WIEL (ALETHEA). --- The navy of Venice. Lond., 1910. O.S. .359(453) Wie. --- Venice. [Story of the Nat. 39. 1 Lond., 1894. E* 11.39. t a i ffi41 8.9 ----^vzz—e^t ^ —poi , WIEL (CORNELIUS STALPART VAN DER). --- Diss. med. inaug. de urinae calculo. Lugd. Bat., 1712. OP. 1084/29. :. e a iee t rari-erum -medio, anatomic. chirurgicarwa --een ia--prier; accedes de -anicornu- dissertation- utraque, auction -(^d Centur:ae posteriorie-pars-foetus -exercitatio. ^- 3--pt-s ' 44n}' -Lugdun4:-- Bat avoxuai3- 1687. E.B. .61 Fie: WIEL (JOHANN PETER). --- Observationes de usu interno nucis vomicae, et vitrioli albi, in pertinacibus morbis curandis conspicuo. [Th.] Wittenbergae (1770.) G.15/2.5/6. --- Bemerkungen uber den innerlichen nutzlichen Gebrauch der Krahen-Augen and des weissen Vitriols in gefahrlichen Krankheiten. Aus dem Lateinischen ins Deutsche ubersetzt. Wittenberg [177-?] Q.P• 936/7• --- Another copy. GAP. 1286/15. WIEL (TAMEO) . --- 1 codici musicali contariniani ... illustrati dal Dr. T.W. See BIBLIOTECA DI SAN MARCO, Venice. WIELAND, der Schmied. --- Wieland der Schmied. Adapted from the German saga and ed. by A.E. Wilson. Lond. (1912.) -^-^y.89 i w ADDITIONS 7IEL (COYCIELIti S STALPART VAN MR) . -- ... Obsercatiorum raxiorun medic. anatomic. chirurgicarum centuria prior; -ccedit de unicornu dissertatio; utraque ... auctior ... (And Centuriae posterioris paxs prior, auctior; accedit P.S. van der. -liel ... de nutritione foetus exercitatio.) 3 Pts. (in 2). Lugduni Aatavorum, 1687. ra. .51 Wie. WIELAND (CHRISTOPH MARTIN). COLLECTIONS --- Sammtliche Werke. 45 Bde. (in 26). Leipzig, 1781 -1811. ES, 8336/ --- W.^Werke. 40 Tle. (in 16). Berlin [1879.] Gibson Lib. --- Ws. gesammelte Werke in sechs Barden. Mit einer Einleitung von F. Muncker. Bd. 1. [Cottatsche Bibl. d. Weltlitt.] Stuttgart. Gibson Lib. 1. Oberon. (1887.) --- Wielands Welke. Auf Grund der Hempelschen Ausgabe neu hrsg. mit Einleitung and Anmerkungen versehen von B. von Jacobi. 10 Tle. (in 3). [Goldene Klass.-Bibl.] Berlin [_1905-07.] V.10.771-3. --- Werke. (Hrsg. von F. Martini and H.W. Seiffert.) 5 Bde. Munchen [1961.-68.] .83361 SMALLER COLLECTIONS --- Les Abderites, suivis de La salamandre et la statue ... Tr. par A.G. Labaame. 3 tom. Paris, an X [1802.] D.S.g.6.37-39- --- IV contes, et le fragment dtune himne sur Dieu. See HALLER (ALBRECHT )4 cN). Poesies ... (And ... IV contes ...) SINGLE WORKS --- Beytrage zur geheimen Geschichte des menschlichen Verstandes and Herzens. [Anon.] 2 Thle. (in 1). Leipzig, 1770. *EE.10.6. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS WIELAND (CHRISTOPH MARTIN). COLLECTIONS --- Wielands Werke. Hrsg: von G. Klee ... Bd. 4. Leipzig, n.d. Gibson Lib. --- Wielands Werke, Hrsg. von H. Kurz ... 3 Bde. Leipzig, n.d. .83361 WIELAND (CHRISTOPH MARTIN) [continued]. SINGLE WORKS [continued] --- The Graces; a classical allegory, interspersed with poetry ... Translated from the ... German [by Sarah Taylor?] Lond., 1823. Bound in S.23.85. --- Oberon; ein Gedicht.] Oberon; a poem. From the German of W. by W. Sotheby. 2 vols. (in 1). Lond., 1798. D.S.d.6.16. --- 3rd ed. 2 vols. (in 1). Lond., 1826. s.7.27. SELECTIONS Wie(a..ds --- W s Werke. [S =lections.] Hrsg. von H. Prohle. 