. Ration Calendar Cold Wave Q-~8 "A" OOY,lft • I.,,, .. Karch 11: ..1J&1. OIl. eODPon • •• pl,., AprIl 11: IOWA: Cold _ve In east lH1ri1on COFF£IE .,,,p.D 26 upl,e, M.,.h .!: BI10£8. e •• pon 17 uplr.. J... lSI THE DAILY IOWAN wUh aJowlJ dImJnIs~ aUGA., .'Up'D JJI ..pI... Mar BL Iowa City's Morning Newspaper winds today. • FIVE CENTS 'rilE 1\8II0ClArED PBnl IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17. 1943 .,8& 4I1OCIA'I'U PUSS VOLUME XLID NUMBER 146 one s· ,an -AI-lie-s -(-o~~le-~-M-a-~~ei~-ol~ic-y~~·~CO-M~-D-E -~D-S -W-OO-ND-ED-B-RIT-I~-~-RR-Y -DR-M-R ~~ r~us~an ~O~r German M~h~n~~ U~b , an Of Greater Anti-Sub Warfare Struggle for S.~pr~macy South of Kharkov let!: or I to To Proteci European' Invasion Finance CommiHee SOviet Sweep Continues to Within 50 Miles I or I or WAt-lllr lG TOK (AP ) - Seniol' ~elL and uil' oJficers of the !. Votes to Stop Order Of Smolensk, Powerful Key Nazi Base UJlited Slot£' ·, Britain aunda have wOl'ked Ollt ma Ito and a tel' 1001 I poucy of allU-submarine warfure to prevent Hitler's U-bont f leet LO~lJ) .. (AP) - The R d army rolled th Gl'tnl8n back on ears from disrupting plans for the iU\·osion of EUI'ope expected this SeHing Salary limit the importan front w t of Mo ow y tel'day, clri\"ill~ to within ceo year. 50 miles of the pow J'fnl kl'Y ~llZi base of mOll'll k nnd captur­ I All. anlloullCClllCllt i~sl1etl sinlllltuneollsly yestcl'duy j[l ,Vasll­ ing COl' of populal d pIa ,bllt to thoulh in til trnt gic '. iJlgt Ol~, LOllclon Ilncl Ottawa. taken jn conjunction With a state­ Senate Group Plans Donet basin b<'low Kh81'kov Rll 'i.ian troop. W('1'(' locked in a · rs ment by Pril1lc l\Iinistel' Churchill in the house of commons, I To Substitute Ceiling go]' at dcCen iy batt I again. t tron ermaD t nk aud motoriz d stressed th e th eme oP lose cooperation by the three nations to Of Stabilization Act infantry fore _ eombat tl1e Nuzi undersea offeusiye of the coming spriug und III tIti outhern ctor, UlC Berlin radio .aid. tll£' RUb.-;iru w re SULUmel·. WASHINGTON (AP)-The sen­ l'etrf'8ti11g a t of Kharko\', hefttl'll and in no po ition to attempt to retake tIte big they sterday, while the R iall That thc Kazis tlre plallning such fill offensive is genel'all y ac­ a~ finance committee acted yes­ city evacuated y cepted as a fuel in 11l).VIlI circles here and the belief is tlmt it will midlljgltl cOtllDlunique, althongh l' pOl'ling tnctic I uec , made 'ns tCI'day to wipe out Pl'esldent be launched at a time wlIeu Admiral Karl Doenitz, the GCl'man it clear heayy fighting Wl\! under ~·n~' . Roos \TelL's executive order limit­ "In the a of the Ih northern Don ." libt n&\·ul chief, decides it will most ar middle COnt or Ing alarlcs to $25,000 after taxes said the Dlidllight .o"i t bulletin r corded here by the oviet 'ped effectively prcvent 01' delay tlle 'Ices and substitute for it the same mOil i tur, "0\1 l' Lnnkmen at· opening or a united nation Axis Armored Patrols statutory ceillng that now applies tack tl n largt' l'olumn of en my un· laud f[,ont in ,,·estcl'll EUJ'ope. rto to wa~ s undel' the stnbiUzatioll tlinks lind mol(J]"ized infantry. east The joint announcrlllcllt said Dispersed by Artillery act. Jap Destroyer, J n rC'lllt or iii/' tank ngag­ enls UJat the decisions regarding the . To Prohibit Reduction ment Lbe Gennans vere hurled The committee voted to prohibit back with great Ie. conduct of anti-submal'ine opera· In Vicinity of Gafsa "In another tor our troops , 01 tions had been reached at a re­ !IllY lIetion to reduce salaries below re- pulsed 6 vera I nemy attacks and lirat cent Washington conference pre­ the highest point they roached In 1, Other Sh.ips 18- j destroyed fIve German tankll, six British Gain Slightly the period between Jan. 1 and Sept. sided OVCI' by Admiral Ernest J. lorries and ten carts with war ma­ ms, King, commander-in-chief of the 15 , 1942. Thls provision would be ~i,. In Northern Tunisia attached as amendment to a meas­ terial. Our rtlllery fire dla­ United States fleet. King's num­ pel'Sed n battalion ot enemy in­ col· bel" one position at the meeting To Occupy Key Ridge ure incl'ea ing the naUontll debt Sunk by AII·ies !ent limit from l25,OOO,ooO,Ooo 10 fantry which was coming up to suggesled he held a dominant role the bnttlefleld." in tbe wal' on the U-boats. ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN 210,000,000,000. H would include r of . .. 