Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Burley, ID 83318 Permit No. 9 TIME VALUE It is AFMS policy that its name and logos may not be used for com- PLEASE DO NOT DELAY mercial purposes. Please notify the Central Office of any violations. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MINERALOGICAL SOCIETIES Volume 60, Number 3 SERVING SEVEN REGIONAL FEDERATIONS February, 2007 JOIN THE EXCITEMENT IN ROSWELL, NM ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE by Bob Carlson, AFMS President As a member of the Chaparral Rockhounds and President of the President's Message.............................................2 American Federation (AFMS), I would like to take this opportunity America The Beautiful Pass ...............................2 Greetings from the Pres. - Elect......................3 to offer a very warm welcome to the joint Rocky Mountain and the Endowment Fund News ........................................4 AFMS annual Gem and Mineral Convention. The welcome is es- Conservation & Legislation..................................4 pecially warm because the festivities will be held in June in Roswell, AFMS/ALAA at Tucson.......................................4 New Mexico. Be Safe - Be Well..................................................5 Toby Cozens.............................................................5 George Browne........................................................5 Roswell is an oasis in the southern New Mexico desert and is noted Rockhounds of the Year ......................................6 for it's strange events. In addition to beautiful gems, stunning jew- Uniform Rules on Web .........................................6 elry, fabulous mineral specimens, intriguing fossils and informative Show Co-Sponsorship...........................................7 educational displays that you will see at the show, there will be some unusual incidents and displays. Junior Activities ....................................................8 Alien, some might say. Regional Federation Conventions......................8 Convention Registration.......................................9 Rare Gem Unearthed.......................................... 13 So, if you want some unparalleled fun, come see us in Roswell. Ye Olde Timers..................................................... 14 E-mail Protection ................................................. 14 Jean Reynolds ....................................................... 14 AFMS Committee Chairs................................... 15 Code of Ethics ...................................................... 16 LET ME WHET YOUR APPETITE! VISIT THE AFMS WEBSITE from Howie Whiting <WWW.AMFED.ORG> A few of the special activities that we'll have at and after the show. These include two trips during the 2007 Convention this year in Roswell include... the show to hunt for "Pecos Valley Diamonds" and New Mexico Minerals! a three-day trip after the conclusion of the show Parade of States! to several sites west of Roswell. We'll have more Field Trips! information on these trips later this spring, but if ---HOST HOTEL--- AFMS 60th Anniversary! you are interested in going on any or all, please fill out the "Waiver of Liability" form included in this Let me whet your appetite! newsletter and send it in with your registration. SALLY PORT INN New Mexico is well known for its fabulous mineral AFMS 60th Anniversary!. We're planning to 200 N MAIN ST; ROSWELL, NM wealth. On Friday afternoon we'll have a seminar on have a special "Birthday Bash" for the AFMS on the Minerals of New Mexico moderated by Dr. Virgil Thursday night at the time reserved for the Cracker 505-622-6430 Lueth of the New Mexico Bureau of Mines. All of the Barrel. Shirley Leeson and her committee are plan- speakers at the seminar will be past recipients of the ning on several surprises during this event and we AFMS Scholarship Foundation Honorary Awards. know you won't want to miss it! $78.30 PER PERSON (UP TO 4 PER ROOM) In addition to all of the competitive and non- All of the registration forms and information on INCLUDES BREAKFAST AND TAX competitive exhibits associated with RMFMS and the host motel for the convention are printed in this AFMS Conventions, we'll also have a special display newsletter starting on page 9 or you can download that we call the "Parade of States". Rocky Mountain them from the AFMS website <www.amfed.org/ Federation State Directors are being encouraged to show2007.htm>. BE SURE TO ASK FOR "AFMS SHOW" WHEN enter a display of their state rocks and minerals. A cash award of $25 will be given to the best display! Mark your calendar and make your plans. The YOU MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS Here's your chance to see the wealth of the Rocky Roswell Convention (June 7 - 10, 2007) is one that Mountain Federation. you won't want to miss! (FOR CAMPING INFORMATION, SEE PAGE 