6 Tle. [Deut. Nat. Litt. Bde. 51-56.1 Berlin (1887.) .8308 Deu. --- Oeuvres choisies de Mr. W. Traduit ... par L.C.D.V. Tom. 1. Zuric, 1796. V* 32.86. - Melanges litteraires, politiqugs et morceaux inedits de C.M.W. Tr, de l t allemand et precedes d un essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de cet ecrivain par A. Loeve-Veimars et Saint-Maurice. Paris, 1824. Yo.8.42. APPENDIX --- See BEYER (WERNER WILLIAM). The enchanted forest [ie. the influence of W.'s Oberon on English poetry]. --- See BUDDECKE (WOLFRAM). C.M. Wielands Entwicklungsbegriff and die Geschichte des A.gathon. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS WIEZAND (CHRISTOPH MARTIN). SINGLE WORKS Oberon; ein Gedicht ... Neue, verbess. Aufl. Weimar, 1781. E.B. .83361 WIELAND (CHRISTOPH MARTIN) [continued]. APPENDIX [continued] --- See BUDDECKE (WOLFRAM). C.M. Wielands Entwicklungsbegriff and die Geschichte des Agathon. --- tr. See CICERO (MARCUS TULLIUS). LETTERS. COLLECTIONS. M.T.C.ts sammtliche Briefe. --- See EDELSTEIN (LUDWIG). Wielands "Abderiten" and der deutsche Humani sinus . --- See LA ROCHE (MARIE SOPHIE VON). The history of Sophia Sternheim. Attempted from the German of Mr. W. [or rather of M.S. von La Roche, published by W.I. --- See MILLER (EDMUND ERSKINE). Zur Textgeschichte von Wielands Agathon. --- See SENGLE (FRIEDRICH). W. --- See WOLFFHEIM (HANS). Wielands Begriff der Humanitat. WIELAND (FRANZ). --- Der vorirenaische Opferbegriff. [Knopfler, Veroff. a. d. Kirchenhist. Sem. Mh nchen, -,Leihe iii, No. 6.1 Munchen, 1909. .2653 Wie. WIELAND (GEORGE F.). and LEIGH (HILARY). --- eds. Changing hospitals; a report on the Hospital Internal Communications Project. Ed. by G.F.W. and H.L. assisted by E. Barnes. Introd. by R.W. Revans. Foreword by W.J.H. Butterfield. Lond., 1971. .36211(42 Wie. --- Another copy. Soc. Med. Lib. ADDITIONS WIELAND (CHRISTOPH MARTIN. APPENDIX --- See KURTH-VOIGT (LIESELOTTE E.). Perspectives and points of view; the early works of W. and their background. --- See SCHELLE (HANSJORG) ed. C.M.W. --- See ROGAN (RICHARD G.). The reader in the novels of C.M.W. See PAULSEN (WOLFGANG). C.M.W.; der Mensch and rein Werk in psychologischen Perspektiven. --- See SCHRADER (REBECCA E.). A method of stylistic analysis exemplified on C.M. Wieland's Geschichte des Agathon. --- See WALTER (CARL) Ph.D. Chronologie der Werke C.M. Wielands ... --- See WILSON (W. DANIEL). The narrative strategy of W.'s Don Sylvio von Rosalva. WIELAND (GEORGE F.). --- and LEIGH (HILARY). --- eds. Changing hospitals; a report on the Hospital Internal Communications Project. Ed. by G.F.W. and H.L. assisted by E. Barnes. Introd. by R.W. Revans. Foreword by W.J.H. Butterfield. Lond., 1971. Comm. Med. Lib. WIELAND (GEORGE REBER). --- American fossil cycads. 2 vols. [Carnegie Inst. Publ. 34• 1 Washington, 1906-16. Av. --- The Cerro Cuadrado petrified forest. [Carnegie Inst. Publ. 449.] Washington, 1935. Av. WIELAND (HEINRICH). --- On the mechanism of oxidation. [Silliman Mem. Lect. 22.] New Haven, 1932. C.M.L. WIELAND (JOANNES CAROLUS). --- resp. See SEGNER (J.A. VON) praes. WIELAND (MARTIN). - Schediasma sacrum quo Judas Iscariota Coenae Dominicae conviva, nihil mutato historiae evangelicae filo, sistitur ... TubingaL!