LOCAL O CLARIM | Macau Catholic Weekly | FRIDAY | 13 July 2018 2 EN MACAU RICCI INSTITUTE ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM IN NOVEMBER Enhancing Silk Road’s religious and cultural legacy PEDRO DANIEL OLIVEIRA to the B&R,” while bearing in have formed bridges of under- [email protected] mind, “the work of Fr [Matteo] standing internationally.” Ricci and his companions is it- Regarding the second, “an self a significant part of the Silk understanding of how social Road legacy, and the friendship innovation occurred as a result that Matteo Ricci enjoyed with of the Silk Road can shed a wel- On November 22-23, the Macau China’s scholars and officials is come light on the challenges Ricci Institute (MRI) is holding extended even today through and opportunities that today’s its annual symposium under MRI’s mission.” innovators may face, encour- the theme “Exploring The Silk MRI Director Fr Stephan aged by the remembrance of Road Economic Belt and The try’s efforts to sustain and further but also of ideas as well as spirit- Rothlin, SJ, told O CLARIM, “the China’s deep history of engage- 21st- Century Maritime Silk develop cooperative relationships ual and religious practices, and symposium will highlight each of ment with its neighbors.” Road: The Challenge of Cross- with its neighbors near and far, engagement with the peoples the three dimensions of the MRI The latter dimension offers Cultural Exchange and Com- and to work out mutually benefi- who cherished them.” mission,” such as the “compara- many challenges, both theoreti- munication.” cial policies of economic develop- “Indeed, save for Daoism, tive appreciation of spirituality,” cal and practical. “The develop- The event aims to explore the ment for Asia, Europe, and Afri- China’s indigenous wisdom tra- “social innovation” and “moral ment of effective teaching and cultural and religious traits inher- ca,” MRI says in its website. dition, all its other spiritual and leadership” within the B&R. learning programs in interna- ent to the ancient legacy of the Moreover, to MRI, “the B&R religious communities — Bud- The first “will enable confer- tional business ethics, a special Silk Road. “China’s Silk Road Eco- quite properly appeals to the dhism, Christianity, Islam and ence participants to present concern of the MRI and its part- nomic Belt and the 21st-Century historic legacy of the Silk Road, Judaism — first found a home and analyze the history of the ners, is indispensable if the goals Maritime Silk Road [B&R], an- which for millennia provided in China along the Silk Road.” Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and of the B&R, even at the level of nounced in 2013, has clearly be- opportunities for the exchange, Furthermore, MRI “hopes to Muslim communities in Macau economic development, are to come a major focus for the coun- not only of goods and services, make a significant contribution and in China, and the way these be realized.” CHAPEL OF SAINT LAWRENCE’S CHURCH Sunday Mass in Bahasa Indonesia twice a month Started early this month, the of Saint Lawrence’s Church was 300 people who attend Church chapel of Saint Lawrence’s chosen for a more practical and activities every Sunday.” Church is holding a Sunday apostolic reason, since “it is not “By introducing this commu- Mass in Bahasa Indonesia, in far from SVD house, so it will nity to the public, we hope we order to keep the faith of the make the access simple and the can let the other people born local Indonesian Catholics, place easy to remember. “Also, in Indonesia, especially Chinese since some have embraced the actual Indonesian communi- overseas who moved out from In- other Christian denominations, ty attending the Mass is not so big donesia around the 70s and 80s, and to maintain their solidarity. in number – around 10 people. during the Communist move- The celebration is held every Having the latter reality in ment, and finally stayed in Macau first and fourth Sunday of the mind, it was suggested to Bish- as residents and still can speak month, and begins at 5:00 PM. op Stephen Lee to integrate the Bahasa Indonesia, to join togeth- “There is a slogan ‘100% Sunday Mass as “the extension” er. Or, perhaps some others who Catholic, 100% Indonesian’,” of the Hong Kong Indonesian are taking vacation in Macau and Fr Vincentius Lam, SJ, told O Catholic Workers Community, would like to keep the faith and CLARIM on the reason the new Fr Lam added. don’t speak Chinese,” he said. Mass was put in place in the Ma- “First of all, ‘the extension’ The Bahasa Indonesia Sun- cau Diocese. here means it was served by a SVD some of the community mem- in number, we prefer to keep day Mass at the chapel of Saint “Before, they would have the priest, who is working in Hong bers also join these groups,” he ‘the extension’ first,” and the Lawrence’s Church is also cel- Mass in the