12) Field trips are being planned for both during THE AFMS FROM THE PRESIDENT The A.F.M.S. Newsletter is by Dr. Robert Carlson, AFMS President published monthly except January, As I sit here at my desk, with the house surrounded by over a foot July and August by the PROUDLY SERVING of snow and another foot predicted, I have a chance to reflect on the finances of the AFMS. We are in good shape. American Federation of SEVEN REGIONAL Mineralogical Societies Our last dues increase was in 1994, over a decade ago. During that decade, we have increased the level of services. We went from mailing two issues of the AFMS newsletter to each club to three. We started travel Address corrections and changes OFFICERS: reimbursement for the President or President-Elect to attend Regional Federation Shows (previously the AFMS Presidents attended as many PRESIDENT Subscription Information Regional Shows as their pocketbooks would allow). We initiated travel DR. ROBERT CARLSON reimbursement for key Committee Chairpersons to the AFMS Meeting. Distribution Questions The AFMS Program Competition has expanded dramatically to provide high quality Videos for each Regional <[email protected]> Federation to enhance their Program Libraries. The Juniors Program provides a series of badges to Juniors that complete prescribed projects. We have established a Judges Training Program where the AFMS pays Each Regional Federation Club is entitled to the tuition for one member from each Regional Federation, each year. receive three (3) copies PRESIDENT-ELECT of the AFMS Newsletter. These are sent SHIRLEY LEESON The cost of nearly everything has gone up in the past decade. Postal Rates have increased by about one-third, which means that our communication costs have risen. Although transportation costs have nearly to the President, Editor and Secretary. <[email protected]> doubled, our payment structure limits the amount that the AFMS can reimburse; so much of that increase is borne by those who travel. Some of the other miscellaneous expenses that have increased are the audit fees, treasurer bonding fees, and even business card costs. Subscriptions are $4.50 per year Remit payment to the 1ST VICE PRESIDENT So, how can we expand services in the face of rising costs, while not raising dues? There are really two answers. CAROLYN WEINBERGER The first is that many of the people who serve the AFMS do not submit their expenses for reimbursement. They AFMS Central Office <[email protected]> prefer to donate both their time and their money. The second answer is the Endowment fund. Checks should be made payable to “AFMS” What is so significant about the Endowment fund? The Endowment fund was established to provide income for the general fund of the AFMS to help stave off a dues increase. Only the interest from the ADDRESS MAINTENANCE AND MAIL LABELING ARE 2ND VICE PRESIDENT Endowment fund can be used for AFMS expenses. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BILL PATTILLO The original tenets of the Endowment fund specified that no interest could be used from the fund until AFMS CENTRAL OFFICE. <bill@rockfoodtable,com> it reached the magical figure of $100,000. I wasn’t around when the Endowment fund was started, but I ALL CHANGES AND QUESTIONS was at the announcement that the magic figure had been reached. I can’t remember when or where the announcement was made, but I believe that Henry Bonar made the announcement. Since that time, the re- SHOULD BE SENT TO: stricted funds (read Principal) have grown, and the unrestricted funds (read Interest) have been used for special projects, to supplement the general fund, or to put back in the restricted fund category. ENTRAL FFICE 3RD VICE PRESIDENT AFMS C O JOHN BLUE STEVE WEINBERGER So my message here is that, if you want to avoid a dues increase, support the Endowment fund. One of the easiest ways is to support the annual Endowment Fund Drawing which you'll hear about in future issues PO BOX 302 <[email protected]> of this newsletter. If you can’t donate something as a prize, buy a ticket. Buy several tickets. GLYNDON, MD 21071-0302 RLC 410-833-7926 <[email protected]> 4TH VICE PRESIDENT ROCKY MCCALL CONTENT – LETTERS <[email protected]> EDITORIAL COMMENTS – SUBMISSIONS DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR ANNOUNCES THE NEW "AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL" PASS ANY COMMUNICATION CONCERNING THE CONTENT OR 5TH VICE PRESIDENT from John Spunaugle FORMAT OF THE NEWSLETTER SHOULD BE SENT TO THE ON ONROE D M Legislation passed in the waning days of the 2005 Congressional session established a new program of EDITOR: passes for the National Parks Service. Here's the information on the new program that went into effect on CAROLYN WEINBERGER <[email protected]> January 1 of this year. PO BOX 302 Dubbed "America the Beautiful, these passes
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