ŠTA SAD? 07.02.2010. No.1 WHAT NOW? 26. INTERNACIONALNI 26TH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL SARAJEVO SARAJEVSKA ZIMA FESTIVAL SARAJEVO SARAJEVO WINTER 7. 2. - 28. 2. 2010 7. 2. - 28. 2. 2010 N.R. Korsakov: Scheherazade Macedonian National Opera And Ballet, (Macedonia) February, 7th 2010, National Theatre at 8:30 PM N.R. Korsakov: Šeherzada Makedonska nacionalna opera i balet, (Makedonija) 07. Februar 2010, Narodno pozorište u 20:30 Street theatre Nine Premiere of This is Ionesco, You Fool Dragon Heads February, 7th 2010, SARTR at 9:30 PM February, 7th 2010, B&H Square, Eternal Fire, Sebilj at 4:00 PM MAC & Gachi Theatre (Korea) Premijera Ovo je Jonesco, budalo 07. Februar 2010, SARTR u 21:30 Ulični teatar Nine Program February, 7th at 3:00 PM 07. Februar u 10:00 07. Februar u 6:30 Turkish Cultural Center Zemaljski muzej BiH Galerija Škole primijenjenih International Exhibition of Izložba “U svijetu igre” umjetnosti Dragon Heads February, 7th at 10:00 AM Contemporary Art Izložba fotografija “Fashion: Museum of B&H 07. Februar u 11:00 Šta sad? Kroz prozor!” 07. Februar 2010, Trg BiH, Vječna vatra, Sebilj u 16:00 Exhibition “In the World of February, 7th at 6:30 PM SOS Društveni centar “Her- Nine Dragon Heads, Game” Gallery of the School of Ap- mann Gmeiner”, Novi grad 07. Februar u 6:55 plied Arts Sarajevo Prostor između Umjetničke MAC & Gachi Theatre (Koreja) February, 7th at 11:00 AM Exhibition of photographs “What Now” – izložba dječijih galerije BiH i Škole primijen- SOS Social Center “Hermann “Fashion: What Now? Through radova jenih umjetnosti; Ispred Doma Gmeiner” Novi grad Sarajevo the Window!” OS BiH Exhibition of children draw- 07. Februar u 12:00 Ceremonija svečanog ot- ings “What Now” February, 7th at 6:55 PM Muzej Sarajeva varanja XXVI međunarodnog Square between Fine Arts Stvarni i virtuelni muzej festivala Sarajevska zima 2010. February, 7th at 12:00 PM Gallery of B&H and School of What Now – W.A.T. The City of Sarajevo Museum Applied Arts; In front of the 07. Februar u 1:00 Exhibition “Real and Virtual B&H Armed Forces Hall Umjetnička galerija BiH 07. Februar u 10:00 Museum” Festive Opening Ceremony of Umjetnički projekt Dom mladih the XXVI International Festival “Međuprostor” Muzej Party “Sarajevske zime” February, 7th at 1:00 PM Sarajevo Winter 2010 What savremene umjetnosti RS Fine Arts Gallery of B&H Now – W.A.T. Banja Luka (BiH) 07. Februar u 10:30 Art Project “Interspace” Mu- Foaje Narodnog pozorišta seum of Contemporary Arts of February, 7th at 10:00 PM 07. Februar u 2:00 Izložba kostima Makedonske RS Banja Luka (B&H) Youth House Umjetnička galerija BiH nacionalne opere i baleta “Sarajevo Winter” Party Promocija projekta “Citymap” February, 7th at 2:00 PM Weimar Bauhaus University Fine Arts Gallery of B&H February, 7th at 10:30 PM Promotion of the project National Theatre Foyer 07. Februar u 3:00 “Citymap” Weimar Bauhaus Exhibition of costumes of the Turski kulturni centar University Macedonian National Opera Međunarodna izložba and Ballet savremene umjetnosti 26. INTERNACIONALNI 26TH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL SARAJEVO SARAJEVSKA ZIMA FESTIVAL SARAJEVO SARAJEVO WINTER The International Festival Sarajevo “Sara- Organizer of the “Sarajevo Winter” Festival • European Parliament, under the aus- Internacionalni festival Sarajevo “Sara- mir je član International Societies for the Hiljade učesnika XXVI Međunarodnog jevo Winter” is a traditional meeting place is the International Peace Center Sarajevo. pices of Mr Jerzy Buzek, President of jevska zima” je tradicionalni susret umjet- Performing Arts (ISPA), European Festival Festivala Sarajevo “Sarajevska zima” u for artists and citizens from all over the International Peace Center is a member the European Parliament. nika i građana svijeta. Association (EFA), i Asocijacije Bijenala olimpijskom Sarajevu može pronaći inspi- world. of the International Society for the per- mladih umjetnika Evrope i Mediterana raciju za svoju kreativnost. The first “Sarajevo Winter” Festival was forming Arts (ISPA), the European Festival The “Sarajevo Winter” Festival will open Prva sezona festivala “Sarajevska zima” (BJCEM). held from 21st December, 1984 to 6th Association (EFA) and Association of Bien- the gates of the city of Sarajevo to the art- realizovana je od 21.12.1984. do 6.4.1985. Dobrodošli, u godini velikih jubileja April, 1985. In the course of twenty five nials of Young Artists of Europe and Medi- ists, audience and media in search of the godine. Za dvadeset i pet godine posto- Internacionalni festival Sarajevo “Sa- bosansko-hercegovačkih, evropskih i sv- years of its existence, the Festival has terranean (BJCEM). answer to the question WHAT NOW? janja Festival je postao neodvojiv dio rajevska zima” je dobitnik brojnih jetskih umjetnika i institucija, na Festival become an inseparable part of the city života grada i njegovih