^ , 1710. QP. 799/1. WIELAND (WOLFG?.NG). --- Die aristotelische Physik; Untersuchungen uber die Grundlegung der Naturwissenschaft and die sprachlichen Bedingungen der Prinzipienforschung bei Aristoteles. Gottingen, 1962. .1851 Wie. WIELANDT (HELMUT). --- Finite permutation groups. Tr, from the German by R. Bercov. 'S e-" l.ib. New York [1964.1 5+ 2 5 W48 WIELANT (PHILIPS). --- OEuvres de P.W. et de J. de Damhoudere ... [Bibl. Belgica, 11-12.] Gand, 1881. Zr.12.46. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS wt =Tl) (woLr-rAM,) . --- Platon and die Formen dais '.liesena. Gottingc-n [1902.] .1841 Wie. WIELANT (PHILIPS) [continued]. --- Practijcke civile ... Van nieus oversien ... ende ghesuppleert by M.A. van tsestich ... Amstelredam, 1606. Law Lib. WIELE ( FERNAND VAN DE) . --- Onderzoek der fotogeleiding in additief gekleurde Csl-kristallen. [Belgium, Kon. Vlaamse Acad. voor Wet., Lett. en Schone Kunsten, Verhandelingen, Klasse der Wet., Verhandeling Nr. 75.1 Brussel, 1964. .54883 Wie. --- Zijnswaarheid en onverborgenheid; vergelijkende studie over de ontologische waarheid in het thomisme en bij Heidegger. [Leuvense Bibl. voor Filos. 6•1 Leuven, 1964. .111 Wie. WIELE (MARGUERITE VAN DE). --- Le Sire de Ryebeke (legende flamande). Illustrations d t I. de Rudder. Paris, n.d. O.S. .84391 Wie. WIELEITNER (HEINRICH). --- Geschichte der Mathematik. II. T1. Von Cartesius bis zur Wende des 18. Jahrhunderts. I. Halfte. Arithmetik, Algebra, Analysis. Bearbeitet ... von A. von Braunmuhl. (And II. Halfte. Geometrie and Trigonometrie.) [Samml. Schubert, 63-64.1 Leipzig, 1911-21. *0.10. For Tl. 1 see GUNTHER (S. --- Spezielle ebene Kurven. [Samml. Schubert, 56.] Leipzig, 1908. *0.10. --- Theorie der ebenen algebraischen Kurven hoherer Ordnung. [Samml. Schubert, 43.1 Leipzig, 1905. *0.10. ADDITIONS WIEL1^ (FFzf1 Alry VAN DE). --- ~ NGL (`, ^.. .M u.) and JESPEM5 (PAL: G.) . -- ads. Prooeas and devioe modeling for integrated oirouit design . See NMUH ATLANTIC TREATY O ^^A tII%.l I OIL • JUVA IMX STUDY M)TITffI E ON 11S0CM30 A'h'D DL710E MODMING FOR INTrJG UMM WIELENGA (BASTIAAN). --- Lenins Weg zur Revolution; eine Konfrontation mit Sergej Bulgakov and Petr Struve im Interesse einer theologischen Besinnung. Munchen [1971.] 3 3 Sy..3 t^J; e . WIELER (JOHN WILLIAM). --- George Chapman; the effects of stoicism on his tragedies. New York, 1949. .82239 Cha. Wie. WIELHORSKI (WWYSXAW). --- Polska a Litwa; stosunki wzajemne w biegu dziejow. Lond., 1947• •9(475) Wie. WIELING (ABRAHAM). --- Iurisprudentia restituta, sive, index chronologicus in totum iuris Iustinianaei corpus, ad modum I. Labitti, A. Augustini, & W. Freymonii, nova ... methodo collectus. Accesserunt opuscula iv. ... 3 pts. (in 1). Amstelaedami, 1727. Law Lib. --- A.W. ... lectionum iuris civilis libri duo ... Accedit ... oratio pro glossatoribus. Trajecti 2,d Rhenum, 1740. Law Lib. WIELKOPOLSKI (BOGDAN). --- Nowe podstawy rozwoju Polski i ludzkosci. St. Andrews, 1942. .9(43805) Wie. WIELOPOLSKI (ALEKSANDER IGNACY JAN PIOTR) Marquis. --- See LISICKI (H.). Le marquis W.; sa vie et son temps, 1803-1877. WIEMAN (HENRY NELSON). --- The empirical theolo^v of H.N.W. Ed. by R.W. Bretall. [Lib, of Living Theol. Vol.
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