SVD house, and since Kong, and comes once or twice a said, while not forgetting “most aforementioned “community ebrated by Fr Gregorius Dedi nowadays the house is used by an- month,” he explained, to preside of the Indonesians in Macau as a part of Indonesian Catho- Rusdianto, SCJ, and Fr Kornelius other community, we decided to over a “Catholic liturgical activity.” are workers and Moslems.” And lic community in Hong Kong,” Supranoto Bardata, SVD. choose another place,” he said. “There are some other Indo- since the local Catholic Indo- which he described as “quite Fr Lam added that the chapel nesian groups in Macau, and nesian community “is just few big in number – around 200- P.D.O. DIRECTOR: Rev. José Mario O. Mandía I ADMINISTRATOR: Alberto Santos | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Wong Sao Ieng I EDITOR: José Miguel Encarnação | ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Jasmin Yiu I I NEWSROOM: Pedro Daniel Oliveira, Kou Cheok Lam SECRETARY AND PHOTOGRAPHY: Ana Marques I REPORTER-AT-LARGE: Joaquim Magalhães de Castro I CONTRIBUTORS: Benedict Keith Ip, João Santos Gomes, Carlos Frota, Luís Barreira, Vítor Teixeira, Manuel dos Santos, Fr Rodrigo Lynce de Faria, Tej Francis, Claretian Fathers, Aurelio Porfiri, Susana Mexia I TRANSLATOR: May Ho I GRAPHIC DIRECTOR: Miguel Augusto I PAGE LAYOUT: Lee Shui Keong, Oswald Vas I OWNERSHIP: Catholic Diocese of Macau MacauC catholicD weekly ADDRESS: Rua do Campo, Edf. Ngan Fai, Nº 151, 1º G, Macau I TELEPHONE: 28573860 - FAX: 28307867 I URL: www.oclarim.com.mo/en I E-MAIL: [email protected] I PRINTING: Tipografia Welfare Ltd. 13 July 2018 | FRIDAY | Macau Catholic Weekly | O CLARIM LOCAL EN 3 Books on Macau missionaries launched JASMIN YIU these three missionaries. with Bishop Costa, “remember- [email protected] The Bishop said that the ing he was invited to China in “three missionaries are good 1985, I had a chance going with examples of being the Good him. Even though he didn’t Shepherd described in the speak Mandarin, he still insist- Gospel. The Good Shepherd ed using Chinese (Cantonese). The International Institute of shows us the way in our every- This means he is a ‘Chinese’. He Macau (IIM) and the Catholic day life, and to teach us to listen loves us the church in China, he Diocese of Macau have jointly to God’s voice.” He described serves the Chinese people. This launched a new edition com- these three books as the instru- is a very tiny thing, but it’s a very prising three books of Bishop ments to glorify God. strong symbol of his love towards Arquimínio da Costa, Fr Lan- Having met the three mis- his flock in Macau.” celote Rodrigues and Fr Mário sionaries in person, Fr Chung At the end of the book Acquistapace at the auditorium said these three books cover the Bishop Stephen Lee and Fr thinks they are very special with launch, the choir of St Thomas of the Bishop’s Palace on Tues- missionaries’ contribution to Pedro Chung, Vicar-General of a big and loving heart. “They performed two songs contrib- day, July 10. Macau’s society and culture. The the Diocese, also presented the spent their whole life for us, for uted by Bishop Costa. In the launching ceremony, missionaries are part of Macau’s books. Bishop Lee gave special the Chinese speaking church, An initiative of the IIM and Rufino Ramos, Secretary-general memory and history that every- thanks to IIM for compiling that motivates us to know God. the Diocese of Macao, the of IIM, first introduced the three one in Macau should know. “The the series and translating them The compilation of the books book launch was supported books, which are part of the series institute is now looking for some- into Chinese, thus allowing is to keep the memories, [be- by the Macao Foundation and Missionaries for the 21st Century, one to write the book of Fr Luis more people in Macau to know cause] just like Ruffini said, if with the collaboration of the and have now been translated Ruiz Suarez and Fr Aureo Castro, and understand more about there is no memory, there is no Association of the former stu- into Chinese from Portuguese. hopefully we can launch them the Catholic Church through future,” said Fr Chung. dents of the St Joseph Semi- Speaking to O CLARIM, Ramos next year,” said Ramos. the good works and merits of He also shared an experience nary in Macau. HUMANAE VITAE FIFTY YEARS HENCE (2) Reactions FROM PAGE 1 this follows that they are not free to do the demographic problem by “a provi- darity (cf. HV, 23). Pope Paul VI refers as they like in the service of transmit- dent policy for the family, a wise educa- to his encyclical Populorum Progressio as clearly presented by Paul VI, in favor ting life… On the contrary, they are tion of peoples in respect of the moral (HV, 18), one of the best papal encycli- of responsible parenthood.
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