stanovnika. U toku međunarodnih priznanja i najznačajnije koji slavi kulturu različitosti i povezuje life. More than 3.100 performances and The International Festival Sarajevo “Sa- In the period of CRISIS we are seeking the 1.134 dana “Sarajevske zime” izvedeno je nagrade grada Sarajeva “Šestoaprilska na- civilizacije. exhibitions with over 27.000 participat- rajevo Winter” is numerous international essence of the role of artist in contempo- vise od 3.100 različitih predstava i izložbi grada Sarajeva”. ing artists from all parts of the world took awards and acknowledgments winner, as rary world. Thousands of participants of sa više od 3.005.000 posjetilaca i 27.000 Ibrahim Spahić place in the 1.134 festival days. They were well as the winner of the greatest award the XXVI International “Sarajevo Winter” učesnika. Festival “Sarajevska zima” Festival se održava pod pokroviteljst- Director Internacionalnog festivala Sara- attended by more than 3.005.000 people. of the City of Sarajevo “Šestoaprilska na- Festival can find inspiration for their cre- održava se bez prestanka tokom svih pro- vom Željka Komšića, Predsjedavajućeg jevo “Sarajevska zima” The “Sarajevo Winter” Festival was not grada Sarajeva”. ativity in Olympic Sarajevo. teklih godina i postao je simbol slobode, Predsjedništva BiH, Vijeća ministara BiH, prevented from taking place even in the stvaralaštva i upoznavanja sa različitim Ministarstva civilnih poslova BiH, Min- times of war, and has become a symbol Festival is held under the auspices of Mr. Welcome, in the year of great jubilees of kulturama i civilizacijama svijeta. starstva vanjskih poslova BiH, Ministarst- of freedom of creativity and a place for Željko Komšić, Chairman of the Presiden- B&H, European and world artists and insti- va odbrane BiH, Federacije BiH, Vlade Fed- familiarizing with diverse cultures and cy of B&H, Council of Ministers of B&H, tutions, to the Festival which celebrates cul- Zajedno sa Međunarodnim centrom za eracije BiH, Ministarstva kulture i sporta civilizations. Ministry of Civil Affairs of B&H, Ministry ture of diversity and connects civilizations. mir, Festival “Sarajevska zima” je pokretač FBiH, Ministarstva okoliša i turizma FBiH, Together with the International Peace of Foreign Affairs of B&H, Ministry of De- i organizator projekta “Sarajevo, kul- Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova FBiH, Centre, “Sarajevo Winter” initiated and fense of B&H, Federation of B&H, Gov- turni centar Evrope” od 21. decembra Vlade Kantona Sarajevo, Ministarstva organized the project “Sarajevo, Cultural ernment of Federation of B&H, Ministry 1993. do 21. marta 1994. godine (pe- kulture i sporta KS, Ministarstva privrede Center of Europe” from 21st December, of Culture and Sports of FB&H, Ministry riod između dva kulturna centra Evrope, KS, Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova KS, 1993 to 21st March, 1994 (i.e. the period of Environment and Tourism of FB&H, Antwerpen ‘93 i Lisabon ‘94). Ovu ideju Ministarstva uređenja i zaštite okoliša between the two Cultural Centers of Eu- Ministry of Interiors of FB&H, Govern- podržala je Skupština grada Sarajeva i KS, Ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke KS, rope – Antwerp ’93 and Lisbon ’94). The ment of Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of 11.000 najpoznatijih ličnosti iz cijelog Ministarstva prometa i komunikacija KS, idea was supported by the Sarajevo City Culture and Sports of Sarajevo Canton, svijeta kao i najznačajnije institucije Grada Sarajeva i Općine Stari grad. Assembly and by 11.000 renowned per- Economics Ministry of Sarajevo Canton, Evrope. Međunarodni centar za mir i sonalities and institutions from the whole Ministry of Interiors of Sarajevo Canton, Internacionalni festival Sarajevo “Sara- Međunarodni pokrovitelji Festivala su: world. The International Peace Center and Ministry of Environment of Sarajevo jevska zima” obnavljaju ovu inicijativu. • UNESCO, pod pokroviteljstvom Irine the International Festival Sarajevo “Saraje- Canton, Ministry of Education and Sci- Dvadesetogodišnjica Festivala Sarajevo Bokove, Generalnog direktora UNES- vo Winter” plan to renew the same initia- ence of Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of “Sarajevska zima” bila je posvećena pro- CO-a; tive. Twentieth anniversary of the Festival Transport and Communication of Sara- jektu Sarajevo, interkulturalni grad Sav- • Vijeće Evrope, pod pokroviteljstvom Sarajevo “Sarajevo Winter” was dedicated jevo Canton, City of Sarajevo and Stari jeta Evrope. Međunarodni centar za mir Thorbjorn Jaglanda, Generalnog sek- to project Sarajevo, Intercultural City of grad Municipality. i festival “Sarajevska zima” pripremaju retara Vijeća Evrope; the Council of Europe. The International projekt pod nazivom “Sarajevo – Svjetski • Evropski parlament,
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