'peciIlc language uenyinl the right WASHINGTON (AP) - A Jap- On Ihe we tern front lhe Rut- There was no indication, how- NORTH AFRICA (AP) - Allied slans maintained th Lr swift pace. VIII ASSISTED BY ANOTHER MEMBER of his company. Leonard Orchucl, »rlilllh lorr1 IIrlver, sUs In II. of executive agencies to reduce anele destroyer and thr e othcr ever, that a so-called wlitied com- troops supported by artillery have The noon communique reported ~1Iy due beside his shattered truck, after It struck a Jan d mul.e In the w-:ster" dellerl. The exploliion took salari 01' wages except in rare ships were BUnk by United States ojala mand for anti-submarine warfare driven b a c k strong, al'mored that Ru. ill11 troop. captured ev­ bad been 01' would be crealed. The enemy patrols in the Ga.t:sa area pface during Gen. Bernard Montcomery's pur uit of Rommel's Afrika. .Korps across Libyan desert. cases or individual Inequity, but submarines JIi ree nl operatiolll In Lees pres rving their authority to pre­ the Paclfic war zone, the navy re­ eral do;r;en populated plae" we t evidence, according to well-quali- of the Tunisian battlefront, the or Vyozma along the main "Na­ Itl1 !Jed authorities, indicated rather high command saLd today, while vent inOl·cases. ported yeiterday. Three more reo An amcndmcnt of a slmUar na­ poleon road" to Mo cow from the I h Ii t cOOl'dlnalion would be 200 miles to the nOI'lh the British .hlps were damaaE:</. welt, whi] the midnight bulletin )me achieVed t hrough the confercnce First army advanced sUghtly in ture, of!ered by Rep. Wolcott (R­ A communique described the cies A~rial·Balfere~ Jap (onyoy ' Forced ,.to Retire MIch.) previously was rejected by veSlJels sunk as a destroyer, a stated that "a number" of popu­ method with col}ference recoln- the Sedienane area to occupy an lated plae s were taken in the reo mendations being put up to the imporlant ridge. lhe house, bu t SPO!lllors expressed larie cargo ship, a large trans­ conlldencc the house would re­ port and a medium-sized cario Kholm-Zhirkovsky ar a to the lid· combined chiefs-of-start (British The allieli communique also 1'e­ north and 32 populated pIo," 00 and American) for final action. ported widespread aerial action, l'OnHider It. The senate coml1\ltlee'/I vessel. Damaged were a medlum­ After. Allied Planes DamageTwo:lransports action eliminated a house-ap. size carlO carl'i d, a medlum­ south or Dely, in th same g n rn l The recent WashiJlgton meeting with blows against enemy air­ Ill' a. proved am ndmenL by R p. Dlant'y Flu tanker and .mall cario \Vas described as one of a series dromes and shipping. ----~------------~--~----------~~~--~~---- .-.-- The Ru alan IUlie led tile (l "which have bcen ana wm con- American guns supported French " (D-Okln.) which provided in gen­ shlp. Heavy Bombers Raid eral that salarle. which were above The communique guve no detail. advances wer8 made after alltl tin~e to be held in ol'der that ali troops ill turning back the enemy (.he the $25,000 net !llure before the ot the attacks by the American fighting, ralher than that Ger­ phases of the anti-U-boat cam- pall"ols advancing petween Galsa OPA Head Says Wage Three Merchantmen mans were wlthdrawlnl in order. He Gotta 'Date war could not be reduced below under-sea raiders, which have The noon communique spoke paign can be kept constantly and Metlaoui, 20 miles to the cast, their level of Dec. 7, 1941 , when been hammering Japan's supply North of Australia or "stubborn rl'!llstance" by the under revie\\I, that i!\formation and the action apparently meant Persistence Gets Him Ule United States entered the con- lines steadily since tbc Paeltic and views can be exchanged, and the allies were maintaining their Increases Will Lose G rmaru, and t.be mldnl,hl bul· 60 Days in Jail war began. Th Te was no lndlcn­ letln (ollowed with announce­ that anti-U-boat measures can be pressw'e on the middle area of the ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN Wct. Georre InterpretaUon tion whether the transport was ment that Ihe Red rmy~­ adjusted to best advantage." axis corridor along the coast. War Against Inflation :.-----------=.....: AUSTRALIA, Wednesday (AP)- Chainnan George (O-Ga.) said loaded. van Cl e d by "overwhelm In,. "Complete agreement," the The French are considering po- ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - WH- Hammered and mauled by allied the enators interpreted one part This raised to 199 the total num­ , statement continued, was reached sitions recently won on that sec­ ,trollr enemy lire and eounter.
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