Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 3-22-2002 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (2002). The George-Anne. 1760. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne/1760 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. KM ■'■-.■ established 1827 The Official Student Newspaper of Georgia Sotttliem University lu- G7m A dy or as ng re', he Friday A&E: 'Ice Age' is a funny computer-animated comedy Volume 74, No. 69 as www.stp.gasou.edu te- March 22,2002 Page 8 iS- of 'Southern Exposure' :n- jNTHEDHDEf hc a new program for iat potential students ng 'Queen of the Coastal Empire' ne By Jessica Garcia on gsi21836 @ gsaix2.cc.gasou.edu la- Fifty of Georgia Southern's amateur drag pageant held brightest potential students got a of chance to experience the day in a :nt Covering the campus like a By Mathew R. Palmer terview. life of a college student last week [email protected] no swarm of gnats Between categories, Raven, Jor- in the new program/'Southern Ex- Style and glamour of a different dan Kennedy, current reigning posure." ip. style was showcased Tuesday night Southern Star Entertainer of The "It's no secret. We're trying to in the First Annual Queen of the Year and Bianca Nicole Sage of raise the profile of student achieve- ier Coastal Empire Amateur Drag Pag- Savannah performed for the audi- ment and this program fits our re. eant. ence. strategic plan," said vice presi- let Five drag queens vied for the title SGA President Bryan Saxton dent of student affairs, Linda 69 in the pageant, which was emceed by served as escort for contestants dur- Bleiken. Partly cloudy at current reigning National Entertainer ing the Evening Wear portion of Students who had been ac- with a high of m. gup of the Year, Goddess Raven. the show. cepted to Georgia Southern as of : 59° F and a low on Aurora St. Croix, originally from "It is my mission to prove to January 7 who had an 1100 or I of27°F. III Macon, Georgia, was crowned along mainstream society that we, first of greater score on the SAT and a 3.0 with winning the Talent and Evening all, as a gay men and women, are or greater GPA in high school Gown portions of the pageant. not freaks; that we are not abnor- were invited to participate in the Claudia Campbell was first run- mal; that we are not addicted to program. Of the 750 students who ner up and Alicia Luxurious second drugs twenty-four/seven," Kennedy met these requirements, the first runner up. said. 50 who replied by January 25th Amanda Permenter boils down The Lady Windsor and Jessica "Nor are we whores; nor are we were chosen to stay with 50 GSU »me of life's lessons. Nicole Ellis also participated in the irresponsible; nor are we any lesser hosts. The hosts, solicited from Please take a moment to fill out pageant. of a human being than anyone else." the University Honors Program, form for your INS E-Z Visa; More than 200 people, both Kennedy's mission was accom- Residence Life, Southern Ambas- ou're not a terrorist are you? young and old, packed the Union plished if you count the number of sadors, and former SOAR leaders, Ballroom to witness the pageant people who stood in line after the volunteered to house students on co-sponsored by The Triangle Club show for autographed pictures of campus, take them to classes, and and STAND (Students Together both she and Raven. show them around campus. Page 4 and Not Divided). Elkins stated that the "major- "If you have the opportunity to According to Crystal Elkins, co- ity" of the audience was straight - actually meet people and attend president of Triangle, statistics mainstream. classes, you'll feel more comfort- show that at least 15-20 percent of Due to the nature of the show, able. It allows prospective students $P0rt$ students on college campuses are given names of contestants were to see what we're really like," said •GSU Softball wins one, loses gay or lesbian, translating to more not released. Blieken. ip- me in doubleheader against than 2000 at GSU. The prospective students ar- krleston Southern. Elkins says there are more gay rived Sunday, February 10th and Eagle Baseball wins 16-6 over men than lesbians at GSU, how- were paired with a current GSU lacksonville University. ever. student who matched either home- "The Triangle Club is a student towns ormajors. After ice-breaker organization dedicated to serving sessions, prospective students had the needs of Georgia Southern the opportunity to eat dinner with University's gay, lesbian, bisexual