WHO'S WHO IN WORLD JE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE JERUSALE FOUNDERS ASSEMBLY THE JEWISH HALL OF FA1-I.E PATRON The Honorable Ephraim Katrir President of the State of Israel December 20 1976 Office of the President and EDITORIAL BOARD Chairman of the Editorial Board Dr. I. J. Cam-tin Karpman Chairman I. J. Carmin Karpman General Editor The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia Mr. Irving Louis ,Chairman Anatole A. Yaron Executive Director, Who's Who in World Jewry Dap* of Sociology Dr. Avraham Avi-hai, JerusaJem Livingston Collage Lecturer. Political Science Bar Han University Rutgers University, Mr. Irving Bernstein, New York Nev Brunswick N.J. 08903 Executive Vice Chairman United Jewish Appeal Dr Israel Bilecky, Tel Aviv Dear Sir: Lecturer, Yiddish Literature Tel Aviv University Mr. Solon Myles Chadabe, New York Member, Board of Directors You are cordially invited to join the Honorary Advisory Board of National Federations of Temple Brrtthertt-ootk the proposed JEWISH HALL OF FAME to be established in Jerusalem Mr. Bernard Cherrick, Jerusalem Vice President under the auspices of WHO'S "WHO IN WORLD JEWRY. Panels of experts Hebrew University Mr. Seymour Fishman. New York are being constituted to plan the monumental JEWISH HALL OF FAME Executive Vice President as a repository of Jewish heritage and knowledge and as an expression American Friends of the Hebrew University Mr. Arnold Forster, New York of the Jewish contribution to the progress of mankind in all fields General Counsel, A nti-Defamation of human endeavor. League of B'nai B'rith Mr. Bertram H. Gold, New York Executive Vice President The President of Israel, the Honorable Professor Ephraim Katzir, The American Jewish Committee Patron of WHO'S WHO IN WORLD JEWRY, endorsed the project, stating: I Mr. Leon Ilutovich, New York National Executive Director " I want to tell you how interesting I found the exposition Zionist Organization of America of your plans for the establishment of a 'HALL OF FAME OF Bertie G. Schwartz National Chair Person, GREAT JEWS.* There would indeed be something moving and most Jewish Book Counsel Jerry Goodman fitting about having such a vivid reminder of the dispro­ Executive Director, National Conference on Soviet Jewry portionately great Jewish contribution to human civilization Prof Salomon Kahan. Mexico set up in Jerusalem, the capital of the revived Jewish Managing Editor, Tribuna Israelita Mr S.J. Kreutner, Jerusalem Commonwealth. -' Director General, Keren Hayesod - United Israel Appeal Please note the enclosed list of eminent men and women who already Dr. Leon Kronitz, Montreal Executive Director joined the Honorary Advisory Board. Canadian Zionist Federation Dr. Natan Lerner, Tel Aviv Your acceptance of our invitation and your endorsement will be Israel Executive Director World Jewish Congress greatly appreciated. Dr. Schneier Levenberg, London Chairman, Internationa) Affairs ( ["• Aft-International Conference, marking the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary World Jewish Congress of WHO'S WHO IN WORLD JEWRY is being planned in Jerusalem, July 25 Miss Naomi Levine, New York Executive Director to August 3, 1977, to form the Founders' Assembly of the JEWISH American Jewish Congress HALL OF FAME. Advisory Panels will review the record of contributions Prof. So) Liprzin, Jerusalem Professor of Comparative Literature of outstanding Jews in history, philosophy, the sciences, the arts, Hebrew University the shaping of world events, education, economics, sports, etc., Dr. Robert Nathan, Washington, D.C. Economist as well the general program of the JEWISH HALL OF FAME. Dr. Gerhart M. Riegner, Geneva Secretary Genera) We look forward to your affirmative reply. World Jewish Congress Hon. Herbert Tenner, New York With kind regards, Congressman Mr. Marc Turkow,^Buenos Aires Executive Director, South American 1 World Jewish Congress I PUBLISHERS ».ph Z.lounl k Yoftd A-rUai Anatole A. Yaron Executive Director Who's Who in World Jewry 509 Madison Avenue .New York, N. Y. 10022, Suite 1002 Tel:(212) 7518946 ADVISORY COUNCIL Mr. Joeeph Meyerhoff, Former General Chairman, United Jpwtth Appeal, CkanaM Mr. Monroe Abbey. QC, Hon ! Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg. President Mr. Herman nosenbaunt. President Canadian Jewish Congress American Jewish Congress National Council of Young Israel Mr. Jem Hoffberger. President Hon. Michael Anion, President Mr. Danirl Roar, President Council of Jewish Federations State of Israel Bonds National Jewish Welfare Board and Welfare Fund* Mrs. B. M. BrnomSeld, National Pieskient Mr. Samuel Rothberg, Chairman Mr. Harold M Jacobs, President Board of Governors Hadassah-WIZO Organization of Canada Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations Hebrew University Mr. David M. Blumberg. Pies idem of America Rabbi Alexander Schindler. Piesident B'nai Brith Mrs. Mortimer Jacobson. Former President Union of American Hebrew Cortgf*ega tarns Mrs. Ronald Brown, President Hadassah Mr. Judah J. Shapiro, President Intrrnatitinal Cmincll of Jewish Women Mrs. Esther R Land*. National President Labor Zionist Alliance Prof. Genon D. Cohen, Chancellor National Council of Jewish Women Mr. Jacob Sheinkman, President Jewish Theological Seminary of Ametica Mr. Morris Laub, Chairman Jewish Labor Committee Mr. Lewis D. Cole. Chairman Executive Committee Mrs. Charlotte Stein, President Jewish National Community Relations Yivo Institute for Jewish-R.