Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-47071-1 — Roman Architecture and Urbanism Fikret Yegül , Diane Favro Index More Information INDEX - Italicized numbers refer to the pages with related illustrations. Plates are only referred to in the text. Achaea, 556 Alexandria, 376, 488, 490, 492, 690, 752 Anthony, Mark (Marcus Antonius), Actium, 557, 572 Kaisereion (Sebasteion), 191 192, 575 Adada, 603, 667 Pharos, 172, 174 Antioch-in-Pisidia agora with monumental steps, 667 tombs colonnaded street, 640 bouleterion, 667 Mustafa Pasha Complex, 490, nymphaeum plaza, 670, 672 temples, 637, 645 490 Sanctuary and temple of (Deified) theater, 667 Shatby Hypogeum A, 490 Augustus, 640 Adamklissi, Romania Alexandria Troas propylon, 640, 670 Trophy of Trajan (Tropaeum bath-gymnasium, 610 Southwest Gate, 670, 672 Traiano), 429, 435 Alinda, Caria Temple of Augustus-Men, 647, 648 aedicular architecture (Asiatic market hall (multi-storied stoa), 667 Antioch-on-the-Orontes, 159, 213, facades), 479, 558, 561, residences, 703 712–713 571, 673, 691, 754 Alonnes (Le Mans) baths, 725, 729 Aezane, Phyrgia baths, 474 Bath C, 725 Bath-Gymnasium, 687 Amman (Philadelphia) Bath E, 726 market, 666 colonnaded street, 715 colonnaded street, 728 Temple of Zeus/Cybele, 634, 640, nympheum, 769 Antiphelos (Kaş), Lycia 641, 705 theater, 721 theater, 681 theater-stadium, 682 Anarchic Period, 812 Antonine Wall, Scotland, 483–484 agrimensores (surveyors), 13, 34, 115, 616 Anazarvus, Cilicia Antoninus Pius, 399, 482, 581, 587, 644 Agrippa, Marcus, 120, 149, 161, 170, 175, amphitheater, 682 Aosta (Augusta Praetoria), 415 194, 213, 358, 580 aqueduct, 163 arch, 440, 447 Ain Dara, Syria arch (South Gate), 671, 676 Porta Praetoria, 447, 719 tomb towers, 794 use of opus caementicium, 608 theater/odeum, 451, 453, 457 Alatrium (Alatri), 11, 13, 128 Ancona Apamea, Syria, 715 aqueduct, 128 Arch of Trajan, 438, 446 colonnaded street, 713, 715 walls, 20, 33 harbor, 335, 413 theater, 721 Alba Fucens (Fucentina), 44 Anemurium, Cilicia Aphrodisias, 602, 617 forum, 46 baths, 690 Atrium House north of Sebasteion, walls, 44 Ankyra (Ankara) 702 al-Bara, Syria Temple of Augustus and Roma, basilica in South Agora, 653 tomb towers, 797 597, 641 Bishop’s Palace (so-called), 702 Alcantara, Spain (see bridges) Annia Regilla, 144, 431, 589–590, 840, Hadrianic bath-gymnasium, 689 votive temple, 156, 156 See Rome, tombs, Annia odeum, 592 Alexander Severus, 227, 801, 812 Regilla (cenotaph) Sebasteion, 484, 662 887 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-47071-1 — Roman Architecture and Urbanism Fikret Yegül , Diane Favro Index More Information Index Aphrodisias (cont.) Arles Aurelian, 773, 812 stadium, 682 amphitheater, 469, 470 Autun (Augustodunum), 429 theater, 602, 677 Constantinian Baths, 471 Porta Saint Andre, 447 Theater Baths, 607 Arpinum Aventicium (Avenches), 425 Aquae Neri (Neris-les-Bains) walls and corbeled gate, 128 thermal baths, 476 Arycanda, Lycia, 603, 623, 629 Ba’albek (Heliopolis), 736 aqueducts, 113 agoras (commercial and state), 661 Sanctuary of Jupiter Alinda, 163 baths, 690 Heliopolitanus, 736, 739 Anazarvus, 163 Large Baths, 623, 690 propylon, 737 Aqua Appia, 20 