Spring_2012_COVER 4/23/2012 10:32 AM Page 3 american academy of arts & sciences spring 2012 www.amacad.org Bulletin vol. lxv, no. 3 Prospects and Challenges for the Global Nuclear Future: After Fukushima Scott D. Sagan, Harald Müller, Noramly bin Muslim, Olli Heinonen, and Jayantha Dhanapala The Future of the American Military Karl W. Eikenberry, John L. Hennessy, James J. Sheehan, David M. Kennedy, and William J. Perry ALSO: Patrick C. Walsh, M.D., Awarded the Francis Amory Prize Humanities Indicators Track Signi½cant Changes in the Disciplines Strengthening Energy Policy through Social Science WikiLeaks and the First Amendment Upcoming Events Special Thanks to Donors APRIL ore than $5.2 million was raised in the ½scal year completed on March 31, 25th M 2012. The Academy’s Annual Fund sur- Project Brie½ng–Washington, D.C. passed the $1.6 million mark for the ½rst The Alternative Energy Future time. Additional gifts and grants totaled Speakers: Steven Koonin (Institute for over $3.6 million, with more than 1,200 in- Defense Analyses; formerly, U.S. Depart- dividuals, 14 foundations, and 54 University ment of Energy); Robert Fri (Resources Af½liates contributing to make these results for the Future); Michael Graetz (Colum- possible. “This was a very successful year,” bia Law School); Michael Greenstone said Alan Dachs, Development and Public (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Relations Committee Chair. “The Academy Brookings Institution); Kassia Yanosek is fortunate that so many Fellows support (Stanford University; Tana Energy the work we are doing.” Dachs expressed his Capital llc) deep appreciation to the members of the De- velopment Committee during the past year, MAY including Louise Bryson, Richard Cavanagh, 14th Jesse Choper, David Frohnmayer, Michael Reception–New York City Gellert, Matthew Santirocco, Stephen Reception in Honor of New York Area Fellows Stamas, Donald Stewart, Samuel Thier, and Nicholas Zervas, along with the continuing 16th involvement of Board Chair Louis Cabot. Stated Meeting–Cambridge “The growing number of leadership Annual Meeting and Spring Concert donors is a critical factor in our ability to re- main independent and nonpartisan while Performers: Arron Chamber Ensemble undertaking work that is having increasing influence on informed national policy. Our For updates and additions to the calendar, work, a broad range of publications, and visit http://www.amacad.org/event.aspx. Academy programs around the country de- pend on the resources provided by success- ful fund-raising efforts,” said Louis Cabot, Chair of the Board & Trust. A complete list of 2011–2012 contributors will appear in the Academy’s Annual Report, which will be published in the fall. Contents Features 9 Prospects and Challenges for the Global Nuclear Future: After Fukushima A panel of global experts–Scott D. Sagan (Stanford University), Harald Müller (Frankfurt Peace Research Institute; Goethe- University), Noramly bin Muslim (National University of Malaysia), Olli Heinonen (Harvard Kennedy School; formerly, International Atomic Energy Agency), and Jayantha Dhanapala (Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs)–considers the global nuclear future in light of the accident at Fukushima. 18 WikiLeaks and the First Amendment 2 3 Legal scholar Geoffrey R. Stone (University of Chicago Law School) moderates a conversation with journalist Judith Miller (Manhattan Institute), Judge Richard A. Posner (U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit), and author Gabriel Schoenfeld (Hudson Institute; Witherspoon Institute) about the balance between freedom of the press and national security. 31 The Future of the American Military Historian David M. Kennedy (Stanford University), former 18 18 Secretary of Defense William J. Perry (Stanford University), historian James J. Sheehan (Stanford University), and former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl W. Eikenberry (Lt. Gen., ret., U.S. Army) discuss the changing relationship between the military and civilian society. Departments 2 Academy News 31 31 Francis Amory Prize Awarded to Patrick C. Walsh Beyond Technology Report Featured at National Energy Industry Gathering Dædalus on The Alternative Energy Future–Challenges for Technological Change Updated Humanities Indicators Track Changes in the Disciplines Around the Country Clockwise from top left: Patrick C. Walsh, M.D.; cover of 41 Remembrance Beyond Technology: Strengthening Energy Policy through Social Science; Richard A. Posner; Karl W. Eikenberry; William J. 42 Noteworthy Perry; Geoffrey R. Stone academy news Francis Amory Prize Awarded to Patrick C. Walsh K. Bartlett Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, on “Advances in Reproductive Biology: The Impact on Disorders of Sexual Development and Ovarian Cancer.” Members of the 2012 Francis Amory