-search Pioneer Women Advisor*. Qt-uncil Mr. Arthur J. Levine, President Dr. Joseph P. Stemstein, President Mr. Melvin Dubinskv. Chairman, Board • Zionist Organization of America United Synagogue of America United Israel Appeal Mr. Jacques Torczyner, Chairman Dr. Isaac Lewin, Chairman Mr. Max M. Fisher. Chairman, Board of Governori American Section American Section United Jewish Appeal for Israel Agudas Israel VVorld Orgahiaatmn World Jewish Congreii Mr. Philip Givens. President Rabbi Israel Miller, C|jairrnan Dr. Sydney L Wax, National President Canadian Zionist Federation American Zionist Federation Labor Zionist Movement of Canada Mr. Carl Click. President Mr. Newton N. Minow, Former Chairman Mr Jack Weiler. Chairman HIAS Federal Communications Commission American Jewish Joint Disrjibution Committee Dr. Nahi.m CoMrnann, President Rabbi David Monson, President Mr. Elmer L. Winter. President World Jewish Congress Zionist Organization of Canada American Jewish Committee Mr. Seymour Craubard, National Chairman Mr. Earl Morse. President Anti-Defamation Letgue of B'nai Brith National Foundation of Jewish Culture Dr. Joachim Prinz, Chairman Dr. William Haber, President American OBT Federation Governing Council World Jewish Congress INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Dr. Israel Goldstein. Former World Chairman. Keren Have-tod - United Israel Appeal. Cfwin Hon. A. E. Abrahamson, Bulawayo, Rhodesia President, Jewish Commnnitv ot l.opcnhae,eii Mrs Su-grrifd kramarskv. New York, N.Y. President, Central African Dr. Max Gottschalk. Brussels. Belgium Chairman II.MI.ISV.III Medical Organization Jewish Board of Deputies President, National Center for Higher R.ihhi Irving l^lirin.in Miami. Florida Prof. Salo W. Baron, New York, N.Y. Jewish Education H.iMii. Trmple F.manu-EI President, Conference of Jewish Social Studies Mr, Faivel Hasan. Turku. Finland Mr Jean Sordiu.oi. Ziirit li. Switzerland Mr. Carlos Benurroch. Barcelona, Spain President. Jewish Commnnitv President, 111ton of the Jewish Cnmmimities President. Council of the Jewish Mr. Nathan Jacobson. OHE, Melljourne, Australia of Switzerland Communities of Spain President, Executive Council of Dr. M«iscs Hovn. Ilnt/harest. Rumania Australian Jewry Dr. Pietro Blaver, Rome, Italy Clnet llahlii. President Vice President Chief Rabbi Immanuil Jakobovitz Federation of Jewish Communities in Riurunia Union of Italian Jewish Communities London, England Mr Hilfl Storeli. Stockholm. Sweden Mr. Frank Rosslyn Rradlow, Johannesburg The Hf- Honorable 1-onl Janm-r ot Leici-stcr Ml mlw I. Executive Committee Vice President. South African Jewish London. England World Jewish Congress Board of Deputies Former Chairman Mr Kalman Siiltaiuk. New Vara, NY Mr. Allan Bronfman, Montreal, Que., Canada Board nl Deputies of British jews Executive Vice President National Honor-in. President Htm Ore-.il.-. K J.,m,er. U< MP, lasttdua, Engl.ui World Confederation of United Zionists Canadian Friends of the Senior Vice President Mr. Michel Topiol. Pans, France Hebrew Univcrsir*. Board ol IX-putit--- of Briti.l. Jews President, United Jewish Ap|>eal Mr Ralph Cobra. Nev York. N.Y. Dr. Lavmlav Kadelburg. Belgrade, Yugoslavia Mr. Julian I). Venczk\. Peona. Illinois President, A111p.1l - American Israel Cor •>•-ration President, Federation of Jewish Communities NatKin.il Chairman for Regions Mr. Hersh Z. Cynowicz, Bombav. India Craiul Rahhin Jacob K.ipl.in. Paris, France State ot Israel Bonds President, Central Jewish Board of India Mr. Philip kh.t/ukl. Chieago. Illinois Sir Isaac Wolf son. Ht . l.ondnn, England Mr. Shou) N. Eisenberg, Tokyo, Japan Cliaimiaii. Cow-ming Hoard Hon. President. Weizmann Institute World Jewish (.'onurcss President. Jewish Community of Japan of Science foundation Mr. Lis) Fischer, Copenhagen, Denmark ISRAEL HONORARY COMMITTEE Mr. Ezra Z, Shapiro. World Chairman. Keren Hayesod - United Israel Appeal. Chairman Hon. Yigal Alloa, Deputy Prime Minister General (Res.) Amos Horev, President Dr. Ernst I. Nebenzahi Foreign Minister Technion Institute Israel State Comptroller Hon. Yosef Almogi, Chairman Mr. Modai Itzha*., MX, President Hon. Shimon Peres, Israel Defense Minister The Jewish Agency America - Israel Chamber
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