APRIL 20, 1953 Russians Are People Eugene Lyons Decline of the Rule of Law F. A. Hayek The Battle Against Print Flora Rheta Schreiber Red China's Secret Weapon Victor Lasky Santayana: Alien in the World Max Eastman The Reading Company at its huge coal terminal near Perth Amboy handles as much as 4,000,000 tons annually. Most of this coal is distributed to docks in New York City and Brooklyn in 10,000-ton barges. Three new tugs powered with Fairbanks-Morse Diesels and equipped throughout with F-M Generators, Pumps and Motors are setting new records for speed and economy in this important task. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Chicago 5, Illinois FAIRBANKS·MORSE a name worth remembering when you want the best DIESEL AND DUAL FUEL ENGINES • DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES • RAIL CARS • ELECTRICAL MACHINERY PUMPS • SCALES • HOME WATER SERVICE EQUIPMENT • FARM MACHINERY • MAGNETOS THE A Fortnightly Our Contributors For VICTOR LASKY, well-known journalist and spe­ cialist on Communism, won national renown in Individualists 1950 as co-author of the best-selling Seeds of reeman Treason. He i's editor of Spadea Syndicates. Editor HENRY HAZLITT EUGENE LYONS is particularly equipped to know Managing Editor FLORENCE NORTON and understand the Russian people, being him­ self a native of Russia and having spent many years as a correspondent in Moscow. Author of a number of books about the Soviet Union, including a biography of Stalin, he is now Contents VOL. 3, NO. 15 APRIL 20, 1953 working on a book tentatively entitled "Our Secret Weapon: the Russian People." . Editorials FLORA RHETA SCHREIBER is exceptionally quali­ The Fortnight. .................................... .. 509 fied by long and highly specialized experience The Kremlin Dovecote............................... 511 to write on the controversial subject of the Toynbee's Little Lamb............................... 512 struggle between the printed word and the newer media of communication. She is Assis­ Economy from Within............................... 513 tant Professor of Speech and Radio at Adelphi Canada Lowers Taxes 513 College in Garden City, Long Island, and a Revolt of the Simple. .............................. .. 514 lecturer on radio and film writing for the sum­ 8enator among Cannibals 514 mer sess,ion of the New School for Social Re­ search. In addition, she has worked for one of the leading broadcasting companies and is Articles prominent in organizations connected with broadcasting and television. Red China's Secret Weapon VICTOR LASKY 515 Decline of the Rule of Law; Part One F. A. HAYEK 518 C. v. WEDGWOOD, the enlinent British histodan, America: Fact and Fable c. v. WEDGWOOD 521 is deputy editor of Time and Tide of London, Russians Are People EUGENE LYONS 523 author of many books on English and French history and literature. "America: Fact and The Battle against Print FLORA RHETA SCHREIBER 527 Fable" appears in the FREEMAN by special ar­ rangement with Til1~e and Tide. Books and the Arts JOHN VERNON TABERNER, writer and critic, has An Alien in the World MAX EASTMAN 531 been a contributor to various American, British, Lions and Lizards ANNE EISNER PUTNAM 532 and Canadian magazines. During World War Two, he served in the Canadian Army, and Wizard of Otta'wa JOHN VERNON TABERNER 533 from 1943 to 1945 was Secretary General of Life Confinement IAGO GALDSTON, M.D. 535 the Army Technical Development Board in Ot­ A Thinking Rebel. BEN RAY REDMAN 536 tawa. The Theater KAPPO PHELAN 537 ANNE EISNER PUTNAM is a landscape painter Music SERGE FLIEGERS 538 who went to the Belgian Congo in search of new scenes, remained as the wife of Patrick Putnam and co-manager wi,th him of a com­ Humor bination Tourist Camp, workers village, zoo, An American Machine MICHAEL ZOSCHENKO 526 and hospital in the middle of a lush jungle three hundred miles from the nearest town. She is spending a few months in New York Poem finishing a book about her experi~nces to be published by Prentice-Hall next year. Oklahoma Hayride K. WHARTON STURGES 522 DR. IAGO GALDSTON, a nationally known psychia­ This is What They Said. ............................ .. 517 trist, is Executive Secretary of the Committee on Medical Information of the New Yerk Academy of Medicine. He is author of Behind the Sulfa Drugs, Progress in Medicine, and co-author of Modern Attitudes in Psychiatry. KAPPO PHELAN, for six years drama editor of Commonweal, has written widely for national THE FREEMAN is published fortnightly. Publication Office, Orange, Conn. Editorial and magazines on the theatel" and ballet. General Offices, 240 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. Copyrighted in the United States, 1953, by the Freeman Magazine, Inc. Henry Hazlitt, President; Lawrence Fertig, SERGE FLIEGERS was brought up in Switzerland, Vice President; Claude Robinson, Secretary; Kurt Lassen, Treasurer. educated at Cambridge and Harvard. As a Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Orange, Conn. Rates: Twenty-five cents the copy; five dollars a year in the United States; nine dollars for two years; correspondent