Small Baths, 623 temples Aqua Augusta, Bay of Naples, 159, residences Bacchus, 736, 742, 745 213 peristyle villa, 696 Jupiter/Ba’al, 736, 741–742 Aspendos, 165, 613 stadium, 623, 682 Venus, 743, 749 Lincoln (mechanical pump), 165 temple tombs, 605 Babatha Archives, 2, 710 Los Milagros near Mérida, theater, 623, 631, 682 Babiska, Syria 163, 166 Asiatic facades. See aedicular Large Baths, 793 Olba, Rough Cilicia, 181 architecture Badenweiler Pont du Gard near Nîmes, 161, 162, Aspendos, Pamphylia thermal baths, 476 165 aqueduct and water tower, 161 Baiae Saldae, Algeria, 181 basilica, 610 stagnum, 882 Segovia, 161, 140 theater, 673 Temple of Mercury (so-called), Sextius Pollio near Ephesus, 163, 602 Assos, Troad 240, 240 siphons and inverted siphons, 164 market hall (multi-storied stoa), 667 Temple of Venus (so-called), 391, Arcadius, 815 Athens, 557 392 arches (see city name for urban Agora, 559, 580, 587 thermo-mineral complex, 364 examples) Agora of Caesar and Augustus villa at Punta dell’Epitaffio Arco Felice near Puteoli, 153 (Roman Agora), 582, 582 (submerged), 285 Donnas near Aosta, 149, 150 aqueduct, 587 Balboura in Lycia, 666 architects and engineers, 115 Arch of Hadrian, 583, 585 agora, 666 Anthemius of Tralles, 179, 351 baths north of Temple of Zeus arch of Septimius Severus, 666 Apollodorus, 114, 123, 145, 151, 221, Olympos, 561 Temple of Nemesis, 666 334–336, 343, 351, 750, 803 Horologion of Andronikos (Tower theater, 681 Cornelius, Lucius, 23 of the Winds), 582, 583 Banaqfur, Syria, 261 Cossutius, 114, 587 library of Hadrian, 587, 590, 696 baroque. See also aedicular architecture Decrianus, 351 nymphaeums (Asiatic facades) Dionysius of Sardis, 114, 120 Agora, 559, 587, 589 Asian, 479, 620, 656, 745, 753 Hermodorus of Salamis, 13, 114 Lycabettus with reservoir, 559, Flavian, 321 Hermogenes, 121, 630 560, 587 Roman, 450, 542, 559, 561, 673, 767 Hippodamus of Miletus, 13, 614 odeums Severan, 801 Isidorus of Miletus, 179, 351 Agrippa in the Agora, 580, 581 basilicas, Christian, 848 Lacer, C. Julius, 157 Herodes Atticus, 590, 591 Bath (Aquae Sulis) Nonius Datus, 181 stadium of Atticus, 590 Temple of Sulis Minerva, 410, 429, Rabirius, 114, 178, 310, 321, 329, 335 temples 432 Severus and Celer, 114, 227, 324 Ares in the Agora, 579 thermal complex and sanctuary, Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius circular on the acropolis 429, 476 Pollio), 9, 12, 113, 116, (monopteros), 579 bath-gymnasium, 684 120, 125, 137, 161, 248 Zeus Olympos (Olympeion), 82, Beneventum, Arch of Trajan, 334 Zeno, 673 131, 133, 583, 586 Bostra, Syria, 759, 764 Ardea, terrace walls, 176 tomb of Philopappos, 592, 593 amphitheater, 721 Argos Augst (Augusta Rauricarum), 420, 420 colonnaded street, 715, 765 Hadrianic fountain, 559 theater, 456 colonnaded street with Ariassos, Pisidia Augusta Bagiennorum near Turin cryptoporticus, 759 arch, 670, 674 forum, 414 East Gate (Nabataean), 719, 726 residences, 702 Augustus, 18, 191, 266, 557, 574–575, kalybe, 761 temple tombs, 605 579, 582, 602, 631, 713, nymphaeum, 759 Aristides, Aelius, 2, 557, 601 828, 833 palace (so-called), 761 888 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-47071-1 — Roman Architecture