GSU faculty. and trans-gendered community and Next, the prospective students its allies," Elkins said. changed clothes for a night out at The pageant had a two-fold goal: the RAC. After interacting with to educate the general population other potential students, faculty, about drag queens and their perfor- and hosts, the prospective mance as well as to raise money for students experienced their fust The Amethyst Project, a local non- night in a residence hall with their profit charity dedicated to serving hosts. That Monday, the guests the needs of the HIV positive com- shadowed their hosts to various munity throughout South Georgia. LaVene Bell/STAFF Contestants performed in Tal- DRESSED IN DRAG: The Triangle Club and STAND sponsored Tuesday's amateur drag pageant to benefit the ent, Evening Wear and Onstage In- See Southern Exposure, Page 5 sse Amethyst project. - # WwMmwmw W 2002 job market shows decrease in Wrings Residents begin cleaning up , pJ Internet cheating has become a By Jenni Ginepri ne wseditor02 @ yahoo.com after worst flooding in 25 years I serious issue on college ampuses. Find out the facts Thirty percent of employers say More. Money,. inside. they will hire fewer graduates from 2002. Should you be worried about a Average Annual Salary Page 10 job? my "No," said CamilleLuckenbaugh, fir, employment information manager for P* 1 •ad the National Association of Colleges m 1 -«y,f3pf ww^f * Wwwww w* * yw y ww o and Employers (NACE). "But you o need to be prepared. Although the 1 ' 'Kissing Jessica Stein' is a new job outlook is promising for new te, movie about two women who graduates, opportunities are not likely le- ftetinvolvedinarelationshipafter to be as plentiful as they were just a to teing unsuccessful few short years ago." 1 heterosexually. But students on this campus are High Some CoIt«ge, Assostets tehetor's '" Masters SSS-JMS ™Ma concerned about finding a job. Se- Sdwol No (tegrtse Se^ree Degree Daji ee nior Eddie McBride, a sports man- KRT Campus agement major, said "I am worried APPALACHIAN FLOOD: More than 300 homes were damaged or about finding ajob. With the economy destroyed in two days as nearly eig fat inches of rain fell in Kentucky, like it is, they can't pay lots of sala- ower Unemployment Tennessee, and Virgina. Associated Press ries." Average item pteyawn! flafe ing. Chuck Lee, an information sys- 1.9% DAYHOIT, Ky - Even as Appa- "Some people are afraid to do too tems major, said "Lots of graduates lachian residents returned to houses much because we' re bracing for more are having to find jobs to hold them ""^---^!!L H% fel still pooled with water and caked rain," said Joe Grieshop, Harlan until they can find a real job within with squishy mud, they kept their County's top administrator. "We .$$N Some C$&gi &&&&& test's uoct's&te Pi ofess i on -i \ their degree. I know lots of people eyes warily on the skies Tuesday for right now that are in that situation." signs of another onslaught of flood- See Flood, Page 5 Page 8 Qualifications and expectations Planning Job Choices 2002 RATES OF EMPLOYMENT: Students are concerned about See Job Market, Page 5 competition for jobs upon graduatm ; from college. Paleontologist speaks on dinosaur ►uthern UC decides to keep open study-abroad program in Israel history in Georgia and Alabama KRT Campus University of California's associate our reading of the situation of safety By Todd Jewell only found in west-Georgia there will dmblatent @ hotmaiI.com Events WALNUT CREEK, Calif. - Uni- provost for international academic and security first," said* Marcum. not be any fossils found in the east- 80TANH ' KN versity of California officials an- activities. "We're nervous about it." The study of geology is allowing ern regions of the state. Most of the nounced this week they will keep Calling the issue "terribly sensi- This week, signs of a ceasefire us to learn more about the type of life fossils have been found in one par- " Friends o :n. study-abroad programs in Israel for tive," Marcum and other University have come with Vice President Dick that existed prehistorically on the ticular site which used to be the en- Mentbers-O) now, despite the deadly violence of California officials scurried over Cheney's visit to Jerusalem by and land where we live today. trance of a bay around 75 million i will be held at 3 p. II there. the past week to assess the situation expressions of optimism from lead- Dr.
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