he has traveled in Europe, the six dollars a year elsewhere. Middle East, Latin America, speaks eight lan­ The editors can not be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts unless return postage or, guages, including Arabic. Between covering the better, a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. United Nations for the Inter Continental Press Articles signed with a name, pseudonym, or initials do not necessarily represent the and writing magazine articles, he manages to opinion of the editors, either as to substance or style. find time for his special interest-opera and ~ Printed in U.S.A., by Wilson H. Lee Co., Orange, Connecticut. instrumental music. • nlist your friends In the ranks.. of free men! Americans have a ri~ht to know the truth -and to share it with others. Why not give your friends the opportunity you enjoy as a FREEMAN reader to get the unbiased, provocative, and timely news and facts about life and thought in the world today? Take advantage now of our special gift subscription offer- $1.00 for three months, six issues. THE FREEMAN, 240 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORI{ 16, N'. Y. Please send 6 issues of the FREEMAN to the following: Name '. Name o •• 0.0 •• 0 0 ••• 0 ••• 0 ••••••••• Address 000 ••••••••••• o •••••• 0 •• o' ••• Address 0 o •• 0 o ••• 0000000 ••• 00. 0 •••• 0 City 0 ••••• 00000 •••••••••• • •••••• City 0 •••• 0 0 ••••• 0 •••••••••••• ••••• Name ................................. Name 0 ••• 00' 0 ••• 0 o. Address 0 0 ••• o •••••• 0 •• 0' •••• 0 •• Address .. 0 00 00 ••• 0 o •• 00000 ••• 0 • 0 ••••• 0 0 City 0 •••••• 00 •••• 0 ••••••• 0.0 •••• City .... 0000.0000 ••••••••• ••••••••••••• I enclose my check for 0 0 0 0 •• 0 ••• 0 • 0 ••• My name is •..••.. 0 ••••••• • ••• ••••••••••••••• My address is •••.••.•...•.•.••..•..••.••••••• THE rreeman MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1953 communicated to the proper authorities." More The Fortnight significantly, the statement pointed out "the The Bohlen affair, we assume, is now closed. Few dangers that would result if Congressional com­ of the principals came out of it unscathed, but mittees entered into the field of foreign relations perhaps some lessons have been learned for the which is in the exclusive jurisdiction of the Chief future. The Bohlen appointment, as we pointed Executive." out in our previous issue, 'was a mistake. It sym­ bolized, in direct contradiction of the Republican We hope that Senator McCarthy will profit from pla'tform and Mr. Eisenhower's own State of the this lesson. His recent actions have made things Union message to Congress, an endorsement of the more difficult for his defenders and easier for his Truman-Acheson appeasement policy and of the detractors. McCarthy has been a sort of one-eyed secret and immoral agreement with Stalin made at buH in the political china shop. Usually he has Yalta. The Constitution provides that the Presi­ dived a,t the right targets. He has done more than dent "shall nominate, and by and with the advice any other man in government to focus attention on and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassa­ the issue of Communists and fellow-travelers in dors." If Mr. Eisenhower had taken the "advice" the State' Department, in the United N'ations, and injunction with sufficient seriousness to consult at in other positions of power and influence where least the Republican members of the Foreign Re­ they threaten our national security. The task of lations Committee of the Senate before the nomi­ pointing these out and getting rid of them is by no nation, the Bohlen choice would probably never means finished. It ealls for eternal vigilance. While have emerged. When it was made, however, the the issue and the evidence ought to have been con­ thirteen senators who voted against it were thor­ sidered on their own merits, public discussion of oughly justified in doing so on the ground of what them has unfortunately revolved largely around the it signified in foreign policy. personality of Senator McCarthy. But precisely be­ cause this is so, a· grave responsibility rests on the But Senator McCarthy, not content to rest his senator to keep strictly within his own jurisdiction, 0pposition on this sufficient ground, chaHenged the to be scrupulously fair and courteous to witnesses, veracity of Secretary Dulles and made his inept and not to let his charges get ahead of his evidence. proposal to apply a lie detector test to Mr. Bohlen. It would be tragic if the country became diverted This was resented by other senators, and doubtless from the problem of Communists in government helped to increase the vote for Bohlen's confirma­ because of any personal shortcoming of a junior tion. Then McCarthy, swinging wildeT, set up his senator from Wisconsin. own State Department. He announced that he had "negotiated" agreements with the Greek owners We congratulate Secretary of Commerce Weeks of 242 merchant ve'Ssels to halt all trade with Iron for his courage land sense in opposing the move in Curtain ports.
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