I I VOL. MHHIN *IfSHinGTon, U. t. JULIE 1340 no. 4 IJC II S S Thu Mafarne.. An international publication with a preferred circulation. Read religiously by the pick of the electrical workers of the American continent. Enjoys marked confidence of its readers, who own and operate its columns. Serves as a mirror of the happenings, ideas. plans, accomplishments and aims of the labor movement throughout every industrial center of the United States and Canada. Publishes exclusive articles of interest to labor everywhere and to the general public. Fights for progress and the rights of wage- earners, for civilized industry, for clean govern- ment, for higher plane of living and for human welfare. JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Oj//aSi taa m edInTERnRTlonnAL ELECTRICAL WORKERS and OPERATORS PUBLISHED MONTHLY q. M. I rh eCCdd taco q47k.wd £4, A. W., *Madhk4W"n, .2. e. Page MiJaa# Frontispiece-"All-Ycar Ideiiipendence" 290 i)e,,rocracy',s 'Triinuph ies s ol1 2. Achiemen ts 2!) 1 Thousandlli Of Skilled Work;: Available- 293 CHAT Precdeent for I.ablos Participation in 1Defense 294 Well, ishee. the 174th , ~ri.of Mr. Arnold Loses (C:seon llementariv (rotund 295 June, 1940. Thil only eli nuprtcll Sherman Act no (Catch-All for Prosecution 296 a turnbig point iln tl. hIklorv of Ih Rejoice, Amrnica, 1. B. F. W. Malls Power Plants 297 United States. it nay w.i wani Frequeincy M Iodulaion Givces Boost to Radio 298 the consolidatjioi of the fole s fit democracy in this republic hlich iii Labor Moves Forward in Diemocratic Countries - 299 48th Session of(ouncil oil Industrial Relationls _ 300 toui miayn ailni"a urvtilg point for democracy throughoutIl theh ntiie, Hints for Building an American Bureaucr-acv - 301 world. Ameriecan Mt IalMo'l ding Lists Contest Winners 302 Hitler Becomes Symbol of Robot Civilization 303 It is aliparen hat if all the at Michael Patrick Gordan 304 tendant prohlems art oltt in this Dunkerque-The Glory of Common Men -305 cuinttry, theyi tust be met by lear Millions of Logs on Top and the Door Locked 306 information and clerl thinking. The L. U. B-B Wants Action in Protection of Liberty 307 abor press has con .lltii.nslyand cl Editorials . 308 tinually played art ipliotlartt pont it Woman's Wolrk . 310 the battles of public opinion iiuring Women's Auxiliary - - - - - _ _ 311 the last 10 years. It is no ,xga Correspondenice . .- 312 tion to say that the labor press is Fraternity of the Air -.. 310 destined to play a still treater parl In Memoriam .. 329 in the histr y of this publue.. Luring Death Claims Paid 132 the next 10 years. The labor ples Co-olperaling Manufacturers - - - - ....- ; ;333 is the last stroghold if a tfreepl-es Local Union Official Receipts - 341 left in Almerica It represents those true special ilnterests that h thralte * This Journal will not be held responsible for views expressed by correspondents. unions have always tadit io ailly a ..d The first of each month is the closing date; all copy must he in our hands on or before. histintcally protected the safety if the press beaise labor utlll)nis hav EXECUTIVE OFFICEItS believed that tlth fiavors their International Presidloi.t, I). W. TZACY, 1200 lniternttiliil Sec.retairy, ¢. M. tNIAZET, achievements. t5th St., N. W.. W ahington. D. C. 1200 15th St., N. W., Washington, D, C. Internatiol,. Treasnurr. W. A. i 6474OaN. The EI2CTRICAL WORaEKmEdIlOURINAI South Sixth Ae., M Vermn, N. Y. has su.ely played al. honorable paltl VICE PRESIDENTS INTE IINAT1ONAL in this setup. We beieve it is destin ed EXECUTIVE COUNCIL First Distri-t E INLES to play a still more hiliotabie part. It. Rl.3n don , Ont., Cani. C,,,A I PATTIEN] Cbrirnnit* The OtRA, hasbuilt a Inqtahionl fr SpecniiDist rnt JOHN J. REGAN 493l7 W. Cuyler Av., Chilago. ittII integrity. Ne-ver wi ,ully,r witlh Rm. 424, Park Square Bldg. Boston. Mlas. Firstt nitrict (. W. W iTEFORD Third listrict Enw F. KIOTEr 1517 Third Ave.. N.w York, N. Y. intent has it ni.isle its.. reb.e.rs. It 12l00 rlh St N W., WashingtIV, I). C. Second D)istrit I'. L1. K FIM;¥ has told the tiruth as it has seen it, Fanibo Distriet AtTTi BlNMoT, 95 Beactl St., lyaleP'ark. Muas. and it hais ttld it emdlya nd dispas- lBox 241, (Ansuwwa,Ohio Ihird i)tiwi Fifth Dirl'titt (G. X. SnKE ioniatelv. This koa { lt tlil lbthcal it 1027 Woodward Ildlg. Iirmingham, Ala. Fourth I)itrlitt iWARU NoTinAcrr his been, spminle, for it hilt erdic SiKth isktrict M. J Ib,,. 