erg. $179, on usia at .... 81-19 124-Trumpeter Swaes 128-Pack Rat 134-Antelope Nuralug Twins BRYCJC CANYON NATIONAL PARK (16 cot., ailduol. 126-Pocket Gopher 130-Raccoon reg. $2.49, on sale at ---------------------------------------------13-IS THE BLUE GRASS STAlL KENTUCKY (ii erIe, atideol. reg. $249, an sale at---------------------------------------------12.19 WILDLIFE COLOR SLIDE SET No. 5 THE CAILE CARS OF SAM FRANCISCO (20 eater alinea). rag. $2.96- ON gale at ............................................. 104-Baby Trunspeter Swan 133-Buffalo rturdug Rub, 138-430yef.
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