and Urbanism Fikret Yegül , Diane Favro Index More Information Index South Baths, 726, 730, 761 Harbor Baths, 690 colonnaded street, 568 tetrakionion, 759 Cemenelum (Cimiez), southern Lechaion Road, 567–568 theater, 721, 728, 761 France propylon, 571 West Gate, 719 baths, 473 odeum and peristyle, 571 Brescia (Brixia), 416 West Baths (Temple of Apollo), Peirene Fountain, 559, 568, 570 forum and temples, 414 475 Roman Forum, 567 bridges North, East and West baths, 473, 475 temples Alcantara, Trajanic, 156, 157, 334 Chester (Deva Victrix) agora temples, 568 Ariccia viaduct, 153 elliptical building, 215, 218, 579 agora, 568 Arsameia (Kâhta) Severan, 155, 610 fort, 482 Apollo, 571 Danube, Trajanic (Apollodorus of classicism, 7, 12, 95, 197, 204, 225, 350, theater, 571 Damascus), 151, 152 376, 425, 556, 570, 751, Cosa, 38, 39, 158, 412 Eurymedon River (Aksu), 156, 625 773, 778 Arx, 39–40 Ponte d’Augusto at Narni, 153, 157 Claudius, 171, 219, 222, 285, 295, 687 Capitolium on Arx, 40, 85, 85 Ponte St.Martin near Aosta, 155 Colchester (Camulodunum) forum, 39, 412 Puente Romana near Mérida, 152 theater, 456 arch, 40 Brindisium (Brindisi), 335 colonnaded streets in the Near East, basilica, 40, 412 Trajanic harbor monument, 335 712–716 Curia-Comitium, 40 Bulla Regia, Tunisia, 259 Commegene Kingdom, Turkey, 155, 592 House of Diana, 40 baths, 120 Conimbriga, Portugal Cremna, Pisidia, 620, 624 House of the Hunt, 260, 262 forum, 415 arches, 669 House of the Skeletons, 258 central plaza/agora, 620 Caerleon (Isca Augusta) South Baths, 475, 478 colonnaded street, 621, 659, 669 amphitheater, 460 Constantine, 814, 833, 845 Doric agora, 620 castrum baths, 474 Constantinople/Istanbul, 814 forum-basilica (Hadrianic), 620, Caerwent (Venta Silurum), 261 Hagia Sophia, 179, 857, 860 659, 664 Caesar, Julius, 186, 266, 557, 582, 598 Yerebatan Sarayi cistern, 159 Hadrianic temple, 620 Caesarea Maritima, Israel construction errors, 179–182 propylon, Severan with monumental amphitheater, 721 construction techniques, 124–183 stairs, 621,,625 fortifications, 728 ashlar, 128–129 residential zone, 701 harbor (Sebastos), 173–174, 176, 181, Asia Minor, 603 Severan Ionic temple, 621 213, 732 mortared rubble, 134, 145, 603 theater, 681 North Gate, 719 opus Africanus, 514 curatores viarum, 151 Promontory Palace, 732 opus caementicium, 23, 134, 558, 580, Cyrene, 488, 488 Temple of Roma and Augustus, 607–608 agora, 491 728 opus craticium, 124 Caesareum, 488, 489, 491 theater, 721 opus incertum, 23, 410, 609 temples Caligula, 217, 288 opus latericium, 609 Augusteum, 491, 492 Capri, 285, See also villas: Jovis on Capri opus mixtum, 126, 410, 608 Capitolium, 491 Capua, 8, 14 opus quadratum, 20, 128, 603 Cyriac of Ancona, 587 amphitheater, 463 opus quasi-reticulatum, 139, 574 tombs opus reticulatum, 139, 561, 608 Damascus La Conocchia, 435, 440 opus testaceum, 126, 139 Temple of Jupiter, 738 Le Carceri Vecchie tomb, 431, opus vittatum, 139 Via Recta (Straight Street), 715 436 petit appareil, 145, 410 dams. (See also al-Makkoura water system) Caracalla, 358, 404, 509, 517, 534, 737, post-and-beam, 136 Aezane region, 167 800, 803, 810
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