Prize Committee include Randy W. Schekman, Chair (University of California, Berkeley), David E. Clapham (Harvard Medical School; Children’s Hospital, Boston), Barbara Jean Meyer (University of California, Berkeley), David C. Page (Whitehead Institute; mit), David W. Russell (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center), and Leslie Berlowitz (American Academy). The citation that was presented to Dr. Walsh reads: Society has bene½ted from your pathbreaking work as a sur- geon, researcher, and teacher. You have forever changed our fundamental understanding and treatment of prostate cancer. For three decades you directed the Brady Urological Institute, whose laboratories, clinics, and operating rooms produced David C. Page, 2012 Francis Amory Prize recipient Patrick C. Walsh, many of the most important advances in urology and trained and Leslie Berlowitz thousands of doctors from here and abroad. The anatomic ap- proach to radical prostatectomy that you developed has al- n March 14, 2012, the Academy presented the Francis Amory lowed far more men with early-stage disease to lead normal OPrize to Patrick C. Walsh, M.D., a renowned urologist who lives. pioneered work in the understanding and treatment of prostate can- Your characterization of the familial and genetic factors re- cer. First awarded in 1940, the Francis Amory Prize recognizes major sponsible for prostate cancer has broadened our understanding advances in reproductive biology and medical care. of the disease. You and your colleagues identi½ed the ½rst Dr. Walsh is University Distinguished Service Professor of Urol- genetic mutation associated with inherited prostate cancer. ogy at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. He served for thirty years Moreover, you have established the largest registry of men with as Director of the Brady Urological Institute, where he developed hereditary prostate cancer, and led efforts for improved and re½ned a new surgical approach to radical prostatectomy. The national standards for the early diagnosis and staging of the procedure, which has been performed on hundreds of thousands of cancer. patients worldwide, dramatically reduces the most serious side ef- A member of the Institute of Medicine and editorial board fects of the surgery. member of The New England Journal of Medicine, you have shared Along with colleagues at Johns Hopkins, he was the ½rst to de- your knowledge both in professional journals and in books for scribe the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme de½ciency, to develop an exper- the general public. The advances you have made in understand- imental technique for the induction of benign prostatic hyperplasia, ing and treating prostate cancer have galvanized research and to demonstrate the influence of reversible androgen deprivation on revolutionized the ½eld. bph, and to characterize hereditary prostate cancer. You have performed four thousand, ½ve hundred and sixty- Following the prize ceremony, Dr. Walsh participated in the Fran- nine life-saving surgeries, and with the same commitment and cis Amory Prize Symposium on advances in reproductive biology laser-like focus on men’s health, you continue to be a source of and medicine. He spoke about “The Impact of Anatomic Discover- healing and hope. Distinguished physician-scientist, skilled ies on Prostate Cancer Surgery.” The symposium also included pre- surgeon, inspired teacher, and relentless investigator, the sentations by David C. Page, Director of the Whitehead Institute, American Academy of Arts and Sciences is proud to confer Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, upon you the 2012 Francis Amory Prize. and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, on “The y Chromosome”; and by Patricia K. Donahoe, Director of Pediatric Surgical Research Laboratories and Chief Emerita of Pediatric Sur- gical Services at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Marshall 2 Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Spring 2012 Beyond Technology Report Featured at National Energy Industry Gathering new Academy report, Beyond Technology: lagher added, “As a direct result of these and A Strengthening Energy Policy through Social other innovation investments, as well as Science, was featured at the 2012 National market-formation policies in the United Electricity Forum, a meeting organized by States and elsewhere, the commercial avail- the U.S. Department of Energy (doe) and ability of many advanced, ef½cient, and the National Association of Regulatory Util- cleaner energy technologies has increased ity Commissioners (naruc) that drew while the costs have fallen substantially dur- policy-makers, energy industry leaders, and ing the last four decades. Nevertheless, the scholars from around the country to address
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