1200 15th St, N. W., Wshiigtoi, 1 I. dlowi tyranny whethe, it hits, er, 3920 lake Shore Drive, Chicagu, Iii. Fifth District E. J. tIOWN the ty, (,heatl/ iituti'utrt fiel l hl Seventh Distriit W. L I[NCRA, 411 N. 4th St.. Milwaukee, Wis. the t yraili of lurenirirelj. Ilntil iil 1641 Laugtrn St, ftort Worth, eras Sixth Distliit G. C (' ls Eighth IsTtrict IL WVlriL 1532 Nio.tn St., ula.,I Oki. doors ait. tb)5Vd hbi("',i orde t f 471,1.x Denver, Fol., Sevei'tt.th Dlirt C . 0,I',Y*i heslhip or fly decree,]'.[.II.. th [ AI, 1 Ninth District SI. I MIIItNP 644 Maldisonri St, lenver, (vie. W .lllK iz' .JulRNAr ''ill till ,11i ,, 1110 (rtentI Tower, SaC (!:till Francisco. I:i,,rhth I){trict J. ['.Mdhl/IDE truth as it sees it, re1nl''ssly aid hon- Rail roads I. I. DUr.Y inSam St. LabiT.r.rplp eerumer A rriist, St Pauh. MihAl. Wi[i]pn, (ha, orably. It has dlibatc.. its dlstiny to the fate (of denl...tu...ay, 290 The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators THE JOURnRL OF ELECTRICRL'UWORHERS AinO OPERATORS OFFICIAL PUBLICATINO TI INENTOA 11V ODOFLE RC ~i~tLLi O CI*Ek .N ii LAA i .. I I, It"11 l . VOL. XXXIX WASHINGTON. ) .. J NE, 1910 NO. 6 is so paltlly absurd thait i st i put inll the ctegoiry of a colossal il. There are some apilpulists and itaiy .!eocec0TRIUMPH employers who have a; mulch social feel- ig as workers. Judgei by facts, the leaders of the Soviet nion are w ithout social fceling is much as aly ruling lass in the world. But upon this liction RAO n 2 ACHIEVEMENTS If thie hoe)I and the goats, with its iidirng testhll.n.Y, the tptlilLrrijii Lemy, itside thfe nrtes bn(idr hi. fiftlh ,.hl.. ]. Hitler has capitalized the ('lass strugle No frontal attack divisions in everiy ilenoeratic ceountli ONSI DERING the widIspreadI present has ever succeeded against of the, irld, andl the ttalitiian ithin attacks upon denocracey, it is well A lehIat.. gatles Wh undertakes to C o rI cn el·btHhat whre tii,ecr acl dlemocratic countries peach h liNs stllgle ill this hour h., been defeati,1 it has blieen defeated is nlely layin I f .oundationfor tile purely by flank attacks. N frti at- [mttioris anu fanltlstic extreItll s, Olhen ttackse f the Fifth COlinn. tack has ever succeredeii against il a dnl- the ptptlaiirae ac( q)ts SlCh ilnOilr' oIS eratie C atntry abrcatinis. qlherc is ie e¥d,ei.. thbitd API'lEAL ITO YO 'llH If Germariy wilns vLitl.ly in the ('Veil tiie G(iel uan ]l(,sIple hllv e fallen lor present war. it will be a victril fr Hitle'ys Itaihi cat{il yy,Ili h ts.(.titollcd 2. An1oth(,l reteille o(f the illre subtle Germany'. widespr.lad sclt sol-vir.. thent hD a brutal spy. sy~stem Slid by i sort bhing provided by wtotaitarians ' within .e..ocrati.tie ottltrjs is the pie- There is every evhidene that raherIy Irutal sysll .i...loniey alld -illions terins of p gucsn. oYouget it ill ihe gave Noliwav o G(it, lLn tlhlLl, ;hid colill oh hligain if tht e.l.n...nist patly of Ameli- that trearhery was apllaIrllt ,n the la. ( 'n.nlm.r llis 20oth Centur y French front, permittinin g (ellanis o U NMASKI{ I Tle RAITO)l(S tin An...rica isu.l IlhI idea is to rel'ate break through ithe slr(oig Frecl.h line,f Ihe ficti.on thailt del..o.a.y is old-fahisoned forts; moreover, the stratcmgi dl'elip- ii h e, pihluast dlet(l.l*oiiw , ufl u ilalnhlt [ n, t n/etess;brilv nnit ii, then. the aild that .onm. tin... is nIoderI. Every ments in evetry colutry Of lit, woil'l i o I. tectiiin df the tiiiqlnstrils 'hihcati)ns are record.ed a the Fifth Colamn. ilthe effort is miiadehto l'eate le illli)r!ssion of a lMussolini, a Stalin, or Hlillel VUiat. tltt IeadeIs of the A F. of L. arefossils wholesale inllpoitatiorL o .r (h...inll spite i m.nportati at Lh' p.r.s..it hour is the ini the Ileaders f the C,. 1. 0. are brisk. and terrorists who seek to par'al'ay ifll- 1initii shtII fahblcatiots f tlhe toalli portant ceiters to d ircevri ii Ly brillianut,I pug L.c.i who oI founilidig a Ilew soc.al (dei '[ie aepeal to youth serets and spliead liesand plriaulipalih tarl ns appearinig ill the ltio aii colunti.rit s as tIe Fifth ('oIIl...rs.. tIliilOtis is this very ;peali that is maide by German armies ae ininol wise invincible. Hitler ultll the Soviet [Ilonl, quite suc- but the sienlltific rid riext nsiv use of aluat-h ing anloit the f illz l le llhils lv s. ming cssfully i mny insIl ltces. Much of unscrupulous sqeret selvice t'llles'lhts Reveltion s co f Ei] gll ar'{y a new developmen t in warfare st mnniltg nld ,aitlig, Ir.tu.i.InL LhI iti- tie attelpted ballyhoo of industrial eiin.
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